"All right," Mithras said as he closed the door to his office. He groaned as he sat down in his chair. I plunked down in the chair opposite.
"I understand you have a hidden path in front for you. I've done everything I can to prepare you. I've done what I can to do bring your memories back without harming you. Calantha has done what she can to teach you herbal medicine and how to recognize plants in the wild and such. There isn't anything left for me. I'd offer you a place here to stay, but that defeats the training and everything we're about. Ain't no point in whining. Strap your boots on and get the job done."
"You have done more than enough. Thank you for bringing me into your home and into the warriors guild or cult or whatever. You and Nana have been nothing but kind."
"You know you are like a daughter to us. I will always have your back. Call on me and I will answer."
I felt the burning sensation of tears as they formed in my eyes.
"One more thing, Flower Blossom." His voice was gruff and he cleared his throat. He got up and stomped to the picture of Sol and him. He flipped the picture, behind the picture was a safe. I gaped at the old general.
"One can never be too careful."
"You're a god! And you have a safe?!?"
He shrugged. Once it was opened and he reached in and took something out, closed the safe and came back. He held it in his hand for a second and then stretched out his arm. In the palm of his hand was a gold ring. It had the symbol of Sol's Roman sun.
"It was your father's. He gave it to me the last time I visited him in the nursing home. Which...was too long ago. But... He asked me to hold it and I'd know what to do with it. I thought he was going off the deep end. But now...that little bugger. He knew. He knew you would need this."
I opened my mouth a few times but then stretched out a shaking hand. I instantly felt the warmth of it. I felt my fingers tingle.
"That there is Roman imperial gold. But mixed into that is pure raw power of the sun."
"I can feel it." I whispered.
"Here in Britannia the sun doesn't shin much, so he decided to fashion a ring that carried the power of the sun so he would always have it with him. It's full power has faded over time, but it's darn useful for a demi god who relies on UVs and sun."
I sat for a moment just staring at the ring. "I ...I don't know what to say!" I stammered.
"No need to say anything. I'm giving you what's yours. Now. I believe Vlad is waiting for you in the training grounds."
I nodded slowly. "You and Nana will come say good bye?"
"Of course."
I got up and before leaving the office I came back around and gave the old cranky general another tight hug. "If I live through this, I'll bring Raph back...if that's okay, we'll come visit!"
"You're always welcome Spring Blossom."
"And I'll think of more Chuck Norris jokes!"
"Every time you use them I'll know."
"Good!" I squeezed one more time and then left before I broke down into tears.
I walked into the training grounds and waiting for me was Vlad and Marcus. For being a few hundre years old, Marcus could easily pass for a young man or a late teen. He wore jeans and sneakers and a plain white shirt. He had a backpack on and strapped to his hip was a short dager.
"How do I look? Can I pass for a son of Mars?"
"You mean Ares. You're going to a Greek camp. Gotta be careful!"
"Right! Ares. Son of Ares, and I'm actually 16, but with his blessing I look older." He said with a wink. "I was sent to the UK when I was younger to live with my grandpa...but now I'm back and was claimed...with a glowing red I'm finding my way to camp...right? Story checks out?"
I smiled at him. He was probably my closest friend here. Despite him being here since the Roman rule, he stopped aging at 21.
"Be safe." I said and pulled him into a hug.
"It's hard to kill an immortal...and especially one of Mithras's men. I'll be fine, stop worrying! I'll see what I can find out about Raph. And I'll keep your home as safe as I can."
"Thank you, Marcus. Seriously."
"You're a sister. We have your back." He squeezed my shoulder.
Vlad nodded and smiled at me. "Now little Graeci Valkyrie, I took those silver rings and worked some weapons magic and made a weapon fit for a Warrior such as yourself."
He pulled out something that was wrapped in cloth. He looked almost shy as he held it out.
"Vlad, are you blushing?" I teased. "A big bad berserker is blushing?"
