"Can't we tell them?" Percy asked later as Annabeth watched Frodo carefully. The hobbit was walking a if in a daze. A heart broken look almost permanently on his face.
"This is something that makes it personal for all of them," Annabeth said even quieter. "It pushes them onward, to make his 'death' not in vain. Sometimes revenge is the only thing that pushes people onward until a greater purpose is found."
"I've got an idea."
"Oh, I hate your ideas," Annabeth groaned, dropping her head into her hands. "They always end up with you almost dead."
The Fellowship was walking after the elf named Haldir into the forest of Lothlórien to meet Lady Galadriel. Gimli was understandably nervous and that was leaking onto the hobbits. Aragorn and Legolas were almost too skilled to hide their thoughts and emotions from Annabeth but she was still able to discern some frustration. Boromir did not bother hiding his anger with the elf leading them.
"You can make the owls purposefully poop on him and I can make a bunch of water drop on his head," Percy continued.
"That's a great idea," Annabeth said.
"Only one problem."
"I can't talk to owls."
"Dang it," Percy deflated noticably. "Can I still do the water part? He really shouldn't have said that to Frodo. Now he's blaming himself."
When they had first arrived and met Haldir, the elf took one look at Frodo and said, "You carry great evil with you. You can go no further"
Like it's Frodo's fault he's holding the ring, Annabeth snorted mentally. Well, it is but I'd like to see you carry it as long as he has without falling to it's temptation.
"Sure, Percy," Annabeth told the eager son of Poseidon.
Said demigod fist pumped and turned into Ninja-Percy. Contrary to popular belief, Percy Jackson can be stealthy when he wants to. Or rather, when he needs to. Annabeth wasn't sure where he got it from but she had a feeling it had something to do with his first stepfather.
Several hours after Haldir found himself drenched from head to toe (for which the Company glanced at Percy for-they hadn't forgotten the time outside Moria when he fell into the water and came up again on a wave) he was still sloshing in his boots even though elves are supposedly water resistant.
When they finally stopped, it was to see two...glowing elves descending stairs to meet them. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel.
Annabeth almost felt giddy, watching as the elf of legend walked towards them. The descriptions in the books and the film did her no justice. It wasn't just her golden locks that attributed to her beauty but her aura as well. It approached Aphrodite's but kinder. Gentler.
"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Ten there are here, yet eleven there were sent out from Rivendell," Lord Cereborn began. "Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."
No one said anything for a moment until Lady Galadriel did, softly saying, "Gandalf did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow."
"He was taken by both Shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria," Legolas said mournfully.
"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose," Galadriel stated, noticably filling the Company with slight reassurance. She turned her gaze to Gimli. "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûn fill your heart, Gimli, son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril and in all lands, love is now mingled with grief."
Her eyes moved down the line that the Company had made unconsciously and connected with Boromir's. They had a small stand off where Boromir relented and looked away.
No sooner had Annabeth looked away from examining Boromir than she saw Lady Galadriel's crystal eyes on her.
"Annabeth, daughter of Athena, Perseus, son of Poseidon," she began. "You are not from here."
Annabeth's heartbeat picked up. She'd suspected the elf would know but it didn't quite prepare her. Beside her, Percy tensed and dug his hand into his pocket.
"You need not fear," Galadriel continued. "When you are ready to return and after you have finished your part, you will find a way back to your home."
Annabeth's shoulders dropped, releasing tension she didn't realize was there and looked over at her boyfriend. He gave her a smile and a look that said she'd be explaining this later.
"What now becomes of this Fellowship?" Cereborn questioned. "With out Gandalf, hope is lost."
"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife," Galadriel said. "Stray but a little and it will fall, to the ruin of all...Yet hope remains while the Company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace."
🧝🏻♀️ 🧝🏻♀️
"You want to explain what Lady Galadriel was talking about back there?" Percy demanded as they were getting ready for their rest.
"Yes," Gimli spoke up. "And you need to explain a little of how Percy can do that with the water."
Annabeth sighed as she saw the hobbits perk up with interest. Even Boromir was looking on, waiting for answers. "Percy and I are from another world," she started. "Percy fell through a hole in the barrier between our worlds and I followed to find him. Our world is very different from this one. At home, your world and your journeys are only fairy tales."
"So how does Lady Galadriel know about us?" Percy asked.
"I'm getting there, Percy, let me explain our world a little to them first," Annabeth scolded. "In our world, there are gods that sometimes interact with the mortals and have children. Percy and I are both products of that. Percy's father is the god of the seas and earthquakes. That's how he can control the water-"
"I can't control the water," Percy interrupted. "I can only guide it. The ocean does not like to be told what to do."
"My mother is the goddess of war and knowledge," Annabeth continued, sending Percy an annoyed look. "My powers are more in the mind than like anything Percy does."
"Great, you told them, now how did Lady Galadriel know who we were?"
"I think it was because of her own powers of foresight," Annabeth explained. "Maybe she is able to see through the barrier that separates our worlds from each other. She is one of the most powerful elves in this land."
