Chp. 7 A Song
They met on the battle field. Clichè? I think not. Her mother, Naralin (Na-ra-len), was saving Y/n's father from attacks coming from behind (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*wink*wink*), Morith was his name (Mar-ith). Naralin was kicking some serious ass, like damn, Morith couldn't take his eyes off her. The way she crafted her magic and how she killed the opposing side. Romantic right? Yeah I know.
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Allura said to try it out and I happily obliged. Then a wall ascends upwards. I then realize we are in a garage. I happily squeal like a little girl. Allura just laughs at my happiness. She teaches me how to start it up and tells me it only responds to me and me only and also says it will respond to my time in need just like the lions. I sigh happily. "Allura..just..thanks so much! I really don't have anything to give you in return" "No need, just stay alive for this test drive okay?" "Yeah..okay" Then I drive away switching to ground mode which is a.k.a just driving it as if it was a regular motorcycle.
"I'm a leg!...Hey wait! Who's that?" I hear Hunk say thanks to some new enhancements I made to my mask so I can contact/listen to the Paladins.
"I don't know" (Lance)
"Wait.." (Pidge)
"Is that.." (Keith)
"Skotos?" (Shiro)
"Hey guys!" I happily cheer "So you formed Voltron?"
"Yeah!" (All)
"How does it feel?" I ask "Amazing, but not as amazing as you~" Lance says flirtatiously " 'bout you Pidge?" "I feel 100x more powerful! I can do anything!" She happily yells. "I for one feel great, but also hungry" Hunk says then we here is stomach growl "This is great" Keith says with a very chill but also with a star struck tone. "Well good! Go and train I'll be watching you and giving some feed back. Sound cool?" "Yeah, thanks Skotos. Now everyone.." Then Shiro's voice faded as I cut them off not wanting to ruin my surprise with their strategies.
(Time Skip thanks to Lance's and Keith's bickering)
We all walk into the doors dining hall after Voltron's practice.
"Hello, guys! How was the Voltron workout?" Coran says cheerfully. He was holding a silver platter with one of those silver domes that cover your food. "We're getting there, are Allura and you almost done fixing the Castle so we can leave the planet?" Shiro answers. "I feel like we're sitting ducks on Arus". "Just about. In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic Paladin lunch!" Coran then reveals the lunch to be...I have no idea what it is called again. "Sorry Coran I would love to eat it, but I'm just not hungry" I say. "Coran, you just got me hooked on that good and now you're switching it up?" Hunk complains. "This is packed with nutrients" Coran reasons. "*sniff* ugh it smell disgusting!" Hunk says in disgust. "Yep! That's how you know it's healthy" I say. "Thank you Skotos!" Coran says with gratefulness laced in his voice. I then decided to leave and train in the training deck. I walked through the halls and I hear something or someone singing a song.
"When you feel the world around you
Spinnin' out of control
You can find someone around you
To bring you out of the cold
But you don't ever have to hide
What you really feel inside
So put 'em up
Two high
We can walk together with our hands up in the sky
So put 'em up
We can come together
We won't give up on the fight"
The voice sang. I followed the voice and reached a door. I felt like I was in an trance, but it wasn't a bad trance like the ones where 'you didn't want to do it, but you still did' trances. It was a nice trance. The music filled my ears with delight and I couldn't help, but smile. It felt good to smile. It was such a long time since I smiled.
So put 'em up
Put 'em up
Two high"
I was about to open the door which was different from the rest; you had to open the door manually. My hand hovered the knob and before I could even grasp it, the Castle's alarms went off and the humble melody has quieted down then eventually..stopped. I was going to open the door then remembered.
The guys need you..
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Word count: 770
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