My friend sent me this photo of Niall the other day. 😍🙏 GORGEOUS! ❤️
August 25
Niall of course won by a landslide but we didn't keep track of points, thankfully, and he was a good sport about it. I think I actually got better as we played, with his advice and my practice my dad would be proud to see how I've improved.
The game didn't take as long as I'd expected but we are both exhausted from being out in the sun all day. We even got a little sun burned too, my shoulders got the worst of it and the back of Niall's neck is a nice bright red colour.
"When are we going to eat?" I ask Niall as we drive back to Mullingar. By the time we get to his dads house it'll be close to 6.
Niall shrugs. "I think we should just stay in tonight, we've got an early morning tomorrow."
Niall's been keeping his plans about the whole week a secret so I have no idea what we are going to do next which is a little exciting. With Theresa, every moment of our trip has been planned, right down to the minute which doesn't leave much open for surprise or adventure, except for meeting One Direction, going to their concert and getting shitfaced in La Havre at Antoine's club on Chelsea's birthday. That was fun, this whole trip has been amazing and wonderful and I never thought in my wildest dreams that this would happen. And all of those things weren't planned.
"What?" Niall chuckles as our eyes meet for a moment before he turns his attention back to the road. I realize that I was staring at him as he's been driving and I start to laugh.
"Just thinking that no matter how much you plan for your future, something completely unexpected can happen to you."
Niall glances at me with a warm smile and grasps my hand firmly. "I know what you mean." He says then returns to driving us to Bobby's house. He probably didn't expect to run into anyone at the pub that night too...
"What are you in the mood for?" Niall asks referring to dinner while he lugs his golf bag into the garage.
I lean on a shelf that's against the wall and ponder on what I want to eat. "Hmm," I mumble while tapping my pointer finger on my chin. "Honestly I could eat anything right now, I'm starving."
Niall laughs setting the golf bag down then saunters over to me. "So easy, I like it." He hums kissing me below my ear and snakes his arms around my waist.
I rest my arms on his shoulders nestling my face in the crook of his neck just revelling in his proximity, the way his body fits with mine, his scent, everything about him. God I love these moments and I don't know how much more I'll have with him... I'm crazy for him.
"I think there are some leftovers from yesterday." Niall comments pulling me out of my thoughts.
I loosen my grip around him to look him in the eye and shrug. "I'm down for whatever as long as it's edible."
He throws his head back to laugh then stares at me. "All right, good to know." Then he kisses me.
We decided on leftovers because the stew Bobby made yesterday was really good and we are both too lazy to make something from scratch right now. We sit in the living room this time to watch tv while we eat. "So how early is our early morning?" I question Niall once we're both done inhaling our stew.
"Pretty early. I want to be out of the house and on the road by 8."
What?! "Um," I shift in the couch to face and blink at him. "Why so early?"
A smile starts to creep in then he just shrugs. "You will see."
My eyes narrow at him trying to make him snap but he doesn't budge instead he stands up, kisses me on the cheek and takes our dirty dishes to the kitchen. He's so secretive but I'm loving every minute of it. A bit of mystery never hurt anyone.
"What do you want to do now?" I ask him, I hear clashing and running water from the kitchen then a second later his head appears from around the wall.
"Sure." I grin at him.
He disappears again but says something else. "We'll have to use my dads Netflix since he doesn't own any DVDs." Good idea, by the time the movie is over we'll have to go to bed in order to be up so early for tomorrow. I wonder what he has got planned...
After he tells me how to get onto Netflix I scroll through the different titles while he's cleaning up. What am I in the mood for? Comedy? Action? Or Romance? "Do you have a movie in mind?"
Niall comes back with a towel in his hands probably drying them off. He gives me a shrug, "I don't know..." he hangs the towel on the handle of the oven and sits down next to me stretching his legs out on the ottoman and resting an arm behind me. "I'm down for anything." He repeats to me from what I said earlier. His suggestive wink gives me an idea on what we are going to watch but I don't know if it's on Netflix yet.
I keep scrolling a bit not finding the movie I had in mind then Niall points one out. "How about that one?" I've never seen it before but I heard it was good and it's not scary like the one Niall picked before.
"Okay." I click on it giving up on my search for the other movie.
During the movie Niall's dad comes home and decides to watch it with us which I'm fine with. He asks how our day was and of course Niall tells him about our full day of golfing. "She actually did pretty good." He grins at his dad while resting an arm behind me.
