Chapter 1: I'm Feeling Kind of Threatened
My head hit the pillow and as my eyes closed I was pulled instantly into dreams.
Dreams are a normal part of being a demi god. Most kids around here get them, usually not so vivid or constant. But being the daughter of Apollo and the All Seeing Titan god of the Sun... I'm plagued with them. Oh also, last summer I had a run in with the Oracle, I was offered the job, but declined. And I feel like just to spite me Delphi was like nah you can also have horrible dreams and never sleep properly again for turning the job down.
So here I was after another long day planning and strategizing how to find my brother, I was hoping for some peaceful sleep. No such luck.
"ALL RIGHT CUPCAKES! Shut your pie holes and listen up!"
A satyr stood in front of a group of teenagers all in gym shirts and running shoes. He was clear the coach, or gym teacher. His baseball cap was pulled low over his hair, so you could just see his beady eyes. He had a wispy goatee and a sour face, like he'd eaten something moldy. His buff arms and chest pushed against a bright orange polo shirt. His nylon workout pants and Nikes were spotless white. A whistle hung from his neck, and a megaphone was clipped to his belt. He would've looked pretty scary if he hadn't been five feet zero. When he started to pace back and forth a kid from the back of the group yelled, "Stand up, Coach Hedge!"
"I heard that!" He yelled. "Now. We got two new little cupcakes joining you. I trust you'll make 'em feel right at home."
He blew his whistle making everyone jump. There were two kids standing just behind Coach Hedge. A girl with chocolate brown hair was cut choppy and uneven, with thin strands braided down the sides. She wore no makeup like she was trying not to draw attention to herself, but it didn't work. She was seriously pretty. Her eyes seemed to change color like a kaleidoscope- brown, blue, and green. Even in gym clothes you could tell she had the perfect body.
The boy standing next to her made me grin, even in my dream vision.
He looked like a Latino Santa's elf, with curly black hair, pointy ears, a cheerful, babyish face, and a mischievous smile that told you right away this guy should not be trusted around matches or sharp objects. His long, nimble fingers wouldn't stop moving- drumming on his legs, sweeping his hair behind his ears, fiddling with the strings of his gym shorts. Either the kid was naturally hyper or he was hopped up on enough sugar and caffeine to give a heart attack to a water buffalo.
"All right you Pansy flowers, this is Piper and Leo. Enough chit chat! It's time for running. Now let's go! Move your tails. I ain't got time for dilly dallying!" His deep voice bellowed over the kids. They all started to groan and whine. He blew the whistle again, louder this time and they started running around the dry and cracked football field.
My dream shifted.
I was hovering in darkness. I couldn't see or feel anything solid. I was just there. The emptiness pressed in on me. I knew it was vast, but I couldn't move. I was suspended in time and space.
There was a sudden whisper of breath. It brushed across my skin like a gentle breeze. It felt old. And evil. It made me shiver and the hair at the back of my neck rose, my danced alarm went off. I knew I wasn't alone.
The breath formed words and it danced over me and rattled around my head.
"Sweet sun child."
The voice was quiet, so quiet it took all of my power and concentration to focus on listening. The voice was old, and sleepy. Like it was murmured in the weird half asleep state.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, my gaurd was up. I didn't think I could fight a disembodied voice, but I knew something was very off.
"I am Gaia...Mother earth." She whispered again.
"What do you want?"
"To advise you."
"I usually don't take advice from bodiless voices. So thanks but no thanks."
"Don't be so hasty little demigod. I know your secret.."
"Umm my what now?"
"The secret you hide. Should certain...people in power find out who you really are, you would spark the war between the two. You would ruin everything the gods have worked so hard to keep separate. You..part Greek and part, child are an abomination."
"Excuse me?!"
"You know what I say. Apollo sworn to secrecy. Artemis swore on the River Styx to say nothing...if your cute camp found out...they would turn you over. They do not trust easily. You know have felt it. They did not welcome you to camp so easily. They knew."
I opened and closed my mouth a few times. I didn't know what to do or say. How did she know...this mother earth. The room where I found out was supposed to be god prof- no one was supposed to hear that. The voice sounded like it was snoring until it spoke again.
