Chapter 16: He Made an Offer I Couldn't Refuse.
I told my story. From waking up by the old dark forest, the fawn named Maia the crow named Diaval, the bull, the Gothic Vila of Lady Kore Vallis, my encounter with Cupid and running for my life over the last two weeks. I told Mithras about blowing the bridge, ruining a few old brick walls in some historic places, stealing cars and now becoming Europa most wanted, and stealing the bread from the one farm house.
"And...I have a first name and that's it!" I was so frustrated I slammed my hands down. "I know I'm not from here. I know I belong to a place...I know I have people but I don't know anything else."
The room was quiet. The old General looked at me long and hard.
"Come with me. This needs my full attention. My flower petal, I am sorry. Leave me some dishes and I'll come help you."
"Don't worry about it sir. We will do the dishes. She made supper. Duty calls." Someone called out. There was a course of agreement.
Calantha smiled and placed her hand over her husband's large one. "Go, this little wild flower needs attending to."
He nodded. "Nora, this way." He got up and left the dining room. I followed, feeling like a child in trouble. He led me down a different hall and into a room, that looked like an office. A desk and big chair, military honours and badges lined the wall. Pictures of many different groups of warriors and soldiers.
There was one in particular I saw and I did a double take. I stepped over to the wall. It was clearly Mithras, but much younger, he was standing by the gates of some roman building he was laughing with another person, who looked oddly familiar.
"I know him..." I said, pointing to the picture. I frowned, trying to remember. I could feel pain building in my head.
The General came back around his desk and looked at the picture.
"Ahh. My good friend. I haven't seen him in eons. That's Sol. Titan god of the Sun and sight. My followers gave me some credit for association with the sun, when really it was because my best friend, the best man at my wedding, my brother in arms ...Sol, the personification of the sun."
"Sol..." I muttered. Frowning back at the picture. I tried pushing through the memory block. I could feel the memory block. I clamped my eyes closed, "Sol...that's his Roman form. Helios is the Greek form. I know him....Sol and Apollo..."
I felt the gods eyes on me, he slowly nodded. "Yes, when the Romans decided to down size, the Greeks followed. Sol had started showing early signs of fading, he was starting to lose his touch. Apollo was a good kid, he was like the grandson Helios and Sol never had. He took-"
"Took over Helios's job with the sun Chariot. Eos was pissed, she wanted the job. She sided with her father in the last titan war. She kidnapped Raph... I killed her."
"What was that?"
I frowned, and rubbed my forehead. "I...I don't know. I can't remember. But I know this story. Not just like history know's...personal, somehow."
"Eos was a Titan. You said you killed her. How?"
I opened and closed my mouth. "I have no idea."
The Military god was x-raying me again. Like he was trying to read my secrets, or pull my memories to the surface.
"I can pull your memories, but it would do a lot of damage."
"Aren't you a god? Can't you whatever you want?" I spat.
"Whatever I want..." He mused. He turned and pulled something from behind his desk. It looked like a whiskey bottle and two small cups.
"I'm not old enough to drink." I said, indicating to the bottle.
"It's not what you think. It's a unicorn drought."
"Unicorns?" I sputtered.
"Yes. Roman demigods kept unicorns around for healing purposes. They are terrible in battle, horses or Pegasi are best. But they make a killer healing potion."
He poured a small amount into a glass and handed one to me.
"And you think this will help my memories?" I asked looking down into the golden liquid.
"We will see. I did not take your memories. I cannot give them back without fire consequences to yourself. And I am not one to inflict pain and suffering on those under my care."
I nodded slowly and took a careful sip. It was warm, which surprised me. And tasted sweet, like honey. I didn't feel anything. Nothing changed no revelation. I groaned in frustration.
"Let's start small. You clearly believe in the gods." Mithras stated.
I nodded and slowly sunk into the chair in front of his desk. "Ya. I know Greek and Roman. I know the gods are still around. Not like sacrifice a chicken or something ...but I've offered food into. Brazier before... Not like they are listening or helping. But ya, I know they're still around because they're a powerful part of civilization. They move from country to country as the center of power shifts- like they moved from Ancient Greece to Rome. I know I'm not from around here. I must be from North America. Why I'm here in the UK, I don't know. But before they switched to North America, the gods were here in Britannia, for many many years while the Romans concoured most of Europe."
