Chapter 29
*Taylor's POV*
I hug Alexis as hard as I can. Right now isn't the best for any of us.
"How long have you known?" I ask her while crying.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I told Luke that one night he took me on a date. Otherwise, nobody else knows. Not even Zoey!" she cries out.
She burrows her head in my neck while she cries. I pat her back soothingly while crying with her. I look around at the rest of the room and see everyone is now crying. Luke is whispering into Alexis' ear with tears in his eyes. Heidi is sobbing into Dakota's shoulder while Dakota is watching us while crying. Niall had to excuse himself outside because he couldn't handle it. Liam is trying to be calmed down by Michael. Calum, Ashton, and Zayn are sitting there with tears in their eyes, or dripping down their cheeks, and watching Alexis.
"I'll never be able to tell Zoey now," Alexis cries out again.
"No, no, no! You will be able to tell Zoey. She's gonna be okay. Trust me on this. She's a strong warrior. She'll fight to wake up from her concussion. Just like how you'll fight your battle. Don't give up just yet," I try to say without my voice going weak.
"But I've already given up Taylor. I've been fighting my battle for so long now. I'm already losing hair, hence why it's always in a ponytail. I had to go and buy a wig a few days ago! My doctor says that it could get worse, where I'll be living in the hospital! I'm already giving up because I don't know how to fight it!" she cries out frustrated.
"Either does Zoey! No one knows how to fight a battle when they are sent in! Not even in a real war! It's a lot of pressure and stress put on you, yes. But you'll find a way to fight it! Take counseling. Visit your doctor weekly about it! Find a way to fight it. But don't give up on me, Luke, anyone. Especiallyy Zoey. When she wakes up, she'll wanna see you as quick as she woke up."
Alexis sniffles into my shoulder as I speak and everyone is looking at me while I talk. Besides Alexis.
"Look at me sweetie," I say softly to her. She slowly looks up at me, eyes all teary and cheeks stained with tears. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy.
"You and Zoey are both in a battle. Two completely different battles. But still battles. If she is fighting to survive, you should two. If one of you left the other, it's basically leaving your family. Imagine a sister dying of yours," I say looking at her.
She smiles and mumbles, "I don't have any siblings."
"Well imagine you do!" I say laughing. "Anyways, imagine if they died."
"I would be the most depressed person probably," she says, her facial emotion dropping it's smile.
"Exactly. If Zoey didn't fight her battle, she would die. You would be depressed, probably couldn't handle yourself, cry a lot, and never leave your house yes?"
"Basically. Maybe a few other things but those are the basics."
"So Zoey would do the same if you died. You two would be the most depressed soul in the whole galaxy," I say with a small smile.
"Thanks Taylor. Loving the good, happy vibe here," Alexis says while rolling her eyes. I slightly nudge her making her smile.
"Point is, fight your battle, and Zoey will fight hers. You both will win at the end if you don't even give the option of giving up a second thought in your mind."
Alexis hugs me tightly while whispering in my ear "thank you." I hug her back and rub her back soothingly. I pull back and smile.
"We can go visit Ginger and Louis tomorrow to see what really happened. And ask the doctors more about Zoey because hopefully they'll know after a day," I say while giving her a wink and smiling at the others around me.
Luke starts clapping slowly and then all the others join in. They start going faster so I bow into my lap and pull Alexis down to bow too. I laugh as I sit back up.
"That... Was one impressive speech there Taylor," Harry says in admiration.
"Why thank you, dear Harry."
Niall comes back into the room and quickly looks around at smiling faces and us laughing. He furrows his eyebrows together and gives us a confused glance.
"What exactly did I miss?"
"A great speech from Taylor over here and us cracking jokes in a bad situation," Michael sums up. Liam shoots him a thumbs up, agreeing with Michael.
"We should probably get some sleep then, Hospital make me tired easily 'cause of the plain walls. If we get a good nights rest, hopefully we'll have enough energy to last a whole day with Ginger and Louis," Heidi says.
"Yeah, we should," I say while standing up and offering Alexis my hand to help her up. She takes my hand and I pull her up. I give her a sideways hug and we just stay like that.
"Goodnight everyone!" Heidi says while walking into a room.
"Sleep well."
"See you tomorrow!"
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!"
All different responses flew throughout the halls and house as everyone went into a room and found a bed to sleep in. I hug Alexis goodnight and go into a room, not even looking to see if someone is in here, went to the bed, and immediately fell asleep when i hit the pillow.
~the next morning~
I wake up to a pillow hitting my head repeatedly.
I groan. "Whaaat?"
"Did you sleep here the whole night?" a deep voice asks me.
"Uh huh. Now can I sleep again? I'm tired." I stick my head deeper into the pillow I'm lying in.
"Well one, no you can't because Alexis is dying to go to the hospital but she was kind enough to let you sleep in. Second, you cuddle while you sleep, did you know?"
"OH MY GOD!" I shoot up from my lying down position. "I forgot about going to the hospital and Alexis' condition!"