"I had a good teacher." I add as my cheeks start to heat up.
Niall picked a good movie, it had action and a bit of comedy. I check the time on my phone it's almost 10 now, I should probably shower before bed because I don't think I'll have time tomorrow, I still can't figure out what's in store for us.
I yawn and stretch my legs out and Niall and Bobby stand up the same time as I do.
"Well you kids better head to bed if you want to be up early for tomorrow." What?! He knows?!
Niall chuckles lightly, pretending to not see my pointed glare. "Yeah we are, I'll see you in the morning Pop."
We head upstairs while Bobby continues to watch tv.
"I'm going to shower before we go to bed." I tell Niall as we walk into his room.
He nods then starts pulling his shirt off. "Sounds good."
I grab my pjs to change into after my shower then head for the bathroom. Once I'm undressed I place my clothes on the counter. Before I get in I brush my teeth as the water gets to the right temp. As soon as I hop in the shower though my shoulders immediately sting from the sunburn. Ow! I lower the temperature of the water so I am able to endure the rest of my shower. I don't know why but I always feel weird showering in someone else's house. I swear I heard something too...
After my shower I quickly grab my towel from the shelf and wrap myself feeling vulnerable then reach for my clothes... but they're not there. Did they fall somehow? I reach my hand out again and feel nothing but the hard surface of the counter. I pull the shower curtain to the side and poke my head out to find that my pjs aren't on the floor or counter, not even the clothes I wore today are in here... Niall... I knew I heard something. Once I'm dry enough I open the door a sliver to check if anyone's in the hallway, the coast is clear so I dart across the hall into Niall's room and shut the door behind me.
"Alright where are my pyjamas?" I demand dryly while standing at the end of the bed watching him as he grins slyly. He's only in his underwear sitting on top of the covers.
"They weren't in the bathroom?" He looks at me with feign innocence.
I scoff then cross my arms trying to hide my amusement. "Nope, why'd you take my clothes Niall."
He crawls to the edge where I'm standing and grabs my hips. "Maybe because I want to see that sexy body of yours again."
What a little shit! All righty then, let's give him another show! As I lean down to kiss him on the cheek I let my arms rest on his shoulders. "Well, go on then." I tell him.
He peeks up at me with dark eyes then grips the fabric and tugs on it softly making the towel fall to my feet. "Beautiful." He mumbles as he drinks me in. Then he lifts a finger and grazes it slowly from the top of my right hip inward to my belly button. He lays his hand flat sliding up between my breasts, I let out a deep sigh, his fingers feel cold against my hot skin and I didn't dry my hair so there are water droplets dripping down on my chest.
Now both of his hands are on me, finding their way around every dip and curve. I have my eyes closed and I can feel his fingers running down the sides of my back down to my butt and cups each cheek. A light chuckle comes from Niall which makes me open my eyes. "My favourite part." He winks at me then squeezes my butt. As he's caressing my butt with one hand the other goes even further south to my front between my thighs. I grip his shoulders and widen my stance a bit in anticipation for what's to come next.
And just as I thought he slides two fingers into me, he starts out slow and sensual. "Fuck." He hums while giving me sweet torment from his deft fingers and picks up the rhythm.
I let out a moan as he moves faster. My legs are turning to jelly so I hold onto Niall harder, digging my nails into his skin.
He hushes me. "You got to keep quiet love or my dad will hear us."
Fuck! If he was so worried about making noise he shouldn't have started this. I rake my hands through his hair and let my back arch as the euphoria takes over me. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach as it's building up, weakening my legs, I'm so close and I can't take it any more. "Come here." I breathe pulling his mouth to mine before I moan out loud, next I work on taking his underwear off. I want to make him come. He stops for a moment to lift his body off the bed.
After a bit of a struggle they're off and laying on the floor then he goes back to the task of pleasuring me. "Oh God!" I moan as I reach my climax blissfully and fall onto Niall. He catches
me falling back on the bed. We lay naked for a couple seconds as I catch my breath. Fuck that was amazing... Now to return the favour.
I sit up and stare at him with a sly smile, "Your turn." His eyes widen as I run my tongue along his torso and work my way down to his hard cock. I grip him firmly and rub the tip over my lips slowly from side to side then using my hand I stroke him from the top down to the base and up again. I cover the top with my mouth and swirl my tongue around working up my saliva.
He has an impressive length but that doesn't deter me from going down as far as I can which is almost down to the base.
