Episode one:-"...Think Straight"
The year 2015.
A 15-year-old godly version of Tintina is in the study hall, situated above the SS1 and SS2 classroom block, alone, writing a song about what is going on in her life, which she named "No More." She wears her school compound wear with the school badge on it.
She begins to sing when Lea enters. Lea Cynthia is a slim girl with chubby cheeks, light brown skin, and average height. If you look closely, you will notice some touches of white-gray hair strands on her curly long hair. She is also wearing her school compound wear, but hers is slim-fitted, making her shape more visually apparent, and she has on her reading glasses.
LEA:- Tintin', what are you doing? (staring at Tintina)
TINTINA:- (shocked and embarrassed) Nothing. I'm just feeling...
LEA:- I know, I know, I know. You were singing. I used to tell you your voice is like a man's own. (trying to be funny)
TINTINA:- (with annoyance) What! But I can sing. I mean, I know I can sing. (feeling confidence, putting her hand on her chest)
LEA:- Ok, if you say so... (She laughs a little)... But wait, let me ask you. What do you want to become in the future?
TINTINA:- (smiling confidently) Simple. Broadway.
LEA:- I don't understand...
TINTINA:- Broadway. In New York City?... (Lea still looking confused)... You are joking, right? It's a single street with about one hundred theaters. Theatrical programs like plays, drama, musical shows, anything performing arts is on Broadway... (hopefully puts her hand on her chest)... in New York.
LEA:- Oh... Hmm... Tintin', you are in Nigeria, Kaduna for that matter. Your dreams are too big to come true. (she notices the disappointment in Tintina's face) Sorry if I offended you, but it's the truth. (she sits down on one of the class chairs)... Anyway, SS1, 2, and 3 girls are coming here for night prep. (she opens her book and starts to read).
TINTINA:- (she sits down on her chair, leaning her head on her hand as she begins thinking)... Hmm... I know she just insulted me, but I don't care. All I can think about is how beautiful she is. (gazing at Lea, without Lea knowing) I can't take my eyes off her. I mean, I know she is straight and has a boyfriend, but damn, she's so beautiful... (she sighs) Hmm... (looking up to the ceiling) Oh God, help me. (she sighs and begins to read when the girls start to enter the hall).
After the opening night show, Tintina's dressing room was filled with flowers, and her assistant/old-time friend Veronica Disweet helped her read the appreciation notes. Hafsat Isa, a more girlish version of Tintina, sat with them, wearing blue trousers, a blue jacket, and Black Leather Ankle Boots Heels. They were both sitting and drinking wine.
TINTINA:- I just hope the reviews will be fair.
VERO:- Relax, this show is a bomb. Any critic who says otherwise is high on weed. (Bob entered. Bob Jake is the actor playing the role of Tintina's best friend "Bello" in the show.)
BOB:- (coming in with more flowers and a bunch of roses with little notes on them) More flowers from friends and fans.
VERO:- Any from family?
BOB:- I'm afraid not, Veronica.
TINTINA:- (she looked disappointed but didn't seem to care) Just read the cards for me...
BOB:- OK. (He cleared his throat and began reading) "I knew you will make it to your dream. Love from your troublemaker, Rebecca Chat Yakubu."
TINTINA:- (she had a side smile) Awww... I miss her.
VERO:- Hahaha. So she knows she's a troublemaker. Read the next one...
BOB:- OK... This one is from Bello Muhammad. "Sorry I missed your opening night. I'll make it up to you when I come to New York."
VERO:- Wait, what! Bello is coming to New York.
TINTINA:- I thought I told you?
VERO:- I forget a lot of things but not matters like this.
TINTINA:- Come on, Veronica. You really think I wouldn't tell you your crush is coming to town (she then put on a wide smile).
VERO:- No, no, no. I didn't have any crush back then in Zeal Academy... (Tintina gave her an uncomfortable stare)... OK fine, I did, but not Bello, and besides, wasn't he engaged to Ibrahim the last time I heard?
TINTINA:- (she laughed a little) Do you know how many times Ibrahim had cheated on him? If I were Bello, I wouldn't have gotten back with him the first time he cheated... Bob, who are the roses from?