"Smooth. She's been waiting all morning and you forgot," Harry says.
"Well we better get going!" I say, rushing around looking for my things then I freeze. I slowly turn around and face Harry.
"Wait. I slept in here, apparently cuddled up to you? All night?"
"Yup," Harry says, popping the 'p'.
I groan and slip on my shoes that I kicked off. "Well let's get going," I say while grabbing my phone and rushing into the near-by bathroom.
I lock the door as I hear Harry laugh then leave the room. I sigh, thankful, and look into the mirror.
Oh my GOD, I think, looking at myself. I have bed hair, makeup smeared, and a terrible smelling breath. I can't believe I looked like this in front of Harry. THE Harry Styles. And I look like this.
I sigh and grab the brush lying on the counter. I brush the dangles out and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I search through the drawers looking for makeup remover of any kind.
I pull it out and some cotton swabs and remove my makeup. I put on some mascara and black eye liner that I pull out of my pocket. Must've left it in there last night.
I put on my lip gloss that I always carry and seem rather decent with how I look. It's only a hospital. But then again, I am visiting Louis and Ginger. Don't need bad impressions with them with me not looking my best. (no offense Taylor. ILY w/makeup or without. But your character feels pretty w/makeup and ugly w/out)
I walk out of the bathroom and straight into the kitchen. I grab and apple and walk into the living room, munching on the apple. I see everyone just sitting in there, watching TV.
"Well? Are we gonna go see Louis and Ginger? Check up on Zoey with the doctors?"
Alexis jumps at the sound of my voice and quickly turns around to look at me.
"Oh my! Your awake and ready to go!" she quickly says while jumping up and running to get her coat and phone.
"Yes, actually. I was rudely awoken by Harry over here. I'm not sure whether to be angry at the awakening or thankful because now we can go."
Harry smirks and I roll my eyes at him. Calum turns off the TV and everyone else grabs their things they will need.
"Whose going in which car though?" Zayn asks.
"Hmm. Well, Dakota, Heidi, Alexis, Taylor, and Luke can go in car one. Me, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Michael, and Calum can go in car two," Ashton suggests.
"Thanks for putting me with the girls Ash," Luke say while sticking his tongue out at Ashton.
"Heeey! Your girlfriend is in that car!" Alexis says while slapping his arm.
"I'm joking love. I'd rather be in a car with you and the girls anyways," he says while smiling at Alexis.
"Uh huh. Thought so," she says while dramatically flipping her hair over her shoulder and strutting out. I laugh and follow her out.
"Well, see ya'll there I guess," Dakota says once we all get out of the house. We all wave to each other and get in our designated car.
The car ride there was very quiet in our car. The music played softly and no one really talked. But once we arrived at the hospital, Alexis couldn't sit still and had glassy eyes.
We met up with the rest of the boys and walked into the hospital together. We walked up to the front desk and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes with the name tag of Trinity.
"Hello. Are you here to see someone?" she asks politely. She only seems about 19-ish. Maybe 20.
"Yes. For Louis Tomlinson and Ginger Lancaster," I say before anyone else.
"Ah yes. They got in an accident yesterday and should be alright for visitors today. They are in rooms B206 and B207 on the third floor," she says while circling two rooms on a map for us.
"Thank you," Heidi says as she grabs the mask.
"Um," Alexis says quietly, "do you know any news of Zoey Lancaster?"
Trinity's face falls. "I'm sorry sweetie. I don't know. I can ask a doctor for you though, so by the time you exit, I will know details for you."
"Thanks," Alexis whispers while tears fall.
"I'm sorry though. But enjoy your visit. Bye boys, girls, and Lilac," Trinity waves as we walk away.
I start laughing and look at Michael smirking at Trinity. Trinity smiles back innocently and we walk away to an elevator. I hit the third floor and once the doors open, we head straight where the maps leads us to.
Here we come Louis and Ginger.
A/N:so i updated. it's been awhile, sorry. soccer ended yesterday so my schedule isn't as packed. and taYLOR HAS BEEN BEGGING ME FOR LIKE A WEEK NOW TO UPDATE SO HERE GIRLIE. ALL YOUR POV.
anyways, i'm obsessed with Ready to Run off the FOUR album because i'm a gOOD CHILD (most of the times) AND I WANNA E BE SURPRISED WHEN THE ALBUM ACTUALLY COMES OUT SO I HAVEN'T LISTENED TO THE LEAKED ALBUM YET.
also, the live stream was this morning and, tbh, thought it would be different. i thought it would be like an actual 1D Day again but it was 40 minutes of them being interviewed by Ben...
buT THERE WAS LARRY MOMENTS SO I WAS HAPPY. and i rlly liked the SMG acoustic they did so *shrugs*
anyways, lots of larry these days tbh. but a lot of 1D too. im 1D af lately so iDK BOUT U.
vote, comment(pLZ), and follow me:)
AND A NEW THING IM DOING:QOTD:have you guys listened to the leaked album yet?
(sorry for my long AF author's note but oH WELL
if u read all of it, comment "im 1D af")
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