Episode Two:- "...because of God."
Kim and Lea are in their hostel in Kim's corner. Kimberly James is a little darker then Lea and has spots on her face, but she smiles like an angel. They are both eating snacks they bought from the cafeteria.
LEA:- ( chewing her mouth)..yesterday Usher told me he's going home
KIM:- ( with her mouth full) did he say why?
LEA:- he told me he just wants to go home that's all ( she had a disappointing look on her face)
KIM:- will principal A.B sign him out?
LEA:- I think so... Sometimes. I think Usher just wants to...( distracted by Tintina and her fellow girl's scout wearing their scout uniform, coming back from scout parade as Janet enters Kim corner. Janet West Jackson is Usher's twin sister. She has the same skin tone with Lea but taller than her. she seems annoying to the extent that you just laugh at her presence. Her and Usher are not identical twins.)
JANET:- ..sorry for coming and stopping your whatever but please... Who has sugar? ( holding a green cup.)
LEA:- I no get[s1], and even if i get, i no go give[s2]
JANET:- Ah!! My in-law
LEA:- ( she seemed angry) in-what?..please it hasn't come to that and it will never be. ( Kim looked shocked after Lea statement) why are you looking at me like that?
KIM:- ( pretending not to find interest) nothing..( she face Janet) Janet, no be u I give sugar yesterday?[s3]
JANET:- I know, but I finished it...
KIM:- ah!!! Janet! but the sugar I gave you was much. How u take finish am sap sap?[s4]
JANET:- abeg no vex [s5] if you give me this time, I won't finish it.
KIM:- oh Janet.. U dey make me laugh.[s6] (she smiled) it's because of God I'm giving you... Oya [w1] pass your cup ( Janet passed her cup to Kim as she opened her locker by her side, measures some sugar into the cup and hands it over to Janet) The next time you come and ask me for sugar, I will say my sugar has finished.
JANET:- ( receiving her cup) oh!! Is it because I'm even begging you ( she looked into her cup) see the sugar you gave me. Very small. (she hissed) anyway, thank you ( she left the corner)
LEA:- Why did you even give her?
KIM:- I just wanted to give her. And besides, the sugar I have is too much and she used to give me Corn Flakes when mine finishes so...what were you saying before Janet came?
LEA:- no don't worry... Forget I said anything...
KIM:- ok oo. ( she looks at the clock) ..Jesus!!! Let us get ready for evening lesson !
LEA:- what's the time?
KIM:- it's 6 minutes after 4
LEA:- eh!! Oh my God..( she jumped up and ran to her corner to put on her compound wear. Then Destiny ran inside the hostel as if someone was chasing her. Destiny is barefooted but at least she is wearing her compound wear.)
DESTINY:- ( breathing heavily) ss1 girls!!! ( the Hall went silent) wow! See as una dey quiet[s7]
TINTINA:- ( trying to remove her scout boots) Destiny, u won give person heart attack?[s8]...why u shout [s9]
DESTINY:- because miss Monday is coming...
JANET:- Destiny say something serious and stop being a joker.
DESTINY:- In fact I'm Krusty the Clown. (Being sarcastic)
TINTINA:- be serious now!!
DESTINY:- yes!!. If you like stay. She is...( miss Monday Entered. Miss Monday is the head matron. She is a very short woman with short hair and a round shape. She is wearing a floral pattern skirt, a shirt and pink flipflops)
MISS MONDAY:- ( holding a long cane) ..if I count 5...and you are still here... I will flog the laziness out of you!!!... One!!!( about 43 girls had run outside using the back door) two!!! ( 59 girls followed the front door) three!!! (35 girls passed thought the window and jumped down from the building) four!!!( she notice some of the girls jumping off the window and then she began walking towards them as 10 girls dodged her cane preventing her from flogging them) five!!!( everyone was gone except Tintina and the other girl scouts) What are you people still doing here? ( referring to Mia in particular. Mia Monteith is a white girl and a member of the Girls Guide. She has Long hair. She was ones an inmate who finished serving her term in the detention facility for four years. )
MIA:- (British accent) madam, we are just coming back from scout parade...
MISS MONDAY:- all of you?
ALEX:- yes ma..
