VK Day, an Unforgettable Day (Mel's Pov)
The day we're supposed to get the next vk's, mal comes over and we spend a little while looking out for uma. Suddenly two arms wrap around me and I squeal in surprise. I turn to find ben giggling at me and slap his arm playfully. "Not a tentacle in sight." I tell him and he looks out at the water. "I think if uma was up to something, we'd know by now." He replies. "No, ben we know how villains think. And I don't trust uma as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defences are down and then she's gonna strike." Mal interjects and I nod in agreement. Ben looks at her and then back to me. "I really wish we had time for me to do a dragon fly over, cause I can go so much higher, and see so much more." Mal adds with a sigh as I look through the binoculars again. "Well you can't be everywhere at once." Ben says, pushing the binoculars down and tilting my chin up so we're looking each other in the eye. "Plus I've got your backs-" We both look up to where the guards are looking out for uma as well. "Come on, everyone is waiting on us three." He finishes and wraps an arm around my shoulder to guide me out to the event. "Wait, you're getting more guards?" I ask him and he nods. "I'm getting more guards. Now breathe, both of you." Mal and I both take a deep breath and I smile up at him. He dips down and pecks my lips quickly before we head out to where we're supposed to meet everyone.
Mal slips out first and goes to stand off to the side with the other Vk's. She excitedly says something to evie and takes jay's hand in hers, smiling up at him. Then ben and I come out and the band starts to play. I wave to the people as we walk past them, most of them being kids I've seen at school. I look forward to see ben's parents, my dad, auntie aurora, philip and grandpa stefan, tianna, naveen, trin, nate, rapunzel, flynn, faith, lyssia, jane, tarzan, travis, kuzko, emile and kurt. They (bar ben's parents and my family) are looking at me in shock and I realize that they are able to see my bump, and that this is the first time they've seen me since before I was sent to catelona. I wave at them and gesture for them to not say anything as ben and I get up on the platform in the center of the quad. I look around once more and see that audrey is standing off to the side with leah and chad. I smile and wave at them and audrey does the same back. Leah just looks the other way and chad looks at audrey as if she's gonna tell him what to do back. Before I walk off the platform Fg tells me to stand right in the center and then speaks into the mic in her hand before giving it to ben. "What's up auradon? Thank you, thank you so much for coming out today to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Ben starts with a grin and everyone cheers. "It worked out pretty well for the first two groups." I hear chad make a snide aside about how it well it worked out for ben and frown a little, then I hear audrey snap at him and comment, "Very funny." Sarcastically at him.
My attention is redirected back to ben when he takes my hand in his and says my name. I look him at him and grin at his dopey smile. "This is the exact spot we reunited at not so long ago. It seems like a long time ago, but did I mention that I'm in love with you?" He says and doug starts to play the guitar as the vk's stand behind him with knowing grins. I cover my mouth in amusement as he sings a little bit of the song he sang at the tourney game to ask me to coronation with and the others start to hum. He spins me around and I get a look at the group and smile. When he finishes he gets down on one knee and I feel tears of joy gather at the corners of my eyes.
"Mel, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen?" He asks, opening a gorgeous ring box and revealing a gold ring with three purple heart shaped diamonds. I gasp before nodding my head and saying, "Yes." I block out everything else as he slips the ring on my finger and stands up. I cradle his face with my hands and he leans in, wrapping his arms around my waist and kisses me, I kiss back happily. He pulls away and I tune back into the group of people around me. I look around again, beaming with happiness and notice that leah looks like she's scolding audrey, who is looking down at her feet in shame. I make a mental note to talk to her about it before ben leads me to the vks. Mal and evie hug me at the same time and I ask, "Did you know about this?" "We knew everything." Mal answers. "I've only done about a thousand sketches of your wedding dress and bell's already planned an engagement party next week." Evie speaks up and I look to bell as she walks over to me with adam, dad and grandpa. "I finally get a daughter!" Bell exclaims excitedly as I hug her and adam. "You're the best mother figure I could've ever asked for bell." I say and she smiles widely.
