a familiar face
i saw ranboo push scott through the portal and i jumped im as it started to close the place i entered looked like a huge hallway but it was a maze and i would have hated this area if i wasn't a phantom. it was night so i wasn't gonna burn i let my feet touch the ground and i started to explore the place it was a huge maze and then i saw a giant creature i had a torch in hand and it ran towards me i fazed through the ground and i was stunned what was that thing i thought to myself i started to move in the ground and saw what it looked to be a large door and i went through it and saw Scott talking to a crowd of people showing off his abilities i flew towards him unfazed and hugged him from the behind
"scott!" i said happily while hugging him he turned his head to look at me and he turned around and hugged me back the crowd of people started to ask questions i didn't hear any of them i was just glad i found Scott before that creature did
"Hello shelby, is anyone else with you?" i shook my head
"i was the only one who followed you" he looked a bit sad that i was the only one who followed but i could feel he was glad i followed him but then the sun started to rise i could feel my skin start to burn scott gave me a pumpkin so he knew where i was and then i went ghost mode i like to call it i put the pumpkin on and everyone looked shocked that i had just disappeared i heard one question that i knew well "is she a ghost or something?" a boy with armor and a little orange earring he looked to have a bracelet with a orange, apple and raspberry
"To answer your question i am a phantom and i can be translucent like a ghost but i did die to become a phantom" i said as everyone looked so confused some of them even left but the orange guy nodded and then he turned to see the sun rising he started to run towards the giant door as it opened me and scott followed him he seemed like a nice guy to be around and he had a area with shade i went under it and went back to my more humane form
"So i have a question for you orange guy" he turned to me and gave me a gentle smile
"And i might have an answer" he said
"What's your name?" i asked while tilting my head
"Its owen" he said while looking around a bit
"Nice to meet you owen, my name is shubble or you can call me shelby!" i answered happily Scott just sat on top of the little roof
"Hey owen mohwee heading towards the door" scott said as owen sighed
"Can y'all help me keep him out of the maze?" i nodded and scott did as well and then the boy ran towards us and scott just grabbed him by the shirt while he was still running owen and the boy were a bit shocked on how fast scott caught him but i wasn't he does this with tommy all the time owen then shook his head and looked at the boy
"Mohwee how many times have i told you we cant go in the maze right now we are not prepared for it" mohwee looked quite upset now
"I can go in i'm ready you all are scared of the maze since Squidney got stuck over night ive been in there the longest!" mohwee shouted and he also tried to wiggle his way out of scotts grip but scott just tighten his grip on mohwee i could tell scott wasn't gonna let him go any sooner the more mohwee wiggled and moved around
"LET ME GO" mohwee yelled at scott and scott just glared at him and mohwee went quiet the second he saw scott's face i couldn't help but giggle
"Where do you want me to take him?" scott asked owen with a dead expression
"can you take him to the opposite side of the clearing" owen asked scott as he launched over that way mohwee is gonna be very dizzy once they land
"so shelby whats your abilities if you have any that is"
"oh can go i have a phantom form which allows me to be invisible, I can phase through walls and the ground and i will also become translucent " i said proudly
"thats cool" owen replied as scott came flying back i smiled and he landed with ease
"that kid is just like tommy very stubborn and annoying" scott said sounding very annoyed
"im gonna guess he was complaining the whole time you carried him to the other side" i said because tommy would complain and it would annoy the heck outta scott
"no he wasnt but he was screaming the whole time" scott replied looking like he was about to punch someone
"so owen do you just sit around at the gate and just guard it all day or what" scott asked owen
"its my job to make sure no one goes in and the gate stays open all day so yeah i sit at the gate all day and at night is when i get my break" owen answered
"do you get payed for that you should get paid" scott said a bit grumpy
"i get paid by knowing everyone in the clearing is safe" owen said while watching everything around us that wasnt in the maze
"Oh that's nice so you like the dad of them all?" i asked getting a small chuckle out of owen
"some of them like to think of me as their dad yes but some just think of me as an old man and its annoying" owen answered i giggled once more and so did scott it reminded us of phil we gave each other a certain look to think we were on the same page and we were and owen was confused on what was going on