"Shut it you!" He snapped. But I saw his lip twitch under his big beard. I smiled at the hug man before I slowly unwrapped the soft black cloth. Laying in the middle was a beautiful hand crafted double headed axe. I gasped and was almost too afraid to touch it.
"It's beautiful!"
"Iron and steel, and mixed with Silver from the Bull Beast and coated with more silver and iron. Perfect for hunting werewolves, and other evil night stalkers such as Celtic and Norse evil things that go poof when you use iron."
"A good axe." Marcus agreed, with a serious nod.
Beside the axe was a belt of leather that also looked hand crafted to match the axe handle.
"Vlad...this is beautiful! How is this a weapon?" I gently picked up the belt and strapped it around my waist, it fit perfectly with the belt for my twin knives. Vlad seemed to have thought of everything.
"There is a blessing in the axe head, it will never grow dull and will never break."
I finally, hesitantly picked up the actual weapon. It was perfectly balanced and light. I stepped back and swung it a few times, getting a feel for it. I had practed with an axe before during training, but this felt like it was made...well, just for me. Taking my strength and coordination and everything else into consideration. After a few swings I slid it into the strap of the belt. Marcus stepped forwards and helped due up my armour as Vlad kept talking.
"The symbol of the Norse sun is carved into the axe head."
"The Norse symbol?"
"Yes Graeci Valkyrie, the sowulo rune, or Sun ruin, is one of the most important runes in Norse mythology. The sowulo rune is associated with victory, honor, courage and success and life; very similar to Sol and Helios and Apollo. The story goes, Sól or Sunna is the sister to the moon and she drives the sun Chariot across the sky, always pursued by the wolf who would eventually catch her in Ragnarok; the story of the end. The sowulo rune was inscribed on the sword of Freyr, the god of sun and rain. Now the end is near for us Graeci Valkyrie, you now have the same."
"That's very thoughtful of you Vlad."
"What I grew up with as a child, the Norse gods and stories were very similar to the stories I heard when we crossed over to Britannia... I found Mithras valued brotherhood and loyalty and support more than vicious pointless bloodshed. He's a good leader. A good god."
"Agreed. You are all good men. You have been very sweet. Both of you. If I ever need help kicking some monster ass Imma call you two."
"What about the rest of us?" Someone called.
The rest of the warriors came crowding into the area. Mithras and Calantha leading the group hand in hand. She glided across the hard packed earth, she always reminded me of a retired ballerina, always so graceful and light on her feet. She would twirl around her kitchen to music only she could hear. Mithras's big combat boots sent poofs of dry dust into the air as he stomped closer.
"Of course. I would call each and every one of you."
"And you can. If you ever need us, physically or not. Call on us. We will lend you our strength." Hendrix nodded solumly.
Calantha handed me a backpack. "Now my child I have made enough unicorn powder to last quiet a while. You don't need more than a teaspoon or two at a time. There is also Nectar aid power packs, just mix with water and your set and ambrosia crackers."
I slung the backpack on.
"Also all your gear is packed."
"Everything is so light!" I said in surprise.
"The perks of being a god." Mithras winked.
Alfred came around the corner leading a Pegasus.
"She's not your fire horse, but I think she will do. She doesn't have a name yet, all new Pegasus on their first quests are named by the rider."
I stepped closer to her, she was a caramel coloured horse with a white spot on her forehead and white main and tale. Her big brown eyes were soft and intelligent.
"Sunna." I said stroking her nose. "The Norse name for sun. Right Vlad?"
The giant Berserker bowed his head, his cheeks flaming red.
"Because...I'm both a Roman and Greek Demigod, Daughter of both a god and a Titan, raised and trained by all of you, my brothers in arms from all different backgrounds. I embrace everything, all of it and how different you all are, yet come together as one, a unit, a brotherhood, a trume."
"There isn't any more I can teach you Flower Petal." Mithras said. I heard a few sniffs and coughs.
