Chp. 8 The Room
My hand hovered the knob and before I could even grasp it, the Castle's alarms went off and the humble melody has quieted down then eventually..stopped. I was going to open the door then remembered.
The guys need you..
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Now: *WARNING: Suicide Stuff*
Y/n ran down the halls to the control room. "What's going...a local Arusian? (A-roo-sh-an) He is triggering the alarms?" Y/n says. "It appears so" Allura says. "Let's go greet him...moment ruiner" Y/n says, whispering the last part. Everyone turns to her to protest and think first, but she already left.
Y/n heads outside and sees the Arusian. "Hello there, we mean no harm" You say trying to sound as friendly as possible. You put your hand out to him and he inspects it very cautiously. You then pull your hood up more to cover your face with your free hand and you take off your mask to your surprise that you even had done that. You then realize at how calm you sound and a smile spreads across your features. The Arusian looks surprised. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I promise. My name Y/n, but please call me Skotos when you and I are around my humble acquaintances" You said to him as you put your mask back on. He takes your hand and shakes it. "My name is Klaizap, Bravest of our warriors. Our village is over Grazel Hill" Klaizap says yelling very proudly and bravely. The Paladins except for Pidge and Shiro reach you in panic, but see your hand holding the Arusian's. They didn't know what came over them, but just that sight made them aggravated. Allura soon joined with Coran and when she saw you were holding the Arusian's hand, she couldn't deny that she was jealous. "Everyone, this is Klaizap, bravest warrior of his village which is located over Grazel Hill" You say still holding his hand then letting go. At that moment the Paladins and princess let out a breath. To much of their surprise they have all been holding. "I have come seeking answers, as to why the Lion Goddess is angered with her followers" He says.
"Followers?" (Coran)
"Lion Goddess?" (Hunk)
"The one the ancients spoke of" Klaizap says pointing to a carving in stone of what I believe is Voltron. "What makes you think she is angered?" Allura said sweetly. "Destruction is everywhere. For the past few suns, fire has rained from the heavens and a giant has danced in the sky" "I think he is talking about Voltron" Hunk whispers. "Yeah, got that" Lance says bluntly. "You have not angered the Lion Goddess" Allura says. "How can you be certain?" Klaizap questions. "Because I am Allura and this is my castle" Klaizap's eyes widen and bows down. "Lion Goddess!" He whispers. "Please, bravest warrior, take us to your village so we may meet our neighbours" Allura said humbly. "What about our mission to get off this planet and fight Zarkon?" Keith says quite irritated. "Part of the Paladin' mission is to spread peace and diplomacy" Allura simply answers "Arus has been our home for 10,000 years. These people deserve our thanks" "Well while you all do that, I will be doing my own thing in the castle. I shall join you when I am done. Allura will you please contact me when you are heading back?" I ask "Of course Skotos" She says smiling. "Okay, have a nice evening" I say as I walk back into the castle and head to the garage where my bike is. As I only need to be led by two more halls I hear that singing again, but this time it is just humming the tune. I am once again, trapped in the trance of the music and follow the lovely tune. I reach the door again and I finally am able to open the door, the tune a bit louder now and I ever so slowly open the door to see a huge room with a bed, nightstand, personal washroom, all the necessities for a one person room and a...little girl. She was humming the tune whilst staring down at a necklace. I slowly approach the girl. "Do you ever wish you had a second chance?" I stop walking; petrified with fear. "To take back everything bad you had said to someone? take away their pain and replace it with your happiness and take their place? say sorry?..protect the ones you loved? you ever regret leaving people in the dark? leave everyone wondering where they went wrong? leave them wondering 'why didn't I notice this?' leave everyone regretting not helping you when you didn't want it, but needed it? leave everyone wondering 'why did you kill yourself?'" The girl questioned. The last question got me.
She killed her self?
"I regret it..but I don't at the same time. I'm finally happy and at peace. Not my family though. But they're gone" She says in a hush tone. She turns around and looks at me. She looked like she was around the age 12, she has one deep chocolate brown right eye and one bright electrifying blue left eye. Her eyes almost looked like they were glowing. She had shoulder long chocolate hair with some deep grey at the tips. Pale tanned skin because she is a ghost. A bandaid runs across the bridge of her nose just like Shiro. Some gauze (a.k.a bandages) wrapped around her right hand and some wrapped around her left forearm. Some...
oh god...she slit her wrists..
I try not to cry because of what she did and scream 'why?'. But what got me was some blood was still there and the cuts were open. She wore a hospital gown that went to her knees with some black leggings with some cuts on them, a scraped knee and elbow, some maroon? Mahogany? One of those two coloured converse and with some constellations drawn on and white socks with black stripes. "I am Glitch, a glitched human" (My OC) She says with a faint smile that looked exhausted. She started to glitch a bit. "Heheh, I guess you now know why I am called this.." "Are you okay?" I ask. "Monotone? I wonder what the Galra did to you..I am sorry for what they put you through" She says with real concern. "Y-you wouldn't mind..n-never mind i-it's stupid" She says looking down. I can see doubt in her eyes. "Wouldn't mind what?" I say being calm even though never in a million years (couldn't find the Altean translation (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)) I would be scared, but she seems nice. "Well I was thinking you could make this your room and wear this necklace so that I could travel with you and battle with you, but heheheh, too suspicious!" She says not making eye contact, enthusiastic sarcasm, and with tears in her eyes and her arms crossed
She looks so broken..
"Of course!" I say almost to happily. "W-what?" She says almost a whisper of disbelief. "Of course! I only have one friend. The others are just...acquaintances" I say smiling. "You have a nice smile" Glitch says. "What?! How did-" "I have the power to see past emotions or visible things and once again, you have a beautiful smile" I couldn't help myself, but smile once more and even bigger from the last. "How 'bout that necklace?" I say pointing to the necklace "Oh, this necklace..hmmm..what is your favourite gemstone?" She asks. I think long and hard and come to the conclusion of Paraiba Tourmaline. The necklace's gemstone holder soon had a Paraiba Tourmaline in it. I wore a shocked expression, but soon got over it. She handed the necklace to me and helped me put it on "That was so cool" was all I could say and she smiled along with a small 'thank you' "I bet you want to check your home planet, Lullora now..
Don't you?"
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Word count: 1360
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