Episode one:- Art 101 142-Piece Wood Art Set kit
The Martin family stately home in Hudson. Dianna and her fiance Chris James are sitting in gold and wooden themed living room in the house. Both are talking to Kevin Lee the wedding planner who is wearing a pink suit and black shoes. He also dyed his hair pink.
CHRIS JAMES:- ...Mr. Lee I would like the tables and the chairs to be the same color. what do you think Dianna?... Dianna?...
DIANNA:- ( Staring at nothing in particular) yes...Yh. I'm here
CHRIS JAMES:- so? what do you think about the color of the furniture? I prefer white. what about you?
DIANNA:- that's nice. I like it.
KEVIN LEE:- ( He brought out a small notepad from his inner suit pocket. He has Asian accent ) ok. color of furniture. white. ( Then he flip unto another page in a wedding magazine) ok. Now for the cutlery. gold or silver?
CHRIS JAMES:- gold! Definitely gold. or Dianna do you have another opinion?... Dianna?
DIANNA:- ( still staring at nothing, Realizing herself back to reality ) Yh gold is fine.
CHRIS JAMES:- Dianna what's wrong? you seem off.
DIANNA:- no, no. I'm good.
CHRIS JAMES:- are you sure? You've literally made me make all the wedding decisions. is everything okay?
DIANNA:- Yh. everything is perfect.
CHRIS JAMES:- ok then. Mr. Lee where were we?
KEVIN LEE:- now the aisle. I Suggest a walk on water kind of theme...
DIANNA:- actually I have something to do. (she stood up)
CHRIS JAMES:- what! right now?
DIANNA:- Yes. it's important.
CHRIS JAMES:- what's more important than us planning our wedding?
DIANNA:- amm... I got.. Rehearsals to catch up on. (Chris don't look convinced) besides you got everything under control. ( she kissed him on the cheek as she walked outside the house and saw Nicholas coming from the gate side) Yo! Nick. why are you still here? don't you like to take a day off?
NICHOLAS:- yes I do Dianna. I just helped your sister get a cab. I will go inside and get what I came for and I will be on my way. or would you like me to help you with something?
DIANNA:- yes actually. could you also get me a cab?
NICHOLAS:- ok Dianna. but you seem to be in a hurry,are you sure you don't want me to drive you this time? I'm faster than a cab (he then had on a wide smile)
DIANNA:- oh no Nick. I don't want to bother you.
NICHOLAS:- oh please. I insist and I'm much more safer than a cab. remember last time you were mugged. (then a wild smile appeared on his face)
DIANNA:- ok fine. but we have to stop by an art store.
NICHOLAS:- as you wish. ( he then opened a black 2022 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Sedan) shall we? ( 30 minutes drive, They reached an apartment building. Nicholas opened the passenger's door as she came out holding an Art 101 142-Piece Wood Art Set kit (an Art box) and closed the door behind her) should I wait for you in the car?
DIANNA:- no need. you can go. ( she hurried inside the building living Nicholas beside the car. She got into an elevator with excitement and reached the 38 floor. she walked towards a yellow door and saw Lea's traveling box in front of the door. she froze, almost started crying as she closed her eyes tightly to swallow her tears and composed herself. she then dropped the wooden Art box in front of the door and walked away. It started raining when she got outside and find Nicholas holding an umbrella still waiting for her. she smiled and quickly got inside the car as Nicholas drove off )
9 minutes ago.
Lea is holding her traveling box as the elevator stopped at a particular floor and walked towards a yellow door. she pressed the doorbell and waited for about a minute before Tintina opened the door.
TINTINA:- ( looking depressed ) Lea?.
LEA:- Bello called me and..( Tintina didn't wait for her to finish her statement. she gave her a big hug )
TINTINA:- ( Whisper in her ear) I'm so sorry I called you a Monster at the ball.
LEA:- ( she looked straight into her paled eyes ) don't apologize. ( Tintina Bosted into tears) Please don't cry. ( Tintina cried more as Lea grabbed her face and kissed her too stop her from crying. Tintina pulled away from the kiss but pull her into her apartment as Lea closed the door with her leg, forgetting her traveling box outside. They both paused, as Lea slowly took off Tintina's bathrobe Revealing her Abs and thick thighs. Lea grabbed her, pushed her down and landed on the Purple couch. she got on Tintina, slowly kissing her from her neck down to her abs then continue going down and started pulling her Boxer briefs. but Tintina then stopped her From Proceeding) what's wrong? ( Tintina stood up and wore back her bathrobe)
TINTINA:- ( she sighs ) I'm not in a good state of mind right now. I'm sorry.
LEA:- no! it's ok. I could go if you need some space.
TINTINA:- no! (she then held her hand tightly ) please stay.
LEA:- ok. ( Tintina then lean her head on Lea's laps)
TINTINA:- I can't believe Vero did that to me.
LEA:- you mean us.
TINTINA:- ( she sat down properly) what do you mean?
LEA:- You weren't the only one she stabbed at the back. she also told Principal Ruth that I was dating Usher. She wanted to Disqualified the both of us so that she could be head of girls. but I'm not mad at her and you should too.
