Thank you everyone for your comments and votes. But I'm sorry for late update. There's some problem with wattpad and everyone is facing that...hope so it gets solve soon.
~~~Shivaay's POV~~~
We reached mansion after a tiry journey due to lots of emotions running in our minds... yes, our. She was conscious but not fully... lifting her in my arm's i walked to her room while she held my coat lightly and placed her head on my chest... i looked at her in between till we reach her room... i placed her on her bed and she crouched turning to other side... i covered her with blanket and looked at her face... she closed her eyes or maybe she really slept...
"you called me sir?" i heard Jessie While i was busy admiring the beauty of annie...
"Stay with annie till i come" i ordered her and walked out having last glances of her...
I entered my tub filled with warm water... much needed session of relaxation. Since morning I'm depressed with thoughts of what to do or what not to... in car i thought to give us a chance but then... my rahul's face flashes in front of me... by giving us a chance I'll be behaving all good with her... I'll be loving her... and what if at last she's the only one? Won't it be injustice to my rahul and naina? Won't it be wrong with my family and specially om? It'll be so wrong with them... but then again if she's not real annika and just koel as she explained... then it'll be hell wrong with this innocent soul. Deciding some thing and then having second thoughts about the decision is quite wrong...
I opened my eye's as my Mobile's constant ring reached my ear...
Seeing caller id I'm happy as some of her tests will make me take decision on something...
Swiping up i received the call...
"Uncle?" i cleard my throat
"oh shivaay, actually i got the results... she's having some serious stress problem and then as you know her day's... she's having some high emotion Harmones... you know it happen. It's common, but in her case its little much extra. So be careful you gotta deal with her with calmness and patience... don't hurt her neither emotionally nor physically" uncle is telling me the results of the problem i asked him to look on...
I was very much confused on why she behaved so heart broken suddenly and then shattered... fainting was the reason of low oxygen but there's something else and little is she's having some serious stress problem...
"Thank you uncle..." i dropped the call...
I've been in such a state before and it could kill someone if not treated... I'll not let that happen to her... I'll not let her take stress... I'll heal this problem... been in something and then seeing someone else too walking to that phase is not an act of humanity. I'll not heal her as shivaay her husband. I'll heal her as her friend for humanity's sake...
Decision is final. I'll be all good Not as shivaay but her friend shivaay... in this way every one will be fine. No injustice with anyone...
I smiled finalizing the decision and much more relaxed too... i laid little deep and closed my eyes... just to get disturb again with constantly Ringing mobile of mine...
Caller if show's it's of Amir interviewer...
"Yes?" i came out of tub
"Sir miss sharma is here as you asked her to report!" he informed me of someone reporting for job...
I'm becoming weak with my memory... who's miss sharma? And he's the interviewer why the hell he called me...
"What the hell amir? You're the one who's appointed for mostly every interview and to attend the new comer when he or she reports then why on earth you decided to tell me about this sharma?" i literally shouted as my blood pressure increased...
"SIR SHE'S GAURI SHARMA... you said you'll personally handle this employer" his voice shaked and fear clear...
"err... give her the phone" I'm not sorry... I'm like that only...
"Jiju" she is all happy
"Sir!" I'm seething in anger... i hate her as she's related to annika...But useful...
"Sorry sir" she cleared her throat
"Miss sharma you've been appointed as the receptionist of our hotel in centre of dubai... I'll meet with you tomorrow same place...Same time... report on time... rest ask amir." i was quicker and dropped the call before she could speak..
Getting into my 👖jeans and kurta i walked back to her room... but it's locked... damn!!!
"jessiee" i shouted
She came running to me like a... ugh leave it.
"what the hell you're doing here? I asked you to stay with annie..." I'm shouting Like anything on her and she's standing like a statue...
"Damn speak up" i stopped
"Sir mam woke up and asked me to go out i resisted but she force fully pushed me out and locked the door...I'm sorry but it's not my fault" she replied with tears...
Errr these ladies, all are same... crying and crying...
"okay stop crying... go" i said in the most possible calm and gentle manner and she left with the most irritating thing, crying!!!...
I knocked at the door of multiple mood swinger's room and she opened it after age's of constant knocks...
"what??" she glared me...
