~~~Anika's POV~~~
I was so confused whether to wake my man up or not but then I quietly and carefully reached the bathroom as it's real life not some serial that if I'll not wake him up some tragedy will definitely happen. After getting fresh I returned to the angry face of my hubby who was staring me at me as I've stolen his candies.
"Why don't you understand simple thing anika? Why?" He shouts at me.
After everything got fine it's the first time that he shouted at me like this. I couldn't control my tears and they roll down to my cheeks.
"Now answer me dammit" I flinch at his volume.
"I-I'm sorry..." I hardly say and runs back to the washroom as his all rude behaviour flashes in my mind I hear him calling my name but I didn't stop and just run to the dressing room in there and starts crying sitting in the corner.
How can he shout at me like this? What did I even do? I just went to the washroom and he's behaving like as if I jumped off the building.
"Anika." He calls me but I didn't look at him and covered my face with my palms
"I'm sorry... I know I overreacted but..." He sits beside me and holds my hands uncovering my face. "Stop crying please" He kisses my tears and pulls me in a hug.
"I had a bad dream. That's why I behaved like that I was scared anika. Above that when I opened my eyes you were not there and that scared me more. Sorry" He kisses my hair and I hugged him back kissing his chest mumbling sorry.
He cares about me so much and I don't think I've ever shown even a bit from my side like this...
I didn't move an inch from my place and he didn't even ask me to move. Feeling his care and love I slept there in his lap in the dressing room.
In morning I open my eyes in the room on my bed. When you have such a nice hubby then you don't really need to worry about where to sleep as when you'll open your eyes you'll always find yourself in your room on your bed. Ahh, I love you Shivaay.
I stretch my arms and sat up on the bed and looks at him. I think it's the first time he's sleeping till this time.
I pecked his lips and stepped off the bed and freshening up went down to get our breakfast. I don't like to have breakfast with everyone that's why shivaay always bring it up but today lucky me got a chance to serve my husband and I will not let it go simply.
"Mam you here?" Rose speaks as I enter a kitchen.
"Yes sweetheart, I'm here to make breakfast for shivaay. Will you let me do this?" I smile and she nervously looks at her phone.
"Mam, I've orders to not let you enter the kitchen for work." She drops her head and I smiling patted her shoulder.
"Don't worry I'll handle it all. Just let me do this and don't go out otherwise someone will inform before only." I walk near the fridge scaring her.
Well, My hubby is a patient type. He likes only weird foods and forces me to have that tasteless food. Today I'll make chole bhatore for us. But I don't have that much time.
"I will help you. Please." Rose speaks and I nod.
Dividing work I start making chole as rose starts kneading bahtore's dough.
In 30 minutes we prepared everything just the bhatore needed to be fried and I let rose go as I wanted to fry them by myself.
I fried them and arrange the breakfast on the plate. I walk out and ask rose to bring the breakfast in our room and I walk up to my room to see him still sleeping. I move closer to him and lovingly caressed his face and wake him up whispering sweet morning wishes in his ear.
"Good morning baby" He replies and sits up on the bed stretching his arms.
"Morning? Shivaay do you know what time is it? It's 12." I lie and he rubs his eyes before picking up his mobile.
"It's 10. Madwomen." He narrows his eyes and glares me I laugh and walks to the washroom.
"Stop," He asks me to stop but I giggling walk to his dressing room.
"You love this washroom so much. Don't you?" He loudly says and I rush out of the dressing room to speak to him but my steps freeze as I see him entering the shower room naked.
I gulp hard seeing him and I feel the desire of kissing his body.
"Hawww" I come out of my thoughts, Wild thoughts as he opens up his mouth in shock.
"What?" I ask and he shakes his head and turns on the tap. "I thought you'll not come out of the room but you were secretly staring me. Ha?" He says and I blush.
"No... I was just going." I walk back to the room and taking out his clothes sit there to blush more remembering his hot and sexy body.
"Stop thinking about me." I hear him and looks up to find him standing in just towel that too on just waist. I again gulp hard and walks to him and place my hand on his chest while looking at his lips with lust. Huh...
"I'm late already" He pecks my cheek and pushes me out of the room and locks the door.
I smile seeing his actions. It's really hard for him to control himself but he's doing this for us so I should not tease him more. Thinking I walk back to the room and arrange the breakfast on the table.
"I've just one important meeting then we'll spend some time with others." He joins me and I smile while serving him the breakfast.
"You shouldn't do this again Anika." He looks at me and starts munching his breakfast.