"My little rosebloom. I can't believe you're so grown up, engaged and expecting. Makes me feel old." Dad whispers as he hugs me. "Aww dad." "But you're still my little rosebloom, nothing will change that." He adds as he pulls away, ruffling my hair playfully. "Hey." I protest with a laugh. "Congrats dear." Grandpa says when I hug him. "Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for both of you." Fg says and ben thanks her and says, "I think she liked it." I laugh and fg nods. Then jay and carlos joke around with me about it before trin and the others come up to me. "So when did this happen?" Kurt asks gesturing to my bump. "I'll explain everything to you guys when I get back, but only you guys can see it so no one else knows. Please don't say anything to anyone about it." I tell them and they nod. "Thank you, and we'll meet in the castle and talk alright?" A chorus of alrights sound out and I nod. Ben comes over and tells me we have to go. Only mal, evie, carlos, jay, ben and I are going this time around because even with only the six of us the ride back will be packed. I start to go to the car, only to notice that audrey is telling mal something angrily and mal looks confused. I decide that I'm gonna talk to her about it when I see her next. Mal places a hand on audrey's arm, saying something calmly and then turning and walking towards the limo. I give her a confused look and she shakes her head at me, getting in the limo. I shrug it off and get in as well.
We get to the isle and let the kids say bye to their family members, well the ones with family that did come. CJ gave me a sardonic smile and places a small duffle bag in the trunk before slinking into the empty limo. I frown lightly before turning to the sanderson cousins who are saying bye to their mothers. "Ready to go? You'll see them again soon." They nod and say goodbye once more, then put their bags in the trunk before joining CJ in the limo. "Keep them safe or I'll have them hex you." Winifred sanderson says to me and I nod. "No harm will come to them at all." I reply. She nods in satisfaction. I go over to where ben and mal are with celia, and laugh when celia walks away from ben as he enthusiastically says let's do this. He grins and shakes his head at me. Mal gets in the limo after celia and ben and I are the last two to get in. Scarlette looks at ben and squeals, "Ooh, are all the guys in auradon this cute?" I laugh and shake my head. "I wouldn't know, cause only one guy has my attention." I say looking up at ben, who looks at me in adoration. "Yes they are." Evie answers her and I shake my head. "What? When I first got to auradon that's what I thought, and I did see a few good looking guys." Evie says to me. "Of course." Mal says with a smirk.
"You alright CJ?" I ask, taking myself out of the other conversation. She nods and says, "I'm going to be with my brother. Of course I'm okay." She then turns her head to look out the window, and I take it as a sign that she doesn't want to talk anymore. So I turn back to ben and see that celia is giving him a tarot card reading. I put my chin on his shoulder and watch him pull a card and hand it to her. She runs her hand over the card and nods. "You're going to be a wise and brave king." She tells him. "He already is." I tell her and she nods. "See?" She asks him, referring to my statement as he takes the card in wonder. "The cards never lie." She then holds her hand out and he takes his wallet out and gives her a bill. She grins excitedly at the money in her hand.
We get out of the barrier, but as its closing hades tries to get through. So jay stops the limo and we get out, telling the new vk's to stay in the car. Ben, carlos and jay run at him in attempts to get him back in the barrier fully. Hades hits them with his ember causing them to fly back and land on their butts. Mal becomes a dragon and he starts to hit her with the ember. I feel angry and scared, cradling my bump with one hand and putting my other hand out in front of me. A lilac smoke hits hades right in the chest and pushes him back and he struggles to keep the barrier open. He looks at me surprised and turns his ember on me, but before he can use it mal blows fire at him, causing him to fall back and the barrier to close. The lilac smoke stops and mal turns back into herself, landing on the trunk of the limo. "What was that mel, I didn't know you could do that." Evie comments and I shrug and lean back onto the limo tiredly. "Are you alright?" Jay asks mal and she chokes out that she felt hades ember draining her powers. Ben stands up and wraps his arm around me, letting me lean on him for support as he pulls me into the limo. Jay and evie help mal into the limo and we go back to auradon.