She changed her clothes!!!
"I was worried" i said honestly "That's why i knocked like that. I think you were changing?" i looked at her and she made faces...As if annoyed.
"No! I wasn't changing. I was sleeping... sleeping...Sleeping" she was literally shouting
"Okay..." i smiled and entered in her room as she went to her bed and sat pulling up blanket till her waist...
"You're trying to give us a chance?" she looked at me with her suspecting eye's with same expression...
"Yes... i mean... you know" i looked at her to get some expressions of her to continue but she's boiling in anger i guess... her red face indicates to that only...
"Who the hell you think you're to give us a chance?" she shouted at her top voice... highest pitch of her i ever listened...
"FTW!" i closed the door and pressed the button on left top corner of switch board...
I'm so thankful to myself for installing sound proof systems... to avoid...
"annie... what happened?" i stayed calm and asked her but she's all mad at me...
"You married me forcefully. You probably bought me... tortured me... your friend almost killed me by making me drink forcefully and here you're saying... YOU'RE GIVING US A CHANCE...? Let me tell You it all depends on me to give US AND YOU A CHANCE" she shouted stepping off the bed and looking at me with her angry eyes...
"Annie... i think you're having..." I'm cut in mid by angry bird...
"Shut up... listen to me carefully... I'm not ready to see your this handsome face" she turned to other side...
Eehhh? Is she complimenting me?
"But..." I'm again interrupted
"No I'm not yet complete... and I'm not at all ready to give you or us a chance... no way!" she pointed finger at me and I'm all mad by now...
"Shut up" i held her finger and trailed my hand to her wrist and folding it behind her i looked in her eyes "No one have a right to shout at me... miss annika urf koel... watch your actions and mind your words when you're talking with me..." i twisted her hand little... and she winced... i didn't twisted it much to hurt her...
"But I'm koel and no one can handle me like this" she narrowed her eye's and pushed me...
So much courage?
" You're forcing me to take back my decision" i looked at her
"Who cares? I don't!!! Go to hell with your decision... monster singh oberoi" she glared me...
And i chuckled?
I'm gone mad... I'm laughing while she's ruining my name...
"Then you're probably mrs monster... no... no! You're monkey... as you're behaving like one" i rebuked and she giggled
"No! It'll be monkey monster singh oberoi..." she chuckled and looked at me but as soon as she looked at me she's all angry again...
"Get out" she pushed me out...
"you'll have to pay for this" i warned her as she slammed the door on my face... shivaay singh oberoie's face!!!
I walked back to my room and sitting on the couch... i remembered what just happen ... and along with anger... a smile a wave of happiness came... whatever it was i enjoyed little portion of it... but how dare she? Well why she behaved like that? I need to have a talk with doc...
I dialled the number...
"Speak up fast" he's in hurry
"Uncle why annie... i mean annika is so angry? Is it related?" i asked as fast as i could and he chuckled...
"beta it's normal too... cheer her up... not only in pregnancy but also during menstruation girl's have mood swings so face it the way i told you..." he giggles...
"uncle don't laugh... tell me what is solution?" i pouted which he didn't see...
"Um... make something her fav... you're so dumb shiv. Now bye flight is going to take off" he dropped the call...
I'm not dumb... it's all new for me... i never lived in such a situation with any girl... atleast not like her...
I've no idea what's her favorite and what's not... i walked to Jessie in kitchen where's she's crying still!!!
"It was just outburst of emotions... girl..." i walked to her and she wiped her tears... i used to shout at my staff employee before too but then usually rahul and pari apologize and tell them of the reason and then i tried cheering them by giving a bonuѕ to them... but they're not here.
"Sir you here?" she looked at me "Bonus..." i gritted and she looked down "Okayyyy... you see I'm not sorry" i indirectly apologized and she blushed??? Gosh??!
"Sir it's not okay! Tell me what I've to do?" she understood I've some important work... intelligent. But her blush? Ugh!
"Call in Annie's room... ask her, her fav dish and then tell me..." I'm doing this for her? I can't believe!!!
She giggled and nodded... i walked out and rested for a while on couch...
"Sir she's not ready" she informed me and I'm irritated now...
