Harry was pacing back and forth in his bedroom after he had received that letter from Nick, still unable to believe what the mother of his child had done. Part of him understood why but the other was still unable to believe it, unable to believe how someone as delicate as Louis could be capable of doing something like that. He stopped when he heard a knock on his door then Zayn walked in wearing a solemn expression.
"Nick is here." He announced, then motioned for Nick to come in, greeting Harry.
"What are you doing here? I told you to stay in Doncaster with Louis and to never leave his side." Harry almost shouted.
"He's here, Harry." Nick said, careful to call him by his name already knowing he hated it whenever they would call him by his rightful title. "He left everything behind and decided to come here with me and two of his servants...said he wanted to start a new life."
"Where did you leave them?" Harry quickly asked.
"One of the best rest houses in the city. I told him I had some things to take care of."
"Niall!" Harry shouted, and soon Niall walked into the room still upset with Harry.
"Your Royal Highness." Niall greeted him, then waited for Harry's orders.
"Its Harry." He insisted, then got straight to the point, "Have a few of the maids clean the house on the outskirts of London and make sure it's up to standard. We have guests."
"May I ask who will be visiting?" Niall asked, loosening up a bit.
"The mother of my child, and other future ones." Harry smirked. His mind already set.
"Excuse me?" Niall blinked.
"My future consort." Harry continued as if it wasn't big deal, "He would be the future Duchess of Cambridge, but seeming as he has a few extra parts and is missing others then he's my future consort."
"Harry..." Niall started.
"Do as I say Niall. I'm not going let him spend the night in some rest house, I want him, need him to be safe and that's where he'll be the safest." Harry ordered, yet his eyes seemed pleading as soon as he made eye contact with Niall.
"I'll have the house ready by tonight." Niall said, then left without so much of a goodbye. Harry ignored him turning to look at Nick.
"After you see your family I want you to go back and tell them you found a house for them to live in. I'm assuming he wants to rent a place to live in, correct?"
"Yes, I promised to find them something by tonight." Nick nodded.
"Alright. You can go and thank you, Nick." Harry smiled.
Nick only nodded and gave him a smile before he walked out of his bedroom, going straight to see his family after it. Harry stayed behind not doing anything until he snapped out of it then grabbed his coat, heading out hoping to see him but knowing it was impossible. The streets were crowded and the temperature too cold for someone in a fragile state like Louis was.
At least that's what he thought as he tried to avoid trampling children whenever they would come running out of who knows where. He paused to buy hot beverages for a few children who were outside helping their mothers on their stans, then continued on his way after they had thanked him and had run back to their mothers to tell them their prince was very generous.
He was still smiling until he spotted him standing with the servants he had seen that night, but now Nick was standing next to the one named Liam while Louis was busy with a younger girl telling her what goods to pick. His eyes immediately wandered down to his belly, seeing the small bump covered by his thick coat making him feel a bit dizzy knowing it was his child who was in there all warm and comfortable.
He took in his brown feathery hair, his smooth skin and his thin pink lips, wanting to feel them against his own again like all those months ago. He continued watching them until they walked away and that's when he decided to go back to the palace and plan ways to see him again, to plan a way to get close to him and make him his now that he was free. His son or daughter would not be born a bastard, he would not allow it.
That night after Nick had informed him that they had moved in without any hassle, he tossed and turned around in his bed unable to stop thinking about him and his pretty blue eyes. When he finally fell asleep it was with the hope of getting closer and once again thinking of that night.
When Louis woke up the next morning, he looked around in confusion until he remembered where he was, seconds later he smiled placing his hand over his belly now able to finally live in peace. He stayed in bed for a few more minutes relishing the warmth his blankets provided for him until his stomach growled, hoping for Lucy to have something ready for breakfast. He finally got up a few minutes later finding out that the bedroom wasn't too cold and after getting dressed and freshening up he made his way to the kitchen finding Liam and Nick sitting at the table while Lucy prepared breakfast.
"Louis, how are you feeling?" Liam got up to help him sit down, completely ignoring Louis' protests.
"I'm feeling great, I was finally able to rest." Louis said, then turned to look at Lucy and Nick, "Lucy, Nick, good morning. Nick, I want to thank you again for helping us move here and for finding us a house so soon and even after such short notice."
"You don't have to thank me, it's the least I could do." Nick replied after Lucy had greeted Louis.
When they finally started eating, Lucy was surprised when Louis insisted on her eating too with them, and halfway through breakfast it was as if they were an actual family. After they were done, Liam insisted on helping clean up while Nick and Lucy accompanied Louis to the city when the man had insisted on wanting to get to know it better since it was going to be his new home.
