Chapter one
CHAPTER ONE: saving the people who save people, part one
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NATHANIEL IVORY SALVATORE SAT ON THE GURNEY, SIGHING IN ANNOYANCE AS HORUS STOOD IN FRONT HIM. Tecton has dropped him off before needing to take off and save a town.
"Okay, you're being dramatic. I'm not even injured!"
He ignored the rocket being launched.
His head snapped over as yelling started. "Incoming! Incoming! Make a path, people. I've got a non-responsive hero. Temperature is four thousand degrees Fahrenheit. And he's oozing weird blue glowing stuff."
Nathaniel hopped up and off his gurney, turning his head to see who was the superhero. He gave an odd glance at thee nurse who said 'it tastes like hummus'. "This dude needs medical attention stat!"
"Crusher?" Nate asked, worried.
"He's going into cardiac arrest, people!" They ripped open the Crusher's shirt. "Okay, he and I have the same personal trainer. How is that possible?"
"Clear!" They pressed the heart defibrillators to his chest, nothing happened. "He's not responding, I don't understand!" They tried again. "He's crashing! Clear!"
"Give me those!" A voice yelled, making Nathaniel turn. He pressed the heart defibrillators to the Crusher's feet. "Thank you, nurse. I'll need the Henderson x-rays in my office. Oh, and I'll need an office."
"Kaz?" Nathaniel asked, turning his head to look at ghetto boy who stood behind the nurse, his eyes widen.
"Kaz, What are you doing, we're not doctors." Oliver, it had to be him.
"You're not? Guards!"
"Wait! No!" Nate yelled as Kaz said that they weren't guards, but the guards appeared and grabbed the boys. "Wait!"
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"Horus!" Nathaniel yelled, running down the hall and opening the door, which made the older one stumble.
"Nate!" Horus stared to lecture.
"Don't hurt them, I know them."
"I am not going to hurt them, Nate."
"But," Alan yelled. "they are normos! I heard, when you touch them, your butt falls off!"
"That's not true, idiot." Nathaniel glared at Alan. "They used to be my best friend's."
"Good, because without a butt what would I shake on the dance floor?" Horus questioned.
"So, you want us to work here?" Oliver asked, then turns his head. "Wait, Nathaniel? Nate?"
Nate smiled. "Your a superhero! That's awesome!"
"Not 'us'. you." Horus pointed to Oliver. "You're friend over there seems a bit...off."
They turned to Kaz, to see him have place a bracelet on himself, pressing one of the buttons and then screaming when his hand had turned into a chainsaw. Nate scrambled over, pressing the button again and then removing the bracelet. Kaz let out a breathe of relief, the looked at Nathaniel. "That was...awesome! Wait, Nate? You're a superhero?"
Nathaniel smiled, then Horus walking up to Kaz. "You...do you happen to know if you take a small or medium normo cage?"
"What...Whoa, Who." Kaz instantly backed up. "I wanna work here, too. I know just as much about superheroes as he does. Right, Oliver? Back me up. Nate?"
"Yeah, Kaz is great." Oliver walked towards Kaz's side. "And, well, we kinda come as a package deal."
"Horus, these two know more about superheroes then other superheroes." Nate tried to explain.
"Okay, I'll give you boys a trial run."
"Yes! We get to work with real superheroes!"
"Yeah, man, I can't wait to tell Gus and Jordan about this place. Especially since Nate is a superhero." Kaz smiled.
"Are you crazy?" Alan yelled at the humans. "You can't tell anyone about Mighty Med. It's a top-secret hospital."
"Alan, stop interrupting." Horus held a hand out to silence the boy. "Are you crazy?" He turned to the humans. "You can't tell people about Mighty Med. it's a top-secret hospital. Another thing: if your friend here messes up, I'm holding you responsible." Horus told Oliver and Nate. Then walked out.
"Hear that?" Oliver asked Kaz. "No goofing around. Do not Kaz this up for me."
"Absolutely." Kaz agreed. "Ooh. Wonder what this button does."
Nate snatched the watch away from Kaz. "No, this is going to be kept away from you."
"Nate." Kaz smiled, then throwing his arms over Nate's shoulders. "Man, How I've missed you."
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"Now, let me show you boys around." Horus told Kaz and Oliver, Nate stood next to them. "This is a web-untangalizer for our arachnid-based superheroes."
Nathaniel shivered. "I hate them the worst."
"Yeah," Kaz laughed. "I know."
"Shut up, Kaz, anyway, this-" Nate spoke, walking towards the machine. "is a molecular de-vaporizer."
"A lot of people get vaporized in this business!" Horus exclaimed. "This is a picture of a bridge. I love Bridges!" Horus continued to walk, as the two human boys gave confused looks.
"He does, it's worst than you two and your comic books and video games." Nate told the two.
"This is the rec room," Horus yelled, pushing open the double doors. "where recovering superheroes work on strengthening powers and honing super-skills."
"Okay, so," Kaz spoke, still wounding excited. "if superheroes are real and out there saving the world, how come we never see you guys?"
"It's a combination of things. Sometimes we erase the memories of normos who witness our heroics. Usually, we don't need to because most of you are looking down at your phones all the time." Horus answered.
Nathaniel sighed when seeing Kaz and Oliver look at Kaz's phone.
"Plus, some of us are invisible. And sometimes we do things so fast, you don't even see it... like how you and I just switched outfits."