"Why not? When you can cook for me then why not me?" I hold his plate and starts feeding him "Let me also feel the thing which you feel while doing all this stuff Shivaay" I forward a bite and he smile before opening his mouth.
"Yeah but there are other ways too? I want you to rest but it's okay I think you can sometimes do as you wish" He smiles and puts a morsel in my mouth.
Respectively we fed each other and then we walk down as he has to go. he was about to go out when Rudy calls him and stop him.
"Bhaiya I've to tell you something." He reaches us and we both look at each other.
"What's that Rudy?" Shivaay asks him and Rudy catches some breaths before speaking.
"We're going to America" Rudy reveals and we again look at each other.
"No, you guys can't leave us now. You've to live with us. That's final. I got you after a long time in fact whole life has passed. Bye." Shivaay angrily walks out and Rudy makes a puppy face looking down.
I smile seeing him and inside I was also hurt but Shivaay hides it with an angry face and here I'm smiling.
"Bhabhi... He didn't even listen to me." Rudy pouts and I smiling pats his shoulder.
"But I'll listen. Come let's have a talk" I smile and takes him to the backyard garden.
We settle down near the water.
"So baby boy tells me what's the matter?" I ask.
"Bhabhi... By we, I didn't mean that our family but just me and Maya." He pauses and looks up. "It's a career opportunity for both of us. I don't want to miss it." He pouts sadly and I begin to think about it.
"Well, you should've mentioned soumaya not WE. Your Bhaiya will definitely agree for this but never for WE" I laugh and he giggles
"I knew it but now he'll not even let me speak regarding this. So, can you talk to him?" He holds my hand and requests.
"Why not? Stop requesting me. I'll surely talk with him" I ruffle his hair and he smiles hugging me.
"You're the best Bhabhi" He smiled.
"But I have a condition. You've to take care of yourself. According to me, you've never gone away from everyone. I know Maya will be there with you so you've to take care of her too. It'll be a new country for you and her so be careful." I pause and caress his face.
"Bhaiya..." He calls out and I look behind to see Shivaay standing there with a smile.
"Yes... My meeting got cancelled as delegates missed the flight." Shivaay informs us and joins us.
I smile and looks at Rudy who is signing me to talk with Shivaay. I nod and looks at Shivaay.
"Shivaay... Listen to him for once? He wants to talk about his career." I place my hand on his shoulder and he nods. "Why not..." He smiles and looks at Rudy.
"I need to go to the washroom. You guys talk till then..." I smile and walks away to give both some brotherly space.
I don't really have to go to the bathroom but just want to give them some space. I hide behind a pillar to listen to them and Interrupt if Shivaay gets angry.
"Bhaiya I and Maya needs to shift to America as she has received promotion and has been transferred to the branch in America," Rudy speaks and Shivaay nods so he can continue further.
"And I have been offered to be the model in there. I want to try it and want to be something bhaiya. It's not easy for me too but I want to do it. Please?" Rudy looks at Shivaay and Shivaay smiles with moist eyes.
"Why would I stop you? I thought you all were going. As it's about your career and wishes I will not stop you, Rudy. But, You've to promise me that you'll take your and Maya's care very well?" Shivaay forwards his hand and Rudy places his hand on shivaay's.
"Promise!" Rudy smiles and hugs him while shivaay caress his hair.
"Rudra never let anybody be the part of your personal life and also, Limit their interaction in the professional life too. It's for both of you." Shivaay looks down as tear rolls down his cheeks.
"Bhaiya what happened? Why are you crying?" Rudy worriedly looks at shivaay.
"Nothing." Shivaay wipes his tears and looks at Rudy.
"You know what happened with Rahul? He made a big mistake by making someone part of his life and telling her everything about his life. You shouldn't trust anybody out there. There are so many bad peoples around us. Though many are good too we can't take the chance of ruining our life by testing them. So, baby, you've to be a closed book and ask Maya to be the same. Mind games are a very strong weapon. You'll not even know and you'll be trapped already. These things are told to girls usually but I know boys also need to be told the same thing. Rudy never lets anyone make drinks for you. Never take anything from anyone even if you're grown up you'll still not know what's there in the drink or other things. Never show off your wealth and health too. The world is ruined. Everyone will try their best to put you down and ruin your life. Baby please never let anyone do any wrong to you and never be afraid of anything. Never hide anything from me or anybody else because we'll always trust you and help you. Never feel that we'll not trust you and hate you." Shivaay pauses as his voice vanishes and tear falls nonstop. Rudy too starts crying hearing him and I cup my mouth to stop sobs from escaping my mouth.