"You know, Eleanora Blofis.. you would be turned over to the Romans and they don't take kindly to outsiders either. They would end you..and your whole camp. So why not forget it all and join me. I do not care whether Greek or Roman. You have powers others cannot fathom... You are the key to their survival or demise."
"Well...a Titan already tried using me so I'll pass on being used to destroy things, thanks for the offer."
"Oh silly child. The Titans were nothing compared to what's coming... My other Gigantes...they serve me better. You do not know what's coming... I know your secret. You cannot be trust....your an abomination to demigods everywhere..."
And I was left alone in the darkness, feeling quite shaken and rattled. I felt a pull in my gut. I was yanked from the never ending darkness and emptiness into a bright white light. My feet slammed into something solid. I had to blink a few times. Holding a hand up to shield my eyes I looked around.
I was standing in the Hera's honorary cabin. Unlike Apollo's cabin which was always bright with warm cozy sunshine this was white bright and harsh. It felt cold and angry.
"Oh Di Immortales. What does her holy cow want?" I spat.
"Watch it, half blood."
"What do you want Hera?" I asked crossing my arms. I could hear her voice she was trying to talk to me through her statue. There was a flash of light and the stern sour looking goddess was standing in front of me. There was something off about her. Her eyes looked different.
"Hera? Who is Hera? I am Juno, and I, my child, I come with a dire warning!" Her voice sounded odd, like she was going to comfort me, pat me on the back and offer a sandwich or something. She suddenly gasped and doubled over holding her head. She let out a loud groan. I stood unsure what to do. I'd never seen a god do this before, like she was in pain.
"Uhh...Juno? Everything okay?"
She straightened up, and smoothed her robes. Her eye twitched slightly as she regarded me with the familiar cold and calculating eyes. Hera was back.
"I'm fine. I am plagued with headaches. The time is near. Be could be the saviour or the is are the key. They must not know...I will warn you once, you must not revel your identity. You will chase mass fear and panic. You will be the destruction!"
I was shaken awake. I say up with a gasp, flailing my arms and grasping the person in front of me.
"Whoa whoa whoa, Nora breath."
"Raph?" I gasped.
"Ya, you okay? You're feverish. And slightly green. Did you have another vision?"
" was..." I trailed off, feeling suddenly uncomfortable with what I had seen. Feeling the need to keep what I had seen quiet. At least for now. I ran a hand through my hair as I thought over what I had seen and heard.
"Wait...Raph? What are you doing in Cabin 7?" I suddenly realized he was sitting on the side of my bed.
"Well considering you got back late last night we let you sleep in...everyone is already off doing chores. Annabeth told me there is an Iris message coming in."
"Wait...why didn't Apollo's sun Chariot not wake me up?"
He shrugged. "Dunno. Will said something similar, but come on sleepy head, we gotta get to the Big House."
"Right." I threw the covers off and scrambled out of bed. I tugged on a pair of black cargo pants. And as I turned around to grab a t shirt I stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Enjoying the view?"
"Not my fault you sleep in a sports bra and underwear...and yes..yes I am."
"Dude." She tossed a pillow at his head. He caught it with a chuckle. "You shouldn't be in my cabin anyways... especially the girls room!"
"Why do ya think I volunteered to come get you?" He gave me a smug smirk. I rolled my eyes and tugged a shirt on and on my way out grabbed my belt with my twin blades. I always slept with my charm bracelet of weapons. I followed Raph out the door. As I pulled my hair into a ponytail I asked about the message coming in.
"Was it about Percy?"
His long strides made me jog to keep up. "I don't think so, it's a searcher satyre."
"Oh..." I could feel the disappointment. My shoulders sagged andy face lost its hopeful smile.
Percy had been missing for 3 days now. Annabeth and him both started winter break early. They were going to meet here at camp, we figured we had three weeks together. It was going to be great. Then after the campfire, Raph and I saw Percy walk her back and kissed her good night, I teased him all the way back to his cabin. I wished him some very sweet dreams and in the morning, he was gone. We searched the whole camp.
He just vanished. We had small search parties out looking. Grover and Mr. Miles, Annabeth and I had gone, when Raph could get away from being sword and weapons master he went looking with Clarisse. Nico was out looking as well, trying to track down a lead somewhere. We had sent a message to all the satyrs to keep their eyes open for him. It's normal for demigods to go missing for a day or two...but never just vanish from your own cabin. He hadn't called or IM'd...nothing. Just vanished without a trace.