i was talking with the people and i got their names i also learned some history of what had happened in the maze mohwee had got lost in the maze for months and they thought Squidney had died when she just ran in and some guy named ori said owen broke his legs for just running in the maze he said to be careful around owen but i knew not to go in the maze and owen was a nice guy but then while i was catching up with some of the people showing off my star abilities someone came up behind me and hugged me i was very confused and annoyed since i dont like anyone touching me
"scott!" the person said happily then i noticed who it was i turned around and started to hug her back
"hello shelby is anyone with you?" i asked but she shook her head
"i was the only one who followed you" she said as i felt a bit disappointed but i was happy that someone followed me at least but then the sun started to rise i quickly tossed shelby a pumpkin to her and she went into her phantom form and she put on the pumpkin everyone looked shocked that she had just disappeared i couldnt help but chuckle "is she a ghost or something?" owen asked
"To answer your question i am a phantom and i can be translucent like a ghost but i did die to become a phantom" she said as everyone looked so confused mohwee, ori, and oeca left but the owen just nodded and then he turned to see the sun rising he started to run towards the giant door as it opened he had to keep mohwee out i knew that when owen told me earlier i followed him so did shelby i think but i jumped up on the guard post i then i heard shelby and owen talking and i just listened while watching out for mohwee
"So i have a question for you orange guy" i shelby said
"And i might have an answer" owen said
"What's your name?" i could hear the happiness and curiosity in her voice
"Its owen" he said
"Nice to meet you owen, my name is shubble or you can call me shelby!" she answered happily i just sat on top of the guard post just kicking my feet and then i saw him running towards us
"Hey owen mohwee heading towards the door" i said as owen sighed
"Can y'all help me keep him out of the maze?" i nodded and jumped down from the posts roof i sighed and just grabbed him by the shirt while mohwee was still trying to run he was just like tommy it was very easy for me to pick him up
"Mohwee how many times have i told you we cant go in the maze right now we are not prepared for it" i knew mohwee was upset and i was holding him its the same for tommy phil just asks me to catch him and keep him from running so phil could yell at him
"I can go in i'm ready you all are scared of the maze since Squidney got stuck in there and ive been in there the longest!" mohwee shouted and he also tried to wiggle his way out of my grip but i just tighten my grip and held him higher he was defintely like tommy both of them wanting their way and for everyone to stay out of their path im honestly glad tommy isnt here or this would have been very annoying
"LET ME GO" mohwee yelled at me and i just glared at him and he went quiet the second he saw my face i could hear shelby giggle
"Where do you want me to take him?" i asked owen with a dead expression
"can you take him to the opposite side of the clearing" owen asked as i launched over to where he told me mohwee was screaming the whole time i swear the whole clearing could hear him i made it to the other side of the clearing
"PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN" mohwee yelled over and over i swear i wanted to bash his head into the wall the shut him up i dropped him on the ground from a tree and leaped back to the maze door i landed down with ease landing on my two paws
"that kid is just like tommy very stubborn and annoying" i said sounding very annoyed
"im gonna guess he was complaining the whole time you carried him to the other side" i said because tommy would complain and it would annoy the heck outta scott
"no he wasnt but he was screaming the whole time" i replied my head hurt from hearing him scream
"so owen do you just sit around at the gate and just guard it all day or what" i asked owen to try and distract myself from the topic of tommy
"its my job to make sure no one goes in and the gate stays open all day so yeah i sit at the gate all day and at night is when i get my break" owen answered
"do you get paid for that you should get paid" i said probably sounding angry
"i get paid by knowing everyone in the clearing is safe" owen said while watching everything around us that wasnt in the maze
"Oh that's nice so you like the dad of them all?" shelby asked getting a small chuckle out of owen
"some of them like to think of me as their dad yes but some just think of me as an old man and its annoying" owen answered shelby giggled once more and so did i it reminded us of phil we gave each other a certain look to think we were on the same page and we were and owen was confused on what was going on
"so your basically the phil of the clearing" i said with a large smile and owen just looked at me confused
"whos phil?" owen asked shelby smiled
"phil is basically the dad of origins and some of us call him dad and others call him old but he likes to be called the crow father" shelby said she knew a little bits about phil by me i told her everything she knows and she might have learned a few things from wil but none the less ive taught her the most about the smp