BOB:- They are from a fan.
TINTINA:- At least the person knows my taste. I love Roses...
VERO:- What did the note say?
BOB:- "I knew you were one of a kind". Love from Diane... (the room was silent)
VERO:- Ring any bells, Tintin'?
TINTINA:- How is it supposed to ring any bells? It's from a fan... (she sighs) Tonight was wonderful.
BOB:- Yep, and all thanks to God...
TINTINA:- (looking annoyed) What did you just say?
BOB:- (smiling) I mean... We had a wonderful night, but it wouldn't have been possible if not for God.
TINTINA:- God?...
VERO:- Bob, I think you should go...
TINTINA:- No wait... (she stood up from her chair calmly) We have been busting our asses, practicing, rehearsing for 6 months to make this night perfect, and you're giving all the credit to God?...
VERO:- Here we go...
TINTINA:- (slowly walking towards Bob) Good people suffer, die unfair deaths, go through pain. People who believe in God suffer. Poor people who pray and believe in God are the ones who suffer the most... So tell me. (And then she pauses) How is that fair?
VERO:- Bob, leave now. (she puts her hand on his shoulder) Please... (Bob nods his head and leaves the room)... OK, I know you are having a nervous breakdown because you are worried about the reviews of tonight, but seriously, you need to chill.
TINTINA:- (she sits back down on her chair and faces her mirror) I think I need to be alone now... (She notices Veronica staring at her through the mirror's reflection with hurtful eyes so she slowly turns back facing her) Please.
VERO:- OK... (she opens the door and then pauses) I know what happened to you at the detention facility wasn't fair, and I'm sorry for that, but you are in the present now, and I think you should appreciate it because you are living the dream.
TINTINA:- You don't have to apologize; we both know it was Lea's fault I got locked up in the facility in the first place. (She turns back facing her mirror as Veronica walks out the door, leaving her alone. She removes her costume and puts on regular clothes and then leaves her dressing room. She leaves the theatre and takes a cab straight to her apartment. She gets in her place, drops her bag, drops her keys, takes a shower, and wears her nightgown. She turns off the lights as she jumps and lands in the middle of her bed, legs and arms spread wide open as she takes a deep breath and exhales) I'm living a dream. Living a freaking dream. (Tears begin to pour out of her eyes as she closes her eyes tightly until she falls asleep).
The year is 2015.
One hour later, after night prep, Lea and her boyfriend Usher are outside at the back of the study hall/classroom block, near the students' public toilet. Usher West Jackson is dark in complexion, tall, and has small eyes. Whenever he laughs or smiles, it's as if he has no eyes at all. He is wearing his school compound wear.
LEA:- Usher, it's getting late. It's 10 o'clock. I'm supposed to be in the hostel by now.
USHER:- (his hands on her waist) Lea, just let me kiss you. Please (saying it desperately).
LEA:- (the school bell rings) You see, it's time.
USHER:- Please, just one kiss.
LEA:- Don't worry, we will meet in class tomorrow in the evening.
USHER:- With people inside the class? (he asked as if it was a bad thing).
LEA:- Yes now. Look, our hostel matron must have taken a record of girls that are in the hostel. (She kissed him on the cheek) I have to go. See you tomorrow.
USHER:- Goodnight. (She began to go, but he pulled her back to his arms and kissed her on the lips) I love you. (She didn't say anything. She left).
Usher and Lea went separately to their hostels. Lea went to the SS1 girls' hostel, while Usher went to the SS1 boys' hostel. On their way, they found their classmates making a hell of noise in the hostel. From all the noise from the two hostels, the academic ground Peace Corps heard the musical noise. The first Peace Corps is Clark, but students call him Oga J.P. He is very dark in complexion and has a bald head and small eyes, wearing his Peace Corps uniform. The second Peace Corps is Inka, but students call him Sir Wole. He is also very dark in complexion, tall, and has unkempt hair, with red eyes. His neck to his waist is bigger than the other parts of his body, and he has a smiling face, wearing his Peace Corps uniform. The third Peace Corps is Chebe, and students nickname him Chi-chi. He is the shortest Peace Corps, very dark in complexion, with a bald head, and smiling does not fit him. He is holding a long cane and wearing a pure yellow men's nightgown. Peace Corps J.P and Inka went to the boys' hostel, while Chi-chi went to the girls' hostel. The SS1 girls' hostel is a long hall right on top of the JS3 girls' hostel in the girls' hostel area. Inside the hostel, you will see 15 ceiling fans, three rows of bunk beds in three straight lines.