"Oh fuck." Niall moans moving his hands to the back of my head. He doesn't push my head or pull my hair, thankfully.
I keep going even though my jaw is starting to hurt, but he's so close I can tell. I hope he lets me know when he's going to cum. My hand slides with my mouth along his length up and down then he tugs my hair slightly to get my attention.
"Um, I don't know if you swallow but I'm about to cum." He pants, locking eyes with me.
I stop sucking him and sit up straight while he finds something to cum in as he's doing that I find my shirt and underwear that Niall hid on me laying on top of my bag.
"Jesus." Niall huffs laying back on the bed. "That was..."
"Amazing?" I finish with a smile then wipe the wetness from my lips and glance at him, he's still laying there staring at me gloriously naked with a hard on.
He smirks at me and sits up to give me a kiss then reaches for his underwear, I move from between his legs so he can put them back on and I lay next to him. Once he's done with that he scooches his body up to my height moving the covers over us.
"Okay we really should get to sleep now." He mutters as he's getting comfy.
I laugh and rest my head on the pillows. "All right." My body is still buzzing, I don't how he can sleep right now.
"Come here." He says then pulls me towards his body so we're snuggled against each other. My favourite place in the world...
August 26
Niall is up first and is trying to wake me up now. I mumble to him that it's too early to be awake at this time which just makes him laugh and he continues to pat my butt until I'm up. Ughh, I hate being up this early. I lift my head up to see Niall packing up some of his clothes into a duffel bag. Where is he taking me, by the look of the amount of clothes he's packing in, it seems like we'll be gone for a few days.. I shake my head then crawl out of bed to leave him to his packing to go to the bathroom before he yells at me again. He's so cute when he's bossy though.
"So we are staying the night somewhere?" I ask him while I grab my clothes for the day and get dressed.
He chuckles. "Um yes, a couple nights actually." He grins at me then stands up and hangs the strap of the bag over his shoulder. "I'll make something light for breakfast."
He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as he walks past leaving me alone to finish changing. I know we were going to stay the night at other places but I just don't know the where.
After we eat breakfast Niall and I meet his dad at the door before we leave and say our goodbyes.
"It was good seeing you son." He hugs Niall then turns to me. "Jordyn it was wonderful finally meeting you, I hope you have fun on the rest of your trip."
"Thank you Bobby, and thank you for your hospitality it was really nice spending time here." I smile at him.
Bobby waves a hand in the air dismissively. "It's my pleasure! And you are welcome here any time!"
On the road again by 8 this time just as Niall wanted. I yawn looking out the window as we turn onto the exit leaving town and head to our next destination. Riding with Niall has been fun and it's a lot more comfortable than riding on a bus or train. I bet the girls are getting sick of it, I hope they're having fun. That reminds me that I should text one of them when I get in wifi. They're probably sleeping right now, lucky bastards...
That's where we drove to first, we stopped for breakfast and Niall showed me around the little medieval village then after that we went to Waterford which was really interesting because there was a medieval museum that we checked out that had a lot of things about the Vikings that settled here many years ago and we visited Waterford Castle where we had afternoon tea. Now we are in Cork for the night.
"Man I'm pooped." I sigh as I slump onto the bar stool. Niall has taken me to a pub called Sin E's and we are going to have some drinks before we go back to the hotel. Apparently we got more driving and exploring tomorrow.
Niall chuckles and sits next to me. "Yeah me too. You having fun though?"
"Of course." I tell him with a reassuring smile. I love doing this with him.
"That's good." He grins back. "I am too." He leans into me and gives me a soft kiss.
After our drinks we walk back to the hotel hand in hand on the cobblestone streets. "This is a cute town. Ireland is really unique." I comment as I gaze up at the night sky. The stars seem brighter here more than anywhere else I've seen. Maybe because there is less light pollution here.
"It sure is." Niall replies softly. "Truly magical sometimes."
"There's a lake my family and I used to camp at every summer and if you are up late enough in the night you could see the Northern Lights they weren't really that vibrant but it was still pretty. And I remember one year we all decided to stay up late to watch them and they were so bright and vivid, it was the most beautiful Northern Lights I've ever seen." I remark feeling a little homesick all of a sudden. Ireland kind of reminds me of home.
Niall squeezes my hand as I continue to talk about my family and old summer memories.
August 27
Neither of us set an alarm which was amazing because we both got to sleep in for the first time in a while. I woke up first and I'm kind of sitting here waiting for him but a book that was sitting in my bag catches my eye so I crawl out of bed as quiet as possible so as not to disturb Niall and grab it.
