Here's another chapter! It will take me a bit longer to update again because I will be taking a little break from writing. There's a link to a Spotify playlist for this chapter in the external link and in the comments section. Please enjoy this chapter! :)
"This will be our bedroom." Harry opened a door, letting Louis walk in first. "There's an adjoined bedroom next to this one, and it will be our child's."
Louis walked around the bedroom, touching everything he could. When he got to the adjoined bedroom, he smiled when it felt cozy. Just perfect for their little baby. Harry watched him with a smile on his face, then down at his stomach where Louis always kept his hand on.
He only had less than three months to marry him in the local church. He would have wanted a traditional wedding, but what he had in mind was better than nothing at all. He walked up to him and wrapped his arms around him.
"Do you like it?" He asked him.
"I love it." Louis turned around to look at him.
They had just settled down in their new home and would be getting ready to go to bed. Anne had taken the bedroom right next to theirs while Liam and Lucy the one across from them. Zayn and Niall had decided to stay up and make sure nothing bad happened, Liam joining them an hour later. Harry had yet to hire more people to work around the house. He would have done it days before getting there, but he didn't think he would actually have to leave the palace. At least the house was kept clean and Louis and his mother had a clean home to get to.
"This is our new home so I'm happy you do." Harry kissed him, surprising Louis who still wasn't used to that kind of affection again. "But we should go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day."
"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Louis asked as he followed Harry to the bed.
He was still wearing his thick coat, and when Harry finally let him take it off he felt lighter. He let Harry take out a sleeping shirt for him from his bag and give it to him. Louis took his clothes off, feeling no shame when Harry had already seen him naked. It wasn't going to be the first and last time. Harry changed too and soon he was helping Louis into the bed then turned off the oil lamp, leaving the room in complete darkness.
"I have so many things to do, but you're going to stay home with my mother." Harry finally answered his question.
"Okay." Louis nodded, already half asleep.
He relaxed when Harry wrapped an arm around him and brought him closer where Louis rested his head on Harry's chest. It felt nice to have someone to cuddle with at night when it was too cold. It wasn't long before he was warm and comfortable, falling asleep soon after.
That night he dreamt about Harry, but out of nowhere it wasn't Harry anymore. It was Edward who he was in bed with, but his face was as pale as the sheets. His body was completely mutilated, just like he had been all those years back when Howard had forced him to see him. He thrashed on his spot, trying to wake up from the nightmare he hadn't had in so long. He knew it had all been too good to be true, he knew he was still in that hell. It wasn't until he finally opened his eyes and felt someone trying to shake him awake that he realized it all had been a dream. A nightmare too real for him, a nightmare he was sure would never leave him alone.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked.
The sun was barely rising up, making the room look gray and feel calm. He was still shaking when Harry wrapped his arms around him, then wiped away the tears Louis didn't know had been rolling down his cheeks. He took deep breaths to try and calm down, hating that he couldn't when images of Edward wouldn't leave his mind.
"Did you have a bad dream?" Harry asked, kissing Louis' forehead as much as he could.
When Louis nodded, Harry held him tighter. He would stay all day in bed with Louis if necessary if it meant it would make him feel better. He would do it all for Louis and it was scary to know how far he would go, how he wouldn't hesitate to do it.
"Want to talk about it?" Harry asked.
"M– Maybe later." Louis sniffled. "I want to go back to sleep."
Harry nodded more to himself, then made Louis lay down again next to him where they fell asleep seconds later. Harry woke up a few hours later with Louis still in his arms. He stared at the ceiling when he didn't want to move and wake up Louis who looked so peaceful. He had to when it was starting to get late and he liked to have breakfast before nine in the morning.
He searched through their bags to find something fresh to wear, giving up when the first few were Louis'. He looked up at him when he moved and then continued sleeping. He needed to get ready and see a priest to arrange a quick wedding. He was sure that with a little extra monetary help to the church and the priest himself, he would agree to marry them at such short notice.
Pregnancies were foreign to him when he had never been close to someone who was or had been pregnant during his adult life. But now the man he had chosen to be with for the rest of his life was going to have his baby, and Harry was sure his heir would come at any moment.
He had just changed into thick warm pants and a shirt when Louis was just starting to wake up. Harry was sitting on his side of the bed putting his shoes on. He waited for Louis to fully wake up while he looked for clean clothes. He had planned for them to eat breakfast then go to the church and get everything ready. He found appropriate clothes for the weather and got up to offer them to Louis. He set them at the foot of the bed when he found Louis asleep again. It seemed as if he was exhausted and couldn't wake up no matter what.