P.C.CHI-CHI:- ( he is climbing the stairs up to the hostel) HEY!!!( all the girls went to their beds as he shouted) Oya![W.1], go and sleep!!! ( but the girls were already on their beds) where is your hostel matron? ( asking no one in particular but hoping for an answer) where is she!!! ( he shouted more).
MATRON:- C me oo what is it?
P.C CHI-CHI:- so, you are in the school and your girls are making noise, it is 10.44 and time for light out is 10:00. Look ma.. ( pointing at her) you are supposed to do your work well. The next time this repeat itself again I will take you up to the Principal( he left the hostel with annoyance before she could even defend herself)
MATRON:- (hissed) look at this man, telling me how to do my job. foolish idiot!! (she hissed again) look at his nightgown like somebody that doesn't have sense...It's not only take Me up, is carrying me to Oyo state. ( some girls on their bed started laughing) Oya![w1], ss1 girls, you better go to sleep. I don't want anybody coming to tell me nonsense this night. ( she turned on the ceiling fans and turned off the lights)
Six minutes ago, before Chi-chi entered the girls' hostel, the scene shifts to Peace Corps J.P and Wole as they enter the boys' hostel. The boys' hostel is similar to the girls' hostel but located in the boys' hostel area. In the hostel, not all beds have mosquito nets, but the hall is cleaner than the girls' hostel hall.
The boy who initiated the musical number was Sam. Samuel Robinson Jr is Usher's best friend. He is a little shorter than Usher but lighter in complexion (very light) and very muscular. He has very white teeth and a bass voice. He is shirtless, displaying his abs and wearing only pink panties.
SAM:-( on top somebody's up bunk as he notice the Peace Corps through a window, coming to their hostel) guys!!!.. e be like say peace crops dey show oo[S1] ( he jumped down from the up bunk he was singing from) run!!! Make una go do like say una dey sleep!![S2] ( all the boys ran to their beds before the Peace Corps entered the hostel and pretended as if they were asleep)
P.C WOLE:- ( looking so surprised and confused) Oh My Jesus, so these boys are sleeping... but where was the noise coming from?
P.C J.P:- c how d hall clean sef[S3] ( looking round the hall) e be like say d noise dey come from outside school wall.[s4]
P.C WOLE:- J.p... let us go, these boys are sleeping.
P.C J.P:- I no know why senior boys no get hostel mama[S5]...
P.C WOLE:- maybe because the school management thinks that they are men enough not to have matron... let us go, the time is..( he looked at his watch) 10.45
P.C J.P:- pass me hostel key abeg[S6] ( he locked the hostel and they both left)
SAM:-( he lowered his voice) Usher, are you sleeping? (Sam and Usher share the same bunk bed)
USHER:- no!.what is it?
SAM:-( he increases his voice) this Peace Corp don't think straight, they are the type that let life pass them by.
USHER:- at least, we are still secondary school, we have plenty of time to flex and figure our lives out.
SAM:- u ma guy[S7]... U like 2 dey flex 2 much[S8]...
USHER:- thaaat's right... (he smiled and then later went to sleep)
In the year 2024, Tintina is in her apartment, sitting in the ash-themed living room. A big purple couch and a coffee table with three remote controls on top of it are at the center, and there are books under the coffee table. Near a fireplace, there is a white and black rug. A flat-screen TV is mounted on the wall with an MP3 player beneath it.
Tintina sits on her free-armchair facing a big window with a curtain pole. Next to her is an occasional table with a wine glass on it. She wears her bathrobe and slippers, contemplating the song setlist for the Tony Awards.
TINTINA:- (her phone rings, and she picks up the call with excitement) Hello, Uncle Patrick.