MIA:- ..but don't worry madam. We will dress up in our compounds and be on our way to class in 5 minutes ...
MISS MONDAY:- hmmm.. I give you 3 minutes...
MIA:- that's OK .thank you madam.
MISS MONDAY:- you! Tintinana!! ( the other girls laugh) why are you girls laughing...is that not her name?
TINTINA:- no ma.. It's Tintina
MISS MONDAY:- that is what I said. Tintina right?...
TINTINA:-..but the first..( Alex gives her an annoyed look)yes. Tha..that's what you said.
MISS MONDAY:- you see... I know what I'm saying.. Tintinana I want you to lock this Hall and give me the key in my quarters. You hear me!!!
TINTINA:- ( trying so hard to hold her annoyance) Yes ma...
MISS MONDAY:-...and where is your hostel matron?
ALEX:- she took a day off...
MISS MONDAY:- that woman likes good life... It's well... You people should hurry up before I call your scoutmaster to come chase you to class.
ALEX:- don't worry ma.. We will soon finish...( miss Monday left the hostel)
"ANCHOR" written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin.
After evening lessons.
Sam and Mia are both in their classroom as "Korede Bello and Tiwa Savage's romantic" plays in the air. Then Lea and Usher entered.
Lea:- it's go sit down over there ( pointing at the other edge of the class)
USHER:- ( not looking happy) ok. ( they walked towards the edge and sat down) .. Lea I want to tell you something.
LEA:- what is it?
USHER:- we can't do this anymore.
LEA:- what are you talking about?
USHER:- we... We need to break-uu..break. We need a break. ( Sam and Mia heard Usher's statement and quickly left the class)
LEA:- what...
USHER:- we need a break!
LEA:- I heard you the first time!!!
USHER:- why u con say 'what'?[s10]
LEA:- I'm just shocked...why??
USHER:- I feel you are not giving me your 100%
LEA:- what?!..what do u mean?
USHER:- look, Lea. I love you. I know I do. But I don't feel you. I want to feel you in every way i can.
LEA:- wait... is it because I didn't agree to have sex with you?
USHER:- look, I'm going, to be honest with you. Yes!... I have needs...
LEA:- oh my God Usher. I can't believe you right now...
USHER:- look, if you don't give me a reason to stay with you, I'm going to go.
LEA:- Usher why are you talking like this?... I love you...
USHER:- I love you too Lea, but I need more than love... I'm sorry..( he stood up )
LEA:- ( her eyes are red) this doesn't sound like just a break ...
USHER:- I know...( he left Lea alone in the class)
Tintina entered the theatre.
TINTINA:- where en dey? [S11]
VERO:- (sitting on the auditorium eating bread and soda) en dey wait 4 u 4 your dressing room [s12]
TINTINA:- OK. (she walked backstage, climbed the staircase, passed through the rope that holds the stage curtain, then turned to her left and opened a yellow door with her name and the shape "star" on it) Mr. Riley, I heard you were looking for me?
MR RILEY:- Yes... I wanted to personally invite you to my house on the 23rd before Christmas. I'm hosting a special occasion, and I'd like it if you came...
TINTINA:- You would have just sent me a text instead of me coming all the way. I'm having a day off...
MR RILEY:- Come on Tin', you know I'm way too dramatic for that. And besides, I wanted to see how things were... You did well on opening night. But Bob has to go...
TINTINA:- What!! Why?
MR RILEY:- He is overacting. I'm surprised you haven't noticed.
TINTINA:- How on earth am I supposed to notice, when I too am on stage...
MR RILEY:- If you had read the review the day after opening night, you would have literally set Bob on fire yourself. He has to go.
TINTINA:- Look, I know Bob has issues. But he doesn't deserve to be fired. Okay, if he doesn't make a good show tomorrow, he goes. Deal?
MR RILEY:- Sounds fair. (he stood up and left the room as Vero entered holding a small piece of bread)
VERO:- Tintin, watin en talk?[s13]
TINTINA:- Hahaha... Vero... You like gossip...
VERO:- Ah!! U no know?[s14] Gossip is my last name... What did he say?
TINTINA:- He invited me to his house for a party, I guess...
VERO:- I'm confused. Why en no call u 4 phone tell u?[s15]
TINTINA:- You ask as if you don't know Mr. Riley. A first-class drama queen. And he advised me to fire Bob...