Kaz looked down at his outfit, then back at Horus. "No, we didn't."
"Or did we?" Horus chuckled, lifting the picture where Kaz and him and switched clothes.
"If superheroes are supposed to live in secret," Oliver took a step forward. "then why are there superhero comic books and graphic novels?"
"We chronicle-"
Nathaniel interrupted him. "It's a history book that pays for the hospital, league of heroes, ...and the bowling team for heroes."
"Here are your mm-200 communicators." Horus handed them the small devices. "I'll contact you when I need you."
"Wow, look at the size of these things." Kaz laughed, carefully putting it in his pocket.
"I know, I'm sorry they are so bulky. The mm-200-s will be much smaller and have new, funky ringtones."
Nathaniel rolled his eyes, watching as Horus left. Before he turned to Kaz and Oliver.
"I still can't believe you're a superhero!" Kaz exclaimed. "I mean, you use to be afraid of fire! Which considering your mother has the power of fire is odd."
"Yeah," Nathaniel crossed his arms. "But m still going about the name. It just feels odd... to go by 'Orphan'. Just because I am one. But, you know, one of the villains thought it was funny, and I didn't wasn't him to know to bothered me, so, i agreed with him."
"Ooh, I wonder what this is...some kind of, like," Kaz rubbed his hands. "Hugh-tech memory restorer?"
"That's bedpan!" Both Oliver and Nathaniel told him.
Making, Kaz groan in disgust, immediately dropping it into the floor. "Ick. Gross."
Skylar has walked in, looking at the fallen bed pan, that landed to close to her.
Kaz, upon noticing her, straightened. He titled his head in a greeting. "Sup, girl?"
Skylar walked pass him.
"Wait...you're Skylar Storm!" Oliver yelled, excited.
"WOW, dude, no way! You were just making lot with a cardboard cutout of her," Kaz speaks.
"No, I wasn't," Oliver strained.
Nathaniel scrunched up his face. "Ignore them, Sky," he says.
"Hi. I'm Oliver," the shorter one extended his hand. "Big fan of your work. You have so many amazing powers."
Nathanial flinched at the phrasing.
"Had so many amazing powers," Skylar corrected. "Yesterday I was ambushed by the annihilator. He neutralized my powers, took my invisible flying motorcycle. He even stole my costume. He left me just standing there in my underwear."
Oliver for a distance look in his eyes.
"The annihilator is a creepy old man, who I'm gonna bury in the ground the second I get my hands on him," Nataniel says, then looks to Oliver.
"I will definitely be buying that comic book when it comes out," Oliver speaks.
"And if Oliver doesn't stop being creepy, I'm will wipe his memory." Nathaniel says, eyeing Oliver with judgement.
"Anyways, I came here to Mighty Med to get my powers restored. Unless..." Skylar moved forward, extending a hand to Kaz. "Explode!"
"Okay! Enough! Stop trying to explode people!" Nataniel had pulled Kaz a step back.
"Wait. If you did have your powers, wouldn't I have just exploded?" Kaz asked.
Skylar hummed in reply. "Into a million pieces."
"Awesome!" Kaz yelled.
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Nathaniel has thought, that now that Kaz and Oliver were aware of Mighty Med, it wasn't the best idea for them to attend school alone. Both had always sucked at lying. As, the one time, his parents were going to throw a surprise party for his birthday, Oliver was buzzing, yelling anytime Nathan said he wanting go home.
Kaz, at one point, plan out accidentally said, that he couldn't go home, because, it would ruin the surprise.
So, the next day, when both Kaz and Oliver walked back into Mighty Med, he was going tell them that he would soon be attending their school. But, Horace had yelled out to them. "Boys! So great to see you."
"Yeah, so great to see you," Alan sarcastically spoke.
"What's up with the your shadow?" Nathan questioned, gesturing to Alan.
Alan glared at him.
"So, what's going on?" Oliver questioned.
"Megahertz has run amok in this city. We'll need your help," Horace told them.
At that moment, Tecton was brought it. "Make a path, people? I've got a beloved superhero..had a puncture wound to the chest. Object appears to be a stop sign."
"Tecton!" Nathaniel called out, rushing to the older's side.
"That's Tecton!" Oliver cheered.
"Dude, you are my all-time favorite superhero," Kaz told the man. "Are-are you okay? What happened to you?"
"Megahertz was robbing a federal reserve bank. When he tried to make a unauthorized withdrawal, I stoped him. Unfortunately, he made an unauthorized deposit of this stop sign on my chest." Tecton informed.
"Man, how cool is this guy?" Kaz questioned, excited. "He's skewered and he's still making quips."
"Wow, hey," Tecton reached back, stopping Nathaniel from running off. "Where do you think you're going?"
"To rip Megahertz arms off," Nathaniel easily replied.
"No, you're not."
"We have to get Tecton to the OR." Horace spoke.
So, the blond-hero was rolled away.
"Boy's how would you like to observe Tecton's surgery?" Horace asked.
"Are you kidding? We'd love to," Oliver smiled.
"Yeah," Kaz says.
"Oh, but...we kind of have a prior commitment." Oliver sadly spoke.
"Huh. I thought your committee was to this hospital." Horace spoke.
And, with no one looking, Nathaniel double checked, then went out the door.
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Tecton wasn't healing.
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