UNCLE PATRICK:- (voice on the phone) My darling, how are you doing?
TINTINA:- I'm fine, Uncle. How is Nigeria?
UNCLE PATRICK:- Well, it's the same. Battling with the government up and down. Nothing new. Anyways, how was your opening night?
TINTINA:- It was wonderful, Uncle. I wish you could have been here to watch me.
UNCLE PATRICK:- I wish I was there too, but I'm trying to work my way to becoming the new vice-chancellor in my university. Once I achieve this, I'm sure to come visit you anytime I want. How does that sound?
TINTINA:- That sounds wonderful. I hope you get it.
UNCLE PATRICK:- I hope so too. Do take care of yourself, okay?
TINTINA:- Okay, Uncle. (He cuts the call as she begins soliloquizing) Let's see what we have here... (She looks at the list of songs performed in the show) All these songs are good, but they are from the show... This is the Tonys; I need something more. I need to think outside the box. (Sighs) I wish Alex was here. (She laughs a little) I'm gay, but she made me think straight.
In the year 2015, it is 8 o'clock on Monday morning, and Tintina is enjoying her free period in an empty classroom. Graffiti decorates the walls, there's a whiteboard, a teacher's desk, pieces of paper scattered everywhere, and a pillar in the middle of the class. Tintina is wearing her class uniform; typically, she is the only one who wears the school vest most of the time. She sits on one of the chairs, drawing a portrait of her crush, Lea.
Alex enters. Alex Mbeki is from South Africa, an inmate previously transported from a juvenile prison in South Africa to the Zeal Academy detention facility. After serving two years in the Zeal detention facility, she returned to the academy as an academic-seeking student and joined the Scouts. Alex is practically the same height as Tintina but looks smaller. She is also wearing her class uniform, but she is not wearing her tie nor her vest.
TINTINA:- (Alex is walking towards her) Alex I thought you said you were going to wear your scout uniform. I didn't wear my own because it's not ironed... what's up?
ALEX:- I change my mind. I don't feel like wearing it today..let's not make scoutmaster Michael see us .. (she sat down next to Tintina)'Tina...
TINTINA:- watin[W.2]? ( facing her drawing)
ALEX:- in the next 5 years, watin u go dey do?[S9]
TINTINA:-( looking shocked as Alex asked the question) why u dey ask?[s10]
ALEX:- abeg answer jor!![s11]
TINTINA:- ok!..hmmm.(put her hand on her chin).. in the next 5 years... I will be in the art department at the university. But wait... Why u won know?[s12].
ALEX:- becus time dey fly[s13].. Very soon, we go soon do our P.O.P and graduation[s14]. I jus won know 4 knowing sake[s15] that's all...
TINTINA:- Alex..na jus ss1 we dey na[s16] and u don dey think of us dey pass out [s17]... Oya [w.1]...what is your plan in five years?
ALEX:- the army...
TINTINA:- watin u talk?[s18].( pretending not to hear her the first time)
ALEX:- I won go N.D.A [s19].
TINTINA:- naso scout enter u reach?.[s20] or is it because I thought you small pidgin you are now feeling like a Nigerian.
ALEX:- No be matter of scout or pidgin,[s21] me I jus like 9ja[s22] and before that time, I will be in my final year.
TINTINA:-Nigeria have not finished accepting people from its own country, it's now from another country they will now allow. Hahaha... I laugh in my language.
ALEX:- U know who my papa be?[s23]
TINTINA:- your papa go allow u join army 4 another man country?[s24]
ALEX:- look. I'll try my luck and if it doesn't work I will go to my country. but I'm joining the army.
TINTINA:- That's good for you, but...
ALEX:- but watin[w.2]?
TINTINA:- I dey fear 4 u [s25]
ALEX:- no fear. God dey[s26]
TINTINA:- Amen ..(Lea walked into the class wearing her class uniform. She came into the class because it's was time for a particular subject "Christian religious study") Lea...
LEA:- yes?...
TINTINA:- is it time for C.R.S class?
LEA:- like in the next four-minute, yes.
TINTINA:- ok thanks
LEA:- Yeah sure....( she sat on one of the front chairs )
ALEX:-( she lowers her voice coming closer to Tintina) Tina'...