VERO:- First time he is right about something.
TINTINA:- Really?
VERO:- Tintin', Bob is a disaster. The only reason he got the part is that he looks a little bit like Bello... He actually needs to go...
TINTINA:- Okay... If he doesn't do well tomorrow night, he goes.. (Vero shrugs her shoulders and continues to eat her bread)... Vero! You won't change. Your love for bread will kill you one day.
VERO:- I agree. Let it kill me... Is it your death?..(They both laughed) ..and I almost forgot, Emma went to the hospital and found out she has cancer.
TINTINA:- Oh my God. Is she going to be okay?
VERO:- She has to go through chemotherapy for four weeks. And after that, she is going to be too weak to come back and play in the show. We need to host an open audition.
TINTINA:- No, no, no. I can't go through that again. Listening to thousands of people singing nonsense is not easy.
VERO:- Then what do you expect us to do? We can't go back in time and bring the original Lea to come play herself in your own story where she is the bad guy. (They were both silent for a moment) But we can call the present Lea.
TINTINA:- What did you just say?
VERO:- Think about it Tintin'. It would be perfect.
TINTINA:- (with anger) u dey all right?[s16]... I can't believe you of all people are suggesting something like this... You know what Lea did to me back then in zeal academy.
VERO:- I know, but that's in the past.
TINTINA:- Because of Lea, I was humiliated in front of everyone!!!... (She then calms down) You don't know what I went through...
VERO:- ....I'm really sorry for what happened. I really am. But you have to move forward Tintin"...
TINTINA:- I don't want to talk about this anymore. I want to be alone..(Vero slowly left Tintina alone in her dressing room)...
Its Sunday, Visiting day. It's the one day in a month when parents can visit their kids. This day happens every 2nd Sunday of every month. Visiting hours start from 10.am to 6.pm. But students must go to The religious temples ( the church and the mosque) in the scout zone and stay from 7.am till 9.am before visiting hours. In the church, all students of Zeal academy are wearing white both the inmates and the academic students with the school badge on it. while the Scouters who are not students are wearing normal regular clothes with normal people from surrounding areas. The sitting arrangement is into three. The academic students on one side, the Scouters in the middle and the inmates on the other side. Then the Girl Guides and the choir members are seated near the altar. Tintina, Vero, and Alex are seated together. While Kim and Janet were at their front.
TINTINA:- hey guys... Where is Lea?
ALEX:- you didn't hear?
TINTINA:- hear what?
VERO:- she is in the school hospital... Like say she get fever[s17] ( Pastor Peters entered as everyone rises. Students call him P.peters)
P. PETERS:- please sit. (everyone sat down, and the whole Hall became silent)
TINTINA:- (whisper to Vero) Vero, how do you know she has a fever?
VERO:- (whisper back) ah!! Na watin she tell me [s18]
ALEX:- una no go keep quiet ba?[s19] P.Peters have started talking...
P.PETERS:- Today. I will like to talk about sin...
VERO:- (she whispers) not again..for goodness sake, we know we are sinners...
JANET:- (she turns back with annoyance) you guys should keep quiet now.
VERO:- (referring to Janet) who are you doing a serious face for?... Please oo .face your front.
TINTINA:- ah!! Vero... Don't shout...
P. PETERS:- ...sin is the reason why we are suffering...
VERO:- (she whispers) we know oo
TINTINA:- Vero come on. He is trying to say something...
(one and a half-hour later)
TINTINA:- Jesus!!! This man won kill us with sin oo[s20]
KIM:- (She whispers) God, please... Let this man stop talking...please. (P. Peters then paused) Thank holy Jesus! (students surrounding her gave her an uncomfortable look, so she composed) What? (P. Peters then continued) blooood of Jesus.
(half an hour later)
VERO:- Alex, Tintin', Kim, Janet wake up! P. Peters wants to finish...
P. PETERS:- ..or doing the act of homosexuality that is the biggest sin...(Alex and Vero then faced Tintina at the same time)
TINTINA:- why d 2 of una dey look me?[s21] If it's like that, then I forgive the pastor for his lack of understanding of human sexuality...
