Episode Four:- "Dear Jonny..."
June 8th, 2025
Radio City Music hall, Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The 78th Tony awards ceremony. Neil Patrick Harris walked on stage wearing a black Tuxedo, holding an envelope and standing in front of the Microphone.
NEIL PATRICK HARRIS:- This category is to honor the minds behind the shows. As actors and Performers, taking orders from directors can be frustrating sometimes ( The audience laughed ) but at the same time, we have no idea how it feels to be in their shoes. you know, with all the yelling and screaming. ( The audience laughed again) to show the level of their frustration, they sometimes come to Rehearsals with a megaphone. (The audience laughed more) but despite that, we appreciate the hard work these Amazing nominees have put in making such wonderful shows. ( everyone cheered ) And now here are the nominees for best Director...( backstage at the afterparty room. Bello is wearing a blue suit and holding one award, Vero is holding an award wearing a Versace suit standing beside Dianna. Dianna is wearing a red suit with heels. one hand is holding Lea's hand ( who is wearing a long green gown) and her other hand is holding an award. Christine is wearing a black tight gown with pointy heels, holding two awards as Tintina walked in holding one more award.)
CHRISTINE:- I'm so proud of you. ( she walked toward Tintina and kissed her. Vero noticed the annoyed look on Dianna's face as the kiss continued) let me help you hold your other award
TINTINA:- ( she laughed ) you are already helping me hold two. And besides...( she collected one award from her) I don't want to stress you by making you carry heavy things.
CHRISTINE:- awww. ( she kissed her on the cheek)
VERO:- ( she whispered to Dianna ) this Christine Chick is so annoying.
DIANNA:- I know right. ( both looking at the way Christine is rapping herself around Tintina) uhhhhh.
NEIL PATRICK HARRIS:- ...Jimmy hummel for 'After the moon rise', Jonny Riley Murphy for 'Anchor' and Tom Med for 'kill me before I die'. ( the cast of Anchor are gathered in the room in front of a TV waiting for Neil Patrick Harris to announce the winner) and the winner is...( opening the envelope as the drumrolls and everyone's eyes were wide open)...
'ANCHOR' written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin.
April 2023
New York Townsquare. Mr. Riley is coming out of a coffee shop holding two cups of coffee and walking toward a handsome dark skin man sitting at a table in front of the shop. The man is wearing Jason Arasheben custom shoes, tight bluejeans, Orange vest on top of a blue shirt, orange bow tie, blue neck scarf, and has a tattoo name on his left hand ( RILEY MURPHY ).
MR RILEY:- Here you go. ( he dropped the coffee on the table as he sat down smiling) I hope I got your order right. ( his smile fades as he noticed his attention was on his phone ) James?!
JAMES:- ( coming back to reality as he put down his phone. He has a British accent ) I'm sorry love. it's work. ( he seep his coffee) wow! nice coffee. so what were you saying?
MR. RILEY:-(he smiled) never mind.
JAMES:- ( drinking his coffee ) so. how is the scriptwriter hunt going? still not found the perfect story to open your theater?
MR RILEY:- sadly no. ( Five seconds of silence passed as Mr. Riley smile fades again )
JAMES:- hey!...( he stretch fort his arm tightly holding Mr. Riley's hand) don't worry. you will find a story. I mean, how hard is it to find a story.
MR. RILEY:- I don't just want any story. I want a story that hits the problems of this world. you know, like homophobia, sexism and don't get me wrong, I'm all for spirituality but religion included. remember my Grandmother refused to take her Appendix operation because she was waiting for Jesus to come heal her. ?
JAMES:- yes I do. you have a point there.
MR. RILEY:- see, you get it. and I want it very original. showing it positively that it's ok to have a different sexuality or to be a woman in power and to have simple Moral empathy without religion.
JAMES:- you forgot about Racism
MR. RILEY:- the characters can be black or Latino.
JAMES:- ( seeping his coffee) you do know you sound racist right?
MR. RILEY:- what? seriously?
JAMES:- a little bit Yeah. ( he seep his coffee again and picked up his phone) well, good luck finding the perfect story. ( he seep to the last drop of coffee and began Coughing almost Choking as he coughed on to his hand and saw he was holding a Diamond ring) Jonny?
MR RILEY:- (on one knee ) James John Jr. will you marry me? ( everyone around gathered smiling waiting for James answer)
JAMES:- I ammm... I don't think I'm ready.
MR. RILEY:- me neither ( he held James's hands ) look, James. I don't know what's going to happen in a few years or tomorrow or even two minutes from now. but one thing I'm sure of is that I want to die with you.
JAMES:- wait what?
MR. RILEY:- I mean !.. grow old and die with you.
JAMES:- well that makes more sense.
MR. RILEY:- ( he laughed a little ) I know you are always busy with work and all but I love you so much James and I know our love is strong enough so please marr...
JAMES:- yes. ( he smiled)
MR. RILEY:- wait really?
JAMES:- yes I will marry you.( Mr. Riley put the ring on his hand as people around cheered and clapped as they kissed but the cheer turned to scream and the claps turned to gasps as a taxi cab ran over someone who seems to be wearing a black hoodie, ash Sweatpants, blue Nike and holding an office bag) oh my God. HEY!! ( he ran after the cab) come back here you worthless Piece of s*** !!!. ( the cab got away ) bloody ass hole
MR. RILEY:- ( he ran toward the person on the ground ) SOMEBODY CALL 911!!!