TINTINA:- what?!! You were given head of girls, I was thrown into the detention facility.
LEA:- hey don't get me wrong, What she did was beyond selfish and you, in particular, have every reason to be mad at her but you can't be mad at her forever. It's was 7 years ago, when we were in secondary school. We are adults now. You are literally mad at 2017 version of Veronica when this present day version of Veronic has been by Your Side since she got to New York... right?
TINTINA:- I guess... but she would have told me what she did back then.
LEA:- actually that's on me. after the peace Corps dragged you to detention. she told me then and there what she had done . she was on her way to go tell you but I stopped her and you know how the story goes.
TINTINA:- well that explains things. She has been feeling guilty this whole time. that's why she willingly offered to be my assistant and play herself on the show. and I can't forget she saved my life back in Maiduguri.
LEA:- Vero is cool, just sad that the whole prefership stuff really got to her head and she got a little competitive.
TINTINA:- Yeah but still...
LEA:- hmm I come to think of it we don't really know a lot about Veronica. like real personal stuff.
TINTINA:- what?!! come on. I know everything about Vero.
LEA:- really? Like what? (she then raised an eyebrow )
TINTINA:- I mean I know her... ( Lea folded her hands with Curiosity) she had...( Lea then gave her a "go on " look ) no way. I can't believe it. you are right...
LEA:- And again come to think of it, I don't think Veronica has actually ever been in a relationship. Is she asexual?
TINTINA:- ( she looked Surprise after Lea's last statement ) well look at you. making some queer talk.
LEA:- (she smiled) well I had to get queer-ducated one point. Had to learn gay stuff on my own because of you.
TINTINA:- wait what?
LEA:- (she held her hands) Tintina you are the reason I came to New York. I love you. ( Tintina is Finding it difficult to make a sentence ) It's ok. you don't have to say it back now.
TINTINA:- No it's not that. I want to say it back but I can't ( she let loose of her hands and she sighed deeply) To be honest I'm kind of in a... situationship with amm...someone else. The whole thing is still confusing. I'm still kinda figuring out my feelings.
LEA:-( Devastated but seemed relaxed ) well she is very lucky. ( awkward silence emerged) Anyways, can I stay here for today?
TINTINA:- sure. ( They looked at the big window as it began raining in New York City. she then looked round ) wait. weren't you holding a box before you came in?
LEA:- oh shit. I left it outside your door. I'll go get it...
TINTINA:- no I'll get it. ( she stood up and walked towards the door) Lea!!
LEA:- Yes.
TINTINA:- ( Excitement in her voice and smiling, walking towards Lea, holding her traveling box and the art kit ) Did you get me the exact replica of my Art 101 142-Piece Wood Art Set kit that was stolen in our Jss1 ?
LEA:- that's not mine.
TINTINA:- excuse me.
LEA:- I don't even know what that is. It's wasn't outside when I came in. Is there a note on it or something?
TINTINA:- no. nothing.
LEA:- Well one thing is for sure it's meant for you and whoever dropped it off must really know you enough to know that you are into arts.
TINTINA:- I guess you are right...
Four days later.
In the theatre. Vero is locking the door of her dressing room holding a brown box with her stuff inside. she walked to the auditorium to her Surprise, all the cast members are on stage. to further the confusion Tintina then entered the auditorium and climbed on stage as she and the cast started singing Lauren Daigle's Still Rolling Stones. towards the end of the song, Tintina Stretch forth her hand encouraging Vero to come sing with her. Vero climbed on stage and sang the last chorus with her as they both hugged.
VERO:- ( whipped to her eyes ) I'm sorry Tintina.
TINTINA:- it's ok Veronica.
VERO:- ( they unhug Revealing her Surprise face ) I think this is the first time since we met you have called me by my name.
TINTINA:- don't get used to it...can we talk.
VERO:- Yeah sure. ( they sat on the bare floor of the stage )
TINTINA:- what is your favorite color?
VERO:-(she looked confused as she raised an eyebrow but still decided to answer) pink
TINTINA:-wow! I wouldn't have guessed that in a hundred years. how many are you in your family?
VERO:- we are five kids plus my parents making us seven.
TINTINA:- are you Asexual?
VERO:- Wow! no!... come on I have been in a very sexual relationship before.
TINTINA:- wait what? how many relationships?
VERO:- just one.
TINTINA:- oh my!. when?
VERO:- back in 2020. we started dating towards the Coronavirus pandemic. but the relationship didn't last that long.
TINTINA:- why? what happened?
VERO:- let's just say I knew the kind of love I wanted. but I wasn't getting it. I knew I had to let go so that I could be free to find what I wanted. so I broke things off. ( she laughed a little ) and now I'm still single. At this point I wish I was asexual.
TINTINA:- the breakup must have been hard for you.
VERO:- Oh believe me it was. But I can not go and come and kill myself. ( Then she Shrugged her shoulders)
TINTINA:- ok next question. How many times have you had sex?
VERO:- eh!!! ah no understand [S1]. Why u dey ask me this kind questions now?[S2]
TINTINA:- because I don't know you. (Vero raised both of her eyebrows ) I mean, I don't know you basically. I think the only time I have ever seen you cry was the day I slapped you.
