"Ughh, don't mention last night." Jordyn groans hiding her face in my chest which makes me laugh.
"We did have lots of fun as a matter of fact." Chelsea tells me with her hands on her hips and nose in the air. I wish I could party and go out without a care like a normal person.
I wrap an arm over Jordyn's shoulder and pull her tighter, "Well I'm glad you had some fun." I smile to the girls.
They start to walk ahead of me to move out of the way for the rest of the people coming off the ferry and head for the exit but Jordyn doesn't follow.
She finally pulls away and peeks up at me, her face is a nice shade of red.
I smile down at her, I hope I get to meet drunk Jordyn in person, "Maybe just us can have some fun sometime." I ask with a raised brow.
Her cheeks turn a rosy colour and she nods slowly. "Yes... with a little less alcohol though." She puts a finger up.
"Hurry up you two!" Brianna barks at us from across the room. Her friends are all standing by the door waiting for us.
We break from our embrace and hold hands as we walk out of the building. When we pass them her friends follow me to my car. I open the trunk so they can put their bags in.
When I close the trunk I notice Jordyn opening the drivers side. "Are you going to drive?" I question her. She frowns at me then looks through the window, "Oh shit!" She laughs. "I forgot you guys drive on the wrong side of the road."
I chuckle as I walk up to her. "It's not wrong, what's wrong is that you called my butt cute over text."
Her jaw drops slightly then she scoffs, she's about to walk away but I put my arm up on the car to stop her. "I want to hear you say it." I grin at her.
She looks up at me and scrunches her nose while shaking her head slightly. I raise my brows not moving and stare at her. She gives in and says softly, "You have a cute butt."
A corner of my lip quirks up and I let my arm drop, Jordyn eyes me quickly then walks in front of me. Before she steps around the back end I give her a light slap on her butt and she yelps. "You got a cute butt too." I wink at her.
Your POV
I can't believe he just did that! I run to the other side and hop in the front seat. I know the girls saw what happened because of their quiet giggling so I don't bother to look at them but I can imagine their faces right now. I keep my head straight as we drive to London, I sometimes catch a quick glimpse of Niall's profile and I can tell he's smiling too.
I lean on my left hand and look out the window and rest my right on the center console. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Niall moves his hand to the center console as well.
"So how was the ferry ride?" He asks us in general breaking the silence.
"It felt quick, I think we all slept through it actually." Theresa answers for us.
I feel Niall's hand inching closer to mine, "Do you guys have anything planned once you get settled in to your room?" He asks not taking his eyes off the road, his hand is only half an inch away so I close the gap by sliding my fingers under his hand. I keep my eyes on the traffic passing by trying to act cool but a smile grows on my face when Niall squeezes my hand.
"I'm going to have a nap because I didn't get any sleep on the ferry!" Chelsea grunts.
We all chuckle, I agree with her and quickly look back at them with a smile.
"Yes we will nap then probably tour around the Tower of London!" Theresa says clapping her hands excitedly. I hear Chelsea and Bri sigh in the back which makes me laugh.
"Awesome." He smiles. "So where is the hostel you are staying at?"
"At the London Waterloo Hostel." I reply staring out the window. This city looks amazing! I rotate my head to look at him, "It's on 73rd Lambeth Walk." I frown and turn to Theresa. "Right?" I ask her as she's pulling out her map.
"Right." She repeats with a frown while looking at the map.
"Ok." He nods. "Not too far from where I live." He eyes me after a moment to gauge my reaction. Hmm, I wonder if I'm ever going to see his place. He did mention making dinner for me a while back.
We arrive at the hostel and before we step out I give the girls a quick look then Theresa clears her throat and says, "Thank you Niall for picking us up."
"Yeah! This car is way nicer than a stinky old bus." Bri adds.
He chuckles, "It's no problem!" He waves a hand. I squeeze his other hand meeting his eyes. "Thank you." I say quietly with a smile.
He grins and pulls my hand up and kisses the top of it.
"Anytime." He winks at me then Niall opens the trunk for us and hands us our luggage. I'm the last one to grab my bag while the girls have walked to the hostel. "Thank you." I say as he passes my backpack.
"You are welcome." He grins at me, "Oh hey." He says to me quickly, "Can we hangout tomorrow? I want to make that dinner I promised you."
"Of course! That sounds great." I look into his eyes while smiling. I guess I'm going to see his apartment tomorrow! "Wait, you don't want to tag along this afternoon?" I ask him tilting my head to the side.
"You are more than welcome to come along with us to The Tower of London!" Theresa interjects from the door of the hostel. My friends are standing by the door watching Niall and I.
