It didn't take long, with so many separate minds dedicated, to gather a good sum of publicly available evidence; enough for them to feel ready sending it out. It must have taken a week tops and, by the end of it, the rest of the Outcasts had successfully finished moving George out.
They had shifted focus instead to convincing themselves that they really didn't need to fly over as well. That they'd probably just get in the way and it would be better to be spread out.
Needless to say, they didn't do a good job at it. To be fair to them, Jethro had already bought a plane ticket when he'd found out Clark was flying out and Keres really was not doing any good for convincing Ophelia to stay. Geo just didn't want to be left behind. Maybe he'd be able to visit Kiri at some point, since he's already flying once.
Most everyone was clueless as to how they hadn't yet had a visit from Damien despite him being little more than a half hour drive away. Most everyone except Clark, who had been practicing a nonchalant sort of manipulation that was quickly becoming exhausting on him. Oh well, at least it was working.
Originally, Clark, Keres, Mrs B, Zak, Darryl Vincent and Nick had trekked their way to George and Clay's in order to help unpacking and finalising George's move - and to celebrate - but they ended up lingering long after, figuring they might as well wait for the three on their way and plan how to best send in their findings.
"Would it be more or less suspicious if we each sent some?" Zak asked from where he was sprawled over Darryl's lap.
"Probably more, it'll look like a group trying to doxx him." Clay replied, hovering by the arm of the couch George was curled against.
"Isn't that kinda what we are though?" Darryl questioned, tilting his head.
"Yeah, but we don't want people to know that. They'll believe us less." Darryl nodded in slowly in understanding.
"We should send it from an account that isn't too heavily involved with George, it'll make it look less sus." Nick suggested from his spot beside George.
"Do we have any of those?" Vincent asked genuinely, knowing full well that Keres and Dream have interacted with George a lot on their 'secret' accounts and they were the only two to have them.
"I do but you're not allowed to ask questions." Clark stated, padding in from the kitchen surprisingly empty handed.
"Is it appropriate?" Mrs Bosko asked bluntly and Clark thought for a moment.
"Almost always."
"Then we'll use it. It's better than making a new one." Clark nodded pulling his phone from his pocket and working on logging in. "We waiting for ya friends?" Clark shook his head.
"Ro said not to wait for them, just catch them up when they get here." Mrs B nodded right as Clark managed to log in, flicking to his DMs.
"It's show time."
Hey! I have some DOTD stuff to submit, is there somewhere I'm supposed to send it to?
Hi! Thank you for getting in touch! You can send any photos, videos or other updates here.
Oh nice, thank you
I was looking into DOTD's manager, Damien Bèste, and found some alarming stuff that I thought more people should know about (did you know he has a son???)
[sent link]
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I think that should be everything
Thank you! We'll have to check through to make sure everything is authentic and unedited and then it will posted.
Oh good, I wanted to check it myself but I didn't know how
I hope they're fake tbh
Despite everything that was happening, the air in Clay and George's house was calm, relaxed and warm. Mrs Bosko had headed home, requesting that they keep her updated and take care of themselves, relatively early into the evening.
Zak and Darryl were the next to leave, Darryl easily offering their extra room to anyone who may need it. Zak seemed much too tired, slouched against his boyfriend in some half asleep daze, to protest. As they padded through the door, George swore he saw Darryl pick Zak up and begin carrying him instead.
After we're Vincent and Nick, Nick much too keen to stay and continue to catch up with George despite already knowing that nothing interesting had happened since he'd moved away. Vincent was eventually able to pry him away with a few whispered words and an arm around Nick's waist.
Keres and Clark, after much convincing that they really weren't intruding and were welcome whenever they wished, lingered sleepily on George and Clay's couch. They were each eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone or other, who'd been told to rendezvous at George and Clay's before dividing themselves either into house shares or whatever properties they could get themselves in nearby.
It was nice, to have some semblance of calm normality in the way Clay rested his arm around George's waist as they both did their separate thing on their phones, occasionally shifting to show the other something; in the way Keres and Clark had propped themselves against one another half asleep, Keres' head on Clark's shoulder and hands in her lap while Clark's arms were crossed over his chest, head atop Keres' and in the way they each felt wholly and inexplicably safe.
The shocking truth behind @(Dream)ingOfTheDisco 's manager, Damien Bèste. [an image of a legal report documenting Clark taking Damien to court for neglect and abuse] click here for more
retweets likes
For those accusing forgery or non authenticity, each image and link has been checked thoroughly, we wish we could say they were fake
I can't even begin to describe how angry this has made me. Normally I'd start barking and throwing threats but I just feel numb.
#Damienisoverparty for those that are looking for information on how we are going to end his ass
Count me in #Damienisoverparty
retweets likes
"Hello?" A quiet voice called, late into the evening or early into the morning "anyone awake?"
There was a garbled hum from the half-conscious boy on the couch, followed by a soft laugh. "Come in guys." Clay called gently, wary of the fatigue in the room. Three sets of feet made their way closer.
"Did you stay up for us? We should have told you we'd be late," Geo asked guiltily, looking over the practical lump that was Keres and Clark and the carefully tired look in George and Clay's eyes. George waved him off.
"It's fine," He yawned out "I think we're going to head to sleep though." He finished, lightly pulling at Clay's arm until he got the memo. "You're welcome to crash anywhere." Geo wished them a goodnight with a small wave.
"Jethro, you and Clark can have Vin's old room." Ophelia murmured, Geo nodding his agreement. The words lay unspoken but all ears heard them. Clark needed the luxury more than they did.
With a little manoeuvring, Ophelia managed to swap spots with Clark, Jethro subconsciously bundling Clark in close to his chest. Geo padded from the room to grab their bags before settling himself into the spare couch, making sure to pull a thick blanket over the already asleep girls as he passed.
The movement was easy and natural, sweeping Clark up into his arms, so much so that Jethro wondered how often he actually did it. Clark was light and cold and bony and dear god was that heartbreaking. Jethro wasn't certain he could physically hold the other any closer.
The room was warm, though bare and vacant, and Jethro was thankful for that, placing Clark down onto the bed with a fumbling sort of delicacy. He was also thankful that Clark was already clad in thick, soft looking pyjamas.
He had half the mind to simply sleep in what he was currently wearing, too afraid that if he looked away Clark may disappear. Eventually, he convinced himself that that'd be uncomfortable for Clark to wake up to and swiftly got himself changed.
It ached, if he was entirely honest. It ached to see his Ash so entirely small. It ached to tuck him under the covers and crawl in behind him, knowing Clark would be gone long before he had the chance to wake up. It ached to know that he could have this, could wake up to Clark's goofy smile as he held him every morning, if only he were a little braver.
Clark always praised Jethro for his strength, his bravery, his dedication, but all Jethro knew he was was a coward.
And yet Clark loved him.
Jethro figured now really wasn't the time to decide that he finally new what he wanted, not when Clark already had so much to deal with. Instead, he pressed warmly down the length of Clark's back, tangling together their legs, sliding and arm beneath Clark's head and wrapping the other around his waist.
Clark shuffled, bringing his hands to rest on Jethro's skin. "Love you." He breathed, deep asleep, but it was everything Jethro needed to hear.
"I love you too."
1.6k words
Mayhaps I acquired 👉🏼👈🏼 a boyfriend 👉🏼👈🏼 don't tell anyone though
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
Yours, Dandelion
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