Chapter 12: Prove Them Wrong
Your POV
I awoke the next morning. 'Was it just a dream?' I rolled over and sitting right beside my bed was (YC/N.) "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTY! It's already almost noon. I already took the liberity of putting Marks number in your phone last night while you were sleeping." She just smiled as if to say "it's no big deal that I went through your phone without your knowledge." I sit right up in bed and rub my eyes. "So, it wasn't just a dream... he really did call and I really do have a date?" She just nodded with an even bigger grin. "Let's go downstairs and grab something to eat." Once again I rub my eyes, and finally gather the energy to climb out of bed. I followed her down the stairs. "Everyone already left" (YC/N) points out as she begins to pour us both a bowl of cerial.
We just stand at the kitchen counter and eat. It's kinda to quite for my comfort. I don't really have much on my mind aside from questioning myself 'why I would have kissed him pack last night? Thinking about it now, truthfully I should have smacked him. Even worse, I agreed ... well kinda agreed to a date today. This is so the opposite of what I wanted coming on this vacation.' "Hello, are you listening? Since we got time to kill, did you want to go upstairs when we're finished and we can practice your audition?" stuffing my face full of cocopuffs, I could really only slur the word "sure."
A few minutes after we had finished eating we make our way back upstairs and into the Studio Space. I pull a stool over in front of the mic, and take a seat. "Do me a favor, hand me the guitar." I pointed off in the direction in which the guitar was standing. "You're gonna try guitar this time?" I just shrugged. "Well, I mean maybe it'll better my audition to show I have a talent with instruments as well." She picks up the guitar and gives it to me. "I know this melody by ear. It's the same consistent pattern. I'm gonna pick it up from second verse, and let me know what you think."
I begin to play, and as I strum, begin to sing;
"They can say that I'm cray for makin' him my baby but his vow is for me.
See I done been through many changes, but this one I aint changin' it'll stay the same.
I can have everything in this world, but I'd sacrifice it all for him.
And I made up my mind, I'm in love this time
and it, feels so real."
I look up from the guitar to see (YC/N) sitting there with a very unimpressed face so I stop playing. "You know I think you're talented, but without passion; talent in itself isn't going to be enough. This song is clearly about a woman who is so in love with a man that she'd give everything. If I were someone from Juilliard watching your audition tape, I'd expect to be able to listen and I'd be able to feel it, because you'd make me believe that you are that woman." I felt broken. This had been my dream my entire life and to hear that even when I was giving it my all it wasn't enough was crushing. "I still don't see why you don't just change your song choice." "Because, this is my favorite song. Plus it doesn't exactly matter, no matter what song I were to pick if my problem is showing passion I'd be doomed either way if I can't personally connect to the song. Maybe I shouldn't even audition... this is a world renowned school, they only accept the best." (YC/N) raised her hand, and she slapped me. Not hard, but hard enough. I sat there holding my face, I didn't understand why she would do that. "No. That isn't who you are. You aren't someone who gives up that easily. Great way to honor your father. He taught you everything you know about music, and you're just gonna give it up because I think you can do because I KNOW you can do better? What'd your dad tell you? Huh!" I sat there, with tear filled eyes. I know she has a good point. "Your critics are your biggest fans, because they become your biggest motivation." She smiled and wiped my tears away. "Exactly. Don't give up, prove them wrong."
I couldn't help but think what Dad would do. He was always my biggest fan, in everything I did. He was my biggest supporter, as well as my greatest critic. I knew (YC/N) had a good point, but maybe I'm lacking passion because the passion I have for music isn't anywhere close as it was now that Dad's no longer here. "Hey, it's almost 12:00, you better call Mark" 'Time really flew. I guess when you're busy crying, and having such an emotional conversation you lose track of time.' We head back to the bedroom and I open my phone. 'Why am I doing this? I really shouldn't get involved with anyone while I'm here. I'm heading home in a matter of days, why bother going on a date.' I set my phone back down on the table. "What's wrong?" she takes a seat beside me and puts her arm around my shoulder. "I don't know, we're heading home soon and is it really fair to be going on a date?" She just shook me "yes, it's fair. You never know what can happen." I pick my phone back up and decide I should take a leap of faith, I said I wanted to reinvent myself, maybe I can do that by just trusting everything will work out... some way, some how even if it doesn't seem like it can.