It's funny that I actually haven't looked in my guide book to Ireland since... well probably when Niall autographed it two months ago. Wow! I can't believe I haven't checked to see what he wrote all those weeks ago. Seems like a lifetime now.
I smile to myself while hugging the book to my chest and carefully crawl under the covers so I can read my book. Of course he marked down Mullingar and Dublin... And Kilkenny, Waterford, actually all the places we've been to so far he's marked down and the last one he marked is a place called Ashford Castle. There's no pictures just a description and it sounds awesome. Is he taking me there next? How long has has he been planning this trip?
Hang on somethings missing... I thought he autographed it too? With a frown on my face I flip through the pages finding nothing. Then I start from the very beginning and there it is on the inside of the cover page,
His signature of course then below that he wrote: Jordyn it was a pleasure to meet you, sorry that I slammed a door in your face! Hope this won't be the last time I see you. My heart turns to liquid, I'm completely speechless by his autograph. I will be forever grateful to Chelsea that she suggested we go to that certain bar where the guys were that night.
By 9:30 I decide to wake him up with a kiss on the cheek. "Niall wake up." I chide hanging my arm over him feeling over the moon.
"Hmm?" He mumbles sleepily and shifts slightly. I shake him a bit then he rolls over to face me. "Hey you." He hums with half open eyes and a lopsided grin.
"Hey you." I smile making my cheeks hurt and kiss the tip of his nose. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good like always. You?"
He sits up and yawns while he scratches his head. "You've been up long?"
I shrug trying to contain my shit eating grin. "Like ten minutes." I don't want him to know that I know about his plans now or the fact that I'd just seen his autograph after so many days of having it, so I put the book back in my bag before I woke him.
We eat our breakfast in the dining hall of the hotel and head out to our next destination after I've talked to my friends and family to keep them updated on my whereabouts. The girls are in Galway right now they went to the festival last night and apparently Chelsea got drunk and made out with a guy.
I also talked with my sister who's doing good, she's been working a lot and moved to the surgery department like she wanted which is awesome news. Her and her boyfriend are doing good they bought a house so they're in the middle of packing.
"What does your sister think about us?"
"Us?" I repeat distractedly as I scroll through my phone for music, I'm kind of in the mood to listen to 1D but I don't know how he would feel if I put it on.
He swats at my phone while paying attention to the road. "Yes us, you and I. As a couple."
I laugh. "Sorry," I put my phone down on the centre console and turn my focus onto him. "She's in disbelief that I'm dating a famous person and wants to video chat soon."
A corner of his lips twitches up. "Okay I can do that. No problem. What's your sister like?"
I exhale loudly trying to think of a good way to explain my sister to Niall. "She's very protective of me and has quite the temper. And she swears a lot..." Niall laughs and nods his head. "Oh and she's a major pot head so she's pretty chill most of the time."
"What? She smokes and she's a nurse?"
"Yeah, my dad doesn't really approve of it, they actually just found out last year that she's been smoking pot." I glance at Niall and he's quiet.
"Do you smoke?"
I laugh out loud at his question. "No way! I tried it a couple times but I don't like it."
He steals a quick glance at me and a smile starts to appear. "Okay, yeah I don't care for it either."
After a moment of silence I pick my phone up and turn to him, "Can I please play some of your music?" I beg with puppy dog eyes.
Niall perks his lips for a moment then nods. "Fine, your limit is five songs!" He tells me with a finger pointed at me.
That's good enough for me!
Niall wanted to show me something before we go to Killarney so we are taking a detour to somewhere called Leap Castle.
"So what makes this place so special?" I question Niall as we get out of his car. I stand before the castle and examine the outside of it, there's a couple parked cars along the driveway probably for the staff or other guests, seems ordinary to me, then Niall comes up beside me.
"It's the most haunted castle in Ireland." He tells me with bright eyes.
"What?!" I gasp sarcastically turning back to the castle. I don't really believe in ghosts but do we really have to do this?
"Come on!" Niall chirps enthusiastically while grabbing my hand pulling me behind him.
Niall's POV
It's so quiet when we enter the castle and I don't see or hear anyone around. Someone better be here because I checked online yesterday. There's a front desk but no one to be seen, I turn to the right through a doorway to a seating area. "Hello?" I call out.
"Good afternoon!" Someone responds from the corner of the room.
