When Louis was back in the house he went straight to Howard's study where he had his wine and drank straight from the bottle, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He took deep breaths trying to calm himself down then made his way to his bedroom, going straight to the bathroom after seeing he still wasn't there.
While he was there he took his pants off leaving himself naked from the waist down then grabbed a small bottle of oil pouring some on his fingers. He slowly inserted two fingers inside of him, stretching himself a bit more then added a third one until he was satisfied and sure he was ready.
He kept telling himself that it was the right thing to do, that he needed to survive no matter what. That day, while he was getting married, he had done so with tears running down his cheeks and a tight painful grip on his arm. If he had made it through a wedding with a heavy heart full of pain knowing his Edward was long gone, then he could make it through this. He had lived four years through the abuse, so what he was about to do was nothing compared to it. He could do it and buy himself time before attempting to escape with Liam, Lucy and his child.
He froze when he heard the door opening then muffled voices and signs of someone struggling. A few minutes later Liam knocked on the door and he hesitantly opened it, making sure he covered his lower body seeing Liam standing in front of him wearing a hard cold expression. Liam had never looked at him like that. It made his insides twist and turn in an ugly way, enough to give him a stomach ache.
"He's ready and...I- I hope you know what you are doing. You are risking everything." Liam said.
"I'm risking my life if I don't get pregnant tonight." Louis retorted.
"I can't change your mind." Liam sighed.
"Make sure a doctor sees his friend and give them a good meal, they must be starving. Save a plate for him too." Louis lowly said, watching Liam nodding before he left leaving Louis alone with him.
He dared himself to look at him, seeing his hands tied up to the headboard, staring right back at him with a bored expression. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the bottle of oil before he made his way to him, climbing on the bed until he was on his knees next to him.
"Well...get to it, I don't have all night." Harry snapped, bringing Louis out of the haze he was in.
Louis gulped then with shaky hands reached for Harry's shirt, unbuttoning it to reveal a tan and toned chest. He trailed his fingers down the warm smooth skin stopping right below his navel. He took a deep breath then unbuttoned Harry's pants, hearing his breath hitching the moment he palmed him through his pants.
He reached for the hem trying to pull them down until Harry lifted his hips up and his eyes widened just by seeing how big he was. He avoided his gaze, feeling his eyes on him and without saying anything straddled him and poured oil on the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes then opened them again, wrapping his hand around his cock barely able to wrap it all the way around when his hands were small. He moved his hand up and down unable to tune out his groans that seemed to get louder the faster he moved his hand as he got harder and harder. Louis somehow found it bearable unlike with husband.
"Slow down." He said, watching him doing as told, "Your name?"
"W- What?" Louis asked, finally looking at him, finding his red swollen lips so kissable.
"What's your name?"
"Louis." He quickly answered, wanting to smack himself for telling him but it was too late.
"Get to it, kitten. I don't have all night." Harry said, leaning forward to kiss him but was left surprised when Louis quickly pulled away.
Louis only nodded and after lubing him up and making sure it was more than enough, he turned around with his back to Harry, straddling him and once again leaving his shirt on. Louis reached out to line his cock with his hole, sinking down and not stopping until he was flushed against Harry's hips. He heard his breath hitching as he tried to get used to him who happened to be bigger than his pathetic husband.
He took deep breaths then lifted his hips up ready to lower them down again when Harry bucked his hips up thrusting into him, making him grab fistfuls of the white bedsheets. All he could feel was him going in and out of him, trying to stay still when the urge to run away kept growing, but stayed where he was supporting himself with his knees. When Harry finally got tired was when Louis snapped out of his haze and started moving his hips up and down then eight figures trying to get him to come faster.
"What's the rush k- kitten?" Harry stammered, then let out a groan the faster Louis moved.
Louis ignored him in favor of continuing what he was doing, too focused on it that he never noticed Harry working to free his hands. He let out a loud gasp when he felt warm hands on his hips, pushing him face first down onto the mattress He whimpered when he could feel his cock tugging at his rim, then his hands being pulled back behind his back. He wanted to scream but held it in when his hand wrapped around the back of his neck, holding him down and while the other held both of his hands that were starting to go numb.
"L- Let go!" Louis managed to scream, his screams getting a bit muffled by the bedsheets.
"What? Not so good now, eh?" Harry laughed, pulling out only to slam into Louis ignoring his cry of pain, "You should see how good you look with my cock up your ass, so so good." Harry let go of the back of Louis' neck, trailing his hand down his clothed back then slid his shirt up running his hand down Louis' side to his bum kneading at the skin.
"Get off!" Louis started panicking, not wanting to be held down again like the many times before. His eyes filled with tears that quickly fell down onto the sheets. The stains were nothing to Louis but a representation of how weak he really was.
"Let's finish what you started." Harry kissed Louis' lower back, then reached down to wrap his hand around his cock.