"Hey Mark, it's (Y/N.) Just calling like you asked, I just wanted to see if we were still hanging out today, but I guess you're busy. It's cool. I'll see you around." I hung up the phone, and took a deep breath and sighed. I was actually a little disappointed that he didn't answer. 'Did he change his mind?' *Ring* *Ring* "Hello?" a voice greeted me through the phone. "Hey, just got your message. Sorry I missed your call I was just getting out of the shower when you called." It was Mark. "It's alright, so what's up?" I just smiled a bit and somewhat felt relieved that he called back. "Well, if you're still up for going out, I know where I'd like to go." (YC/N) had her ear pressed right up against the phone trying to hear what he had to say. "Yeah, I'm still game, what'd you have in mind?" He just chuckled a bit and replied with "You'll see. I'll pick you up in an hour?" I just blushed and told him that sounded great.
I instantaneously jumped up after getting off the phone and began to get ready. First a shower. I made my way into the bathroom and ran the shower. Shortly afterwards I was out and back into the bedroom to get readying. Starting with my hair and makeup. As I sat at the vanity straightening my hair, I feel something hit my back. I turn around to see (YC/N) with her hands covering her mouth trying to hold back her laughter. I look down on the ground to see a pair of my panties on the ground. White, cotton lace panties with a little rose on the front. "You might wanna wear something cute under your clothes, you never know who may see them." Once again she went back to her giggling. 'Real mature' I thought. "You're insane, it's a first date. He won't even be getting to second base, and you're practically predicting a home run. Maybe you're okay with that on a first date, but me... I doubt we'll even kiss again." 'Althought I wouldn't mind.' I thought to myself. (YC/N) came over to the vanity and began to do my makeup for me. "So, where do you think he's taking you?" I just shrugged. "Well, he didn't exactly tell me. He just said he'll see me in an hour."
The waiting was torture. I sat in the living room, staring at the grandfather clock. It's already 1:20. He said an hour, and it's well passed it. He's late. 'Is he gonna stand me up...?' I shook my head at the thought. 'He called me back when I called him earlier, he obviously does indeed want to see me. Maybe he ran into car troubles' I tried to convince myself. Not long after, there was a knock on the door. I stood up from the sofa and straightened out my skirt. I opened the door, and it was like a scene from a movie. There he stood, dressed casually but wearing a charming smile. In his hand, a bouquet of lilies. He looked nervous, but I can't imagine I looked any less nervous then he did. "I'm sorry for being late, I didn't account for there to be such a long line at the florist. These are for you." I didn't even respond, I couldn't respond. I was to hypnotized by his perfect smile, and sparkling eyes. He looked different to me, more attractive in some way but I couldn't put my finger on what was different, if indeed anything was. (YC/N) came to the door and took the flowers from him. "I'll put these in a vase. You kids go have fun!" She immediately pushed us out the door and slammed it behind us.
We began to walk down the hall, "You look great." I flushed and said thank you, I also thanked him for the flowers, and told him lilies were my favorite. From the elevator to his car it was just casual small talk. Well if this was a date so far just by conversation alone it certainly didn't feel that way. He unlocked his car and like a gentleman opened the door for me. All this time I thought chivalry was dead, and apparently it's alive and well. I slid in to the passenger side and he closed the door, walked around and got in the drivers side. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. Mark just looked at me and replied "Well, I wanna keep that a secret, but don't worry I'm sure we'll have tons of fun." 'Oh good, he's bringing me to his secret sex dungeon. I barely know this guy and he won't tell me where we're going.' I couldn't help but burst out into laughter at the thought. He looked a little confused at my outburst. "It's nothing." I assured him. He just flashed me his beautiful smile and we were on our way.
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