P. PETERS:- ...May God forgive all your sins...
EVERYONE:- (shout on the top of their voice) Amen!!!!!!
P. PETERS:- ..and one more thing. (he notices their unhappy faces) don't worry. It won't take long. I know you guys can't wait to go see your parents. I just want to give a piece of advice to the students... Some of you don't like coming for Sunday service. especially the inmate. Today is visiting day, that's is why your guys' side of the Hall is filled up. If you don't come, they won't allow your parents to see you... That's not how the church work. You don't come because you are forced, You come because of God... I have said my own... May God be with you...
EVERYONE:- (shout on the top of their voice and this time, even louder) Amen!!!!!! (in 10 seconds, the Hall went empty)
VERO:- (out of the Hall walking towards her room in the scout zone) Tintin' why are you going to the school hospital?
TINTINA:- I'm going to see Lea...
VERO:- OK greet her for me...
TINTINA:- ok.. (The hospital is a four-story building. when you enter the hospital, you will see three staircases. One at the left, one in the middle, and one at the right. The staircase at the left leads to the prison ward. The one in the middle leads to the scout sickhouse, and the one at the right leads to the student's clinic. The ground floor is general. For people in the surrounding area. Tintina followed the staircase to her right. She walked upstairs to the student's clinic. The student's clinic is a very long Hall. Two times longer than the student's hostel, having about 2 hundred clinic beds with little blue curtains covering each bed. Tintina managed to get to Lea's bed.) Lea, how are you feeling?
LEA:- (she seemed fine but her eyes were just red) I just have a headache, I will be fine.
TINTINA:- but Vero told me you told her you have a fever...
LEA:- ah!! Vero oo. She can exaggerate. She just touches my body, and it was hot. She then started saying I have a fever... I'm fine Tintina. Don't worry.
TINTINA:- Ok thank God ( the Hall is silent as they both look at each other's eyes then Lea broke out from the awkward situation.)Usher broke up with you again didn't he?
LEA:- don't worry Tintina. He will come back begging. You wait and see.
TINTINA:- OK. if you say so.
LEA:- No Tintina. I know so.
TINTINA:- ( pretending to agree) ok. If you know so. do you want me to get you anything?
LEA:- No.. Just stay here with me...
TINTINA:- Ok... I will
LEA:- or! On a second thought... Can you help me with my pillow on my bed in the hostel? The clinic pillows are very strong.
TINTINA:- Ok... I will be right back. ( she stood up and walked back to the academic ground. She Noticed parents had already started coming. She reached the girl's hostel gate and saw a girl who Obviously is not a student because she was wearing normal regular clothes which means she is a visitor looking for who she is supposed to be visiting. The girl looked fat, light brown skin, braces on her teeth and has on reading glasses. If you look closely, you will notice she has dark green eyes ) Excuse me can I help.. You seem lost...
UNKNOWN GIRL:- yes I am.
TINTINA:- ok. What's your name?
don't forget to vote ⭐
[W1] oya / ok...
[S1]I no get / I don't have
[S2]an even if I get I no go give / and even tho I have it I won't give you
[S3] no be u I give sugar yesterday? / are you not the one I gave sugar to yesterday?
[S4]How u take finish am sap sap? / how did you finish it that quickly
[S5] abeg no vex. / please don't be angry.
[S6] u dey make me laugh../ you make me laugh.
[S7] See as una dey quiet / look at how you all are quiet
[S8] u won give person heart attack? / Do you want someone to have a heart attack?
[S9] why u shout na? / why did you shout?
[S10] why u con say 'what'? / why did you say 'what'?
[S11] where en dey? / where is he?
[S12] en dey wait 4 u 4 ur dressing room / He is waiting for you in your dressing room.
[S13] watin en talk? / what did he say?
[S14] u no know? / you don't know?
[S15] why en no call u 4 phone tell u? / why didn't he call you on the phone and tell you?
[s16] u dey all right ?/ Are you alright?
[S17] Like say she get fever / I think she has a fever.
[S18] Na watin she tell me / that's what she told me.
[S19] una no go keep quiet ba? / you guys won't keep quiet right?
[S20]This man won kill us with sin oo / This man is going to use sin to kill us with boredom
[S21]why d two of una dey look me? / why are you two looking at me?
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