Jordyn and I both jump to the sudden appearance of a person being here. I turn my focus to a middle aged man with a long dark beard sipping from a teacup.
"Um hi, are you guys open?" I ask as the man stands up and walks across the room towards us.
I feel Jordyn shift her body slightly behind me as the man approaches and reaches his hand out.
"Yes we are! The name is Ryan O'Donnel I'm the owner, it's just me and my wife running the place today." He grips my hand tightly and shakes it vigorously.
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. O'Donnel. I'm Niall and this is my girlfriend Jordyn. We just wanted to check out the castle."
"Oh grand! Well, it'll just be €10 all together."
Jordyn moves her arm in between us with the money in her hand. And Ryan takes it. I sigh, of course she did that, I should've seen it coming because she this all the time.
"Thank you kindly!" He nods his head at Jordyn then lifts an arm towards a door opposite of us. "The place is open for you to check out, just follow the yellow tape on the floor and keep an eye or ear out for the ghosts." Then winks at us.
"Sure thing, thank you." Jordyn smiles at the man. He goes back to his table and opens a book so I lead Jordyn through the door. It's a living room that looks like it hasn't been touched in years, there's dust collecting on the wood surfaces and the decor appears to be styled from the 50's maybe. I spot a portrait of a woman hanging above the fireplace with a plaque placed below it.
"This isn't so bad." Jordyn comments quietly from my side.
I laugh starting to regret taking her here, it's not really exciting this place.
"Just wait we haven't even been here 5 minutes." I reply hoping that it'll at least get a little more scary for her. We leave the living room following the yellow tape to a stone spiral staircase leading up to the second floor. We have to go one at a time because it's so narrow and dimly lit. Jordyn lets me up first with her following close behind me.
A cold dark corridor stretches down with open doors that are sparsely placed on each side of the walls, at the other end there's another staircase that can take you up or down. The tape runs down the hallway and branches into the rooms as well. We step over to the room closest to us, the old wood groaning and creaking under our weight is the only sound that fills the air. Ok this is getting slightly creepy.
Jordyn grabs onto my arm as I enter the bedroom, it's small with two single sized beds on either side of the walls. Must of been the children's room. We read the info board that's placed in the centre of the room then continue on to the other ones, all of them are decorated the same. There's a bathroom up here but a rope is draped across the frame so we can't go in there. The last room we walk into is the master which is completely different from the rest.
While Jordyn and I are reading the description about the previous owner's gruesome death a door slams shut down the hall making us both jump and a chill runs down my spine. We look at each other and Jordyn's eyes widen with pure fear. I go first again stepping out into the hallway with Jordyn hiding behind me, I look to my left to where we came from and a silhouette stands at the end in front of the window.
"I'm out!" Jordyn yelps running in the opposite direction from the shadowy figure towards the stairs. I glance back to the person and notice something, she looks similar to the lady in the portrait. I'm trying to see the ghost then all of a sudden she starts moving slowly towards me. Oh hell no! I don't wait for the person to approach me and I hastily follow Jordyn who's bolting to the stairs as well.
The stairwell leads us to a dining room and Jordyn is standing there waiting for me. "What was that?!"
I shake my head placing my hands on her shoulders. "An actress." I tell her denying the fact that we might of actually seen a ghost. No costume could replicate what I just saw.
"How do we get out of here, where's the yellow tape." She questions in panic looking down to the floor and starts following it.
Holy shit! This was totally worth it!
We rush through the other rooms not bothering to check anything out until we reach the front desk again. "Well hello! How did you like the tour?" Ryan asks us as we walk up to him. I think he notices our frightened faces because he leans forward with a growing smile.
"Did you two see a ghost?" The lady next to him who must be Ryan's wife looks at us.
Jordyn shakes her head silently so I answer. "We saw something..." I glance at both of them and their mouths drop open slightly.
"Wow!" They exclaim in unison.
"We have had a lot of sightings, this castle is full of dark history. It's quite possible that you did see a ghost." Ryan explains.
"Awesome..." Jordyn replies weakly.
Jordyn's POV
We make another stop before Killarney to a place called Muckross House at around noon. After Leap I don't think I'll ever sleep again, I'm glad we are doing something not related to the supernatural. The architecture here is stunning and the place is huge! I don't know how they classify buildings as manors or castles but this place should be called the Muckross Castle, it's gigantic! Niall and I were hungry so we made a reservation at the little restaurant but because it's so busy we took the tour of the house while we wait.