"are you guys basically calling me old" i started to laugh as owen said that with a grumpy face
"magic tells me your the oldest one in the clearing" i said while still laughing a bit but then i saw another person trying to sneak into the maze i stopped mocking owen and i watched them with a angry gaze it was oeca i could tell by the farmers hat that peaked through the grass and i saw a white halo and black hair behind the farmers hat shelby was still giggling at owen while owen was trying to convince her he wasnt the old i watch oeca and ori trying to sneak by i looked like a lion about to attack its prey and then i jumped at them both pinning them to the ground i saw mohwee running towards the maze door and grabbed him with my tail owen looked over at me a bit shock
"DAMN IT!" mohwee yelled as owen watched for anyone else just in case he wasnt joking around anymore you could hear a low growl i was growling to scare them i then stood up with all three of them in my grasp i then tossed mohwee in the air move oeca to my other hand and caught mohwee i scared the living hell outta mohwee i then looked at owen nodded i knew where i was to take them mohwee was gonna scream i then jumped and mohwee held onto my arm and then oeca and mohwee started to scream but ori was quiet
"if you two dont stop screaming i will drop you" i said while mid air and it went quiet i then made it to the other side and i landed on a tall tree
"can you put us down now" ori asked and thankfully he wasnt screaming i sat them down on the tree and jumped down and Teleported to the door and shelby and owen were talking shelby was talking about origins
"i wish we could go there it would be amazing to not have to worry about our clearing getting hurt" owen said as i got closer to them i the heard someone following me i quickly turned around ready to jump at them but it was apo he looked like he came to talk he also had rasbi behind him then i noticed owen, apo, and rasbi had matching bracelets rasbi looked a bit scared i was only told about her and i know apo has told her about me
"APO! RASBI!" owen yelled happily when he ran to hug them they hugged him back they were all smiling
"i missed you rasbi! how have you been?" owen asked happily i just climbed back up onto the guard posts roof i then looked over at the tree i put oeca, ori and mohwee on and the looked to be shruggling to climb down i couldnt help but chuckle they werent gonna be getting in the maze anytime soon owen rasbi and apo were talking i didnt want to interrupt so i kept my eyes on the surroundings but then owen walked up to me with rasbi and apo following him
"scott shelby i know youve met apo but I don't think you've met rasbi" owen said while looking at rasbi happily
"hello rasbi! im shubble or you can call me shelby" shelby said happily i made an umbrella for her and she had it in her hand as stepped into the sunlight thinking the sun would burn her through the umbrella but it didnt
"hello im scott" i hummed while kicking my feet while sitting on the guard post roof
"hello scott and shelby" rasbi said a bit nervous i then had an idea i told shelby to come to me and she did i then whispered in her ear ya know how i told you how starbornes welcome each other to their homes or to become friends right? she nodded her head what if we did that for rasbi to make her more comfortable
"thats a great idea!" shelby said happily i then chuckled and i started to make a little star and gave it to shelby to give to rasbi
"take this as a gift its a gift starbornes do o make people feel welcome into their homes or for new friendships" i said a bit nervous that she might not like the little star but she gently took the star from shelby and looked at it with an awe as it changed color to a bright red as she took it into her hand
"stars made by starbornes change color when in other persons hand and it is also based off of what color starborne you would be" shelby said happily that was something i had told her a while back and i was glad she remembered it
"its beautiful thank you!" she said sound way more happier owen and apo looked at the star with an awe as it started to turn night and the door was starting to close and the i saw mohwee and oeca running towards us the door was half way closed once they started to get close
"GO GO GO" oeca screamed as jumped down and picked him and mohwee up to let them watch the door close and mohwee started to wiggle around angry that he couldnt get in the maze i then put them down once the door was fully closed once it was fully night i started to glow and so did the star i gave to rasbi mohwee stopped whining and looked at the star i could help but chuckle
"what is that" oeca asked while looking at me
"thats one of the stars i made" i said while looking at the star
"woah" mohwee and oeca said together
this was very long over 3000 words and It took me 2 days btw-
quite the twist though i bet yall werent expecting shelby to be in this now were you?
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