"Okayy... bring my laptop..." i dropped back my head and rested again...
Getting my laptop i adjusted with it and searched for girls fav dishes and I'm in more mess now... why this has to happen with me only???
"anu" i heard someone and looked at the direction to find gauri entering mansion swaying her long curled up hair like a mad child...
"She's in her room" i spoked clearing my throat and she got statued at her place seeing me...
"Sir..." she gulped and i hided a smile
"jiju" i looked away hiding the annoyance now...
"Yeah" she chuckled now...
These woman's... i tell you, are weirdest creature...
"is she fine?" she moved toward me and i nodded...
"I'll go and meet her" she moved toward library
"That's library... up left 2nd" i looked at her and she went up...
Opening cctv site... i watched her... she's knocking and speaking and I'm laughing at her... i forgot to switch off the sound proof... 🤣 and she's now hell irritated... being irritated by all the women's since morning I'm enjoying this women getting irritated and annoyed... suddenly i switched to recorded video's of yesterday and it's of main door...
Sid? When he returned? He didn't met me neither annie told me about him coming...
"She's deaf or what?" gauri came all annoyed and dropped herself on the front couch...
I'm having a super idea...now!!! Smirking so i looked at her managing a smile...
"I'll help you to make her listen you. But tell me what girl's love eating most?" i asked or say as if doing deals...
"Deal" she raised her one eyebrow and i shrugged my shoulder...
"fine... Pain puri"she sticked her tongue out and licked her lips like a hungry soul "Aloo puri... chaat papri" she sighed and i chuckled...
"I'm not going to Make it for her" i looked away and she stood up with a perfect open O...
"jiju... you're asking so you can make it for anu? You love her so much...?SoOo sweet" she pinched my cheeks....
Eww... she pinched my cheeks... but love? I don't love annie... i rolled my eye's and looked at her literally glaring her and she sat back on her place...
"It's easy btw... now as per deal make her listen me..." she yawned making me yawn too...
"Okay..." i signed toward the landline and she jumped like a moneky and grabbed the receiver...
She's definitely annie's friend... annie shouts like monkey and she's complete monkey...
"Anu..." she whined? "please come down your PP Isn't letting me in" she whined more... but what's PP and when did he stopped her?
"Pati permeshwar" she looked at me with the naughtiest smile of monkey!!!!
And there anu... ugh! I mean annie came running and that little monkey hid behind the left curtain...
"what's this shivaay? Why you're not letting in gauri?" she is all mad at me... not again!!!
" Monkey is hiding behind the left curtain..." i rolled my eyes with audible tone to Annie only and that monkey was thinking of enjoying my scolding session? Huh! I'm the Shivaay singh oberoi...
Annie moved and twisted her ear grabbing it... there yuck thing's will start so i went to Kitchen to make something for her... as finally she's out of her room so definitely she'll eat lunch...
"Jessie switch off the sound proof in annie's room and join me..." whatever I'm going to make...I'll need help...
I hope my food cheers her up and she talks with me... it doesn't feel good when she doesn't reply me... ughh... I'm going mad for sure... i need therapy a reality therapy... to remind myself not to go mad for her... she's not clear to me...
"sir" jessie came back and i smiled at her... "cut some potatoes to boil" i looked away and she did so...
I got some water and started kneading the dough for puri's... that's when my phone rang but my hand's all are messy... why the fuck i chose to do this and give her potatoes... i don't want to take jessie's help in It... she already blushes seeing me...
"Annieee" i called her out with my plausible high pitch...
She entered and raised her eyebrows
"My phone... it's in left pocket... my hand's are full" i looked at her and she definitely hid a smile while her moneky leaned to the slab and cabinet...
She (annie)moved to me as i raised my arm little up... she moved closer... i could feel thing's heating up as our bodies touched... a current ran through my whole body...As she inserted her hand in my pocket i shivered with her touch and she felt that too... as she looked up at me... by that time call was dropped...
"It's over" she whispered... her voice is lost due approximation...
"Call back" i too whispered??? Damn!!!
