Chapter 1
It was Virgil's first day of college where this story begins. He woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. Summer was over and he had to learn how to wake up and get to college. He got dressed in his usual purple attire, grabbed his bag and left. He wasn't looking forward to meeting all new people, but at least he wasn't in secondary school anymore. He looked around the campus. He felt at home. It was a place for geeks like him to get along. He entered the building where his classroom would be. He was hoping he would make friends. He had no idea what laid in store for him.
"Hello class, my name is Logan. I am your lecturer or teacher or whatever you want to call me". Virgil couldn't help but stare at the older man. His face, his hair, his voice... this man was attractive to him. "Now who can tell me an example of a film that includes a psychopath that you feel sorry for" the teacher asked. Virgil felt his hand dart up. "Ah you, your name is?" Logan asked. "It's Virgil and my example is Jason Dean from Heathers". The teacher looked impressed with Virgil. "Please explain" Logan asked. "Well his mum committed suicide when he was young, he hasn't had the stability of friends or a home, he doesn't have much of a father figure. All he knows is that destructive behavior is the answer. He can't help the way he was raised". Virgil explained.
Logan looked taken aback but also impressed at the young lad in front of him. "I'm impressed, Virgil". Virgil smiled at the teacher. Logan carried on with his lecture on different camera shots and angles and how they help to define a character. Virgil wasn't used to fully paying attention in class but this class was different somehow. He was actually interested in what the teacher was saying. He wouldn't admit him to himself but Virgil felt fascinated by this teacher. "Ok guys, you can go on a break for 30 minutes. Virgil, can I talk to you?" Logan asked. Virgil felt his anxiety rise, he hated that he had no idea where this conversation was going to lead.
"Hey Virgil, I really liked your answer in class today. What made you decide this course was what you wanted to do?" Logan questioned. "Well, I love movies and tv shows. I'm quite critical of them, I like looking for the darker meanings in movies. I do it with my Dad often when we watch Disney movies. I just wanted to make my own works with darker messages. To educate people on important issues." Virgil quickly responded. Logan was taken aback by Virgil's answer. He was half expecting an immature answer. Logan felt intrigued by this student. He couldn't wait to spend all year figuring him out. He liked a puzzle. "Erm, can I go now? I kinda want to get some food because I didn't have breakfast this morning." Virgil asked. Logan shook his head and replied "Yeah of course. My apologies, I was deep in thought about your answer to my question. Most students have an immature response to that question. Hurry and get back Virgil"
Virgil grabbed some donuts, a monster, a Twix and a sausage roll and was walking back from Tesco when he walked straight into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry, Are you okay?" The person asked. Virgil replied "Yeah, I'm fine. It's okay. What's your name?". Virgil learned that the boy's name was Roman. He looked like your regular prince charming. No literally, he was dressed like a Disney Prince. "How come I haven't seen you before?" Roman asked. "Oh, I just moved here, I'm also taking Media. What are you taking?" Virgil replied. "Oh I am taking Drama, I love acting. I like to think I'm quite good at it." Virgil Smiled. "Maybe I can get you in front of my camera someday. I'll need your snapchat though to see when you're free". Roman Smiled, this boy was smooth. He quickly gave Virgil his snapchat and left for his class. Virgil had successfully made a friend.
It had quickly come to the end of the lecture. Virgil was searching through his bag for his card so he could get the bus home. He groaned when he realized he forgot to pick it up. It was his luck that it was also raining outside. Virgil was making sarcastic comments in his head and continued to groan. It was then that he walked straight into Logan. All of Logan's paperwork went everywhere. "I am so sorry Sir. Here, I'll help you". Virgil and Logan quickly picked up all of the paperwork which Logan quickly thanked Virgil for his help. "Welp, better go. It's going to take me forever to get home because I forgot my bus pass. Aren't I a great student?" Virgil complained. Logan felt sorry for the boy. He didn't want him to be walking in the rain. It looked like it was going to flood. "Virgil?" Logan called. Virgil quickly looked back. "Erm, If you would like to, I could give you a ride home? It's not very professional of me but it looks like it's going to flood. I wouldn't want you to get sick and miss one of my lectures" Logan offered. Virgil accepted the teachers offer.
AN: Hello, I've noticed there is quite the lack of school AU's when it comes to Logan and also a lack of analogical fics so I'm here to fics that (Oh Patton stop XD). Anyway, I don't have a schedule so updates will be at random. If you like this, please let me know. Thanks for reading I guess.
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