"Very good. are 17 now. Clearly you have been claimed."
I nodded. "Yes. I have and I know my parenthood is complicated, I just can't ..can't put my finger on it."
"What do you mean, complicated."
I frowned and looked down at the cup, and swirled the drink. I saw swirls of gold and silver. I took another sip, before answering.
"Like I have a godly parent. A father. But I'm... I'm more then just a demigod. It was a big thing. And I...have this gut feeling, that the "more complicated" part of my heritage is a reason I've been dropped here without a memory. Because I could ruin everything." I answered miserably.
"A delicate little flower like you?" Mithras asked leaning back in his chair. He propped his combat boots up on his desk.
"I'm not delicate like a flower. I'm delicate like a ticking time bomb. One wrong move and boom. I blow you up." I took another sip of the honey flavord unicorn drought. Mithras raised a bushy white eyebrow. I felt an intense stab of pain behind my eyes and shot to the back of my head, to the base of my neck.
"Like a bomb..." I repeated. I set the glass down in the table and looked at my hands. I felt a sudden tingle in my hands like a warm buzz. My veins started to glow a gold colour, it spread through my whole body. Making me glow like an actual beam of sunlight. And then as if my body had been waiting for it, my hands burst into flames, the warm tongues of fire danced and jumped playfully from finger to finger.
"My father..." I started slowly, "I am a daughter of Apollo, the Greek god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. One of the most important and complex of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt. I am a rare daughter of his. He takes extra care for the daughters he has... Because he has more sons because Artemis has her hunters, they try to balance..."
The more I talked the more information came falling out if my mouth. Maybe there was more to this Unicorn stuff afterall. I took a quick breath and continued.
"However...I am also..." I looked up at the picture in the wall. I got up, my hands still dancing with fire. "I am the daughter, the only heir of Sol, the Roman All Seeing Titan of the Sun." I turned to look at Mithras, my hands sputtered and died out. My mouth kept talking, "Helios in his senile state would have personality switches. The night Apollo met with my mother, who was the heir to the first Oracle of Delphi, he took Helios on a spin in the Sun Chariot, but he didn't realize it was Sol he took, and like the sun, he flaired into Apollo. And when I was conceived, I was given Roman Titan DNA, Greek god DNA, and heir of an Oracle DNA. Making me a demigod many of the Olympian gods would fear."
After my speech I felt slightly light headed and I sunk back into the chair.
"Well, I'll be damned." Mirthas said. "I knew those rumors were true."
"You knew about me?"
"Rumors. Gods on Olympus like to talk. They like to gossip, most of what is said ain't true. Why I spend most of my time here, in my barracks with my family and men. But every now and then I hear things."
"What things?" I asked, egar for news.
Before he answered, he pulled out the bottle of Unicorn drought and refled out cups.
"Rumors only, of a child from both sides and a girl who could collapse an entire civilization if she wanted to. There are rumors of a war with the earth mother. She's pissed at the gods for locking her children up, and she wants revenge or some such shit. I don't fully know. I wasn't around that far back."
" weren't?" I asked, frowning at the god.
"Nope. I wasn't part of the Greek or Roman belief system until later. I was around, but in the Persian Empire. Here's a history lesson for ya, little blossom. I was Persian. I fell in love with a half create woman. This was all before I met my beloved flower now. Anyways, me and the mortal woman had a child, her name was Artemisia I of Caria. Her mother was the concubine of Lygdamis who was the first tyrant of Caria, in the time in 520- 484 BCE-"
"Is this history lesson important?"
"Yes!" He barked, suddenly all serious and militaristic, making me jump slightly. He eyed me up for a split second and then melted back into his chair. "Just like Artemisia...Now sit and shut up, little Sun Flower." His eyes had softened as he said that. I couldn't help but twitch into a smile.