VERO:- (she laughed ) Tintina don't worry. you have plenty of time to know me, I'm very much Healthy so I'm not going to die anytime soon. so stop with the weird questions.
TINTINA:- but...
VERO:- e don do!![S3] no more questions.
TINTINA:- Just one more.
VERO:- (she sighed deeply) ok fine. Just one.
TINTINA:- after you sold us out to Principal Ruth, why weren't you given head of girls?
VERO:- well according to Principal Ruth, I wasn't given the head of girls because amongst the three of us I got the lowest votes.
TINTINA:- oh men I'm sorry
VERO:- does it matter now?... we are here in the Greatest City in the world and they are still back there in zeal academy.
TINTINA:-(she laughed ) Yeah that's true.
VERO:- and I learnt a valuable lesson back then.
TINTINA:- what lesson?
VERO:- Never snitch on your friends. ( Tintina was then quiet ) guess what?
TINTINA:- what?
VERO:- ( she removed the keys to her dressing room from her pocket and handed it to her) I got casted to play Yitzhak in the musical "Hedwig and the angry inch" off-Broadway.
TINTINA:- ( With Excitement) are you kidding me! that's Huge. ( she noticed the brown box near Vero) wait you are living Anchor?
VERO:- for now. yes but as soon as I master the rehearsal of Hedwig, I will come to Perform for Anchor twice a week.
TINTINA:- (she put on a pity face ) Just twice a week?
VERO:- Yes. and besides, I play a small part on the show so you can just replace me with one of the dancers.
TINTINA:- ( she looked at the keys at her hand) We are going to miss you being around though.
VERO:- Yeah I know. (she smiled as they noticed Dianna walking towards the entrance) have you guys talked about the kiss?
TINTINA:- no we haven't. I'm kinda scared she will say It was a mistake or give one excuse or the other. and Lea came over to my apartment and stayed for a day. she told me she loves me.
VERO:- and what did you say to her?
TINTINA:- I turned her down. The feelings I had for her is in the past and Who knows maybe we start dating and then she picks a guy over me.
VERO:- you do realise you are being biphobic right?
TINTINA:- No I'm not! look, remember how long it took for her to get over Usher?
VERO:- Yeah I do remember but I think now she is finding it hard to get over you. ( they both went silent for a moment) but what about Dianna though?
TINTINA:- Dianna is a Future that is not meant for me.
VERO:- So? she is still a future...
TINTINA:- Isah for goodness sake she is getting married in two weeks.
VERO:- hmmm. ( she put her hand on her chin) but one thing is for sure, Dianna had had eyes for you since day one.
TINTINA:- why are you so sure?
VERO:- I don't know just a feeling and remember her first rehearsal. when Mr. Riley directed the choreography?
TINTINA:- Yes I remember.
VERO:- when we were taking a break, she walked up to me and started asking questions about the show. I told her the show is a real-life story and it's about you. and I even showed her pictures of us In zeal academy. she kept asking more questions but I didn't realize until now that she was actually asking about you.
TINTINA:- what did you tell her?
VERO:- oh nothing much really, just that you love music and that you are an art freak. I even told her about how you cried when they stole your Piece Wood Art Set kit in Jss1. although I still suspect Winifred for taking it because she was laughing suspiciously at the way you were angry.
TINTINA:- wait what?! you told her about my Art 101 142-Piece Wood Art Set kit?
VERO:- ( she laughed ) wow! you even remembered the numbers.
TINTINA:- ( her eyes were wide open ) she was the one.
VERO:- she was the who?
TINTINA:- ( not minding Vero's question ) I will be right back.
VERO:-what? where are you going? ( Tintina stood up and ran towards the entrance leaving her alone) hmmm. this is why she knows nothing about me.
Tintina got outside and she saw Dianna from afar. she tried to shout out her name but noticed her fiance kissed her by the lips and opened the passenger's door of an Aston Martin One-77 car. Dianna happily entered as Chris James closed the door for her, got into the car, and drove off. A sad look appeared on Tintina's face as she turned back and bumped into a lady spilling hot chocolate on her.
TINTINA:-shit my shirt!!! (Looking Down at her shirt as the lady tries to apologize) are you blin... ( She froze as she look up and saw the lady's face.) wow! ( the lady is slim, same height as Tintina, Has long dreads and Beyoncé face Futures. She is wearing red sneakers, black sweatpants, and a black hoodie. She wore a backpack at her back and hanged a reading glasses on her hoodie )
THE LADY:- I'm so sorry. ( she wore her glasses) I couldn't see you (she then try to wipe the chocolate off Tintina's shirt)
TINTINA:- ( she seemed calmer) no you don't have too. it's fine. it's was an accident. ( She then stretch forth her hand) Hi. I'm Tintina. but you can call me Tina.
THE LADY:- (Receiving the handshake and smiling) I'm Christine. but you can call me Kris...
[S1]ah no understand/ I don't understand
[S2]why u dey ask me this kind questions now/ why are
you asking me this kind of question now?
[S3]e don do!!/ it's ok !!
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