"THERE WILL BE NO CRYING!" Mithras bellowed as he spun around to see the 40ish huge deadly warriors all trying to wipe tears. "WE ARE TRAINED WARRIORS...AND WE DON'T CRY! I AM A GOD! DAMMIT!"
"But ..she is our little flower blossom, our sweet little vengeful spit fire... Our Greek to fight against Mother Earth and avenge her true love! And kick some serious ass!" Vlad said. His voice was extra thick and gravelly as he sniffled.
"Fine." Mithras snapped. "A little crying." He shoved his sunglasses back up onto his face. And yanked his military hat lower. He cleared his throat. "Be safe, daughter of Sol."
"Godsdaughter of Mithras." I corrected and gave him a teary smile. I turned before I could break down and cry and gave Nana Calantha a giant squeeze and it took a solid 15 minutes to hug each warrior and then Maximus and Cato came for hugs. And then Nana Calantha wanted another one. And then I came to General Mithras. I stood up straight and saluted him as a Roman warrior would salute their commanding officer.
"My General. My patron god. Thank you for your training, protection and support."
I turned to the group and thumped my closed fist over my heart twice, raised it to my lips and then raised my hand in the air. The Mithras secret cult handshake.
The guys and Calantha did it back in unison. Vlad stepped forwards and interlocked his hands and gave me a boost up onto Sunna's back.
"Go kick some ass, Graeci Valkyrie."
"I will have your back." Mithras called as Sunna leapt forwards and galloped out the front gates of Mithras's barracks. I heard the thumps of weapons on shields, and chest plates and spear heads on the ground.
I didn't look back, because if I did I might not have left. I had been safe for months. I had been trained, I had been accepted for who I was and I had been loved and cared for. But now it was time to return to the cruel world of monsters and evil. It was time to regain what was taken from me. It was time to fullfil my quest and show Hera just how wrong she was. And how much Gaea underestimated me.
I was ready for what came.
I was not ready for what came at us.
The journey through the day was fine. The sun was shinning and Sunna and I enjoyed the journey. We started off galloping along the open country. After about half the day she slowed down and we minded our business passing a few farmers and other hickers. They would wave and I would nod- not sure what the mist made them see.
That afternoon we didn't see anything but a few birds and a fox darting into the underbrush at one point. But after that, when the sun started to sink behind the clouds that's when the things of the dark started to come out.
I could feel their presence. They were old and evil and I could feel the malevolent and destructiveness in these things. I didn't have a name for them. Mithras did warn me now that the Earth Mother was stirring, she was waking other evil, old long forgotten things. Spirits and demons from old Celtic history; seeing as I was in Europe the old Britannia monsters demons and spirits were starting to stir too.
Mithras had kept half of his warriors back at the barracks to fend off attacks on his home, while he sent out the rest in pairs.
The day was almost over, and Sunna was getting jumpy and skittish. I patted her neck. I wasn't sure if sleep was going to be a good thing right now, definitely not in the open and definitely not right now. We kept going, picking up our pace again.
"Shhh. Easy girl. We'll be fine."
She whinned and kept going. I knew we were being hunted by something or many things and all of them evil. I couldn't see them, but I could feel them. And so could Sunna. I had a sinking feeling that they would be stronger during the night in the shadows.
The darker it got the more unsettled Sunna and I became. We came to the top of a hill and looked out around us.
"We should try make it to the city there." I said pointing to the glow of lights. "I have a feeling we might have to take shelter during the nights from now on. Sleeping in the open isn't a good idea."
She puffed and tossed her main. I took that as an agreement. And just in time because there was a horrendous screech, like nails on a chalkboard. It was haunting and sent a shiver of dread down my spine. I looked around, from the shadows around us, shapes where starting to form. One particular shadow was forming close enough for me to see and I wanted to call it quits.
