"So, when you are two going to get married and give me grandchildren?" My mother asks bluntly. I choke on my noodles and cough violently. "You two have been together for a while now. 7 months?" My mother continues. "I think that's long enough." She says.
"Uh... We haven't discussed that, Eomma. At all." I say, patting my chest. I look at Yoongi who seems to be calm, not phased by my mothers sudden outburst.
"We're not rushing anything. Jangmi knows how busy I am with work, and when we do get to that stage, I want it to be at the right time. That way I can give her my full attention and not leave her alone for long periods of time, I wouldn't think it was right to leave a wife and children at home alone for months." He says politely. I stare at him.
When we get to that stage? He wants to marry me and have children?
"I think that's fair enough. Don't rush them, Yeobo." My dad responds.
"Well, I don't see Hyerin giving us grandchildren anytime soon. She doesn't even have a boyfriend." My mother says.
I let out a loud laugh. Quickly realising my reaction, and everybody's eyes on me; I shut up.
"Sorry, I was just thinking of a joke Hyerin told me the other day, not important." I say hastily, shoving a large serving of noodles in my mouth.
"I'm getting older and I want gran-" I cut her off. "Eomma, can we change the topic? Like I said, Yoongi and I haven't discussed this. When we do, I'd prefer it to be in private, I really don't think it's appropriate." I say, looking her in the eye.
She holds her hands up as a sign of surrender. I let out a mental sigh of relief and continue eating.
"What have you two discussed so far for your relationship?" She asks suddenly. I start to feel uncomfortable. My mother is like a dog with a bone, until she gets answers, she won't drop it.
"Well..." Yoongi trails off turning his attention to me, giving me a look asking if it's okay to tell them. I give him a nod.
"Jangmi agreed to move in with me. I have a house in Seoul that I rarely use, as I live in a dorm with my other members for work. But as our relationship has progressed, I felt that I wanted to take the next step. So it is progressing, but at a slow rate." He says.
"Oh, that's good! So will Hyerin be living in the apartment alone?" She asks.
"Well, I offered if she would like to join as I know how close her and Jangmi are, but she declined and said she would stay at the apartment. I think she can handle it. If not, she can always change her mind." Yoongi says.
Wow, he seems to be making a really good impression on my parents.
"That's very considerate of you." My father says. Yoongi nods his head at my father as a sign on respect. "Thank you, Sir."
After dinner, I help my mother was the dishes.
"He's a very nice and polite young man, Jangmi. And very thoughtful. Trust me when I tell you this; hold on to him." She says. I turn my head and look at her, she gives me a warm smile. "Your father definitely approves, he likes him." She added. I lower my head back down to continue washing the dishes, not realising the large smile evident on my face. "Thank you, Eomma."
2 months later
Yoongi and the rest of the members have been busy for the past couple weeks putting the final touches on the song he wrote for me, promoting it and getting ready for it's release, so I haven't seem him as much.
Hyerin is now 8 months pregnant, pretty much ready to drop. She's also been missing Jimin a lot. It seems so quiet when they aren't around; It got to the point where they were both here so much, it felt as if they'd moved in. They basically had, really.
I've been slowly packing my things up to move into Yoongi's house over the past few weeks. I want to wait until he has a little bit of free time before I move in completely, that way we can celebrate together properly.
Yoongi had his meeting with his ex. She admitted she genuinely thought Yoongi was the father and that she didn't do it out of spite or malicious intent. They agreed on that fact and went their separate ways.
Everywhere I go now, I see people turn their heads and whisper about me, take photos and approach me. I still haven't gotten used to the attention; in fact I hate it. I can't even go to the store without people recognising me, asking me questions and if it's true. Most of the time I avoid answering the question. But it doesn't work anymore, so I've been telling people the truth, which resulted in front page news everywhere confirming the rumours. It's now world wide knowledge that he's in a relationship.
A lot of people congratulated him, but a lot of people weren't happy either. They were distraught their idol found love with somebody other than them. And I can understand, once upon a time I felt the same. When I saw rumours of Yoongi dating when I was a fan, it made my heart sink. I can feel their pain.
I haven't had any negative experiences in public. Most of the time people keep their distance. I haven't had anybody yell or attack me. I have received a lot of negative response from people online, comments on my social media, private messages from fans saying they hate me and that I've taken Yoongi away from them. I try not to reply, but sometimes the response is too much, and I apologise to them. I don't want people to hate me.
It died down after a while. I still receive hate, but not as much as I did. Now people are starting to accept it and welcome us with open arms. The fans who want nothing more than to see him happy congratulate us on BTS's social media, as well as mine. I also gained a vast amount of followers overnight.
I started with around 300, and when I woke up in the morning; I had 3.1m. Which nearly gave me a heart attack. It's a lot of pressure... I feel like I'm obligated to update everyday so I don't let them down. I post pictures of myself, my outfits, my life, and sometimes of Yoongi. As you can imagine, he gets the most attention on my posts.
My life is not the same. Before I met him, I had a boring 9-5 job, I had an apartment with my crazy sister, I would eat takeout every Friday and watch a movie with her as a tradition, I'd never go on vacation.
Now I'm spotted on the street everywhere I go, i'm moving into a house with my boyfriend, my sister is happy in a relationship with a BTS member also, even my best friend is dating one. I go on long, expensive trips with the biggest group in the world and eat out at the fanciest restaurants. I basically became famous overnight purely because I fell in love with a man, who fell in love with me back.
But would I change any of it? If it meant I never met Yoongi?
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