Percy was quite for a minute, letting it sink in. Then he nodded. "You don't want to get on the wrong side of her," Percy decided. "I felt her aura, she's up there with your mom."
🧝🏻♀️ 🧝🏻♀️
"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people," Cereborn was saying. Annabeth was vibrating with excitement. She'd always wanted one of these cloaks. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes. Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the Eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the Western bank."
The gifts continued from Galadriel, Legolas received a bow of the Galadhrim. Merry and Pippin received daggers of the Noldorin. Sam received elven rope. Gimli received what was probably Annabeth's favorite besides the cloaks. The three strands of Lady Galadriel's hair. Aragorn received a dagger as well. Frodo received the light of Eärendil.
Annabeth was curious as to what the Lady of the Elves would gift her and Percy. She did not think that they could receive anything that would be as useful as the gifts to the others were. The weapons they receive here would not help back home. All they would be useful for is decoration.
"My gifts to the son and daughter of the gods of their world," Lady Galadriel paused, smiled and turned to the elf assisting her. "Are bows created from the stars themselves. Do not fret, daughter of Athena, they will be able to help you with your enemies in your home world."
"I'm sorry, my lady, thank you for the gifts and all," Annabeth said quickly snatching the bow before a nervous Percy could accept it, "but Percy is not allowed to even touch a bow and arrow. Not after he nearly burnt the whole cabin nine back home to the ground."
"I don't even know how that happened," Percy muttered, looking at his hands.
Lady Galadriel smiled in amusement. "Is there something that you wish from us then, Perseus, son of Poseidon?" She inquired.
Percy's eyes lit up. "Do you guys make swords?" He asked excitedly.
Annabeth rolled her eyes but smiled as she saw the elves bring forth an elegant sword made of the brightest metal she'd seen with the hilt tinted the color of her boyfriend's eyes.
"This sword is made of something called 'bright steal,'" Lady Galadriel explained. "It was retrieved from the stars by our kin in a far off land. It never needs sharpening and has properties that we do not know of as of yet. It too will aid you against your enemies. Use it well."
Percy was barely keeping in a wide grin as he drew the sword from the sheath. Much different from the Greek styled sword of Riptide, it was longer and straighter. It had jagged edges on either side right by the hilt. The sea green color of the hilt was continued down to the blade and created a wave like pattern.
🧝🏻♂️ 🧝🏻♂️
The Fellowship had passed the Argonath several hours ago and Annabeth was starting to feel restless.
"Wise girl?" Percy said, hesitantly.
"Soon the Fellowship will go their separate ways," Annabeth whispered. She and Percy shared a boat, neither of them needing to paddle much considering Percy could control it. "Frodo and Sam will head to Mordor. Pippin and Merry to Isengard and Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to Rohan." She decided to skip the part where the three were chasing the two hobbits captured by orcs.
"And Boromir?"
"He will find rest in the halls of his ancestors," Annabeth answered. "His last act on Arda to protect the hobbits."
"What about us?" Percy asked after a moment of listening to the waves slap against their small boat.
Annabeth shook her head. She couldn't say. She would have liked to help Frodo and Sam but Mordor sounded too similar to Tartarus for her to be able to convince either herself or Percy to go. She knew what their fate might be if they're captured by the orcs. They had no need for humans. They might skip the debate and just choose to snack on either her or Percy.
The only option left was to stay with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Following down Boromir's path was out of the question as that would prevent them from getting home and Annabeth knew how Percy got if he went too long without his blue cookies.
They were pushing it as it was.
"We cross the lake at night fall, hide the boats and continue on foot...we approach Mordor from the North," Aragorn said as they started unpacking for camp that night.
"Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassible labyrinth of razor sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better...a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see."
Poor Pippin probably lost his appetite from that description.
"That is our road," Aragorn confirmed. "I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf."
"Recover my-" Gimli scoffed and muttered as he continued about his business.
Legolas ran up to Aragorn. "We should leave now," he said urgently.
"No," Aragorn answered immediately. "The orcs control the Eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness."
"It is not the Eastern shore that worries me," Legolas admitted. Now Annabeth saw him glancing worriedly into the forest. "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it."
Annabeth sighed and turned to Percy. "Hey, Seaweed brain!" She whacked his legs, which were propped up on his pack, allowing him to take a nap. "Get up and keep an eye on Frodo," she whispered. "I don't trust Boromir to keep his distance for long."
"You think he's gonna make a go for it?" Percy asked, peaking one eye open.
"Right, sorry," Percy sighed and hurriedly got up before she could hit him again.
"Don't follow him back to the river though," she said as he dusted off his pants. "Aragorn might need your help."
"But Aragorn's right over...you know what? Never mind," Percy shook his head and started off, discreetly following the ring bearer. "Why do I bother questioning her? She'll whack me again anyways or throw something at me..." His muttering trailed off as he walked away, ducking as a shoe found it's way to his head, flying through the air. "See? 'Watch out for that one,' Dad said. 'She's got a heck of an arm.' Do I want to know how he knew that? No, thank you very much. Might find out the hard way...."
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