Part 10
Tyson, how did you and Ella get out to this ship?
'You... took a rainbow?'
XD XD XD This was absolutely hilarious
Be careful, and Ave Romae!
Dakota and Leila repeated the cheer.
Tyson furrowed his single eyebrow. 'Who is Ave?'
Aww.... Tyson is so cute!
'In other words', Reyna said dryly, 'he's getting in the way of your plan for world domination'
o_e She makes the Hunters and Amazons sound evil....
Hylla grabbed the front bumper of the Chevy and flipped the entire car towards Orion, as easily as if she were splashing him with water in a swimming pool
Whoa! Does she do weightlifting?
When Coach Hedge said - 'They named a whole town after Leo's table?' - I cracked up hard XD
'This will hurt, my friend,' she told Blackjack.
He huffed, as if to say, Tell me something I don't know
Lol. I didn't know even pegasi listen to Silena Gomez's songs
They had apparently gone shopping at the Barrachina sovenier shop, where they'd replaced their dirty, tattered shirts with loud tropical numbers
'Nico', Reyna said, 'you look-'
'Not a word about the shirt', he warned. 'Not a word'
I laughed so much that I had a stomach ache and even today when I think of Nico in that shirt I start giggling like crazy. Someone really needs to make a fanart of this! This was one of the best moments in BOO
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