August 28
We spent so much time walking in Killarney but it was worth it, the country side is so beautiful there especially near the lakes. After we toured around the Muckross House we hiked to a waterfall then to the ruins of Muckross Abbey that's been abandoned for years. The whole day was spent sight-seeing the Ring of Kerry and of course we finally got to Killarney which is a great little town.
Now we have stopped in Liscannor for brunch before we go to the Cliffs of Moher. The girls told me about it when they were there just a couple days ago and they said it was amazing. I'm so excited to see the cliffs. My one wish was to see the Cliffs of Moher when we got to Ireland, it would be wrong to not see them.
"Have you been there before?" I ask Niall as we finish up our breakfast.
He peeks up at me with a forkful of eggs in his hand. "To the Cliffs?" I nod in response. "Yeah, I've been there a couple times over the years, it's really something to see."
"Cool." I grin at him. I pay for breakfast this time even if Niall gave me a lecture then we head back to the car.
Okay, I've seen many pictures of the Cliffs of Moher but they don't do it justice to real life. The land just drops off for hundreds of feet then ocean reaches out beyond the horizon. There's about 20-30 tourists here in small groups taking pictures. It's absolutely breathtaking! I immediately go to the edge to look over it.
"Whoa whoa!" Niall exclaims from behind me. "Be careful!"
"What? It's fine Niall." I wave at him defiantly and just to get him going a bit I lean my weight over to look down the cliff side. Whoa! Yeah there's no surviving that.. It's crazy how the rick just cuts off like this, there is absolutely no angle or slope to the side.
I pretend to lose my balance and Niall grabs my arm and pulls me into him. "Don't mess about! You're not going within 2 feet of the edge now!" He barks at me clutching me closely.
I start to laugh and grip his arms. "Sorry." Then kiss him on the cheek.
Niall takes us back to Liscannor for dinner at a quaint little restaurant. The host sits us down and after he walks away a thought crosses my mind. "Are we staying the night here?"
"No, we're going to Galway after this and staying the night there." He tells me with a smile.
I shift in my seat trying to picture the map in my mind. "How far away is that?"
Niall shrugs. "Like an hour and a half I think maybe more."
I nod my head perking my lips. "Okay not bad."
He leans forward with a frown. "You really don't mind these 2 hour drives?"
"Not at all." I laugh glancing at him. "Niall I used to go on day trips that lasted 8-9 hour 4 times a year!"
Niall's eyes widen. "What?! I can't imagine sitting in a car for that long!"
August 29
"I really need to shower." Niall sighs as he enters our hotel room. We've just come back from having breakfast and are about to go adventuring around Galway.
I hang my jacket up in the closet and laugh. "Well go shower then, I can wait."
"Okay. I'll be quick." He gives me a kiss then heads to the bathroom after taking his shoes and coat off. I hear the faucet turn on as I take my shoes off and sit down on the bed. We are only in Galway for one day so we have a lot of sightseeing packed and no driving today, I argued that he's been driving too much these past couple days. I can't imagine how much gas this is costing him, he's done a lot for me and it's been amazing... It's only a couple days now till I have to leave, they have been flying by and I don't know what I'm going to do when the time comes. My stomach starts to twist at the thought of leaving Niall. Ugh.
I stare at the door to the bathroom for a moment then get up and walk over to it while throwing off my shirt. Niall's already in the shower so I take the rest of my clothes off and hop in with him.
He watches me clamber in with sensuous eyes and then says, "Fancy seeing you here."
I step up to him so we are only inches apart and shrug. "Thought I'd keep you company."
He places his hands on my waist moving me into the stream of water and starts kissing my neck. "I do like your company."
It doesn't take us long to start going at it. His lips find his way down to my breast and he starts gently sucking on my nipple while gripping on my ass. I run my fingers through his hair letting out a soft moan. Then he lifts his head back up and our lips connect as he pins me against the wall.
The cool surface of the wall on my back and the hot water running over me add to the excitement of being in the shower with him. I feel his hard dick digging into me between my thighs. Fuck I want him here. He begins to grind his cock on my clit making my whole body vibrate.
"Here, wrap your arms around my neck I'm going to lift you up." He commands with a low growl. I do as he says as he moves his arms behind my legs then I wrap them around his hips. Once he's got a good grip he hoists me further up the wall so my face is above his.
"There we go." I comment biting my lip while staring down into his deep blue eyes. A small smile creeps in on his face then he kisses me gently.
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