When they got to the center of the city it was already crowded, making it hard for Louis to walk through it while trying to protect his stomach afraid of someone bumping on it and hurting his baby. He had gone through many things to be able to conceive his beloved child. He never stopped walking wanting to find a place that would sell him baby clothes until he found it then started looking for the perfect ones. When he finally turned to look for Lucy wanting her opinion on a white soft gown he had found, she was nowhere to be seen making him put it down to look for her never seeing the man following him.
He walked around starting to feel a little afraid and when he ended up in a dirty alley god knows where, he started freaking out and looking for a way to go back to where he had been before. He looked around for a few more minutes trying to figure out where he was exactly when he heard footsteps getting closer.
"Are you lost?" The deep voice came from behind him, making Louis freeze. He would recognize that voice anywhere.
Thoughts of him saying his name over and over again as he came deep inside of him suddenly filled his mind, making him feel hot all over. He wanted to run away the closer he got, but instead stayed rooted to his spot until he was standing right behind him leaving him with no choice but to turn around. As soon as he did, the first thing he saw were his bright green eyes having to tilt his head back a little, then his messy curls brushed to the back with some fanning over the sides of his face.
He was wearing a black thick coat with black pants and black boots, Louis wondered if he liked to dress in all black. When his green eyes wandered down his body until they settled on his belly, Louis felt like the breath was knocked out of him when his expression hardened then out of nowhere softened and a small smile made its way on his lips. He gasped when he lifted his hand up and slowly brought it closer to him, until it settled on the side of his belly and instead of the nervousness he always felt whenever Howard would touch it, he felt himself missing it when he pulled it away.
"Kitten." Harry started, "What are you doing here all by yourself, something could happen to you...or our baby." Harry gently placed his hand on Louis' left cheek, finding it cold then started rubbing small circles on it smiling when Louis leaned into it and closed his eyes.
"I– I...I got lost." Louis stuttered, looking down at the dirty ground then back at him again. He felt a tingling sensation running down his spine when he got closer and his back touched the brick wall.
"Then you're lucky I found you, wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. How about I take you home." Harry smirked, getting even closer to Louis until he was pressed up against him making sure not to squeeze his belly.
He couldn't stop when he slowly wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and leaned forward wanting to kiss him again, but pulled back not wanting to scare him any more than he already was. He was about to unwrap his arms from around his waist and take him back home when Louis grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him forward pressing his lips against his own. It was as if a switch was flipped inside of him when he kissed back just as eagerly as Louis was, wanting to touch him everywhere.
Harry's hands settled on his hips, wanting to rip his clothes off and fuck him against the wall but Louis deserved better than that, he deserved only the best. When they finally pulled back they were panting against each other's mouths, and when it finally hit Louis what he had just done he wanted to feel dirty, yet found himself not caring at all.
"I– I need to go." Louis finally said, trying to get away from him, to escape his hold.
"I'll take you home. Where do you live?" Harry asked, trying to act as if he didn't already know.
"That's not necessary, I can go on my own." Louis insisted.
"Where. Do. You. Live?" Harry narrowed his eyes, tightening his grip on his hips.
"Leave me alone." Louis tried to push him away and walk away from him, but Harry didn't budge at all.
"If you think I'm going to let you go again then you're crazy. Do I need to remind you you're carrying my child, and it belongs to me...not him."
"We made a deal, your friend's freedom and yours for this baby! You have no rights." Louis finally pushed him away, and started walking away hoping to lose him in the crowd.
He walked faster when he saw him going after him, and that's when he started freaking out until he bumped into someone, relaxing when he heard Lucy calling his name. Nick was standing in front of him staring straight ahead and when he looked back he, or Edward, was gone making him sigh in relief.
He avoided their questions the whole way back home and even Liam's as soon as Lucy had told him what had happened. He ended up taking a bath before bed, wanting to sleep comfortable for once after the long day where he hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. By midnight he gave up on sleeping and instead sat up and leaned against the headboard unable to stop thinking about the way his soft plump lips had felt against his own thinner ones.
He was still thinking when he heard something outside his window that startled him and after he kept hearing it, he finally stood up to see what it was. He almost screamed when the window was opened and a large dark figure stumbled in, quickly covering Louis' mouth with his hand and wrapped an arm around his waist dragging him back to the bed. He flailed his arms trying to get him to let him go until he was turned around to face the stranger, only calming down when he realized who it was. He would recognize him anywhere.
"You followed me." Was the first thing Louis said, relaxing a bit in his arms for some unknown reason.
"I already told you, I'm not going to let you get away from me again." Harry said, walking again until the back of Louis' knees touched the edge of the bed.
"Y– You don't even know me. I'm nothing but a complete stranger to you." Louis looked down, then back at him again placing his hands on his chest.
"That didn't matter back then, did it? You got what you wanted after all." Harry said, holding Louis closer.
"It doesn't matter anymore...he's dead. I'm free." Louis pulled back, sighing in relief when he let him go. "You need to leave...Edward." louis swallowed thickly, right after saying that name out loud.
