I just think it's funny that everyone's glad that Sapnap and Dream are chill again and not that George and Dream are chill when the drama was literally between George and Dream
retweets likes
Homeboy's a simp, what did you expect? That he WOULDNT accept Dream back immediately?
George just kinda disappeared so we don't really know what he felt but sippy cup started going OFF. We know mans is protective of our scooter boy.
Wait what? What drama between Dream and George? I only joined after Dream and George were together :0
Dream and George were flerting (definitely
together) for a while and then Dream just
dipped on George and kissed Keres, in short
[a compilation video of clips and tweets
showing Dream and George's first meet
after the concert; their interactions on
twitter; their week together in London;
Dream's cameos on George's streams;
George admitting that he'd been talking to
Dream less and that he'd been on streams
less; Sapnap's subtweeting (clearly about
Dream) including the one detailing giving
George the love he deserves and Sapnap's
responses to images of Dream and Keres,
including their kiss.]
"Is everything okay?" Now, wasn't that an interesting question? A rather complex one too, if you really think about it.
I mean, what does the word okay entail? It's a very lenient, very flexible word. It could mean anything at all, really. Anything at all could be happening and it could be okay if you look at it from the right direction. Maybe if you squint or if you tilt your head or close your eyes or look somewhere else. Anything could be okay, so really the question was meaningless and didn't warrant a response at all.
"Hey," Suddenly there was a small hand on his sleeve and it really shouldn't have come as a surprise but it kind of did too and how very odd is that? Incredibly! It's so very, incredibly odd. "You're freaking out right now so I'm going to assume that's a no."
"I don't know what you're referring to." He answered because he certainly wasn't freaking out at all. He was the epitome of calm. If you googled the word calm, there would be pictures of him next to the definition. Actually, the definition itself would just be his name.
"Clark, either something bad has happened or something bad is going to happen and you know about it." Selene pushed carefully turning Clark's line of sight back to her. "I'm not going to force you to say anything but I'm here if you need me. It's clearly bothering you."
Clark glanced around them once, twice, thrice before pulling Selene off into the bathroom and closing and locking the door. "You know that da- Damien was really antsy at dinner last night and did this," he pointed to the scabbed cut on his cheek "but that was a few days ago - and those?" He gestured vaguely to the three fresh burns on his forearm. Selene nodded.
"Well, my friends - my very very stupid friends - George, you remember George?" Selene nodded again after a pause. "Well he and Clay - very stupid - announced on twitter that they're moving in together!" He cheered in a hysterical tone. He then paused to watch as Selene processed what that meant.
"Is that... he said he'd be leaving again as soon as possible... that something important had come up at work and he needed to be there... do you think that's what it is?" She asked, slowly beginning to join the dots.
"Bingo!" Clark clicked both of his fingers, eyes comically wide. "He's going to jet off over the pond to Clay's, throw about his weight a little and then ruin their lives again! And I have no fucking idea how to fix it!"
Selene sighed softly, biting her lip and wrapping her arms protectively around herself. "What if you meet him there? Tell George to go over early, have your friends finish packing and sending his things over and then you all can be there before him?" She suggested gently.
"You're his weak spot," Clark scoffed out a loud laugh but Selene simply continued "you have all the evidence on your body to put him away or to put him into custody. That will give you all time to continue building the case. If you're there and you threaten to speak publicly about what he's done to you, you can get him off of their back for a little while, at the very least." She reasoned.
"Maybe you can't fix the situation but there's a chance you can at least alleviate it a little bit to give the others room to work." Clark nodded slowly to himself.
"It's worth a shot. Are you sure that you'll be fine if I do this?" He asked, sounding all too small and quiet. Selene simply pulled him into a tight hug.
One Clark had seemingly needed for a very long time.
"We'll be okay. I've been putting away sums of the money Damien's given me on the off chance that I'd ever get out, we can work with that. You know well that I'm used to stretching a little cash a long way." She reassured, brushing delicate fingers through his hair to bring it off his forehead. Clark nodded into her shoulder, shuddering.
My Ash
Hello dearest best friend of mine
Ro ✨
Hello Clark
My Ash
Could you possibly do me a small favour please?
Ro ✨
That depends what the favour is
My Ash
Tell idiot boy to pick up my calls.
Ro ✨
ur going to have to be more specific
which one is idiot boy?
My Ash
Perhaps consider the one that decided to announce over twitter that they are moving in with their boyfriend
When they know full well that dearest father of mine will see it
And go fucking apeshit
Ro ✨
still unsure here
could be 1 of 2
My Ash
It's George.
Please tell George to stop sexting his boyfriend and actually answer me when I call.
It's important.
Ro ✨
I'll tell him exactly that
My Ash
Thank you love ❤️
Ro ✨
"There you are, George! Have a fun sexting sesh with the hubby?" Clark chirped sarcastically and George could feel the heat crawl up the back of his neck.
"It wasn't- we weren't sexting!" He spluttered, answered by a non-convinced hum. "Seriously-"
"Hey, chill man, at least you're dating." Clark waved off, happy to talk over George. "Listen, hun, I've got some important things to discuss with you." He continued and George figured he wouldn't be listening anyways.
"The fact that you and Clay are completely and utterly fucking brain dead." Clark replied in a sunny tone, grin wide though George couldn't see it. George almost choked.
"You announced yesterday that you're moving in with Dream, correct?" Clark asked and George affirmed. "And Dream publicly confirmed this, yes?" Another noise of affirmation. "Now, think real hard here, if that declaration is out on the internet for the world to see, who's likely to see it?"
There was a silent moment in which George thought and Clark almost laughed at the fact that he swore he could hear the gears turning in George's mind. He also heard when they thunked into place.
"Fuck." George deadpanned, heart dropping and the air leaving his lungs. At that, Clark laughed.
"Now, you're lucky that this was picked up on early and we still have a way to work around it, if you're willing to hear me out." He stated, waiting for confirmation.
George couldn't breathe. They had been so smart about everything else, except this. Too blinded by their excitement, he had played himself and Clay right into Damien's hands once more. He almost didn't want to hear what Clark had to say. Don't move in. Stay here and lay low while Damien visits Clay. Just wait.
"I need you to ditch the rest of your packing and shipping and go to Clay now."
"I know I sh- wait what?" Clark didn't manage to stop himself from giggling down the receiver.
"Tell them what to do and Lia, Ro and Geo will be more than happy to pack the rest of your shit and send it to where it needs to be. You need to get to Clay before Damien does so that Damien can't do anything to prevent your arrival."
"I'll be flying out with you. I have enough leverage from the last eleven years to maybe get him in to custody, or at least scare him off of your backs for a little while while you all finish building the case against him." Clark explained briefly.
"So... you want me to fly out now?" George asked, somewhat baffled.
"I'd suggest talking to band Bitch first to warn him, and tell him how much of a fucking idiot he is," Clark suggested, smile evident in his tone "and you'll have to explain to the other three what's going on and how they're going to be handling your things," he continued "but yes, as soon as you can, get yourself over there. Message me when your plane leaves and I'll find a way to get to you."
"Sound good?"
"I mean.. yes?"
1.6k words
On that note, I'm going to be updating my schedule so that I update on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in order to work around the days I spend on campus :) the update time will also be brought forward to around noon GMT
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
Yours, Dandelion
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