Chapter 14: There Was Passion
Your POV
We walked around and around the pier. Stopping to play a game or two along the way.
Naturally Mark was good at anything that had to do with strength. "Oh my god, it's Markiplier!" I heard off from a distance. Within 30 seconds we were surrounded by people, mostly women. Mark and myself stood in the center of a huge crowd. Mark looked over at me and mouthed "I'm sorry." He then went on to greet as many people as he could. Shaking their hands, taking pictures with them and he even signed a few autographs. I stood back and watched as he gave the people what they wanted. 'I understand he's somewhat famous but is it wrong that I want him all to myself.' I shook my head, 'where the hell did that come from?' I asked myself. He kept glancing up at me with a smile as he took each picture, and signed each autograph. I thought it was kinda cool, I was on a date with someone famous.
"Okay, ladies and gentleman it's been an absolute pleasure meeting you all but, I'm on a date. I can't keep my lady waiting." The girls just gasped, some seemed more bothered then others He took my hand and leaded me out of the crowd. "Haha, I'm sorry about that. It's just something I gotta deal with. Most of the time they tend to give me privacy, but there are times like that where it just kind of happens. I don't have much of a choice, they're fans and without them I wouldn't be where I am. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meeting the fans but sometimes I just want to be left alone. Like tonight, tonight the only girl I want around me, is you." I took his hand and assured him I think it's really cool that he has so many fans, and told him I also admire that he'll take the time to meet with his fans, even when it's not a scheduled meet and greet.
Mark's POV
"Hey why don't we go on the ferris wheel." I suggested. (Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks and stared up at the wheel. "O--okay." We got in line and patiently waited our turn. It seemed I had everyone's eyes on me but, at least they kept their distance. When it was finally our turn we hopped and the ride attendant shut and locked the bar in place. She was quiet, just staring off into space. "What's wrong?" I asked, as she didn't seem herself. "M--Ma--Mark.... I'm...t-errified of heights.'"
'Well done! You suggest the ferris wheel and she's scared of heights.' We begin to move up into the air, she seemed frozen with fear. "Do you wanna get off, I'll signal them to get us down." She just closed her eyes tight and shook her head. It was very apparent she didn't wanna be up here, but she didn't wanna get down. I did the only I could think of and put my arm around her. As we continued further and further up into the air, she just became more tense, and I just continued to hold her, gradually rubbing her should and reminding her we're fine. All of a sudden there was a loud creek and we stopped. "Mark... what was that!" I just continued to rub her shoulder. "It was nothing, you're okay." I reminded her. "May I have your attention ladies and gentleman, we are having some technical issues. It appears the ride is stuck. While we try and resume motion, please stay calm, and remain seated.' "Right like anyone would be trying desperately to get outta this thing while they're 100 feet in the air." she screamed. "I'm sorry, this date has been a disaster." Finally she opened her eyes, she wouldn't look down but locked eyes with me. "Not in the least. In fact despite everything that's happened, it's one of the best dates I've been on." We once again began to move.
Your POV *cue media video*
Although I was still rather scared, I felt safe. He made me feel like even though I was terrified I felt more at ease, because he was there. Finally they started playing some music while we went around. They couldn't have been playing a more perfect song to how I was feeling at that moment.
Knowing I was here, in LA, listening to one of my favorite band with someone so amazing-- I felt on top of a world, and being on a ferris wheel made it look that way too. I finally loosened up, and began to sing and even do a bit of a dance to the music in my seat. We were simply having a blast and it was like all my fear had went away. Finally the song ended and the ride slowed down, and eventually came to a stop allowing everyone off the ride. We jumped off the ride; hand in hand. Mark lead me away from the amusement park area of the pier, and down towards the water. We sat on the edge of the dock, just looking out onto the water. "Thank you." I whispered. He looked at me, and grinned. "For what?" I couldn't help myself, it felt like the right moment -- not that I hadn't been thinking about it most of the day anyway. "Everything." I put my arms around his neck, and pressed my face next to his. There was a moment where we just starred into each others eyes, I felt I was completely lost in his beautiful brown eyes. Again, it happened. I pressed my lips against his. I felt something hit me when we kissed. There was passion, and a lot of it.
*Ring* *Ring*
'What a mood killer!' "Yes, (YC/N) what do you want." I answered playfully. "Well we went to the zoo and now we're at the Santa Monica Pier..... I bet you're jealous....Yeah, I'll bring you back a candy apple.... okay I know you miss my company but I'm on a date now, go away!... haha okay okay, I'll see you in a bit. I gotta go, Mark wants a blowjob---BYE!!" Mark coughs, I hang up the phone and put it back into my pocket "So what was that about a blowjob?" I just started laughing so hard at his face when he heard that I laughed to the point no sound would come out so I just started clapping like a mentally challenged seal. "Nothing, I just wanted to get her wound up" Mark stood up and helps me up. "Let's go get that candy apple. I should get you back before you turn into a pumpkin." 'He's ready to end the date? It's not even 10... was he hoping for more then a kiss on the first date?' Although I was a little upset he wanted to end the date so early, I agreed and we walked back to the candy booth. "One candy apple and a bag of cotton candy please" I asked the woman behind the booth.
Shortly afterwards we were back in the car. Mark didn't seem distant on the ride back, but I still couldn't shake the thought of maybe he was a little upset by what I said. 'Maybe he thought I'd be down and when I said I was trying to wind her up he thought the date was no longer worth his time.'
Finally after about a half hour of talking and laughing we were back at the condo. He pulled up out front. "Well thank you again, for everything. I had a lot of fun." He nodded and smiled "I know you're going back to Washington soon but, if you don't mind I'd really like to see you again. Tomorrow maybe? If that's alright of course." It actually surprised me that he wants to see me again after I was such a cry baby today, and because I wasn't serious about what I said and Mark seen the face I made when he asked. "What's on your mind?" He asked me. "I'll be honest 'd love to but I thought you were mad at me for what I said and not willing to actually go through with it?"
He just gave a stare, reached over to me and ran his hand along the side of my face.
"I'm not like that. I guess I should explain why I'm taking you back so early... and I am sorry to end the night like this I just would have felt like a jerk if I told you why, so I thought maybe I could get away without having to." "Mhmm?" I say reaching into my purse to get out the keys. He then continued "well, as you know especially after earlier tonight I am kinda famous... my fans expect daily uploads and I need to head back home to film and edit so it's ready to upload tomorrow. I'm really sorry. I'm not trying to make it seem like YouTube is more important, so please don't feel that way."
I understood completely what he was saying. After all it's not just a hobby but his career. I wasn't offended in the least. I was actually relieved he wasn't ending the night for other reasons. I took off my seat belt, leaned over and gave him a big hug and a kiss goodnight. I opened the door to the car and stepped out. "I'd love to see you tomorrow, Mark. Call me." I winked and shut the door behind me and made my way upstairs.
Immediately as I got in, (YC/N) was there to greet me. She grabbed me and pushed me into the living room and onto the sofa. "Tell me everything" she demanded. All of a sudden Arin comes strolling through from the kitchen, bowl in hand and spoon in the other."So, did Mark get lucky?" --"Yup-- you betcha he did!" Arin nearly choked on his cereal when I said yes. (YC/N) was in complete shock! "What!?" they both asked in sync. "You guys are too easy! No, he didn't get lucky..." 'I did.' I thought to myself.
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