Episode Five:- "Burn in hell..."
June 8th, 2025 Radio City Music hall, Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The 78th Tony awards ceremony. 30 minutes before Mr.Riley received his award. Renee Elise Goldsberry walked on stage wearing a slim long red gown, holding an envelope, and standing in front of the Microphone.
RENEE ELISE GOLDSBERRY:- How ironic. 9 years ago I received my first Tony from this category and now I'm presenting it. (the audience laughed ) this award shows us that you don't have to be the lead Actress to be a star. ( audience cheered ) and now for the nominees for Best Featured Actress in a Musical ( the cast of Anchor are seated at the auditorium with the audience. From the left, Christine is sitting next to Tintina who is holding two awards. Tintina is sitting next to Dianna. Dianna is sitting next to Lea. Lea is sitting next to Vero and is sitting next to Mr.Riley. The sit next to Mr.Riley is empty as the rest of the sit roll is been Occupied by the other cast of Anchor. )
TINTINA:- ( smiling as she whispered to Dianna) I have a good feeling you are going to win. ( then she held Dianna's hand tightly )
DIANNA:-( she smiled by the touch of Tintina's hand upon has) thanks. I needed that.
TINTINA:-( she felt the cold in Dianna's hand as it shakes ) close your eyes.
DIANNA:- what? why?
TINTINA:- Just close them. ( Dianna then closed her eyes ) now don't open until they announce the winner. ok?
DIANNA:- ( her eyes are tightly closed) ok.
RENEE ELISE GOLDSBERRY:- ... Dianna Martin for "Anchor", Sarah Michelson for "Broken" and Jessica Hudson for "Kill me before I die". And the winner is...( opening the envelope as the drumrolls and Dianna held Tintina's hand even tighter) Dianna Martin for Anchor!! ( audience cheered as she made her way to the stage )
'ANCHOR' written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin.
A cold rainy day on the 29th of May 2025. A woman is stepping out of a taxi cab with a red umbrella wearing a red dress on red heels and also wearing a long red coat walking towards the Cemetery yard of The Martin family stately Mansion in Hudson. The ground is wet and also green as everyone are standing and are all wearing black. Each of them are holding black umbrellas surrounding a priest who is standing in front of a closed brown coffin. Some old and middle-aged white men and women stand alongside with Tintina, Bello, Vero, Mr.Riley, and the other cast of Anchor. Dianna and Lea are sharing one big umbrella and don't seem to have an expression on their faces.
LEA:- mom?! (everyone faced the woman wearing red coat )
MRS. MARTIN:-( smiling as she walked towards Lea and hugged her) my baby ( then she kissed her on the cheek. Her smiling fades as she sets her eyes on Dianna) hello Diane.
DIANNA:- ( trying to smile but the smile can't seem to come out.) hello mother. ( Mrs. Martin handed her umbrella to Nicholas with Authority and opened the coffin and everyone gasped ) what are you doing ?!!
MRS. MARTIN:- Just checking if this is actually your father. (she unbuttoned Mr. Martin's suit living his chest out opened and revealing a scratch scar on his left nipple ) ok, this is him all right.
LEA:- why wouldn't be him?
MRS. MARTIN:- I'm just making sure dear. (she brought out a cigarette and a lighter from her bag, light it up and inhale and exhale the cigarette as she bends over and to Mr. Martin's ear and whispered) I hope you Burn in hell, you bastard. ( she then began to sprinkle some of her cigarette ash on Mr. Martin's body)
DIANNA:- ( she snapped the cigarettes from her mother's hand) mom stop it !
MRS. MARTIN:- ( she looked at everyone and smiled as she collected her umbrella from Nicholas) You can bury his ass now (Nicholas buttoned and arranged deceased Mr Martin's suit and then closed the coffin as everyone slowly scattered to different directions. The gravediggers then lower the coffin to the ground)
Rain stopped falling 40 minutes after Mr. Martin was buried. Dianna is upstairs at the Balcony receiving the cold air and staring at the compound as one by one the guest left. Lea joined Dianna and folded her hands.
LEA:- you and mom displayed some weird vibe back at the yard. is something going on between you two?
DIANNA:- we are not talking.
LEA:- why is that?
DIANNA:- I told mom I'm bisexual.
LEA:- what? Why?