"What?" Louis frowned in confusion.
"My name is Harry. Edward...Edward is my middle name." Harry confessed.
"It doesn't matter, does it? What's done is done." Louis took a seat on the bed, getting nervous when Harry walked up to him and knelt down in front of him.
He held his breath the moment he felt the pressure of Harry's warm hands against the sides of his belly and when he looked down, Harry had both hands on his belly leaving them there as if he was waiting for something to happen. Louis stayed on his spot just staring at Harry until he looked up and Louis was glad the room was dark when he felt his face heating up. He startled when he once again felt Harry's warm lips against his own, wanting to push him away but soon found himself kissing him back. He just couldn't get enough of him.
Louis let him push him back as he slowly crawled on top of him, never breaking the kiss, the feel of his lips against his own he didn't know he had missed until now. He craved his touch, wanting him to make him feel good again like all those nights before. He wanted Harry to touch him everywhere he could. He wanted to be his again.
He reached for the hem of his pants when Harry pulled away, still hovering over him, then slowly lifted his shirt up touching the warm skin of his belly feeling goosebumps forming. They stayed there for a few seconds not moving at all until Harry leaned down to kiss him again, making sure not to fall on top of him.
Before Louis could stop himself, he unbuttoned Harry's shirt revealing his toned chest, letting his hands roam all over it just like that night. He let Harry pull away then watched him fiddle with his pants before he took them off, followed by Louis' own when Harry pulled them off leaving him completely bare just like him. His breath hitched when Harry caressed the skin in between his thighs going up until his hand stopped right by his groin, then continued going up to his hips where he gripped it doing the same with the other.
"Tell me to stop." Harry whispered so low Louis could barely hear him.
"W– What?" Louis looked at him, expecting Harry to keep touching him.
"If you...if you don't want to do this, tell me to stop." Harry repeated, this time a bit more louder than the last time, "Tell me to stop and I will."
He expected Louis to push him away but was left surprised when Louis tried to sit up, struggling a bit when his belly was on the way. Harry grabbed his hands to help him up, unable to stop smiling seeing how big their child was getting, knowing that he or she was worth their rightful title no matter what people would say. He was about to get off of Louis when the smaller man grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from moving away then surprised him when he finally kissed him again pulling back a few seconds later.
"Don't stop." Louis murmured, letting Harry kiss him.
By midnight and after locking the door, the bedroom was filled with Louis' breathy moans and Harry's low grunts trying to stay quiet as he fucked into Louis from behind. Harry sat back on his heels, pulling Louis with him where Louis started moving his hips in figure eights, his jaw going slack when Harry hit his prostate at the same time the older man was nipping on his skin. He continued moving until he came, feeling Harry cumming inside of him seconds later feeling his warm arms around him.
Louis felt strange when Harry tightened his grip around him, and even more when he felt his lips kissing the top of his head, before he started rubbing his back soothing a bit of the discomfort he had been feeling due to the pregnancy. They stayed there for a few more minutes until they started getting uncomfortable and Harry finally pulled out of him, making sure to gently set him down on his back. He then got up to find something to clean Louis and himself up, grabbing the shirt Louis had been wearing making sure to grab a new one already knowing the setup of the bedroom, but not before accidentally dropping a vase.
"How do you know whe–" Louis started, but was interrupted when he heard a knock on the door making both of them freeze on their spots. Louis completely naked on the bed and Harry in the same predicament but near the dresser a few feet away from Louis.
"Louis? Are you okay? I heard something breaking." Liam's voice came from the other side of the door at the same time Harry was trying to put his clothes back on as fast as he could.
"I– I'm fine." Louis finally answered, "I just dropped something on my way to get some water, go back to sleep Li."
"Alright. Goodnight, Lou." Liam said.
"Goodnight." Louis responded, sighing in relief when he heard Liam walking away.
As soon as they were sure Liam was gone, Harry was already on the bed cleaning Louis up and trying to kiss him at the same time. Once Louis was clean and comfortable wearing clean clothes, he furrowed his brow when Harry made himself comfortable on the bed next to him.
"What are you doing?" Louis asked, expecting Harry to answer.
"It's too late for me to leave, I'm tired." Harry answered, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist feeling him tensing up, "Relax."
"You need to leave, you can't stay here." Louis pushed his arm away, seeing Harry's dark silhouette moving until he was sitting up, "I– I don't want you to stay here."
"Right." Harry said through gritted teeth before he got up and bent down to get his shoes, then walked towards the window.
Louis watched him walk out before closing the window and after a few minutes got up and walked to the window, seeing he was gone for good. He stood there for who knows how long until his feet started hurting deciding to go to bed where he fell asleep right away.
Thoughts? :)
Thank you guys so much for the comments, they always make my day!
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