JAMES:- Is she ok? ( The person started moving)
MR. RILEY:- Oh thank Goodness. ( he helped her sit up straight ) are you ok miss...( he looked into her I D card in her wallet on the ground) Tinnntinaa Harrison?
TINTINA:- ( putting her hand on her head as she tries to stand up ) It's just Tintina. why don't people get it the first time?
JAMES:- ( helping her get up) careful Dear.
TINTINA:- seriously bro. you have never met me before and you are addressing me as 'Dear.
JAMES:- ( he looked confused and nervous at the same time) I...was just...
TINTINA:- relax bro. I'm joking. ( she looked around the ground Devastated) AH!...FUCK! MY WORK!!!. it's Scattered everywhere!!!. ( she began to pick the papers one by one ) come on. please! help me!. ( They both began helping her pick her papers and other things from the ground )
MR. RILEY:- ( picking the papers and then Pause as he Stare at the papers on his hand and raised an eyebrow ) you are a playwright?
TINTINA:- ( facing the ground while picking her papers ) more like a Musical conductor scriptwriter kinda playwright. still haven't given it a name though (Mr. Riley then looked at James and gave a side smile)
JAMES:- what do you write about? ( then he looked at the paper)
TINTINA:- ( looking around and still picking her papers ) nothing much. I just write about my horrible secondary school experience back in Nigeria, my Religious minded homophobic family members kicking me out after being outed to the entire School and my life as a black person in America. see. nothing much.
MR. RILEY:- ( a wide smile appeared on his and James faces) do you have an Agent?
TINTINA:- Nope! still Searching... ( wind began to blow away some of her papers) no no no no no... DAME!! ( out frustration, she sat on the ground as they both handed over her papers and other of her stuffs ) Thank you. ( she pitifully Collected her things) thank you both for the help. I appreciate it. ( she began walking away)
MR. RILEY:- wait! ( She paused ) how would you like it if you had a theater to showcase your work.
TINTINA:- ( she faced him) I'm listening...( they both looked at each other and smiled )...
16th of February 2025. A day after the ball.
it is a cold morning in New York Townsquare. Mr. Riley is sitting alone outside of the same coffee shop holding a cup of coffee and staring at an unopened envelope. He took a deep breath and open the letter.
The Letter.
JAMES:- (the date of the letter been written. 27th November 2024)
Dear Jonny
There is no better way for me to start this letter because by the time you'll be reading it I would probably be dead.
I'm not the good man you think I am. I have been involved with some Illegal activities for some time now and sadly I fear my time to pay the price is near. As I write this letter now, I'm on my jet flying to London to lay low and find a way out of my mess.
But if I don't succeed, I want you to know that our love was real for me and you will forever be in my heart. so please make your dreams come true. move on and find someone who is more deserving of your love and Will make you happy for no reason. please, do this for me.
Mr. Riley's eyes were red as he tries so hard to prevent tears from coming out.
BELLO:- ( from behind holding two bottle of beer ) sorry I'm a little late. ( he sat down and put beers on the table) I had to check things out at the store.
MR RILEY:- ( putting the envelope in his inside pocket) oh no worries . you aren't that late. ( then he Rub his eyes and Sniffed his nose)
BELLO:- ( he noticed his red eyes) are you ok? were you crying?
MR RILEY:- no no I'm fine. It's just the cold, It's making me tear up. ( he then wiped a tear from his eye)
BELLO:- then let's go inside.
MR RILEY:- no it's fine. I kinda like the cold.
BELLO:- ok if you wish. ( then he noticed a Tony award Bill board sigh ) Tony nominations started yesterday.
MR RILEY:- I know right. I have been following it up on Twitter. I just hope we get nominated at least up to 4 times.
BELLO:- I hope so too. ( he seep his beer and then smiled at Mr. Riley) what if we do get nominated and you win an award, what are you going to say on stage? ( Mr. Riley took a deep breath and sigh)...
June 8th, 2025
The 78th Tony awards ceremony.
NEIL PATRICK HARRIS:- and the winner is...( opening the envelope as the drumrolls and everyone's eyes were wide open) Jonny Riley Murphy for 'Anchor'!! (at the after-party room, the cast of Anchor all jumped and Screamed as They watched through the Tv how Mr. Riley made his way to the stage wearing a pink suit top with pink bow tie, black shirt, black vest, black trousers, and black shoe )
MR RILEY':- ( he received the award and stood in front of the Microphone) Waw! I'm really Nervous so I better just say what I need to say. (the audience laughed a little ) first of all its such an honor receiving my first Tony from Neil Patrick Harris. you are such an icon. ( Neil Patrick Harris smiled and blow him a kiss) secondly, I would like to Dedicate this award to my family especially my late grandmother. she is one of the main reasons I Devoted my time for the show. Her love for theater inspired me so much... ( he took a deep breath ) tonight have been an amazing night for me and the wonderful cast who made this a dream come true. And I'm also honored to be nominated amongst these talented nominees because it's kinda unusual for someone my age to win from this particular category. ( the audience laughed again) so I thank the American theatre wing and the Broadway League for this Great Opportunity. Thank you. ( the audience started clapping and some gave a standing ovation as he made his way backstage and walked towards the cast as they all gathered him and gave him a big group hug)
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