Episode Three:- "... there are other colors involved."
Gary Jules's Mad world plays and Slow motion displays as Dianna still on her wedding dress is sitting speechlessly on a chair in their living room with Lea. both not looking happy or sad. watching the way blue and red police car light shines all over the place, the way the guest murmured around the house, the way police men are questioning Nicholas and the way Ambulance are carrying a body bag on a Stretcher and rolling it out of the house. Dianna quietly stood up and walked towards the kitchen entrance then paused to hear the conversation Chris is having with his father.
CHRIS:- ...look the wedding is over whether you like it or not and I'm leaving the city to start over with Catori and my son!
MR. JAMES:- Are you insane? (He held Chris's arm stopping him from walking away ) look son, you must marry Dianna for our family sake.
CHRIS:- what do you mean father?
MR. JAMES:- we are bankrupt. This marriage can save us. if you want, you can divorce her later and get half of her money. but first, you have to marry her.
CHRIS:- what ?! how could you say something like that? I can't believe how selfish you are. ( he released his arm from his father grabs) goodbye, father. ( he walked towards the entrance of the kitchen and found Dianna standing there )
DIANNA:- ( folding her arms and had on a side smile) now I know why our dads introduced us.
CHRIS:- (he looks shocked) Dianna... how much of that did you hear?
DIANNA:- I heard enough. (then became an awkward moment of silence)
CHRIS:- I have to go. I'm sorry for leaving you at this tragic time.
DIANNA:- it's fine.
CHRIS:- Are you sure?
DIANNA:- yes Chris. I'm sure. ( still smiling as she looked towards the main door of the house) you already have what you have always wanted. A family. ( Chris also looked towards the main door to see Catori and little Jacob standing obviously waiting for him) so go to them. I will be fine.
CHRIS:- ( he smiled ) thank you Dianna. ( they both hugged for about five seconds) I will never forget you.
DIANNA:- me too.
CHRIS:- I will call you ok?
DIANNA:- OK ( Chris then walked towards Catori and Jacob as she walked inside the kitchen and had a cup of orange juice, then went upstairs to her room, locked the door, removed her wedding dress, cleaned her make-up and peacefully laid on her bed and slept off)
"Anchor" written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin.
The next day.
Vero is in Tintina's dressing room holding a newspaper while Tintina is facing the mirror putting on Hairspray.
VERO:-... This is huge. I can't believe Anchor has been nominated for nine Tony awards.
TINTINA:- you call nine huge?
VERO:-wait, what did you just say?
TINTINA:- come on. you remember the 2016 Tonys. Hamilton was nominated for sixteen awards.
VERO:- wait are you Comparing Anchor with Hamilton? are you insane?! Hamilton won a Grammy for crying out loud and don't get me started on that song "Satisfied". you should be grateful Anchor got nominated up to nine times.
TINTINA:- I guess you are right.
VERO:- ( she smiled ) I'm always right ( she flip to the next page of the newspaper)... Lea and Dianna's father is all over the news.
TINTINA:- what did the paper say?
VERO:- ( She cleared her throat) "Mr. Martin Zechat Jr the Million-dollar architect and father to Broadway actress Miss Dianna Martin, Shot himself with a 2005 Super Redhawk Alaskan revolver gun in his home office on his daughter, Miss Dianna Martin's wedding yesterday which took place at his mansion in Hudson. Autopsy reports that Mr Martin was already suffering from stage four brain cancer before committing suicide".
TINTINA:- That is so sad. I can't imagine what Lea and Dianna must be going through.
VERO:- I know right. After the gunshot, I didn't see Either Lea nor Dianna.
TINTINA:- come on. if you were them would you let people see you devastated?
VERO:- Yeah you are right. (Tintina smiles Suspiciously arranging her neck collar ) where are you going so dressed up?
TINTINA:- I have a date.
VERO:- with who?... that Christine Chick you bought as your plus one to Dianna's wedding?
TINTINA:- Hey! don't call her a Chick like she's some sort of thing.
VERO:- I don't know Tintina, there is something fishy about her. she kinda looks familiar to me. and not the good kind of familiar.