"Louis, time to wake up." Harry gently shook him, careful not to scare him.
Louis opened his eyes and looked into Harry's as if he was in a trance. It wasn't long before he smiled and then covered his mouth when he felt the need to yawn.
"I'm tired." Louis mumbled.
"Didn't sleep well?" Harry asked as he ran his fingers through Louis' messy hair. The rays of sunshine tinting it a reddish brown.
"I had nightmares." Louis told him, deciding to be completely honest with the father of his child.
"They're only nightmares, darling. Nothing is real." Harry assured him.
Louis' eyes burned with tears, wishing Harry was right. Wishing they were just nightmares, the result of years of abuse. But sadly it wasn't like that. He was tired of hiding things, he wanted to talk to somebody else other than Liam about his past. So he got up, grateful that Harry helped him up. When his feet touched the cold floor and he was steady on them, he made his way to his smaller bag. He searched his bag until he found the journal and inside of it, the letter he had kept for four years now..
He walked back to the bed and sat down next to Harry, offering him the letter with shaky hands. He waited for Harry to open it, taking a deep breath when he did and started reading. His hands started shaking more than normal as Harry read. It took Harry a while to acknowledge him, and when he did, Louis couldn't recognize his expression at all. Louis knew what Harry had read, so many years of reading it over and over again had made him memorize it. Word by word, line by line. Edward's last words to him.
My dearest Lou,
I have finally saved enough money for us to get married and start over somewhere else far away from here. Liam has promised me to help us out and I trust that he will. I wanted to write this letter myself, to show you that you are always in my heart. My lovely dove, do not forget how much I love you. Soon we will have that family we always dreamed of. We might not have much, but I can promise you will have everything you'll need with me.
I won't let them separate us. Wait for me, my Lou.
With Love,
Your Edward.
"He was your lover?" Harry asked, "His name was Edward..." He trailed off.
"I– I met him when I was fifteen. He used to help his mother on their fruit stand. Liam's mother would always buy the fruit there, and Liam and I would always go with her. It was like love at first sight for me. He– He was so nice and so handsome, and I couldn't help but fall for him." Louis wiped away the tears that had started falling down, a ghost of a smile on his lips appearing as he remembered him, but it was gone as fast as it had come..
"I always thought he would never look at me twice, so imagine my surprise when months later he told me he liked me. We fell in love and I wanted to marry him and form a family with him. Liam's mother would always tell me we would never be able to be together, that it was best if I left him alone. Someone like me could never be with a peasant, much less if my father was to find out." Louis wrapped his arms around himself, trying to stop crying but it was impossible.
"Did he?" Harry asked, unable to stop himself from asking when Louis couldn't stop crying.
He wanted to hug Louis, tell him that it was okay. Tell him that it was all over now and nobody would ever hurt him again the way they had done. But he knew that Louis needed space, he needed it to be able to let it all out. It was time for Louis to tell his story, to get rid of that weight on his shoulders. That invisible weight holding him down, making him a prisoner in his own body. A body that up until now, Louis had no right or say over it.
"He knew, I know he did!" Louis let out a sob, one that had his shoulders shaking. "We kept it a secret as long as we could, that we were together. When father told me I was to marry Howard, Edward and I made plans to run away. We were only eighteen and we were scared, but we were determined. He couldn't read and write, but he wrote me that letter and it's the only thing I have left of him. Howard destroyed everything else, h– he set it on fire right in front of me."
"Liam was going to help us escape, but we never got a chance until the wedding day. They got me ready and I was still waiting for him. I– I thought he was going to save me but he never got there." Louis started crying harder, and when he started shaking, Harry moved to hug him. "I thought he had left me behind, but that's not what happened."
His green eyes filled with tears when Louis clung to him like a small child. Harry had never shed a tear before ever since he was a ten year old. He was one to always hold them back, but now, the thick tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Ho– He forced Liam to tell me, Liam was forced to tell me he was dead. That's why he never made it, and I knew he wanted to save me. He loved me, and I loved him too! He was my life, and he killed him! Howard killed him!" Louis looked at Harry, blue eyes full of fear.
"After the– the wedding he forced me to see him. I didn't want to but he said I had to because it was my fault. It was all my fault and I was the one that had killed him. I still have nightmares. It wasn't him anymore, Harry. He tortured him, he mutilated him alive, he told me!"
Louis knew what was coming next, he knew it and he didn't want to tell Harry. He didn't want him to know what had been done to him. He didn't want Harry to know how ashamed he felt, how dirty he was. He couldn't stop crying as he told Harry right through his tears.