This...spirit was clearly evil, it was human-like in form, it looked haggard and old, I couldn't tell if it was male and female- it was horrifying either way. It's skin sagged and seemed to nearly fall off its bone. The things fingers were long and gangly, ending in sharp nails. It had long sharp beak and leathery bat wings give them the appearance of wearing a cape or cloak.
It opened its long sharp beak and shrieked.
"Time to go!" I yelled.
Sunna reared back on her back legs and then dashed down the hill. The evil creature shrieked and followed after us. More and more shadow spirits seemed to form, they swooped and dove shrieking and calling more. There were swarming Sunna and I like a flock of angry crows. I trusted Sunna to run while I pulled my bow off, I shot a bronze arrow but nothing happened, it passed right through the evil shadow bird. It didn't even slow it down.
"Well these things aren't Roman or Greek then." I announced, I wasn't sure if Sunna cared at all, but it helped me.
I clipped the bow back as I ducked. The human- bird- shadow tried to grab at me with its clawed hand. I wasn't exactly scared of being scratched, but I didn't fancy a ride in the clutches of these things. My shield open up and I used it to block another attack. As I did I pulled out the axe Vlad had made.
"Well now is the time to test this out." I grumbled as another shadow bird tried to claw my face, I figured the claws would bounce off me, but I was wrong. I felt the claws slice down my face. The pain was blinding. I cried out and felt my blood splatter.
With a scream I swung the axe. With a sickening thud it sliced through the spirit and it exploded in a shriek in a cloud of black smoke.
"Iron. Iron works."
As more claws and beaks ripped at me I swung the axe as best I could. I threw the open shield onto my back, keeping that safe. I spurd Sunna on, she raced as fast as she could. My axe swung back and forth, we were running through a cloud of black claws, beaks and bat wings. With a scream of pain again I could feel the hot tingling in my veins.
Fire. Fire was light, light expelled darkness and shadow. I let my hands dance with it and held them aloft. Blasting these evils dark spirits. Whether it was because my fire was stronger than iron that dispelled these creatures or because it was just good old fashioned light it seemed to work, I didn't really care all too much right now, I just needed it to work.
It was long many hours of fleaing and and fighting evil spirits. Sunna was running out of energy, I hadn't sustained a fire in my hands this long, but we were close enough to a small town we could hopefully borrow a barn for a few hours of sleep.
"There!" I pointed to a barn. It wasn't the greatest looking structure, but it would do. Sunna turned in the direction and raced for it. We stormed into the building and I leapt off her back and slammed the door closed.
I felt these things slam into the door but for whatever reason they couldn't get in. I pushed a long thick piece of wood in front of the door to held it closed. Sunna had collapsed in a pile of old hay. I knelt down beside her.
"Brave Sunna." I whispered, gently patting her neck and stroking her nose. "Rest my girl. Did they get you?"
I didn't see any major cuts or scratches. But I wasn't sure. I closed my eyes and focused on her vitals and nothing major stood out, her exhaustion and wild racing heart, but there was no danger in bleeding or broken and I sighed in relief.
After I patched myself, using what was packed for me sparingly. I wasn't sure what I was going be facing next. But facing other evils from other belief systems was something that threw me for a loop and my brain was having a hard time processing it.
The thumping at the door continued through the night. But for whatever reason, the shadow birds couldn't get through the rickety wood door. I wasn't complaining, I just thought it odd.
Sunna slept, her soft carmal and white head resting in my lap. I stroked her neck and held the axe tight in my hand listening to the shrieks and thumps.
I hope the idea of different belief systems meshing together is making sense. She's still in the heart of Eroupe. So a lot of different cultures and religions mixed, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Anglo Saxon/Christianity... I hope it's making sense. 🤞 Y'all would tell me, right?!
Our beautiful Iron and Silver axe- it doesn't have the sowulo runes, but this is the general look of her axe.
(she doesn't have wings...but you get the idea)
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