He stopped what he was doing and furrowed his brow when he felt it. He stared at the back of the boy beneath him who wasn't hard at all as he struggled to set himself free, only managing to squirm under his hold. A few seconds passed by before he heard his whimpers, still trying to get away and when Harry leaned back still inside of him, Louis lifted his head a little not saying anything.
Pity. That's all Harry felt seeing he wasn't even bothered about not being hard or at least enjoying it like he was. So without thinking and against his better judgement, he reached down and wrapped his free hand around Louis' cock. He felt him stiffening as soon as his hand was wrapped around it, then started tugging a few times just wanting to get him hard. He reached for that small bottle of oil Louis had used, spilling a bit on the bed sheets then once his fingers were covered in it, he wrapped his hand around Louis once again.
He could hear Louis' breathing getting a bit labored and soon his soft moans, feeling his cock starting to harden under his touch until he was half hard and that's when he started moving his hip. He thrusted in and out of Louis looking for that one spot, knowing the wonders it would do for the boy.
When he couldn't find it, he pulled out and pushed his fingers in, feeling around until he felt the soft little nub feeling much better at the noises Louis was making. He finally let go of him and turned him around onto his back seeing his blue eyes wide open looking back at him, he was now fully hard as Harry accommodated himself in between his legs.
"Why haven't you escaped?" Louis' voice trembled, "N- Nothing's holding you here now."
"I- I think I'll stay for tonight." Harry answered, slowly pushing into Louis again, feeling his small and soft hands holding onto his biceps in a tight grip as he gasped.
When he was flushed against him he stayed still, hiding his face in the crook of Louis' neck. He lifted his head up leaning in for a kiss, catching Louis by surprise who didn't kiss back and slightly tried to push him away until he stopped and slowly started moving his lips against his own. Harry started moving in and out of him, making sure to hit that one spot, enjoying the muffled noises Louis was making against his mouth and how tight he felt around him.
Louis wrapped his legs around Harry's waist feeling like he was in complete bliss, having never felt that way wondering if it was because of all the disgust he felt towards that man. He couldn't help but let out tiny breathy uh sounds every time he would push into him, making sure to hit something deep inside of him that made him curl his toes and crave more. When the man on top of him held onto his hips with one hand in a tight grip, and placed his other arm over his head to support himself he nearly lost it.
When Harry's thrusts only got faster, Louis wrapped his arms around his neck, bringing him closer to him already addicted to his lips and kisses wanting more the more he kissed him. Louis could feel the sweat on his forehead, letting him trail kisses down his neck, his hand reaching for his curls to pull his head away when he felt a small stinging sensation by his collarbones followed by a few more. He started feeling something deep in his lower belly that he could only refer to as pleasurable, not really knowing what was going on until the man on top of him wrapped his hand around his cock once again.
"W- What..." Louis trailed off, and seconds later his legs seemed to move on their own when they tightened around his waist and felt him cumming inside of him, just as he came all over his lower belly and Harry's, letting out a sob.
Louis froze underneath him as tears rolled down his temples, not knowing what had happened and why he had felt that way. All he knew was that he had come inside of him and what was done was done, he couldn't go back now. Louis felt him wiping his tears away, wincing when he pulled out of him and lay down next to him trying to even out his breathing, and when he finally dared himself to open his eyes he saw him covering his face with his hands.
"W- What was that...I've never..." Louis trailed off, getting a bit startled when he sat up and looked at him.
"You mean you've never...then how do you-" Harry started.
"I don't matter, as long as he enjoys it then that's enough." Louis interrupted him as he made sure to stay still to keep himself from leaking, "Its how its supposed to be, he told me. M- My, my mother told me."
"That's...you should enjoy it too." Harry insisted, "Sex should be pleasurable for both individuals."
Louis didn't say anything, wondering why he was still there when he was free to go and instead closed his eyes. Almost an hour later he was almost falling asleep when he felt someone pulling him forward by the ankles. He opened his eyes, nearly panicking until he saw him slowly pulling him closer and as soon as he was close to him, Harry grabbed his hands and pulled him up so he was straddling him.
Louis' eyes widened when he felt the man was already hard, and without saying anything slowly sank down on him until he was flushed against him. He wanted to ask him why he was still there, but instead started moving his hips in circles wanting to feel that same sensation and it wasn't until he started moving up and down that he felt it again as he quickly hardened. Louis kissed him wanting to taste him again, to erase the taste of his husband and replace it with the man's in front of him.
He kept bouncing up and down, then moving his hips in circles, moaning when Harry placed his hands on his bum pulling his cheeks apart while helping him move. The noises he was making were driving him crazy wishing they could stay like that forever, wishing the stranger fucking him was his husband instead of the other man he hated and was disgusted of.
He moaned when Harry trailed kisses down his chest then wrapped his lips around his nipple going for the other one soon after. Louis didn't know it was possible to feel pleasure the moment the handsome man's lips wrapped around his nipples. He moved faster and eagerly when he had never felt that good, when he had never enjoyed his tight grip on his hips. He loved the way the man manhandled him when it would usually make him cry every single time Howard did it.
