Chapter 20
*Zoey's POV*
I think Alexis got worried because she started shaking my shoulders.
I guess I stood there too long gaping at her, not saying anything.
"Zoey?" she asked while shaking me.
"Huh?" I ask, getting out of my trance.
She stops shaking my shoulders while saying "You stood there saying nothing so I got worried."
"Sorry. I'm just one excited for you! Two, when is this date! Three, what time is this date? And finally, I was planning on what you were wearing so I need time and place of date!" I rush out at her.
"Its at the.. At the.. I dont know where its at. He never told me" she mumbles.
"Well he's gonna tell me wether he wants to or not!" I say storming out of the room towards Luke.
When I get to the living room, I notice Luke, Ashton, and Calum aren't there anymore.
"Luke. Where? Now!" I say quickly.
"Talking about the date to Ashton and Calum. Three rooms done the hall" Michael replies.
"Thanks" I say while storming over to that room.
I hear noises coming from the room and immediately know that they're in there. I barge straight on in, without knocking.
"Zoey! What are you doing?" Calum asks.
"I need info about this date. AND NOW!" I screech at the boys.
Luke starts trembling because of how loud I yelled but I need info if he wants to go on this date!
"Night-time dinner. Fancy restaurant. Only us. Will be chillier at night. Getting her at 6 tomorrow." Luke trembles out.
"Thanks and calm down Luke! I needed info if you wanted your girl to look good! I'm not telling her, just dressing her! Good luck!" I say while leaving the room.
I walk back over to the room with Alexis in it and don't even acknowledge her. I just walk straight past her into the closet.
*30 minutes later; 10 PM*
I had the outfit lied out on the bed while Alexis is showering at the moment. I start to go through the makeup she has, me if course not having any.
I don't like makeup. Don't judge. It just bothers my face.
Anyways, I lay out makeup that goes with her outfit. I hear the water stop and she comes out moments later, wearing some lazy clothes.
"This is my outfit?" she asks confused.
"Yes that's your outfit so put it on tomorrow and deal with it. Do you not like it?" I ask, acting like that hurt my feelings.
"Fine I'll deal with it. But only because you know what the date is and I don't so yeah. And I love it!" she says back, while sitting down on the bed next to me, looking at the things I put on the bed.
"Where are we going then?" she asks trying to get it out of me.
"I'm not telling you because that's LUKE'S job!" I reply.
She 'hmpfs' and walks out to join everyone. I walk out too and notice Ashton, Calum, and Luke back out.
We decided on watching the Hangover.
*the next day*
"What time is it?" I shout while scrolling through Twitter on my phone.
"I don't know! Look at your phone!" Dakota yells at me.
Oh yeah huh. My phone...
"Oh no" I mumble while getting up to and dragging Alexis with me to that one bedroom.
"It's time to get ready. Like NOW!" I screech at her.
She runs into the shower and gets showered while I lay everything out again. She come outs, grabs the outfit, goes back into the bathroom, and changes. When she comes out, I go in with the curler and the makeup and set it up while she sits down patiently. I first work on her makeup.
After I have her eyes, cheeks, and face done, I start to work on her hair. She's very quite during all of this, making sure that she doesn't bump me when she talks.
I curl the front hair lightly and I straighten the back, a little curls here and there.
Then, I put on a light shade of red lipstick. I add a layer of sparkly lip gloss on top of the lipstick to finish it off.
"Done!" I almost yell. I check a clock and see that it's 5:40.
She gets up and looks in the mirror and gasps.
"Is it good? 'Cause we don't have time to restart soo" I mumble.
"Its. ITS PERFECT!" she screeches!
I push her out the door into the living room where everyone is. They all gasp and I smile.
Luke comes out of his room exactly at 6 and gasps.
"Wow! You look beautiful!" Luke gasps at her again.
"Thanks!" I state.
Alexis just blushes and I smile.
"GO NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! BE HOME BY 11 OK? OK!" Zayn yells at them.
I laugh while I shove Alexis and Luke out the door, with help from Michael and Louis.
"Be safe my wifey!" I screech at Alexis.
"I will wifey! Be back later!" she yells back.
I watch as she climbs into the car, Luke holding the door open for her. He closes the door and climbs in his side, then takes off.
"They grow up so fast!' I say while dabbing my eye. I had some tears.
I turn to the person next to me and go into their chest. I feel them laugh and I look up and see it's Zayn.
"What?" I ask.
"You crying over her leaving. And having to hold me while they leave" Zayn laughs.
"Well I get emotional. I'm just gonna say that now. And please hug me back otherwise I'll find someone else" I retort back.
He hugs me back while and we just watch the car drive off until we can't see it anymore.
"MOVIE TIME!" I screech while running out of Zayn's grip and diving inside again.
"Strange girl" I hear Zayn mumble as I leave his grip.
I just laugh and run straight into the living room and jump onto Liam.
"Movie time!" I screech at him.
"Sweet! Toy Story 3!" he yells back at me.
"Sweet! I love Disney movies!" I yell again.
"This is gonna be a long night" Niall mumbles.
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