when were you here??????
???? POV.
I tripped over a stone as I ran hurting my paw but I ignored the pain got up and i ran through the maze trying to run away from a monster i started to scale the wall and hide on a large branch the thing made a loud roar angry it couldn't get to me I start to clean the blood off of my paw and after I did i curled up in a ball hiding my face in my fluffy tail and I was scared it was really my first time alone with a monster like that thing after all the nights I've spent in here it was my first time to see it I couldn't seem to sleep and I started to think of my "friends" even if they didn't really paid attention to me I still miss them I definitely miss my berries but I was stuck here for a while and sadly no one has came for me or probably have not noticed I was gone I started to cry I'm so pathetic and weak I started to cry it was a bit hard to see but the monster was still there and I kept crying until I fell asleep
in the morning
i woke up and lifted my head up and looked down to see the thing was gone so i climbed down and wandered around looking for food I was starving i found a cool looking tree but no food and suddenly i heard running and yelling so i followed where the sounds came from my ears staying perked up so I was very aware of my surroundings but i couldnt quite run on a empty stomach so i walked as fast as i could someone ran past me and i locked eyes with another person and i knew them and they stopped and looked at me for a moment and shot something at the person running the guy walked up to the one who fell picked him up like a child and signed for me to follow and i did we walked into a area and some people whispered as they saw me and my ears pinned to my head and my tail was drooping the guy i knew left but then i saw another familiar face and she smiled at me which made me feel a bit better about this new area i walked up to her and then she hugged me with a smile i was a bit shocked but i smiled and my ears went back up and my tail started to slight wag
"its so great to see you!" she said happily still hugging me and some people kept whispering but i was focused on her and suddenly the guy came back without the one dude that was acting like a child
"same here ive been stuck in there for a couple of days and its nice to see a familiar face" i said while looking at her
"i would be horrified of that place if i couldnt just phase through walls but i think scott was scared" she giggled
"uh no i wasnt i used my powers to get out of there" scott said as he came up behind me and i slightly jumped forgetting he was there
"mhm totally but fundy how did you get in there in the first place?" she asked sounding curious
"oh i was messing around with jack and suddenly i died and i respawned in that horrifying maze" i said while sounding a bit scared
"i was pushed into a portal and shelby just followed me in" scott hummed while leaning onto my shoulder
"at least someone was concerned about you" i muttered sounding a bit sad and i didnt realize they both heard me
"im sure someone is looking for you" shubble said sounding a bit worried for me and scott nodded in agreement surprisingly
"hey scott what did you do with mohwee?" a orange guy asked scott
"lets just say i put him in time-out" scott said with a giggle
"well have fun finding him" i said while crossing my arms
"what do you mean have fun finding him?" the orange guy asked
"well last time scott put someone in time-out he had the person stuck somewhere unpredictable" i said while making weird hand motions
"oh yeah and he was stuck there until phil got him" shubble giggled
"well ill help you look orange man" i looked at him as scott and shelby giggled
"im owen by the way and alright ill lead the way" he said as he started to walk off and i followed
"alright owen well im fundy the fox! i like saying the fox part but thats not my full name i wish it was but my dad named me differently" i said while walking and keeping up with owen as he was a bit quick on his feet
"we all wish for some things after all so what did the guy do to get in time-out?"
"oh he stole scotts stuff and tried to fight him it was so funny to watch" i giggled a bit happy someone was tempted to even talk to me unlike the others
"goodness" owen looked at me a bit shocked
"eh he got what he deserved to be honest. that mo-hwee? guy must have really got on scotts nerves to get what he did" i asked as my tail slightly moved as we walked
"oh yeah mohwee ran in the maze and before that he kept trying over and over again it was pretty annoying" owen said as he rolled his hand around while still walking we talked for what felt like 30 minutes until my ears perked up as i heard screaming
"i hear something try to keep up!" i started to sprint to where the screaming was coming from and i stopped when i noticed a hole and someone tied up and hanging above it he was screaming bloody murder
"is this your guy? because i have a feeling scott did this-" i said as i watched the guy swing because he kept moving
"HELP ME OWEN! GET ME DOWN" the guy whined/shouted
"oh yep thats the one we are looking for" i chuckled a bit
"hey can you cut the rope really quickly" i asked owen as the guy yelled for owen not to
"are you trying to kill him?!" owen asked with a worried face
"no i just need you to trust me" i said as owen sighed and got out a bow and some arrows
"you better be ready" owen said as he shoot the bow and cutting the rope i leaped across the hole, caught mohwee and slightly rolled when i landed on the other side
"what did i say! and you are heavy man" i said as i dropped mohwee it wasnt that big of a fall because of my height mohwee looked horrified as owen untied him
"and this is why i never cross scott" i looked at mohwee crossing my arms and with a disappointed look
"you good mohwee?" owen asked as he helped him up
"no! i was gonna die! i saw the light flashing before my eyes! that man is crazy!" mohwee just kept complaining i felt like choking him but i just started to walk off i made my way deep in the forest i climbed a tall tree without noticing someone up there i made it to the top an sat down taking a long sigh and shifting into a more human form with just my fox ears tail and paws
"oh hello im guessing you came here to get away from them?" a soft female voice asked
"yeah its just too much for me even if ive only met one or two people" i replied without thinking
"i do have to agree but you dont want to be near when the meetings go on they are a lot to take in" she said calmly
"ill keep that in mind but i do wonder what is your name miss?" i asked slightly turning to her
"oh im ayngel." she turned to me "ive never seen you around here are you new?"
i nodded "yeah im fundy im a fox hybrid some would say and others would call me a furry"
"its nice to meet another hybrid some call me an avian i think im not but i dont really know" ayngel said as she looked at me with a small smile
"i mean you do look like an avian but you have different body parts when it comes to being an avian" i said while looking at her closely
"huh interesting i never thought of that but do you know anything about your past? and why your here? if you dont mind me asking" she said and asked me
"well i do remember and where im from is a beautiful place called origins where a bunch of hybrids come together and are peaceful well some are peaceful others not so much and i was hanging out with a blaze hybrid or some like to call him a fire hybrid i randomly died and was in that horrible maze" i said trusting her a bit more
"at least you remember........" she said sounding sad
"yeah well the rest is kinda complex" i crossed my arms in a more anxious way then upset
sorry for the long wait It's a bit shorter but i just wanted to add in fundy i think it would add in some sad part rather than this whole story just be a happy one :>
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