"As I was saying." He said easing back and sipping his drink. I did the same, mirroring his actions. I pulled my knees up to my chest. As he spoke I reached for the pen on the desk and started doodling on the knee of my sweat pants as I listened.
"Artemisia fought as an ally of Xerxes I, King of Persia against the independent Greek city states during the second Persian invasion of Greece. She personally commanded ships at the naval battle of Artemisium and at the naval Battle of Salamis. Now as I am an original Persian deity my daughter brought my worship to the Greeks. Fearing for their safety and reputations I was worshiped in secret. When the Romans took over, they took over my worship, still keeping me secret. I was changed and adapted to fit the needs of the mortals. I went with the flow, some gods can't bend and change, it's too hard for them. Maybe its my laid back personality-"
I snorted into my cup and tried to keep from giggling. "Sorry. Continue." I choked on the drink as he eyed me up.
"- I changed and adapted to the new needs, which were those of the warriors being sent to the cold isolated places of Britannia. Ares and Mars were busy in Rome. The warriors here...felt isolated and alone. I was still worshiped in secret, but I was becoming more well known. I stand for brotherhood, honour, justice, loyalty... The positive side of warriors and soldiers. So no, I have not been around with the Greek and Roman as far back as the beginning. But I have integrated myself into their system. I'm not an Olympian, but I'm still a god in my own right. Sure I'm looked at and sneered at when I visit. But Sol took me under his wing, we became closer than brothers. It was I who put in the good word for Apollo to take on the sun responsibilities. He was a good kid- a little haughty, but he was young."
"Well that's a lot to process." I said, letting my knees flop, so I was sitting cross legged on the chair. He was quiet now, letting me process what he said. "So you don't think it's weird I'm both Greek and Roman?"
"Shit no! We live in a world where everything is mixed and jumbled together. Very little of anything is its own anymore. Look at just where we are right now. First there were Celtic tribes and barbarians, then Romans, then Saxons, then barbarians and then this and then that and then Christian's and then who knows what now. But through the history there has been seeping of each aspect of who lived before. You found a statue of my Roman son in front of a gothic era Catholic church, which was put there in 1920 something or other. So no, I don't think you having Greek and Roman DNA is weird. To answer your question."
I nodded. "That actually really helps. Thank you." I said quietly. And I meant it. It felt like a huge heavy weight had lifted off my shoulders. And my chest felt lighter. I was quiet still making over everything.
"How long have you been here...and married to Calantha?" I asked, just to fill the quiet.
"My temple was built in 200 AD. Her flower started to grow in 210AD. We were married in 250AD and have been together ever since. She is my beautiful spring flower."
"She's a dryad..." I said realizing now.
"Yes. Her beautiful Ballerina flower grew beside the sacrificial table, and I couldn't help but fall for her."
"For a military're a big suck, ya know that?" I teased, a ghost of a smile on my face.
"Only for her. I don't get a lot of...female worshipers. Or daughters. Not any woman want to be warriors, its a tough life, very different from the life they were normally forced into. They have a soft spot in my heart."
"Your secret is safe with me." I said softly, smiling at him. I felt a weight on my heart. And my smile slid off and it slipped into a frown. I felt my eyes prickle with tears and my throat grew tight. I looked away quickly, trying to wipe the tears before they fell.
"What's wrong? I don't know if I'm equipment in the tears department." The gruff old god said honestly.
"You remind me of Raph. I think. He's gruff and tough. People are usually scared of him...I think. But he's not really. He's sweet and kind and caring... I think. From the few memories Cupid gave me back...I miss him. And a few others. I think i have a brother. Like I know I have many brothers from Apollo...but like an actual brother. And two best friends, but I can't remember."
"Hmm. He must be a son of Mars, than."
"Ares." I corrected. "Raph is full Greek."
Mithras nodded. "I have a feeling I'll like the kid."
"I'm sure you would." I smiled through my tears. Sat in my misery for a another moment and then sniffed and used the heel of my hands to dry my tears. "Okay... Enough if that. I can't remember much of him and the others, so moving on. What was this about a war with the Earth mother?"
"Just that. War seems to be coming. I can feel it in my bones."