TINTINA:- (facing her drawing)watin!![w.2]
ALEX:- are u still into Lea?
TINTINA:- u dey mad?...[s27] ( she lower her voice too) u won make she hear u ?[s28]
ALEX:- ok.sorry.. but you still have feelings for her?
TINTINA:- no!..(facing her drawing )
ALEX:- Then why are you drawing her?
TINTINA:- ok fine... Yes!. It kills me to see her with Usher, I think he is seeing other girls off-campus. He is not worthy of her love...
ALEX:- And you are?
TINTINA:- at least I love her...
ALEX:- look, Lea is not worth what you deserve. Look at her (they both turn to look at Lea) she is living in a fantasy. To her, even though nobody cares, she thinks she is dating the dream guy.
TINTINA:- but...
ALEX:- but nothing Tintin'... I know you are gay, but I'm here to make you think straight. Forget about her.
TINTINA:-(she went quiet for a moment)..are you going for scout parade this afternoon?
ALEX:- yes. You?
TINTINA:- yes. (Mr. Henry the C.R.S teacher walked in. He is wearing black shirt, black trousers, and red shoes. He is dark in complexion, short and has bald head) Alex!. He is here.
MR. HENRY:- ( bass voice) if you are not my student, please the door is yours to pass..( he then face the whiteboard)
TINTINA:- Alex. Are you offering C.R.S?
ALEX:- no... (she stands) what of you?
TINTINA:- yes. But I'm skipping class today..( she and Alex quietly walked outside of the class without Mr. Henry seeing her) I don't even know why I'm offering that subject...
ALEX:- because you love God...( they both laughed as they ran away from the class premises)
Back in Tintina's apartment. Her phone is ringing as she picks it up.
TINTINA:- Hello Vero...
VERO:- (on the phone) You are needed here in the theatre...
TINTINA:- Why? (looking confused)
VERO:- Mr. Riley wants to see you.
TINTINA:- For what! I'm having my day off!!!
VERO:- Don't shout at me just because I'm your assistant, oo...
TINTINA:- I'm sorry... Ok I'm on my way..( she cut the call)...watin this man want again eh?[s29]
Tintina walks towards the students' public toilet to wash her hands. The toilet is at the back of her classroom. As she passes through the boys' toilet door, she pauses and listens. She begins to hear a funny noise, so she enters.
TINTINA:- Oh my God (she then lowers her voice), seriously, guys, of all places... (she catches Bello and Ibrahim making out. Bello is taller than Tintina, very fair in complexion, very slim, has thin hair, and you can say he is very cute. He is wearing his class uniform. Ibrahim is a little taller than Bello. He is dark and has little facial hair. He is wearing his class uniform but not with a tie nor socks). Honestly, I'm not surprised, but I'm shocked.
BELLO:- (looking scared) It's not... (drawing his trousers up) what you think...
IBRAHIM:- (buttoning his shirt with confidence) Shut up, Bello. She has seen us already; there's no need to deny it. Now let's negotiate. What do you want, money, to pass your math test? Mention it...
BELLO:- Yes, please, anything. Please don't tell anyone. Please...
TINTINA:- Wait, hold your horses. I'm not going to tell anyone; that won't be fair. Being gay is your secret to tell. Just imagine if the tables were turned, and you saw me and my girlfriend making out. Would you tell anyone?
BELLO:- But this is different, we are two guys...
IBRAHIM:- Wait, did you just say girlfriend?
TINTINA:- Chill, guys. I'm single.
IBRAHIM:- You know that's not what I mean.
TINTINA:- You know what's funny? We see each other every day; we don't speak to each other, and now you want to know my personal life because I caught you guys smooching... I'm 100 percent sure you guys don't even know my name.
IBRAHIM:- Of course, we do. It's Hafsat.
TINTINA:- Wow!! (Then she laughs)
IBRAHIM:- That's not fair. It's not as if you know our names.
TINTINA:- Ibrahim Suleiman and Bello Muhammad.
IBRAHIM:- Okay, she knows our names...