Nico couldn't feel his life aura, but he couldn't confirm he was dead either. Annabeth and I refused to believe that he was dead. Or that he would willing do this to us. I had tried contacting Rachel. I had tried but came up blank.
I stomped up the porch steps and shoved the door open. Annabeth and Chiron were at the desk in the office.
An older satyre's face floated in the mist.
"Hey! I saw you!" I stopped in the door way. His eyes snapped to me, and he scowled.
"How would you see me? You following me around?"
"No...I had a dream about you last night. You had two new kids in your...uh...gym class? They started at the beginning of the semester."
His face showed he was surprised, clearly, his eyes went wide.
"How would-"
"Daughter of Apollo. Prophetic dreams." I shrugged.
"Ahh." He nodded in understanding. "All right now about what I was saying." His voice was gruff and he was a no nonsense satyre. "I have two powerful demigods here with me-"
"A girl named Piper and a boy. Leo."
"Yeah. Thems the ones." The old saryre growled. "They dropped in on me, no idea where they came from, but I got 'em and they are strong. Now I got a monster trackin' us. Now you're saying I'm being delivered a package? No idea from who or where or what it is??"
"No. All I was told was there was a package being delivered. " Annabeth asked.
"Great. What am I gonna do about this, eh? If I gotta, I'll swing by bat!"
"No no...Gleeson, that won't be necessary." Chiron soothed.
Annabeth caught my eye and we both had the same thought. Maybe it was Percy.
"You said in your last report, Gleeson, you were supervising a trip off campus today?"
"Right you are, Sir. We're taking the cupcakes to Grand Canyon. I got two powerful demigods and a monster on my tail, and now this package. I can take it on, Chuck Norris style, but I might want some backup. Just in case."
"You won't be alone." I said suddenly, I didn't have the authority to authorize this, but, I would go alone if I had to. "We'll send an extraction team. Get the two demigods to camp."
"Better hurry."
"We'll be there."
Hedge nodded and waved his hand through the mist breaking the connection. I turned to Chiron immediately. He already had his hand up to stem the flow of questions and demands. Annabeth looked ready to blow her top.
"Before you girls ask, yes, I'll allow you two to go. But I need you there and back. No detours. No stopping to search any area. You're on a deadline."
"Yes sir." Annabeth nodded.
"Raph, I need you here, I got another call from another Satyre, he's on his way with a son of Ares who might be a handful, I'm sorry."
"No problem sir. I'll be here." Raph nodded. He did catch my eye as he nodded, a 'silent please be careful.'
"We leave as soon as your ready." Annabeth said, her voice was snippy as she left the room.
I knew she missed Percy, and she hadn't slept much, I didn't take it personally. She got snippy when Raph and I had 'moments' and she was around. Over the few months her and Percy had been together she had warmed up to me and actually become a good friend. She was someone, now, I could count on and tell some secrets to. I didn't have many friends who were girls. Selina's death hit me hard. I had Kayla and Clarisse...but Clarisse isn't exactly the tell your boy secrets to kind of girl. Annabeth had become that person over the months.
And now that Percy was gone, she was becoming snappy and almost resentful of Raph and I. I tried to let it go. But sometimes it hurt.
I inhaled slowly and left the Big Houde to get ready. Raph followed.
"You'll be careful?"
"Babe, you know I'm invincible. I'm always safe." I waved a hand and rolled my eyes.
"No, I mean don't be wreckless. I know you and Annabeth both are worried about Percy. Just...use your head, okay?" He stopped walking and pulled me around to face him. "Come back to me Sunshine."
"I always come back to you. That's what we do. We always find each other."
"I know."
He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, before murmuring against my hairline.
"Go kill some stuff, you Geek."
Okay! Here we go. Book 3. Ready for some crazy adventure. It's gonna be fast paced. Not every character is gonna show up- but it'll mostly follow the time lines in Hero's of Olympus. (Lost Hero, Son of Neptune and Blood of Olympus)
If you guys haven't read the original PJO and the HOO and the first 2 instalments of Daughter of Light, this won't make any sense.
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