"I'll never do anything which will risk us and hurt you. I'll always follow whatever you'll say bhaiya." Rudy hugs him and they both share an emotional moment.
"Thank you for your time and advice Bhai" Rudy smiles and Shivaay ruffles his hair.
Time to enter back.
"Did you guys missed me?" I ask with a smile and join them again.
"Not much" Shivaay giggles and Rudy smiles.
"I'll inform Maya and will join you both" Rudy leaves and I smile looking at the water.
"You're a liar" Shivaay pulls me toward himself and I look at him.
"You were here only and didn't go to washroom Anika." He caresses my face and I shockingly look down.
"How do you know?" I ask and he smiles.
"These red eyes and tear stained face of yours tells me everything Anika" He kisses my cheek and I smile.
"I wanted to give you both some space." I kiss his hand and he smiles.
"Yeah, My genius wife." He pecks my cheek and lifts me up. "Now have some rest as Om has some work which only I can do." He starts walking to our room.
"What kind of work?" I ask.
"I don't know he said that only. I'll tell you when I'll get to know." He smiles and I nod.
We reach our room but to our surprise, Gauri was sitting there.
"Gauri? Is everything fine?" I ask as Shivaay made me stand.
"Yes. Om told me to spend some time with you as he has some work with Bhaiya." She informs and I smile and sit on the bed with her as Shivaay leaves.
"What do you think is the work?" I ask Gauri and she shrugs her shoulder.
"I don't know. Even I'm curious to know but he didn't tell me and ask me to leave. Maybe some business thing?" She says and I nod in no.
"No Gauri it's something else. Om hasn't started working yet. I think they're cooking up something else. Let's follow them?" I smile and Gauri nods in No.
"Why?" I pout and she smiles. "Let's wait some time and if they don't return soon then we'll raid them." She suggests and I agreeing lay down.
"What have you planned for the babies?" Gauri asks me and I smile.
"Nothing... I just wish its boys but Shivaay wants 2 daughters and one Son. That's the plan." I laugh.
"Hmm. Om too wants a daughter. He has even started shopping for her. He's very excited unlike me." She sadly smiles and I caress her hand.
"Don't be upset. The child is yours only and you should be happy that Om is happy unlike many other mans" Gauri smiles and starts showing me babies videos watching those we fall asleep.
I wake up with a jerk along with Gauri hearing shouts from outside. We look at each other and runs out but slowly.
"I think it's Om" Gauri gasps.
"Yes, It's SHIVOM" I too gasp and reach near the room from where those voices were coming.
"Push Om, push You can do this" Shivaay was shouting standing near Om's leg. While Om was laying on the bed with his legs wide open twice the width of shoulders.
"Shut up don't shout man. I'm pushing" Om shouts back and we both enter the room.
"What's going on?" I speak and Shivaay looks behind and moves aside. Our jaw drops seeing Om as there was doll between his legs and that too half while half was underneath his back under the blanket.
"What you both are doing?" Gauri asks moving near Om
"No-Nothing." Om sits up and looks at Shivaay.
"Really? Then what is this?" I move near the bed and picks up the doll.
"It's a baby... And you just pulled her out. Congratulations Gauri you've been blessed with a daughter." Shivaay acts weirdly.
"Really Om? You both were practising labour?" Gauri asks with disbelief.
"Y-Yeah..." Om nods and looks down.
"That was your work?" I ask and they both nods.
"From where this idea came in your mind?" Gauri asks.
"Actually I was watching videos and there a lady had labour pain but her husband knew nothing and it became risky," Om explains and I and Gauri look at each other.
"He told me this and we thought to practice it." Shivaay innocently speaks and we both hold back our laughter.
"So what did you both learn?" I feel as we are teachers and they both some students caught red-handed while cheating.
"Never to shout at women during labour." They both say together and we both bursts into fits of laughter.
"You're my cute hubby" I pinch his cheeks and take him with me signing Gauri and she too walks to Om.
I look at Shivaay once we reach our room and smile silently.
"I'm sorry if you're ashamed of me." He speaks suddenly and I stop giggling.
"No... Not at all baby. I love you and now my love and respect for you just upgraded." I smile hugging him. "You did that without thinking anything just for me. That's so sweet of you." I kiss his chest and he smiles "I will do anything for you Anika." He whispers and hugs me back.
'To Be Continued...
Precap: Back to India?
Thank you so much for the love guys, I love you more.
Love ~ Annie...
Try out my other books and @KHOTANI12 Her "I OWE YOU" too. LIT IT IS.
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