Chp. 5 Happiness?
"Skotos let me lead you to my room and give you a change of clothes for your bath and let me set up my bed". I nod in agreement and we're off.
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"Hey, I can sleep on the floor. No harm in that" Y/n says. "But Y/n, I want you to be comfy! It's been awhile since you have slept on something, well, appropriate! I cannot have my dearest friend just sleep on the cold, hard, metal floor, not ever! Y/n you are sleeping in my bed, got it?" Allura says sternly. "Fine, Allura. I shall sleep in your bed" Y/n whines in defeat. "Wait..did I just emotion?" Y/n says trying to sound shocked "I-I believe I did..and it was an emotion called defeat" "Dang it..I was wishing something more useful, oh well" "Well maybe Pidge can invent something that can trace new emotions and can tell you which emotions that are still lost!" "Yeah..that'd be nice" Y/n and Allura travel to Allura's room. They arrive and head in. Allura finds suitable clothing for Y/n that consist of a nice black long sleeve shirt and black leggings. Allura has caught on to some new fashion trends/forms from the Paladins (mostly Pidge) and has decided to make a few clothes out of them and experiment. Y/n decided to add some of her armour along with the new set of clothes. Allura stepped out of the bathroom and let Y/n step in. Once Y/n was stripped of her clothing she looked at her mask-less face and was met with a dull-eyed monster, her eyes didn't show a beautiful galaxy, only a bleak world, bags under her eyes, her markings faintly glowed, lucky they still even glowed. She tore her face from the monstrosity that she was supposed to call 'her face' and stepped into the tub of water and was greeted with complete relaxation to the muscles. Once the Lulloran was done with her bath. She brushed her hair which was a fricking challenge and brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush from Allura then changed into her new clothes and added her brown leather protection to her forearms and shins (have no idea what they are called, cut meh some slack), brown leather chest plate that concealed her breasts so she looks more of a man, brown leather combat boots, her hood, and mask. Her mask was not like the rest of The Blade of Marmora's members. Instead of circles on top of the mask and lines on the lower half of the mask on the sides, but had a line that ran straight across right in front of where her lips would be with one jagged line that dips down then back up like a tooth on both sides of the mask and three dark purple lighted circles in the form of a triangle (two circles on the bottom and one on top in between)
*Knock, knock*
"Y-I mean Skotos, are you decent?" Coran asks from the other side of the door. "Yes I am Coran" Coran then enters. "Coran you can call me by my real name when none of the Paladins are around, ok?" "Oh, thanks Y/n, well Allura just wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready! C'mon little Lulloran! Time to eat!"
I nod in agreement and we head to the dining hall. Coran and I enter and the room immediately goes silent. "Nice to see you too" I say and walk off next to Allura. "Umm, not to come off rude...but how are you gonna eat?" Hunk asks "Like this" I say and press a button on the side of my mask which mask part of the mask that covers just bellow my nose disappears to reveal my mouth. I made sure I still had the ability to sound both male and female because I didn't want to risk letting my identity shown just yet. "Does this answer your question?" I ask and Hunk just nods with his mouth wide open in shock. I look over and see Pidge have stars in her eyes...wait stars? "You okay Pidge?" I question the young female. "Yeah it's just that technology! Where did you obtain such tech?" "Well if you were wondering I got this mask from The Blade of Marmora and along with my armour" I reply as I start to eat the classic green goop. I hear various clanking sounds and look up to see that the Paladins are now cuffed together.
I remember this..let's see if it will be even more entertaining..
"Hold the phone!" Lance yells "I saw a lot of solid individual performances today, but your still struggling to work as a team" Coran reasons. "So welcome to the final bonding exercise of the day" Coran says. "Coran, I want you to think about what you're doing" Hunk threatens. "This one's a classic. You get to feed each other, like a pack of yalmores!" Coran cheerfully says. Then everything just went downhill. Screaming, yelling, arguing, blaming one another. "WILL YOU ALL STOP ARGUING?!" I yell with hatred of their bickering. Everyone stops yelling and sits down properly. "Will you all please just try to work to-" "Why isn't Skotos cuffed like us?!" Lance shouts "Because Skotos has already done this" Allura says "With me!" Now a bit more cheerful than annoyed. "Wait really?" Hunk says. "Yep, we even did *picks up plate* THIS!" I yell while throwing all my food goop at Pidge's face. "Go loose, Pidge!" Keith yells whilst throwing some goop at Allura. Coran thinks fast and blocks the hit whilst throwing some goop back at all the Paladins. "Let's do this shit" I say, pushing the button so my face is concealed once more. "Oh, it's on" Hunk says with a sly smile. He then stuffs is face in his food 'Til his mouth is full and takes his hands pressing his cheeks and squirting it all over Allura and Coran. "Surprised it didn't hit-" I'm cut off when Shiro tries to throw some of his food at me. I'm quick to react and take my plate and block his attack. "Did you think it's that easy to lay a hit on me?" I say. He then shrinks back a bit and gives a nervous smile and sheepish laugh (I bet you're feeling real badass right now Reader! I know I am). "Allura, Coran..let's get 'em" I say. We have a full on war and still no goop has hit me. All of the Paladins have stopped aiming for Allura and Coran and now put me as their target. "Wow guys *dodge* feeling *dodge* the love!"
Someone please save my soul! This has been going on for 23 DOBOSHES! LAY OFF ALREADY!
(Doboshes means 'minutes' in Altean. Al-tay-en)
"ENOUGH!" Allura yells whilst slamming her fist down on the table as if she heard my plea. The Paladins straighten up. "Oh thank Lullaya!" I yell in relief as I fall to the ground (Lull-lie-a) "Thanks Ally" "*blushes a tiny bit* No you see what you're all doing?" She presumes yelling "They're being dicks for only aiming at me for 23 doboshes?" I say as a question to the best of my abilities (voice) while rolling onto my back "That and see that you're all working as one!" She says clapping her hands together in glee.
"Hey, she's right!" (Keith)
"I actually don't hate you right now" (Lance)
"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" (Hunk)
"Let's go form Voltron!" (Shiro)
"Yeah!" (All)
"Actually I was thinking desert. But, yeah let's do it!" (Hunk)
I get up from the ground once Hunk agreed to the other Paladins' idea. Once Hunk finishes they all fall to the ground. "Bahahahahahaha!" I start laughing as they fall. They soon get up after 5 doboshes and 13 failed attempts and I finally calm down. "That was the most funniest thing...I've seen in two years!" I say looking at them speaking in between breaths. They all have pink tinted faces because Y/n's laugh was adorable even though the girl hasn't laughed in years (two years), even Allura, but Y/n doesn't know that. "I laughed..." I say. "Yes! Another one down in only one day!" Allura yells whilst hugging me from behind. "Gah!" I yelp. "I believe that one was called happiness!" Pidge says. "Yes! An emotion that actually is important to me!" I yell happily. "Man this feels good. Now, go form Voltron!" I yell even more happily then Allura let's go of me and takes my hand to lead me away from the group and to an unfamiliar room.
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Word count: 1476
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