Chapter 18
*Zoey's POV*
I have ASOLUTELY no clue if I'm walking in the right direction. For all I know, I've been walking one direction (hehe) this whole time.
Besides trees. I obviouly had to walk around those but I would walk in front of them afterwards.
I swear I'm going insane. Well, I've been insane. Everyone knows that!
But I swear I can hear someone calling out "Zoey".
But who on Earth would be out here? This late?
Oh wait.
I'M OUT HERE. Maybe I'm not that insane to hear voices but FOR SURE I'm insane.
"ZOEY!" someone screamed.
"WHAT?" I decided to yell back.
"ZOEY! IS THAT YOU? IT'S NIALL" someone by the name of Niall screamed out.
"YEAH ITS ME. HELP ME. I'M LOST" I screech back.
We must have amazing voices and ears if we can hear each other this far away.
"RUN STRAIGHT AND I'LL RUN STRAIGHT TOO" the voice screechs back.
"OK. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TREES?" I reply sarcastically.
"JUST RUN WOMAN" the voice screechs.
Pushy much?
I start running forward and hear leaves crunching beneath me. I didn't even know I had energy to run.
I think I start to hear more leaves and I soon see a faint light. I run more towards it and see a figure.
"WHO IS THAT?" I still yell.
"I SAID I'M NIALL" the voice yells.
I run more towards it, them running at me, until we collide bodies. I have strong arms wrap around me while I wrap my arms around their neck.
"Zoey" Nialls breathes onto my neck, "your safe."
"Thank you for finding me!" I whisper into his ear, to happy to talk.
He pulls back, but still hugs me, but just enough to look at my face. He leans in and presses his lips against mine softly. His lips are soft, gentle but a little rough. I kiss back, enjoying the moment.
*Dakota's POV*
"DAKOTA!" everyone screeched as they leapt onto me.
"Can't... Breathe!" I say in a Merida voice from Brave.
They all pull back but pull me inside. I feel someone shove me from behind and I fall onto the couch.
"Ouch. What's that for?" I ask while rubbing my elbows and knees, where they hurt the most.
"Where did you go?"
"Why did you leave?"
"Do you know how worried we were?"
"Are you okay?"
"Please answer us."
All of these questions bombarded my head and I felt like Alexis and Zoey.
"STOP! Your gonna make her faint like Alexis and Zoey! Look how pale she got!" Ashton shouts.
I look at him and give him a soft smile.
"To start, I went to dinner with those two," I say while pointing at Taylor and Heidi, who are frozen. "Secondly, I left because I made a deal with these two. You guys were busy with Zoey and Alexis so I couldn't get your attention. I don't know how worried you are but you are deffiently showing it. Yes I'm ok. I'm answering you now. By the way, these two girls are Taylor and Heidi. Be nice. Now my question. WHERE ON EARTH IS ZOEY AND NIALL?" I almost shout.
"Zoey ran into the woods to get fresh air but got lost, so Niall went after her. They will be back soon, we know that for sure. We memorized that whole forest. It's not that big actually" Liam replies.
"Okay then. I need a charger to plug in my phone. Girls," I face Taylor and Heidi, "introduce yourselves would you?" I say as I leave the room.
I hear them talking so I smile to myself and find a charger to plug it in. I text Niall to tell him I'm fine and to find Zoey.
I walk back into the room as Liam's phone goes off.
"It's Niall" he says worried. He answers his phone and puts in on speaker.
"Hello? Niall mate?" Liam asks.
"Hey Liam. I found Zoey. We're on our way back. I heard you guys found Dakota?"
"Yeah we found her and thank gosh you found her. Are you two fine?" Zayn asks.
"I'm supposing I'm on speaker 'cause that wasn't you Liam. Was it Zayn? Anyways, yes we're fine. She has hot tea, 2 coats, and her phone so she is better."
"Okay well get back quickly yeah?" Harry asks.
"Of course! We should be back in 5-10 minutes. See ya then"
"Okay mate. See ya then" Michael says.
"Okay bye" Zoey yells.
"Bye!" me and Alexis yell.
Thank god they're both fine!
After Liam hung up, we all relaxed and sighed.
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