I shake my head and turn back to Niall. God they are nosy.
"Really?" He asks me with his eyes lit up.
"Yeah!" I giggle, "We thought you were going to in the first place!"
The corner of his lips stretches even wider, "Well all right then. Just text me when you guys wake up from your nap." He pulls me in for a hug.
"Will do." I mumble in his arms. God I love hugging him. I feel him lift his arm up, "See you guys later!" He waves to them.
I move away an inch to look at his face and he's watching the girls disappear into the building. Once they are inside he places his hands on both sides of my face and gives me a long kiss. Oh! His hands are firmly placed on my ass and mine are resting on his neck. But this doesn't last long, Niall lets go first breathless as he looks back at me.
We say our goodbyes and I head to my room, buzzing from Niall's kiss, to finally get some sleep. It doesn't take us long to just find our room put our backpacks away and hop into bed. "How does 2 and a half hours sound girlies?" Chelsea asks us while pulling the covers up staring at her phone.
"Do 3, I'm exhausted." Bri yawns which makes me yawn. I don't bother to change clothes or clean up. I'll do that after, I just want to sleep. I flop down onto my bed stomach first. "Night." I grumble into my pillow. Chelsea laughs and that's the last thing we say to each other before we fall asleep.
There are soft kisses traipsing down my neck, his lips then move along my collar bone heading for the middle making his way between my breasts. A quiet moan escapes my lips in pleasure, you are relishing this moment. He stops just above my pubic area and peeks up at me.
"Hey you." Niall says to me with a smile. His eyes are bright with happiness but behind that is desire. Boy he looks sexy right now.
"Hi." I smile shyly biting my lip.
He raises his body above me again then leans down to give me a long kiss. I nip his bottom lip when he pulls away and he responds with a low groan.
"You want more?" He asks in his sultry voice.
Hot and bothered I nod my head quickly definitely wanting more from him. "Yes." I breathe.
His sly smile grows wider not breaking eye contact as he slides down, hovering over my lower stomach. Niall's hands are on my thighs now and he's moving them closer to where his head is, he pulls my underwear out of the way for him to...
"Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey!" Theresa chimes. NOOOO!! It was getting so good! I groan into my pillow then put it on top of my head. "What's wrong?" Theresa asks me.
"I was having a good dream." I say into my mattress. Better than good it was amazing.
Theresa laughs, "Was it about Niall?" She questions me not leaving me alone.
I lift my head up to look at her, "Yes, I was rudely interrupted though." I tell her while sticking my nose in the air.
"Sorry, but that's life." She chortles then slaps my rear. "Text your boyfriend so he can pick us up!" She demands me and steps to the other side of the room. Well at least I get to see Niall again.
I reach for the side of my bed where my bag is and find my phone.
JordiePie181: Hey you 😊 we are up! You can come back now!
IrishLad1D93: Brilliant! I'll be right there 😉
I should go pee, I head for the water closet, hehe British slang, before we leave because I don't know if we will come back here before dinner.
Niall arrives at the hostel 15 minutes later and pulls up in front of the building. I get into the front seat again, "Hey you," he smiles at me.
"Hi." I say quietly then start blushing at those words, remembering the dream I just had about us. Hey you...
"How was your nap?" He stares at me intently with a small smile.
"Jordyn had-" Theresa starts.
"We!" I emphasize on the word stopping Theresa from blabbing about my dream, "Had a well deserved nap." I smile sweetly at Niall then rear my head towards Theresa with a glare.
"Ok." He chuckles making a corner of his lip twitch up, "well I'm glad to hear that." He reaches for my thigh, which makes me clench but instead he grabs my knee and gives it a light squeeze. Breathe!!
When we arrive at the Tower of London Niall grabs my hand and slows his pace creating a gap between me and the girls. Once the girls are a little further ahead so they can't hear he turns his head to me.
"Are you ok?"
I frown slightly, "Yeah, why do you ask?"
He shrugs trying not smile. "Well you seem a bit flustered."
I bite my lip not making eye contact with him, "I'm fine, I must be a little tired still." That doesn't convince him because I feel his eyes boring into me so I peek up at him, I was right he is staring at me intensely!
We continue walking in silence then he speaks quietly, "Was it because I slapped your arse?" He questions with a horrified look.
"No! No!" My eyes widen. "I don't mind that." I smile to myself then shake my head. "If you really want to know I'll tell you tomorrow."
"Fine." He says eventually while squinting his eyes at me, god help me!
