Three days. It was only three days until he had been with Clay for a year. An entire year. Whoever thought they'd ever make it this far?
Certainly not George himself. If you had told him before it all that Dream would ever see him as more than just another face in the crowd, more than just another fan, he would have laughed for certain.
He'd come so far from the boy that relentlessly harassed his best friend about his favourite band. His community had grown exponentially and people knew him now. People, strangers, knew him. What an odd thought to consider.
He'd come so far and yet he hadn't really changed at all. Not in any way major or notable anyways. He was more comfortable on camera now that he knew it better but that was all he could really pinpoint off the top of his head. And, yet, it was three days until the year anniversary of possibly the best gift the universe had ever given him.
Possibly the best gift most of the time.
"I'm muting you." George warned through Clay's loud and breathless wheezing. Clay attempted to protest but he couldn't choke out the right words or sounds before George followed through.
He kept Clay muted as he both ordered and picked up his food, glaring at where he was mounted on the small phone holder George had clipped to his cars air conditioning every now and again. It only set Clay off in more silent hysterics.
"You're such a child." George finally took his boyfriend off of mute, being greeted by the occasional cough as he'd laughed the air from his lungs.
"It's what you get for ordering McDonalds for our fancy dinner date." Clay retorted, scrubbing at his eyes with his fists. He'd ordered in fast food as well upon realising just how nervous their original plan had made George but he wasn't about to tell George that.
"That doesn't mean you can try and order me an extra large McPenis!" George exclaimed, glancing at his phone before refocusing on the road. Clay fell into hysterics once more. "This is the worst date I've ever been on." He sighed out but Clay could see the way the corners of his mouth were twitching with a fought off fond and happy smile.
"You love me." Clay managed to squeeze out once he'd calmed some. George made a face somewhat alike to a grimace. "Don't deny it, you might as well be obsessed with me." Clay continued and George just shrugged and made some non-committal noise at the back of his throat. Clay pouted dramatically. "Tell me you love me, George." He begged and George finally let the smile slip onto his face. He made a second, contemplative sound. "Just say you love me, George!" George smirked to himself.
"You love me, George." He echoed, glancing at Clay's reaction with a bitten back giggle as he pulled up to his place. Clay groaned loudly, making some offhand comment about George really not being as funny as he thinks he is. "Clay?" George called, waiting for him to look up from his tantrum.
"I love you."
Kiri's friends are kinda scary but I like them :) I love it here
retweets likes
Not more than you like us right? R i g h t? 🥺
Please come back Clark has locked himself in my room and he won't come out
Kiri's friends got to meet you before we got to meet Kiri? Wow. Okay. I see how it is.
Wait no I'm sorry I'll call you T~T
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"Wait, you sent me something?" The dinner date had gone surprisingly well despite the fact that they'd both ordered greasy fast food and were curled into their sitting room couches rather than going out to nice restaurants like Clay had initially suggested. So well that they had decided to do the same the next day.
It was one thing that the two had perfected easily: making the absolute best out of whatever they had. In their eyes, the situation was always the absolute best if they had one another.
"You thought I wasn't going to?" George asked with a teasing smile. Clay's ears were tipped with pink and he wore a soft sense of surprise. George just popped another fry into his mouth.
"Well, at least I don't have to feel bad about having sent you something then." Clay finally came around and said. George's eyebrows furrowed.
"What have you sent me?" It was Clay's turn to grin teasingly. He tapped the side of his nose obnoxiously and George rolled his eyes.
"You'll find out in two days." He shrugged and George groaned, slouching further into the couch. "If it arrives on time." He added nervously. George hummed his agreement.
I'm going to open it now @GeorgeNotFound
[an image of a small, dark brown box on a marble counter it had a sleek black ribbon around it, tied into a haphazard bow on top.]
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The fact that that looks like a jewellery box and that it's from George has me going absolutely feral. Boutta start barking.
Don't you dare, call me first
Happy one year anniversary you two!!
╰(*' ︶ '*)╯♡
Oh yeah, it's all coming together now
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"Can I open it yet?" Clay asked for possibly the hundredth time since George had picked up. George had finally settled at his desk, pulling something from the first draw, and placed the package he'd gotten from Clay early that morning in view of the camera.
"You're so impatient," George giggled out "yes, you can open it now." Clay wasted no time in carefully pulling at the bow until it unravelled. He placed the fabric apart from the box and worked on gently sliding off the lid.
There, nestled on top of a small black pillow, was a smooth, silver bracelet with a slim band of a darker, gray colour wrapping around the centre. "There's a button on the side." George relayed in a quietly nervous voice. "Put it on and turn it on." Clay did as he was told, much too starstruck by the gift itself to say a word.
The metal was cold against his skin and fit nicely around his wrist. Slowly, he ran his thumb around the side of the bracelet until it met a small indent. He pressed it, watching as the previously gray band lit up and spun a brilliant green before settling back. He was about to speak up, find the words to tell George just how thankful he was, when the band began lighting up the same brilliant green in a soft, sweeping, back and forth movement over the top of his wrist. Where the colour bloomed, he could feel a gentle, whirring buzz against his skin.
With no words to say, Clay looked from the bracelet up to his boyfriend instead. George was slouched small in his chair, right wrist up to expose a similar bracelet nestled just above the end of his hoodie sleeve. His left hand was up as well, thumb brushing delicately over the metal covering the top of his wrist. He pulled the hand away slowly and Clay watched as green faded back to gray.
He kept his eyes trained on George's wrist as he pressed his fingers to the gift. Where his fingers were rested on his own lit up a warm, sky blue on George's.
"It's not perfect and I had to hire someone to actually make it but... this is what I've been programming." George murmured with a shy smile. He would have liked to be able to make it all on his own but he wasn't all that good with jewellery crafting.
"It's incredible..." Clay breathed, still mesmerised by the fact that he could paint a soft glow of colour onto George with the brush of his fingertips. He barely registered the tears in his eyes.
"I wanted there to be a way for us to be with each other no matter what. It's like a little piece of me." George giggled out, joining Clay and pressing little splotches of colour.
"Thank you." Clay whispered, voice wavering. "I love it... I love you." The first of many tears slipped down his cheeks and George cooed quietly.
"I love you too." He giggled out, pressing down the warmth behind his eyes at seeing his boyfriend cry.
"God, mine is so bad compared to yours." Clay managed, wiping his tears and glancing around for some tissues.
"Does this mean I win?" George joked, sliding the parcel on his desk closer. Clay just chuckled, shaking his head and gestures for George to open his gift.
George wasn't as careful and slow as Clay had been. He was much too eager for that. But, when it came down to only the black box between his fingers, George found his fingers frozen. He took a moment to look up at his monitor for reassurance. Clay gave him a wide, encouraging smile in return and he breathed deeply, slowly tipping open the lid.
George's box had a soft white pillow inside instead. Just like Clay's, there was a silver band sat on top of the pillow, but this one was smaller.
"It's a promise ring." Now it was Clay's turn to fidget nervously, watching as George's eyes slid over the gift. "A promise that, from now on, there's no secrets. That I won't ever hide from you again." Now it was George's turn to cry.
He carefully pulled the ring from its place and placed it in the centre of his hand, admiring its simplicity. After a moments admiration, he moved to slip it onto his first finger, holding out his hand and taking in the way it fit perfectly.
He glanced past his splayed fingers to take in Clay's positively adoring expression. He still had his fingers pressed against his bracelet and George could feel the gentle buzz against his wrist.
"You win."
1.7k words
Anyone order suffocatingly sweet fluff?
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
Yours, Dandelion
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