TINTINA:- ( looking annoyed ) really Vero, really?
VERO:- I'm serious Tintina. I know I have seen her before somewhere but I can't remember where. ( Tintina gave her an uncomfortable look through the mirror) fine! don't believe me but just know I'm always right. ( she stood up ) anyways, I have rehearsals by 2 in the afternoon. so see you at the Tonys ( she left the dressing room and walked outside the theatre )
27th September 2017. The juvenile detention facility.
Tintina is looking drained and is being escorted by two prison guards. her eyes are red and weak, her neck and check bones are showing, her hair has been Shaved off bald and she is wearing the zeal academy prison uniform with no shoes on her blistered feet. The prison guards then throw her inside what looks like an interrogation room.
P.PETERS:- have a sit, my child.
TINTINA:- ( dried voice) I'm not your child. ( she took two minutes to get on her feet and sat down on the chair) If I were your child you wouldn't starve me.
P.PETERS:- so you can talk? that's nice. it means we are making progress. ( he cleared his throat)
TINTINA:- why does God hate me?
P.PETERS:- God does not hate you. he hates your sins.
TINTINA:- but God created everything. He made me like this. Why?
P.PETERS:- God did not create you like this. you are possessed by an evil spirit.
TINTINA:- but still God created every single thing including evil spirits. why didn't God command the evil spirit not to possess me since he doesn't want me to like my fellow women?
P.PETERS:- because you didn't pray harder. you didn't pray it away.
TINTINA:- ( tears began to pour out of her eyes) but I tried. I really really tried. I've been trying since I was a child but God didn't answer. Why?
P.PETERS:- God has a reason for everything and as you can see, God has brought you here for proper guidance. Now. ( he points to the Bible in front of Tintina) open to Leviticus 18:22 and repeat after me...
TINTINA:- ( the room became silent. She didn't make any move) Pastor Peters.
TINTINA:- I don't like God anymore. ( pushing the Bible further away)
P.PETERS:- Don't say that my child. That is the Devil speaking through you.
TINTINA:- no it's me. It's all me. I don't like God anymore. He is asking too much of me. Too much of all of us while he can't even show himself to us. Is that fair?
P.PETERS:- look. I am a man of God and I'm telling you that God is real. He speaks to me and I listen. And he wants you to know that he created sex to Spread the world and Multiply. Gays can't have children. so change to Good and come to the light of Jesus. Now let's begin...
TINTINA:- Pastor Peters you make it sound so easy. but I don't think it's that simple. I don't think it's just good and bad or Black and white. ( she smiled) and I just realized, that there are other colors involved . And I think that's ok . ( she smiled more)
P.PETERS:- Now you are talking about colors? I can see you are slowly becoming mad ( Tintina smiled even more ) I think at this point we may have to transfer you to an actual psychiatric hospital ( he then looked at his phone and stood up as he began walking towards the door)
TINTINA:- good! then I wouldn't have to see your face anymore.( he left the room slamming the door behind him )
After Vero left Tintina's dressing room, she walked outside the theater and noticed Christine walking towards her.
VERO:- Christine?
CHRISTINE:- hi! Hafsat right?
VERO:- Yeah but I actually Prefer you call me Vero.
CHRISTINE:- ( she smiled ) noted. You can call me Kris by the way.
VERO:- hmm.. simple and short. that's nice. ( she gave her an awkward smile) if you are looking for Tintina, she is inside so...
CHRISTINE:- ok thanks. ( she started walking towards the entrance of the theatre)
VERO:- hey Kris! ( Christine paused) you do look very familiar.
CHRISTINE:- really?
VERO:- Yeah. I have seen you before but can't remember where.
CHRISTINE:- well sorry but I can't recall your face anywhere.
VERO:- oh! my bad. you just have that face people think they know but don't.
CHRISTINE:- Yeah. Maybe... so I got to go. we got brunch reservation to catch up on.
VERO:- ok buy. see you next time. ( Christine smiled and walked towards the theatre as Vero began soliloquizing) I can't just put my finger on it, but I'm sure I know her from somewhere...
Happy pride to my LGBTQ friends 🏳️🌈
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