I woke up with the sound of babies, or maybe baby crying. I just slept but, well, It's okay. Stretching my arms, I stood up to go and see what's wrong. Thankfully Annie didn't wake as she was tired as hell to even blink, I didn't want her to wake up, not just yet.
Reaching the cradle, I found a baby girl crying and I immediately picked her up to stop her cries.
'My little girl, what's wrong? Are you hungry?' I swung my arms slowly to see if she stops but she didn't. That's when something stinky, some stinky smell reached my nostrils.
'Ugh. Shit.' I whined, well that's what that's... shit. She just...pooped.
Sighing I looked at Annie and her tired face just melted my heart. I laid the girl on the bed and dug throw the bags of the babies and pulled out a diaper and a packet of wipes to clean her.
I know, I can... Or Maybe I will.
Slowly I pulled down the little pajamas of hers and she wiggled little but then she laid quietly as if understanding what I am doing...
My stomach wobbled by the thoughts of cleaning her but then, she is my own daughter and I need to do this, I have to.
Pulling out a few wipes I opened her diaper and sighing started to clean her skin and then rolling it I tossed it in the nearby bin and wore her the clean one.
She smiled and then I snuggled with her before she cried like an alarm again.
This time her cries were 10x more powerful than before and Annie woke up with a tensed face
"What happened?" She asked with worry visible in her voice.
"Nothing sweetie, it's just... she's hungry." I replied to her and she shook her head.
"No maybe her diaper needs a change, give her to me." She stretched her arms and yawned.
"Just give her some milk... I changed her- Diaper." I told her, maybe a little hesitant and she smiled proudly.
"I did expect it. Okay, give her to me." She took hold of her and started to feed her but just as she said before, she feels shy. I turned and stared at the wall with nothing on there.
"So do you mind now, that I call you Anika more often.?" I picked the packet of wipes and started to play with it.
"I don't mind Shiv. I am sure, I am over it now." She told me while smiling. I could feel it.
"Good to know. So, you want to head back to Dubai now or wait for a little more? I can arrange the facilities if you want to go soon." I looked back at her and she was covering themselves with a little blanket.
"No, I don't want to go now. I can't risk everything. You know babies need special treatments for some time... We will go later." She shooked her head.
"Did you think of any names? Because I feel I am out of names, I just don't like the names which come to my mind." I tried to keep talking so that she doesn't fall asleep while feeding.
Before some time, in evening Doctor asked me to not let mommy fall asleep while feeding the babies... She didn't tell me the reason.
"Umm... A lot. Let's hear yours first." She smirked.
"That's... That's a bad Idea." I looked down.
"C' mon..."
"Okay... So something like Gautam, Gaurav, and Gayatri." I told, embarrassed.
"That- Um they're cool..." She told me of hiding her chuckled in which she failed badly.
"I told you..." I narrowed my eyes.
"Shivaay I mean it. I like them, but babies won't. So let's hear the other options. I liked the names, seriously." She tried to convince me but I knew, she lied.
"Fine. Tell me about your choices?" I asked smirking.
"List goes on. So, Anisha, Anvay, Adi. Reyansh, Aarav, Mishka, Arya, and Aaryan... The list never ends." She sighed.
"Mishka. I like it. And... Um, Adi Aaryan. I like these." I told her and she nodded.
"I too like Mishka a lot. I mean it sounds so cute and I even decided to call here Mishi. I am just... so happy." She excitedly told me and I chuckled.
"Yeah, you prefer nicks over names. So what're you going to call Aaryan? Huh?" I asked walking toward her.
She looked down and then here and there... As if thinking something.
"I guess, Aru. Adi won't be getting any nickname." She sadly pouted.
"Why not? We can name him Aditya and with this, we will call him Adi and Boom!" I laughed and she giggled.
"I love you." She suddenly told me.
I've heard it before but it never makes any difference, I just feel so good and loved and churning in my stomach. That's what love does... Makes you an idiot.
I blushed and looked at her with her eyes fixed on me. "I LOVE YOU TOO." I bent, whispering.
"Shivaay... I- Mish... is here." She excused as I intently gazed her lips.
"Stop! I don't think she would even realize what's going on. C'mon." I gently wrapped my hands around her face, holding her face with much care.
"You know; you make me go crazy. I just have no words to tell you what you do to me. So let me just express it." I am an idiot. I become so different under her spell.
"Shiv..." She heavily whispered.
"I love you more than I tell you," I said and slowly our lips met. She wasn't ready which reflected in the kiss as she didn't respond immediately. Even I wasn't ready, It's just, her 'I LOVE YOU' made me go crazy.
Not wanting to hurt her already aching body I went slow and sucked onto her lips, passionately. It never gets old. She tastes always more...better.
Slowly...she started to fight for the dominance. I like it...
I didn't fight much and let her win. Her tongue entering my mouth made me feel better than I can ever feel. Her warm and um... Medicated.
I could feel the taste of all the medicines she took before sleeping.
"Shiv..." She whispered heavily and I backed off... She was out of oxygen and she needed space to breathe.
"You good?" I asked her as she gasped for the air.
"I am. I love you too." She said and smiled. Hugging her I took Mishi back and walked to the cradle.
"Shivaay... I am fine now. No risks of any loss. No nothing. I want to know about everything... Now." She demanded out of nowhere making me freeze on my steps and I didn't dare to look back.
So foolish of me to think that she would never ask now.
To be Continued...
Thank you for waiting I wasn't able to pen it down properly. So I took the time to make it good enough to be publishable. Also, I am sorry because after so many talks, suggestions, I published the book 'Outbreak' but now as I got to know that people are just here to read about Shivika and no matter what they won't read and accept the other names for them and just want to read force marriages and family crap, I UNPUBLISHED IT. So thanks and sorry for wasting your time guys...
Love ~ Annie.
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