BELLO:- Don't mind if I ask, we just want to make sure you will keep to your word, okay? You don't tell our secret, and we won't tell yours.
TINTINA:- But you don't know anything about me, not to talk of my secrets.
BELLO:- Oh, come on. I can see the rainbow all over you. You are just like us, and you not telling us will haunt you in your conscience.
TINTINA:- Oh yeah. Why?
BELLO:- Because I don't know... You feel alone.
IBRAHIM: Seriously, that's what you can come up with...
BELLO:- (whispering to his ear) Trust me. Just wait... (the toilet was silent for a moment)
TINTINA:- Okay fine. I'm gay too.
BELLO:- (he faces Ibrahim) I told you.
TINTINA:- This is between us, okay?
IBRAHIM:- Okay, we promise...
BELLO:- Thank you.
TINTINA:- Now, dress properly. We have math class. (she walks out of the boys' toilet, and Bello follows her behind)
BELLO:- Hey!!!!!... Sorry... We didn't ask for your name...
TINTINA:- (she smiles) It's Tintina... (then she continues walking)
BELLO:- Hey, wait! Tintina what?
TINTINA:-(she pauses) Are you serious?
BELLO:- Hey, I'm just making sure we are clear, okay...
TINTINA:- Hmmm.. My name is Tintina H.Harrison... Or U won ask me my language name join?[s30]
BELLO:- ( he laughed) no. We are good... ok see you then.
In her apartment. Tintina is getting dressed as she heard her phone ring.
TINTINA:- ( she picked up the phone) hello
UNKNOWN CALLER :- ( a female voice) hello. is this Tintina... Tintina Henry Harrison?
TINTINA:- yes? Please who is this?
UNKNOWN CALLER:- you can't recognize my voice?
TINTINA:- no sorry... Who are you?..hello. hello!!! ( the caller hangs up) ... Hmmm.. Maybe it's a wrong number... But the person knew my full name...hmmm.. Well If it's important, the person will call again...
don't forget to vote ⭐
[W.1] Oya! / ok!
[W.2] watin? / what?
[S.0.1] C me Oo! / look at me here!
[S1] e be like say peace crops dey show oo / I think the peace crops are coming
[S2] Make una go do like say una dey sleep!! / you guys should go pretend as if you're asleep!!
[S3] see how d hall clean sef / look at how clean the Hall is.
[S4]e be like say d noise dey come from outside school wall/ I think the noise is coming from outside the school fence
[S5] I no know why senior boys no get hostel mama/ I don't know why senior boys don't have hostel matrons.
[S6] pass me hostel key abeg / give me the keys to the hostel, please.
[S7] u ma guy/ you this guy
[S8]U like 2 dey flex 2 much/ you love to flex too much
[S9] watin u go dey do? / what will you be doing?
[S10] why u dey ask? / why are you asking?
[S11] abeg answer jor!! / please just answer!!
[S12] why u won no? / why do you want to know?
[S13] becus time dey fly/ Because time is flying
[S14] we go soon do our P.O.P and graduation / we will soon be doing our P.O.P ( passing out parade) and graduation
[S15] I jus won know 4 knowing sake / I just want to know for knowing sake
[S16] na jus ss1 we dey na / Now, we are just in ss1.
[S17] and u don dey think off us dey pass out / And you are thinking of us passing out
[S18] watin u talk? / what did you say?
[S19] I won go N.D.A / I want to go to N.D.A ( Nigeria Defence Academy)
[S20] naso scout enter u reach? / are you that addicted to scout?
[S21] No be matter of scout or pidgin, / It's not a matter of scout or pidgin,
[S22] me I jus like 9ja / I just like Nigeria
[S23] U know who my papa be? / Do you know who my father is?
[S24] your papa go allow u join army 4 another man country? / will your father allow you to join the army of another country?
[S25] I dey fear 4 u / I'm just afraid for you
[S26] no fear God dey / Don't be afraid there's God
[S27] u dey mad? // are you mad?
[S28] u won make she hear u ? / Do you want her to hear you?
[S29] watin this man want again eh? / what does this man want this time around ?
[S30] U won ask me my language name join? / Do you want to ask about my tribal name too?
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