Dress making and hanging out (mel's Pov)
When we get into evie's studio she smiles and gestures around the room. "Nice isn't it?" She asks as I look around the room. "It's awesome, I'm glad you got a castle." I say with a smile. "It's just a starter castle. Anyways, the baby clothes. I've got a few sketches of onesies and dresses for her, just nod at the ones you like." She starts to shuffle the papers on her table out for me to look at. I notice a wedding dress drawing mixed in with the baby clothes. "What's this?" I ask picking the wedding dress sketch up. "It's just something I came up with in my free time, nothing major." She answers taking it from my hands and setting it on the other side of the table.
"Now the baby clothes-" She starts as harry comes over to see the drawings. "These two dresses are my favorite personally, and each of these onesies have little sayings on them for each of the members of the family. Doug helped me come up with them, what do you think?" She asks and I smile. "They're great." "Good, then I'll get started on them and hopefully be finished with them before the little one arrives. Now, besides that do you think you could help me with a dress for Jade, jasmine's daughter?" She says and I nod. "Okay, what do you need help with?" "Well I've got the dress sewn, but it's too plain and simple. She asked for a bit of spice and I don't know exactly what it needs. It's for a big ball they're throwing." She explains and pulls a dress on a mannequin to the center of the room. It's light blue and satin with one sleeve and gold detail at the bottom of the dress. "It doesn't seem like jade's style." I comment and look at it for a little bit. "Wait if you make it two piece, strapless, and add the gold detail to the top of the dress and the waist of the skirt. Maybe then it'll be more her style." I suggest and grab some of the gold detailing and a needle. Evie nods and we get to work. Harry lounging in a chair in the corner as we work.
By the end of the day the dress is finished, harry has gone back into the living room, and jade and jasmine come to pick it up themselves. "It looks awesome, thank you." Jade says with a grin. "This is perfect of your birthday celebration jade. It's next month, and everyone is invited. I hope you all can make it." Jasmine says to evie and I. "Absolutely." Evie answers and they pay before taking the dress and leaving. "You know with mal and jay getting engaged and you and ben having a baby, it's a better life then I could've ever seen us having before the proclamation. And now there are more and more vk's getting the chance to be this happy and live here. It's the fairytale happily ever after I've always dreamed about." She muses and I nod. "I know, I'm glad the ones we've brought over are thriving here. And I really hope we'll be able to get all the people we can off the isle. To be honest, if you'd have told the isle me that I'd be where I am now... I would've thought you were madder than the hatter." She giggles and puts a hair bow in my hair.
"Even if it were celia or the witches who told you? I mean they are clairvoyant." She jokes and I smile. "Yeah even if it were celia or the witches, I might have stopped and thought about it but I would've said they were insane." "Interesting, because I would believe anything they told me." "So if they told you that you'd be living in your own castle that you bought with your own money from sewing dresses for people, you'd one hundred percent believe them? Or if they told you you won't get a prince but dopey's son, you wouldn't stop and think, "No that's not what mother wants." you'd believe it?" I ask and she thinks for a moment. "Well when you put it that way... I would've doubted it a little. But they are known to be one hundred percent accurate in their readings."
The door opens and in walks mal. "What are you two talking about?" She asks, ignoring the knowing smirks on our faces. "Just arguing about if our younger selves would ever think this is where we'd be right now." Evie answers and mal sits down on one of the stools. "Never in a million years." "Oh, and why's that?" "Because if someone ever told me that my little sister would fall in love with the king, and also have his kid. If they'd said she reconnects with her real father. That jay and I would be engaged, or that evie was a famous fashion designer and a straight a student who's boyfriend is the nerdiest non prince in the kingdom. I think I'd hand my territories to uma and never leave my room again. The thought of defying mom to me back then was absolutely out of the question and yet here we are. And the thought that hades wasn't mel's dad too, was just horse dung" She explains with a smile and I nod in agreement.
"You're still the only one who knows that by the way." I remind evie. "Yeah. Do you think he knows you're not actually his? Or do you think your mother kept that from him too?" "I don't know, probably didn't tell him either. But with news coverage he probably knows now." I answer. "Anyways, what should we do in the three days that you're here?" Mal changes the subject. "We could bake, and watch movies." "Or we could do our hair and nails, and then we could go shopping at the mall." Evie suggests and I giggle. "What about real housewives of knotting castle and we can make a bunch of snacks to eat while we watch." Mal says and I nod. "Real housewives marathon. We can catch up on the last seasons." I agree and evie smiles. "Okay, then that's what we'll do."We spend the three days watching a marathon of the real housewives of knotting castle and joking around with each other. Giselle joined us on the second day and harry and gil joined us on the third day.
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