"But it wouldn't be here. It would be at the epicenter of Olympus. Where the Greeks and Romans are the strongest now, if she was smart... I think I fought in a war just recently and they attacked Olympus. Clearly it didn't work."
"Clearly." He huffed with a nod. I frowned and looked passed him to the map on the wall behind him. I got up and drained the last of the Unicorn drought and stepped behind his desk. He spun his chair around, he didn't seem to mind I made myself at home in his office. I looked at the map.
"The names are like wiggly worms. Damn dyslexia. Where are we right now?" I asked, staring at the world map.
He stood up and placed his finger on the map. I nodded.
"Okay. So we're here. The Olympians are strong in North America...which is where I must be from. I don't have a ridiculous accent."
"Maybe you're the one with the accent and the rest of us are normal?" Mithras raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.
"But that seems like something that would happen. But I think...if my mythology and stories are right... This Earth Mother goddess titan..." I paused, the name floated into my brain and made me shiver. "Gaia" I whispered.
Mithras growled and he stiffened, like he was ready for a fight.
"She would go for the original roots to Greek and Roman...if you go after them in North America, they could just rebuild. The titans tried and were destroyed. She's smarter...She's patient. Waiting until after the Titans destroy themselves then attack when we think were safe."
"For a hero without a memory, your pretty fucken smart, little flower pod."
"Thanks." I grinned.
"I can see why they think your a threat. It's not just the DNA of who you have, you also have a brain in your head."
I smiled at his words.
"However, we can't go storming around the world picking fights with Gaia the earth mother. You have stumbled into my solider barracks. I insist you stay, train and learn all you can and then go out into the world to kick some earth ass."
"But -"
"Child." He suddenly barked, the military general came out for a split second. "Where would you go? What would you do?" He asked, he was now standing, his hands flat on his desk as he leaned forwards slightly, his dark eyes staring at me, daring me to answer.
I lowered my head, I had no answers. He continued in a softer voice, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Nora, Sun Flower, daughter of my brother in arms. You almost didn't make it here. You need proper training. You need memories back, and a safe monster free space to do so. I will provide all that."
"All great points." I admitted, my shoulders slumped.
"You are a daughter of Sol. Which is like having a daughter myself. I will not have you trapsing around out there without proper training."
"Wait.. really?" I asked raising my head. I hadn't heard from Apollo the entire time I was alone out here, this guy seemed genuine. I felt safe. And I didn't get weird vibes like Lady Kore. I felt safe. When I looked up at the old General god, I saw fire flicker. The first time I saw any kind of god attribute. He had a warm fire in his eyes, like Hestia- how I remembered that I couldn't remember. But they were both dangerous. This was a god of war after all.
"Yes." He said, breaking my thoughts, and bringing me back. "You are not of my DNA, but I will be your patron god. If you will have me. I will always have your back. You will become part of the warrior hood."
"Is this like an Olympian gods father?"
He frowned at me. And blinked a few times, "that was a terrible use of pun."
I snorted and couldn't contain the giggles. "I didn't even mean to."
Mithras rolled his eyes and made a frustrated growling noise in the back of his throat.
"Don't lie, you loved it!" I giggled.
"No, it was terrible." He grumbled.
"You made an offer I couldn't refuse!" I said doing my best impression of the Godfather. I saw his lip twitch and a spark in his dark eyes.
"Also a terrible impression. Do not ever do that again."
I snorted, and I saw his lip twitch again.
"Okay. I'll stay, I'll train and try regain my memory, but I can't stay forever. I do have family out there. I know I do, and I'm sure they are just as upset as I am- probably more so, because I can't remember them. I don't even know how long I've been gone for. But for now... I'll stay."
"Good. Training begins tomorrow, flower. And now I must retire to the living room with Calantha. You are a daughter now in my house. My men are all respectful- you will be safe."
"Oh they don't scare me. I'm probably scarier then all of them."
"I don't doubt it. We've had heroes come through. But I do sense something special with you."
I smiled at the gruff old general.
"Thank you."
He didn't say anything but nodded his head and stepped around me and held the door.
"Make yourself at home. Training starts tomorrow 830 am sharp."
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