She nodded and pressed the button and moved the mobile closer to my ear... i could feel her hot breath fanning my chest and neck... I'm all lost... i lowered my arm which i was raising since a minute... and pulled her little more closer to me literally wrapping my arm around her and moving my hand back to the bowl kneading the dough... she was caged with me... i looked at her kneaded the dough while call connected... she was nervous as hell... so does i but I'm managing it... or in fact loving it... while she's not able to manage...
"Shivaay I'm Mrs raichand" i heard voice from mobile and looked at her direct in her eye's....
"Hmm" i hummed while pulling her closer in process of kneading the dough...
"i want to talk with annika..." she told me and I'm still looking in her eye's... as she's also responding to the eye-lock... her eye's are deep ocean... ocean of sorrows...
I signed her to take the call still looking in her eyes and she placed the cell near her ears with trembling hands... still sharing the eye lock...
"Maa..." she responded after a second... her voice almost cracking "I'll... tell... shivaay...To...Not...Cancel..." she hitched a breath... as her mother spoke some thing... by that time her gaze went lower and tears rolled down... i was enjoying that eye lock... that nervousness and that proximity... till she wasn't crying...
I stopped kneading and hugged her wrapping my arms around her...As her sobs got extra but still light...
Jessie left the place but that idiot monkey was still enjoying our scene...
As i wrapped my arms around her tightly she placed her one hand on my arm and leaned her head little on my chest...Her forehead touching my chest... my heartbeat raised... I'm sure she's able to listen it... "Bye" she sobbed much now... and i hugged her tighter... i don't know why i did so... but i felt she need it... so i just did it...
"What she said?" i asked her and she placed her head completely on my chest... i leaned back little giving her ease... and she clenched on to my shoulder while her other hand she wrapped around me holding mobile...
"She reminded me that... I'm sold... if you don't pay them... then they'll kill my old family and get me back... and may harm you" she sobbed lightly while i wanted to laugh at their threat of harming Me... "they'll sell me to some one else" she completed..
"annie... they'll not do anything like that ... they just can't... I'm here na... I'll make everything alright" I'm done with this line... i say this to all and haven't done anything fine yet...
"hmm" she hugged me back completely...Finally!!!/
I don't know why i smiled...But i just smiled as it felt good... my chin on her head and she's all mine now in my arms... it feels really good... very much good.... Time should stop here... but this monkey should be out... i looked at that leaning monkey... she was crying and soon walked out with a hurt smile and tears... shocking me... but i closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment... she stopprd crying and hugged me with a smile... while i did same...
I moved my chin and she moved little back with tears still visible... leaning my face little i placed my lips on her forehead and her eyes shuts on it's own...
Ishq hai ansu... ishq hai naghma.. Ishq sukoon hai rahat hai...ishq hai sehra ishq hai Darya... ishq junoon hai zehmat hai...
I loved kissing her forehead... it's second time i guess and it's more touching... more soothing...More gentle and most beautiful... our eyes were closed and then again i hugged her... while she reciprocated... that moment wasn't wanted it just happened and 'WE' loved it...
But it got disturbed as my phone rang again... i made faces and she giggled... placing it back to my ear she kept on giggling and i admiring her...
"Meet me in room no 650 mid night" i heard and my smile vanished...he dropped the call...
Did rajveer got vids and pics? This mere thought shooked me and I'm scared now... do I've to lose this love? The beautiful lady my wife standing in-front of me...? Smiling and hugging me?... I'm crying? My tears fell down... i noticed them... she looked up at me... I'm fucking crying... I'm losing in front of love for Lover...Once again... no!
"S..S..H...I...V...A..A..Y...Y" she stammered as she wiped my tears
"Nothing it's nothing" i smiled and once again kissed her forehead and she smiled again... i stayed in that proximity with her for few more time... till i kneaded the dough completely...
I'm trapped again!!! I looked at her as she walked out of kitchen blushing and stealing glances...
To Be Continued...
I'm sorry lovelies for not updating other book's... I'm so mad at wattpad for deleting my chappy...as i saved them to post of (Other books) hut NM... I'm working on them again... I'll be posting soon... but if i starts making video for Nakuul's Birthday then I'm sorry... i won't be able to update for 2 Day's... i hope you'll not mind... but it all depends as it contains an 'if'
Keep voting... and Reading... do read other book's too... I'm sure you'll like them....
Love ~ Annie...
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