He gasped when Harry pulled him away and watched him as Louis bounced up and down faster, letting out loud moans that filled the room along with the sound of skin against skin. There was something about the man that drove Louis crazy, something that brought him closer to the edge when he kissed him again. It didn't take them long before they were cumming together, their foreheads pressed together. And by dawn, when the sun was barely rising they found themselves tangled up in the bedsheets in each other's arms after the long night.
It had been something Louis had never experienced before, and now he wasn't sure he would be able to walk again or go back to that man at all after the way he had made him feel each of the many times he had fucked him. The many obscene things he had done to him, things that should never be mentioned in public. Things that had earned them a ticket straight to hell. Things that Louis didn't even know existed. Things that he was willing to do again, but only if it was with the man holding him tight at the moment.
Louis still felt tingly, remembering how he had turned him around on his hands and knees. He had thought he was going to fuck him again, but was left surprised and had almost screamed when he felt his tongue licking his hole. He had cummed just by that and had cried when it had been too much for him. And without really knowing him, the man had comforted him before he had made him sit on his face to do it all over again.
He didn't know up until then that people actually put their mouths on their privates. He found out when Harry had sucked him off, and Louis had done it to him too even though it had taken him a while to get used to and he wasn't as good. He was still in bed and in his hold when he heard a knock on the door. He knew it was Liam and when he got up, he pulled his pants on then limped towards the door finding Liam standing outside.
"If I were you I'll go to him now before he wakes up, he got here last night already drunk so I don't think it'll be hard to fool him. I'll take care of them, send them on their way." Liam said, then walked away never mentioning the many red and purplish marks all over Louis' neck and chest.
Louis sighed as he closed the door and when he turned around, he found him already awake and watching his every move. Louis fidgeted under his gaze as he put on his shirt as fast as he could, hoping to make it there before he woke up or else it would all go to hell.
"Thank you for...for helping me. You and your friends are free to go. Liam will make sure to give you something to eat." Louis said, then opened the door looking one more time at him, "And please don't ever come back here. If you know what's best for you...do not come back."
Louis shut the door behind him then made his way to his bedroom, making sure to lay down next to him wanting nothing but to be out of there while Harry slowly got dressed and minutes later the man named Liam was taking him back to the bedrooms used by the servants. As soon as he saw Niall and a much better looking Zayn eating breakfast, he quickly joined them hugging the life out of Zayn making sure he was okay then did the same with Niall.
"Where were you all night, mate?" Niall asked, watching Harry pushing his food around with the fork.
"You're awfully quiet." Zayn commented, "What happened to you? Did they hurt you?" Zayn asked, getting worried.
"No, I'll tell you both later." Harry said, looking around seeing Liam standing by the door watching them.
As soon as they were done eating they quickly left after the guards had found their horses again and the farther away they got from the house the more Harry kept looking back. When they finally left town he started feeling dread, not knowing if he would ever see him and his child again, that's if there was one at all.
"Harry, what's wrong?" Zayn finally asked, wincing a bit in pain. He still needed to rest but wasn't going to stay there when they had been allowed to go.
"That house belongs to Lord Clark." Harry said.
"We know, they made sure to drill it into our heads." Niall rolled his eyes, then kept looking straight ahead.
"I slept with his husband...all night long." He finally confessed, feeling their eyes on him.
"I'm sorry, you what?" Zayn asked wide eyed, then rubbed his face with his free hand, "What the hell went through your head!? You know that's a sin and illegal, bedding someone else's spouse."
"It was either that or the three of us getting killed! His husband can't procreate and threatened him to kill him if he didn't give him a chil. He just wanted a child." Harry said, trying to make him understand.
"They threatened you with that?" Zayn asked wide eyed, "God Harry, I'm so sorry...it was my fault-"
"Don't blame yourself, you and Niall would have done the same thing." Harry shrugged.
"After years of being careful not to spread your bloodline everywhere you go." Niall gave him an incredulous look," You do realize that child is the future-"
"I know! And who says I'm going to leave my child behind? I saw in Louis someone worth procreating with, and as soon as my child is born then I'll come back to take him or her back with me. I'll send someone to keep an eye on him." Harry shrugged.
"Oh as if it was that easy!" Zayn scoffed, "What about Lord Clark? What about this Louis? Are you going to take his child away? Because you can't marry him and that child will be born out of wedlock and you know what that means." Zayn said in a hushed tone so no one would hear him.
"I could care less about Louis and what happens to him after, all I want is my child and I'm going to get it." Harry said in a determined tone, not letting the others talk anymore.
They continued on their way home until they made it there completely exhausted. As soon as Harry had taken a bath he finally got to sleep in his own bed unable to stop thinking about him and their long night. He couldn't help but wrap his hand around his cock, imagining himself buried deep inside of Louis just like he had been that long night. He came all over himself a few minutes later and groaned as he got up to clean himself up. He finally fell asleep almost at dawn, not once unable to stop thinking about what he had done.
Thoughts? :)
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