Episode Ten:- The Wedding. Part Two
January 4th, 2026.
MR RILEY:-... everyone is already at the temple.
TINTINA:- wait are you serious?
MR RILEY:- yes! come on let's go.
TINTINA:- Ah!!! Isah let's hurry up. (she quickly walked towards the door)
ISAH:- Tintina wait. you are forgetting your cap. (she quickly walked towards the door and handed a white and gold kufi over to Tintina)
TINTINA:- Oya[W1] let's go. (the three of them exit the room)...
September 4th 2025. 7.am
Tintina's apartment .
Dianna is on Tintina's bed wearing a Superman pyjamas as Tintina walked into the bedroom holding a serving tray and wearing her bathrobe.
TINTINA:- good morning my love
DIANNA:- awww... this is like the 4th time you are making me breakfast in bed this week.
TINTINA:- you better not complain( then she gave her a side smile and kissed her on the lips)
DIANNA:- ( pulling away from the kiss and laughed) my Gosh Tina, I haven't even brushed my mouth yet.
TINTINA:- so? have you forgotten I still kissed that same mouth even after it tasted between my legs more times than I can count?. ( she dropped the breakfast in bed tray on the bed and then pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss)
DIANNA:- ( she stopped the kiss and placed her hand on Tintina's face) I can't imagine my life without you right now.
TINTINA:- ( she kissed Dianna's hand on her face) me too. I'm so in love with you right now. ( Dianna pull her closer as the kiss continued)
DIANNA:- ( then she stopped the kiss and smiled)
I want your opinion about something I've been thinking about.
TINTINA:- okay what is it?
DIANNA:- I'm thinking of selling my land in New Jersey and Italy to buy a beautiful church in Italy so that people like us LGBTQ can have a nice place to get married in.
TINTINA:- ok but why Italy?
DIANNA:- because Italy is nice and beautiful and peaceful and it has well decorated Church buildings.
TINTINA:- "church"? you are religious?
DIANNA:- ( She laughed) No I'm not. I'm more of an optimistic nihilist.
TINTINA:- oh...what's that?
DIANNA:- It's Complicated to explain and to be honest it took me a while to wrap my head around Nihilism itself and still be sane optimistic but the first step is to digest the non-existence of God... or religions ideas of God.
TINTINA:- hmmm... Interesting. I want to know more.
DIANNA:- ( she smiled and locked eye contacts with Tintina) really?
TINTINA:- ( gazing at each other) yes... And
I don't think it's okay to call it a church because most lgbtq people don't really like the whole church idea. It should have a nice name that welcomes everyone. you know, like a Temple.
DIANNA:- yeah I like that idea. you see, I know I can count on you with stuff like this.
TINTINA:- I'm always here if you need me.( then she kissed her on her forehead)
DIANNA:- hey! can I ask you something?
TINTINA:- ( she laughed a little) you do know you just asked a question right?
DIANNA:- ok fine. I will just ask it... willyoumarryme?
TINTINA:- What?!
DIANNA:- I said will you marry me?
TINTINA:- I heard you the first time.
DIANNA:- then why did you ask 'what'?
TINTINA:- I was just... uhhh. ok where is the ring? ( Dianna then remove a black small box from under the pillow and then she opened the box revealing a pure gold signet ring and a diamond on it. ) well what are you waiting for? put it on my hand ( Dianna then put the ring on Tintina's hand as they hugged each other on the bed) so wait, are we going to have an engagement party or something?
DIANNA:- hell nah! remember how the last one went? ( they both laughed) let's just focus on the actual wedding ok?
TINTINA:- ok ( they hugged as the hug turned into a kiss)
"ANCHOR":- written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin
January 4th, 2026.
They arrived at the Temple and are standing in a hallway leading to a very large door.
BELLO:- (coming from inside the main Hall of the Temple wearing gold kufi (cap), white Kaftan without Agbada and gold colored shoe ) thank God you guys are here on time. Dianna just walked the aisle. It's your turn Tintina.
TINTINA:- ok. ( Isah began to walk out of the hallway) Isah where are you going ? aren't you walking me down the aisle?
ISAH:- (she smiled) I don't think I deserve that honour ( she opened the Temple door) please, come in Mis Martina ( As she opened the door, a woman who seemed to be in her late 40s walked in with a tall young guy who is wearing black suit)
TINTINA:- Mama?! Kuti?!
MIS MARTINA:- ( she smiled ) Tintina my baby girl ( Tintina also smiled as she stretch fourth her hand) come give your mama a hug ( Tintina happily walked to her mother and brother as they gave each other a big long worm hug then a tall man with grey beards and bald head walked in wearing white kaftan)
TINTINA:- Uncle Patrick?!!( she hugs her uncle and she began to cry) I can't believe you all came.
KUTI:- don't cry little sis... you are getting married for God sake. ( they all laughed)
TINTINA:- I'm just sooo happy right now. where is papa? ( Kuti and Mis Martina's smile faded) what's wrong?
MIS MARTINA:- your father took another wife, so I left him.
KUTI:- we left him.
TINTINA:- mama I'm sorry.
MIS MARTINA:- it's ok my child.
KUTI:- Tintina we are so sorry we let papa leave you behind on your graduation day.
