Camp Pining Hearts
"Peridot! Whatcha doin?" Lapis asked, bounding across the grass.
"More robonoids, Lapis. What's it look like?"
"...oh. Sorry, if I, uh... bothered you."
"No it's fine."
"Um... okay."
Lapis sat next to Peridot and watched her assemble and turn on the Robonoid in silence.
"Peridot? You've been working hard all morning... don't you want some lunch?"
"Nah. I'm fiiiine."
"Chill, Lapis. It's fine."
Lapis gave her a frustrated look before sighing and walking back towards the barn.
"Well, I guess you'll have to miss the new episode of Camp Pining Hearts." She said with a smirk.
"AAAAAAAh!" Peridot shouted, dropping her screwdriver. "I CAN'T MISS CAMP PINING HEARTs!! IM COMING LAPISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS--"
"Chill, Peri. It doesn't come on for another ten minutes so we can make lunch."
Lapis made grilled cheese, and Peridot poured chocolate milk into cups and turned on the TV. They carried the food outside to the TV, and sat down in the back of the truck just as Camp Pining Hearts came on.
"Lapis! Peridot!" Steven shouted. "Come watch Crying Breakfast Friends with me!"
"Goddamn it." Peridot muttered.
"We're busy, Steven!" Lapis called across the field.
"But Crying Breakfast Friends is the best-- oh fine. Bye!"
Lapis bit down on her sandwich. "Wow, they are sooo tragic."
Peridot slurped up her chocolate milk. "PAULETTE! Just ASK him!"
Lapis snorted. "Hurry up, you bitch! If the leader of your team catches you talking to HIM--"
"YEAH! JESUS!" Peridot roared, chomping on her sandwich with a ferocity only matched by Lapis.
"Noooo!" Shouted Lapis as the ad break came on. "AAAAAAgh!"
"Dammit, Paulette!" Groaned Peridot
"You know, you two-"
"WHat the FuCk! When did you get here, Amethyst!?"
"When I heard about the new episode. Steven is using the TV for crying breakfast friends."
"Anyway, my point is, you two are just like Paulette and Percy. You should just ask the other. "
"It's obvious, Peridot."
"S-shut up!" Yelled Peridot, turning blood red.
"Awwwww..." "STOP IT! AMETHYST!" Shouted Peridot.
The ad break ended, and Camp Pining Hearts came back on.
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