DIANNA:- look it was back in 2015 I was in the dark. I couldn't understand what I was feeling so I told mom thinking she could help. from that day she treated me like I was some sort of cursed child and then send me away to come to stay with dad.
LEA:- wait what? you staying with dad was mom's idea?
DIANNA:- yes and surprisingly staying with dad was not so bad.
LEA:- are you high? dad of all people.
DIANNA:- look I know dad was a horrible father to us but at least he was understanding. he never one day made me feel bad about being bi.
LEA:- ( she looked shocked) wait dad knew you are bi?
DIANNA:- yes. I mean I don't know how but one day... I think at that time we were 17. he walked up to me and we talked about it. he seemed ok with it. ( Lea looked surprised) I don't know how to explain but the father we knew back in Nigeria was not the dad I stayed with here in New York.
LEA:- but I don't get it.
DIANNA:- Me neither. but few months before you came to New York dad started to seem like his old self but in a different way. he started yelling at Nicholas and the other for no reason and was always restless but he never laid a hand on me or anyone. I thought he was stressed out from work and all but there were times when he sits alone and talk to himself and then one day he started vomiting . We take him to the hospital and found out he had cancer...
LEA:- ( they were silent for a moment) but I still don't get it. why was he such a knucklehead to us back in Nigeria?
DIANNA:- I don't know. maybe it has to do with mom ( they both laughed )
LEA:- that seems possible. but still, you shouldn't have told mom you were bisexual.
DIANNA:- for goodness sake Lea, we were 14!! and I was confused. I thought mom would know the answers.
LEA:- so?!. I stayed with mom but I didn't tell her I'm bi.
DIANNA:- your case is different. you discovered you were bi at a mature age.
LEA:- hmm( she put her hand on her chin) fair point. ( awkward silence emerge as Mrs. Martin joined them at the Balcony holding a cigarette ) since when did you start smoking?
MRS. MARTIN:- ( she inhale and exhale her cigarette) since I started seeing a therapist.
DIANNA:- does that explain why you are wearing red at a funeral?
MRS. MARTIN:- oh no dear. At one of your father's brutal beatings, I promised him that I would wear red at his funeral. After I made that statement, he slapped me so hard I couldn't hear for about a week ( she exhale her cigarette and looked upon the guest as they gradually left the compound ) look at them. they came to pay respect to a monster. ( inhale and exhale her cigarette ) your father was too much if a coward to let the cancer eat him up so he took the easy way out and killed himself.
DIANNA:- don't you feel a little bit sad for him though?
MRS. MARTIN:- sad?!...( she laughed a little ) the only thing that makes me sad is the fact that he didn't die sooner.
DIANNA:- mom stop saying that about dad. he wasn't all bad!
MRS. MARTIN:- shut up your dirty mouth you Spoiled little brat! you stayed with your father all this time and you let yourself become his daddy little girl erasing and normalizing the fact that he treated us like his punching bag.
DIANNA:- MOM! that's enough! staying with dad was the best thing in my life. unlike you, dad was very understanding about who I am.
MRS. MARTIN:- the kingdom of hell will be waiting for you if you continue being a lesbian!
DIANNA:- Here she goes again..
LEA:- mom you are wrong! being gay or bisexual or whatever in between is not a bad thing. and besides Diane is not a lesbian she is bisexual...( she took a deep breath and held Dianna's hand) she is bisexual like me. ( Mrs. Martin gasped to silence with shock and dropped her cigarette )
MRS. MARTIN:- the both of you are as disgusting as your father! You are going to Burn in Hell for 600 years if you don't stop that devilish act.
DIANNA:- ( they both laughed) seriously? 600 years ?. who came up with that nonsense?
LEA:- that is what our Nigerian people assume will happen to us gay people when we die...
NICHOLAS:- ( he joined them at the Balcony) sorry! I hope I'm not intruding?
DIANNA:- no it's fine nick. what is it?
NICHOLAS:- Mr. Martin's lawyer is waiting for you three in the living room to read the Will.
LEA:- all three of us ?...
MRS. MARTIN:-( looking surprised ) including me?
NICHOLAS:- I presume your Name is Mis Cynthia
MRS. MARTIN:- yes.
NICHOLAS:- then you are in the will. ( Dianna walked inside following Nicholas behind as Lea and Mrs. Martin followed. )
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