"That night he– he raped and beat me. He forced me to call him Edward. I didn't want to, I swear I didn't!" Louis' face started turning red, and his eyes were almost shut when they had become too swollen.
Harry had never felt that much anger right in his core, he had never had the urge to kill anybody until then. He felt many emotions whenever he would look at the small creature in front of him. He didn't know what to do nor what to say at all. He was afraid to hug him again, but it was the right thing to do when as soon as he did, Louis clung to him and hid his face against his chest as he cried.
He didn't stop crying as Harry rubbed his back and planted kisses at the top of his head, sometimes running his fingers through his hair. He had to get up to get him water when Louis started coughing and was unable to stop for a while. When Louis' sobs reduced to hiccups, Harry made him lay down and did so too. He wrapped his arms around him and his heart ached when Louis curled himself into the smallest ball and rested his head against his chest. He was seeking comfort and the warmth Harry could provide. Harry was more than willing to provide him with what he needed. What his future husband and child would need, whatever it was. No matter what.
"He was nothing but a peasant, but he was my love." Louis whispered. "I know he's in the past, but he'll always be in my heart. It wasn't fair what happened to him, what was done to him. It was my fault, Harry. I should have left him alone, I should have listened to Karen."
"You can't help who you fall in love with, Louis. It wasn't your fault, what happened to him wasn't your fault at all. I need you to understand that." Harry hugged him tighter when Louis started crying again.
"I just wanted to be happy." He sobbed.
"And I'm so sorry it didn't happen, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Harry kissed the top of his head, not really knowing what to say.
What could he say when Louis was hurting the way he was, when he had gone through hell for many years. When he had lost all hope the moment his Edward was murdered.
"I promise you with my life that I will never make you go through the same." Harry fiercely told him. "You deserve happiness, Lou. You deserve the best and that's what I'm going to give you. You won't shed another tear again, my love."
Louis easily believed him. He knew, he was sure it was all over now.
Louis snuggled up closer to him, letting Harry comfort him as he thought about Edward. He smiled when he remembered Edward's first ever gift to him. A small jewelry box made out of wood, something Edward had spent hours making. It was so simple, but so beautiful. There was a rose carved on the lid that Edward had said represented him. He always used to say Louis was like a rose, so beautiful and delicate. Louis would always remember his blond hair, his aqua eyes, the way he loved him. He would always keep him safe in his heart. The only place where Edward and his memory would ever be safe from any harm.
One's first love was never forgotten, and it was kept deep in their hearts. That's what Louis had always done, that's what he would continue doing. He looked up at the man laying down next to him, the father of his child. He wrapped his arm around him and kissed his chest. He felt a deep affection for him, and he was sure it wasn't going to be long before he fell for him. He would lose it if he ever lost Harry.
"We need to eat something." Harry spoke up, startling Louis who only nodded seconds later.
"Are you still leaving?" Louis asked him.
"I think you should come with me. I'm going to the church to speak to the priest. We need to get married soon, before you give birth." Harry started rubbing Louis' back, hearing a small content sigh.
Louis swallowed thickly when he heard Harry say that. He wanted to have their child already, but the thought of having to give birth scared him. He knew males had it harder, and that many didn't make it. His eyes stung with tears when he realized that he might not make it, that if he died then he was going to be nothing but a small memory to his son or daughter. If he didn't make it, he wanted Harry to tell their child all about him. He was set on making good memories with Harry. Ones his future husband could tell their child in the future.
They had a quick breakfast, leaving soon after along with Anne who insisted on waiting. When they got to the church, Louis waited along with Lucy, sitting on a pier at the front of the church. He was a nervous mess, praying for the priest to accept. He knew he shouldn't be hoping for a yes when he had already married, and had killed his husband. A secret he would take to the grave.
"Don't worry, Louis." Lucy held his shaky hand in her own. "I'm sure the prince will convince the priest, and soon you'll be married. We must have hope."
Louis nodded, but he was tired of telling himself to have hope. It wasn't a bad thing, but things never went his way. "I'm just a little scared."
He quickly got up with Lucy's help when he saw Harry and Anne walking into the church, with the priest walking next to them. They all had a smile on their faces, something that calmed Louis down. They stopped in front of them and Harry was quick to go stand next to Louis and wrap an arm around his waist.
"Father, this is my Louis. Louis, this is Father Williams." Harry introduced them.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Father Williams gave him a warm smile then one to Lucy, shaking her hand as well when she introduced herself.