The Tower of London is pretty cool, never been in a castle before. Well except the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany which was absolutely amazing! And the royal jewelry is pretty neat! I, as well as the girls, take loads of pictures. We're probably almost at the end of the tour and I'm checking out a piece of armour when Niall comes up to my side. "Whoa, cool!"
I giggle, I've seen better looking armour back in Greece. "Yeah." I nod.
"Hey you two let's get a picture!" My heart jumps in my throat for a second thinking it's a fan asking for a pic. When we turn around it's just Chelsea holding up her camera with a big smile. "Uh." I look at Niall to see if he's okay with it. "Sure!" He grins at Chelsea and he pulls me closer for the photo.
"Can you send the pic to me?" He asks Chelsea after taking the photo.
She nods with a smile. "Of course! You guys are too cute!"
After the museum the five of us decide on Nandos for early dinner mostly for Niall because he seemed a little excited in taking us there. He's so cute.
"You guys will love it. It's such good food." He tells us as we clamber into his car.
"Right, I forgot you liked Nandos." I smile to myself locking in my seat belt.
"I love Nandos!" He screams and gives me a toothy grin. I can't help but smile back at him, I like seeing him like this. I want to know more about him!
The girls and I laugh at his excitement.
Because of rush hour the traffic in London is crazy. "God, I'm so glad I live in a small city. We don't have to worry about traffic like this." I state staring off into the line of cars ahead of us.
Niall turns his head and looks at me, "Yeah that's what I miss about Mullingar, it is a small enough town that rush hour doesn't exist."
I glance at Niall turning my attention away from the traffic, "What's it like in Mullingar?"
He turns to me and gives me a lopsided grin, "Its a neat little town, everyone knows each other and they're all super nice. You should see it when you girls go to Ireland." Yeah that was definitely on Chelsea's bucket list.
Chelsea leans forward and puts her hands on both of the front seats. "We are going to see your home town Niall. I made sure we were going to visit it! Before we even left for our trip!" Chelsea reassures him.
"Okay, that's good to hear." He chuckles.
About 20 minutes later of inching through traffic we finally arrive at a Nandos. I'm starving! I step into the restaurant and taken by surprise, wow I was not expecting it to be an actual restaurant! I thought it was just a fast food place. The four of us gasp as we take in the nicely decorated restaurant.
"Do you guys like?" Niall asks us as he turns to us. We all nod at him.
"Yeah, I kind of thought it would be more of a fast food joint though." I say twisting my fingers in a bunch feeling stupid as I say that.
"Yeah I did too actually." Bri laughs.
Niall looks at us and just chuckles. "Well this is one of the better ones." He says with a smile.
We are lead to a table and we start examining our menus. Everything sounds good when you are hungry, but I really could eat anything from this menu, all of it sounds good. I lay my menu down and rest my chin on my hand so I can think of what I should get.
"What's wrong?" Niall questions me quietly from my side.
I frown at my menu then peek up at him. "I don't know what I want." I shrug.
He laughs.
"You choose for me." I smile.
He grins then glances down at his menu. "Do you like chicken?" He asks with a raised brow.
I nod. "I love chicken."
He looks back down and reads more, "I got the prefect thing." He peeks at me from behind his menu but I can tell he's still smiling.
"Oh! Pick something for me Niall!" Chelsea quips.
"Sure!" He winks at me then stares at his menu again. I giggle, I wonder what he's going to choose for us.
The waitress comes back with our drinks and asks us what we are having.
Niall shifts his gaze at me first, "This lovely lady will have the Fino Pitta. And her friend will have a Sweet Potato & Butternut Burger." The waiter writes it all down then Niall continues, "And I'll have a Portobello Mushroom & Grilled Halloumi Burger please." He smiles at the waitress sweetly.
Bri and Theresa order what they want and the waitress disappears to the back. Whatever he ordered for us it sounds good. I'm so hungry.
I rub my stomach out of habit and glance at Niall. He's gazing at me intently then shifts to the edge of his chair. "Getting hungry?"
I shrug, "A bit no need to worry yet." I smirk at him.
"Why would he need to worry?" Chelsea asks me with a frown.
Niall and I share a panicked glance. Should we tell them I fainted? As if Niall read my mind he nods his head slightly.
I lick my lips, "Well, I fainted the day Niall was in La Havre with us because I had low blood sugar."
"What?!" The girls all gasp in shock together.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Theresa barks at me slamming a hand on the table.
I grimace at their reaction. "Because I was fine, Niall was with me." I peek a glance at Niall and a corner of his lip twitches up.
Loving how many reads my story is getting! Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read it! Stay Beautiful!
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