Chapter 3
A few days later, Virgil arrived to class early wanting to see Logan. "Hey teach, what are we doing today?" Logan quickly replied, " We are going to be looking into how to pitch a product". Three hours later, after class had ended Virgil waited behind. "Did you still want to take me home every day, Logan?" Virgil asked. "Yeah, you have another class with Derek now don't you?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded and replied, "Yeah I do, I can meet you here afterward and we can go?". Logan put his thumbs up while Virgil went to his next lecture. This one wasn't as long and it was with Derek who Virgil thought was cool for a hipster. He didn't know Roman would be joining him in this class so to see him next to him was surprising. "Hey Virgil, I think you'll love this class. It's so fun" Virgil smiled at Roman, "I sure hope so".
Derek had set them on a task which meant Virgil could ask Roman's advice. "Hey, I think we are going to be very close this year and for some reason, I trust you with my life. I need some advice on something." Roman gestures to tell the boy to carry on. "Well, you know Logan, the teacher? he has offered to drive me home every day after college and I feel like I'm beginning to have feelings for him.". Roman looked at Virgil in shock. "How scandalous? I am definitely approving this one. It's okay to have feelings for him. If it goes anywhere, let me know." Roman smiled at Virgil. Virgil just put his hoodie up to hide his embarrassment and got on with the task Derek set.
It was a fairly easy assignment. He had to create a new script for their favourite stories. Virgil's was Heathers. He related to JD. He felt like he was an antagonist too. Virgil turned the story around so JD could be forgiven and be with Veronica. Maybe Virgil just wanted Logan to be his Veronica. The teacher just couldn't leave his mind. Since he saw him, he couldn't get him out of his head. He found so much out about Logan on their car rides home. That he likes the same music as Virgil, Logan attends a debate club which Virgil thought was quite hot, He reads gothic texts like Jekyll and Hyde... They were so alike. Virgil wanted to see him in debate mode. Virgil was sapiosexual after all.
A few hours past and it was time to go home. Virgil practically sprinted towards Logan's class. That was when he ran straight into Logan and his papers went everywhere. "We have to stop doing this Logan" Virgil giggled while picking up Logan's papers. That was when he noticed a drawing. It was of him. "L-logan? Did you draw this" Virgil asked, with a confused look on his face. "Erm, Y-yeah. I did. I just was doodling and that happened. S-sorry if it's creepy" Logan replied, blushing like a fool. "It's okay, I actually am flattered. It's a really good drawing though. I'm not surprised someone as smart as you, would also have the talent to draw." Logan blushed at Virgil's compliments. "Shall we get going then" Logan hinted and they both got in Logan's car.
Virgil began to play with his sleeves while "Go Go Go" By Sleeping With Sirens was playing in the car. He kept looking over at Logan, blushing while listening to the song. "There's plenty of time for us to finally get it right, why don't we crash and burn tonight?" That Lyric hit Virgil and Logan. Logan knew he loved Virgil and Virgil knew he loved Logan. They just didn't know they loved each other. They both imagined what it would be like to kiss the other.
It was at that point Logan pulled up at Virgil's house. "Do you want to stay in here a while longer? I rather enjoy your company and I don't want to go home just yet" Logan asked the emo boy. "Of course" Virgil quickly replied. They spoke about their day at school. Logan found out that Virgil's favourite teacher was him, to which Logan blushed redder than a Solanum Lycopersicum. He admitted to Virgil that Virge was his favourite student which made him blush, it was faded due to his foundation but you could still see it.
Virgil realized that it was nearly drawing the time where he would have dinner. "I sincerely apologize Logan but my family is dishing up dinner soon. I'll see you tomorrow?" Logan smiled at the boy and said "Affirmative Virgil". Virgil giggled. He pointed out to the teacher that he sounded like K9 from Doctor Who which received a smile from Logan, K9 was always his favourite.
Virgil felt a rush of adrenaline come over him and decided to kiss the teacher. The radio was still playing, it was Virgil's favourite song by Panic! At The Disco. Music always gave Virgil confidence and the song Hurricane made Virgil think of Logan. When the song said "Oh kiss me", Virgil grabbed Logan's tie and pulled him close, smashing his lips onto Logan's. It was a short kiss and neither of the two boys wanted it to end. "I just messed up, look I'll go now. I'm sorry Logan" Virgil told the taller man. Logan smiled at Virgil and replied, "You messed nothing up". Logan grabbed Virgil's hoodie and kissed the boy slowly. Virgil placed his arms around Logan, letting his fingers run through his hair. Logan placed his hands on Virgils hips pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Both boys had been dreaming of this kiss, both boys had been waiting for this moment and it was here. Virgil licked Logan's lower lip, asking for entrance to which Logan accepted. The boys' tongues discovering each other's mouths. It was after a few moments after that they broke apart.
"Logan, you're not supposed to date students, you could lose your job right?" Virgil asked. Logan looked sad and replied, "I'll happily quit if it means I can kiss you again. Also, did you just suggest that you want us to date?". Virgil blushed at the teacher's comment. "Well, who wouldn't want to date you? I mean you're gorgeous and you're smart and caring. And yeah. It seems like you want to date me too but how would it work?" Virgil asked. "It's either I quit my job or we just wait to get caught. We can keep this a secret and I can keep my job and spoil you senseless.". Virgil had no idea what to take from this entire situation, he just knew it made him happy. "I-I love you Logan" Virgil Stuttered. Logan smiled and blushed, "I love you too Virgil".
The boys smiled at each other, both with a crimson blush on their cheeks. "Just to clarify, you're my boyfriend now right?" Virgil asked the teacher. "Yes Virgil, I'm now your boyfriend and you are now my boyfriend. Now I think you should go before your family kill you for being late to dinner" Logan giggles. Virgil nodded and bid his farewells to Logan. He left but not before giving the teacher a quick kiss on the cheek. Logan waited outside Virgil's house for a short while, just to make sure Virgil got in safe. As Virgil got in, he did the typical thing where you slide down the door and sigh. He couldn't believe he was dating his teacher. Logan did something of a similar nature as he drove away from his newly made boyfriends' house. Both boys smiled as they thought of each other.
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