"Likewise." Louis said, then looked at Harry with a nervous expression.
"Well." Father Williams spoke up. "We'll begin setting everything up for the wedding. It is an honor to have the Duke Of Cambridge getting married in our humble church."
"We appreciate your help, Father Williams." Anne gave him a bright smile then looked at Louis. "We should go wait for Harry in the carriage, dear. He has things to talk about to Father Williams."
Louis took her hand and allowed her to take him to the carriage where the man who had introduced himself to him as Zayn, helped them into it. He gasped as he was trying to get comfortable, a hand going straight to his stomach when he felt a hard kick. It was as if his child wasn't comfortable anymore, and Louis hoped everything was okay with her or him.
"Everything okay?" Anne asked, a worried expression on her face.
"Y– Yes, just a kick. They're getting stronger by the day." Louis tried to smile.
"We have a lot of things to do. It's not going to be the traditional wedding, but we'll make it special." Anne said.
Minutes later they started their way back home, getting there just in time for Anne to start getting everything ready. She wasn't worried about the church, when her son had paid a good amount of money so they could have it ready up for a royal's standards. Her son and future consort deserved nothing but the best.
Louis had barely finished his lunch when Anne and Lucy were taking him away to have new clothes fitted. He didn't know how they were going to have everything ready by tomorrow, but by the look on Anne's face, he knew the woman would make it possible. The day was quickly passing by and he had barely seen Harry, realizing that he missed him already.
While Anne had Lucy helping her, Louis wondered around the house. He figured out Harry had hired more people when the house was full and all of them were greeting him with respect. He found himself in the kitchen, trying to stay out of the three cooks way, when everybody was running everywhere after the meeting with the queen herself. He heard how they had been a blessing to the small town, after many of them desperately needed jobs and now they had one.
Before he had time to react, he was already sitting on a table with a bowl of oatmeal in front of him. The sixteen year old girl that had placed it in front of him waited for him to taste it with a smile on her face. When Louis did and let her know how good it was, she walked away to continue with her chores with a smile on her face. Louis could see the not so small baby bump on her, and made a mental note to beg Anne not to have her working too hard.
Like he had expected, Anne didn't have a problem with his request. She had the girl working with her and Lucy instead of carrying heavy buckets of water all day long. When Harry finally got home, he went straight to his bedroom where he had been told Louis was taking a nap. It was almost dinner time when he got there. The small velvet box was in his hand, with a golden ring inside of it. He was a hundred percent sure it was the right fit for Louis' dainty finger. He wanted to propose to him the right way, even when their wedding was going to be the next day and they had a child due in three months.
"You're home." Louis spoke up as soon as Harry had closed the door.
"I'm sorry I was gone all day." Harry went to him and kissed him on the lips.
He kneeled down next to the bed, right by Louis' side and started planning kisses on his belly. His child gave a hard kick, one that had the prince looking up at Louis with pride in his eyes. He or she was worth giving everything up for. And when he saw how happy Louis was, he was happy too.
"It's okay." Louis placed his hand on his cheek. "Your mom kept me busy all day."
"She told me everything is ready." Harry said. "She invited a few of the wealthiest families around here and I'm sure the whole town will be here. I'm finally settling down!"
"You didn't want to before?" Louis asked.
"Not really when I was going to be king. It wasn't for me, but I knew I would have to someday when Gemma married the snotty king of France. I would have loved to have her here, but she's going to have a baby soon."
"She's older?" Louis asked again.
"Yes, and when she fell in love, I told my parents I would take her place." Harry shrugged, leaning into Louis' touch when the blue eyed boy started running his finger through his dirty hair. "I wanted to live here with my husband and kids, free of any responsibilities."
"That was a very nice thing to do." Louis told him, his heart melting at the confession.
"All for love, darling." Harry looked up at Louis, then pulled back. "I want to do something."
"What?" Louis asked.
"This is done way before the wedding, when I was supposed to be courting you. But this is more special because we're both very sure we want this." Harry said.
Louis waited for him to continue, already knowing what was coming. He felt butterflies in his stomach, or maybe it was the baby. Who knew. He was happy.
"Would you, Louis Tomlinson, accept to be husband? Would you do me the honor of making you happy for the rest of your life?" Harry said as he took out the velvet box and opened it.
Louis' eyes were already full of tears and he couldn't speak when he knew he would start sobbing. He nodded and let Harry put the ring on his finger. Louis looked at it and then wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, feeling the older man wrapping his arms around his body.
It was the best day of Louis' life.
Thoughts? :)
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