TINTINA:- no it's ok. I mean you are here now. I couldn't be more happier
MR RILEY:- sorry to spoil the moment but somebody should better walk mis Harrison down the aisle because we are running out of time. ( they all laughed as Tintina held her mother's arm as the large door opened. Everyone is standing as Tintina and her mom began to walk down the aisle. As they reached the alter, Mis Martina noticed and began to stare at Thomas who is wearing a white turtleneck sweater inside a black suit, standing beside Lea who is wearing black and gold sleeveless dress with golden shoe. Mis Martina then let go of Tintina as Dianna smiled as Tintina joined her on the alter. Dianna is wearing black and gold Agbada with golden shoe and golden kufi.)
OFFICIATOR:- please be seated ( everyone then sat down including all bridesmaids and best men) Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Miss Dianna Martin and Tintina Henry Harrison . We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of Dianna and Tintina as they choose to spend their lives together...Today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidant, your defender and your motivator through all of your aspirations and goals. You will celebrate each accomplishment, provide peace through every setback and most importantly, give love in life's both big and little moments.
Dianna and Tintina, please join hands and face each other. ( Dianna and Tintina did as they were told) and now say to each other your Vows...
DIANNA:- I take you Tintina as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. ( she began to tear up) Everything I am and everything I have is yours now and forevermore. This I promise you.
TINTINA:-( she looked deep into Dianna's green eyes) I love you Dianna. You have brought such joy to my life. Thank you for loving me as I am and taking me into your heart. I promise to walk by your side forever and to love, help, and encourage you in all that you do. I will take the time to talk to you to listen to you and to care for you. Through all the changes of our lives, I will be there for you always as strength in need, a comfort in sorrow, a counselor in difficulty, and a companion in joy. (she started crying) You are my everything Dianna, and as I hold your hand right now, I'm never going to let it go. This is my promise to you.
OFFICIATOR:- Dianna, do you take Tintina Henry Harrison to be your wife?
DIANNA:-( without hesitation) I do.
OFFICIATOR:- Tintina, do you take Dianna Martin to be your wife?
TINTINA:- ( she smiled) I do.
OFFICIATOR:- And now before they exchange rings, if there is anyone who objects or have reasons why these two should not get married, Speak now or forever holds your peace!
DIANNA:- ( seeming nervous as she whispered to Tintina ) Oh gosh,not this again.
TINTINA:- ( she laughed as she whispered back) relax, nobody is going to object .
OFFICIATOR:- ( the Hall remained silent) nobody?!
(the Hall still remained silent) speak now or forever hold your peace!
TINTINA:- ( she turned to the Officiator) I think nobody wants to object.
DIANNA:- ( she then gave the officiator and uncomfortable stare) Yeah. can you just hurry up and marry me to this woman? jeez!
OFFICIATOR:- ok calm down ( Lea and Bello stood up and joined Dianna and Tintina at the alter) Your rings represent this promise to one another. The never-ending circle is a symbol of an infinite, unbreakable love. ( Lea then removed a silver ring from her red hand purse and gave it to Dianna)
Dianna, take this ring and place it on Tintina's finger. (Dianna did as she was told) Now Repeat after me: Tintina I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.
DIANNA:- Tintina I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.
OFFICIATOR:- ( Bello then removed a silver ring from his pocket and gave it to Tintina) Tintina, take this ring and place it on Dianna's finger. (Tintina did as she was told) Now Repeat after me: Dianna I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.
TINTINA:- Dianna I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.
OFFICIATOR:- Having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all of your friends and family and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife.
You may kiss your bride. ( They both grabbed each other faces and give each other a passionate kiss)
Congratulations! Friends and family, it is my honor to introduce to you Mrs. and Mrs. Martin Harrison!( everybody stood up and started clapping as praise and Harmony's "Control" remix by Boye jr began playing as Tintina and Dianna Walked outside the temple to find a black Ferrari 250 GTO (car) waiting for them outside. they both enter the car as Dianna started the car, held Tintina's hand and drove off revealing a white spray paint at the back of the car saying "JUST WEDDED")
7 hours later.
LEA:- ( coming out of the reception party looking for a cab as Kuti walked close to her) hello. ( then she smiled)
KUTI:- ( he smiled back showing his white teeth) hi.
LEA:- wait, aren't you Tintina's older brother?
KUTI:- yes I am.
LEA:- wow! I remember your face very well ( he then seemed confused) you use to visit Tina back when we were in Zeal academy during visiting Sundays.
KUTI:- oh yeah ( then he laughed ) I kinda forgot that I use to go visit Tintina.
LEA:- (then she smiled ) oh no. we in girls hostel can never forget the faces of our classmates handsome brothers.
KUTI:- handsome? ( then he gave a side smile)
LEA:- ( then she blushed) yes!. handsome. ( they both stared at each other as a taxi cab magically appeared) well, guess my ride is here.
KUTI:- wait, where are you heading to?
LEA:- I'm going back to the hotel. you?
KUTI:- same. can I come with?
LEA:- sure. ( she smiled) why not?.( they both got to the taxi car as it drove off)
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[W.1] Oya! / ok!
Cast of Anchor season 2
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