We get back and only Fg, bell and adam are there to greet us. I tell jay to take the others back to evie's castle and ben and I stay with fg and his parents. "We're gonna talk about this tomorrow. There's a council meeting in the morning about the events of today." Fg tells us and then leaves, leaving ben and I with his parents. "We're glad you're all safe. Now your friends and their parents are waiting in the castle, they said you were gonna talk to them." Bell says. We go to the castle and find the group sitting in the living room. "Gotta say that was scary." Nate comments as ben and I sit down. "You did tell us you were proposing, but you never told us you knocked her up." Naveen says to ben and I look at him confused. "I saw them at their restaurant when I asked your dad for his blessing." Ben explains.
"Okay so you know that before leah took me to catelona, ben gave me a promise ring and you know what happened at the lake?" I ask and the group nods, but the parents look confused. "What happened at the lake?" Rapunzel asks. "They 'skinny dipped' and let me tell you-" Nate starts but gets jabbed in the side by trin. I blush as the parents have a look of understanding cross their features for a moment. "Anyway, leah took me to catelona and the first night there I had this dream, my mother told me that I would have a baby. I thought nothing of it until three months there I began to feel ill. I put two and two together and realized that the dream was real and it was right. Felix's mother, elianna noticed and helped me get rid of the morning sickness. I don't know what I'd have done if elianna didn't hate the arrangement as much as I did, she helped me so much." I muse grab ben's hand to ground me and continue with the story. "But like right after leah had the officiate meet us and he did a spell that revealed that I was pregnant to leah. She didn't like that cause then she couldn't marry me off to felix by the old rule like she wanted to." "Old rule, of course she would." Tiana says and rolls her eyes.
"When my dad put his foot down, and elianna, grandpa stefan, audrey and I agreed with him. She locked me in the highest tower in the castle, threatened to leave my baby on a peasants doorstep when it was born if I didn't go along with everything she told me to and only let a few people see me. The doctor sworn to secrecy who would do check ups on my progress, the ladies in waiting assigned to me, elianna, and herself." I pause for a second when ben's grip on my hand tightens. I rub my thumb in circles on the back of his hand to comfort him and start to speak again.
"She kept me there until the wedding. I had snuck my phone and elianna snuck me the charger, but I could only text and I kept mal updated on the situation. When the wedding came around ben showed up and challenged me to a duel. And felix tried to cheat by using a real sword. I jumped in the way before he could stab ben with it and blacked out. I woke up in the hospital, the baby was fine and I was back in auradon. Leah was removed from the throne and put on house arrest and since I am my father's only daughter I was next in line to be queen of asun. Except I turned it down and Audrey took the throne instead. That was two weeks ago. I'm five months along, with a baby girl and mal spelled my clothes so that only my 'family' could see my bump." I finish. "We're touched that you think of us as family." Jane says with a smile. "That must have been hard for you, having to do everything leah said to keep your baby safe. I couldn't imagine it." emile adds. "I can't believe that she would lock you in the highest tower in the castle. That sounds a lot like mother gothel." flynn exclaims in outrage. "Okay now updates aside, jane's birthday party is tomorrow will you be there?" Lyssia asks and I nod. "Couldn't miss it." I answer and she smiles widely. "Good we're all gonna be there so we'll get to see you there." Kurt adds. We continue to catch up some more well into the evening.
By the time they leave, it's nightfall and I'm exhausted and barely keeping my eyes open. Ben picks me up bridal style and carries me to my room. He lays me down on my bed, climbing in with me and holding me close. "I can't believe she was gonna leave our baby on someone's doorstep if you didn't obey her. I'm so glad that I got you out of there and I promise you that nothing in the world will threaten our child ever again." Ben says Kissing me on the forehead as I drift to sleep.
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