Prologue: the beginning that ends in a cliffhanger (urban legends)
"Interesting...very interesting." Olive looks over the article on her cheap, semi-broken phone.
"Sunday might kill me...but it'll be so worth it." she grins as she stands up; she looks around her room, she really should clean up soon...
She peeks out of her door. If she gets caught sneaking out again...she'll have to clean the entire orphanage...and she'll probably have to get a hair be sneaky.
She tiptoes back into her room, closing the door softly, it makes a tiny click! Sound as she does.
She creeps over to her teeny tiny bed in the corner of her teeny tiny room, where lots of notes and files lay strewn about.
"Flashlight?..check...journal?..check...random junk?..double check..." she whispers to herself as she packs up her backpack.
She walks over to her vanity, grabbing a hair tie; she starts to braid her obnoxiously long hair.
"That should be it...oh wait!.." she quickly grabs her messenger bag off her bed post. "How could I forget..." she chuckles as she puts her beanie, coat and mittens on; she laces up her boots and tiptoes out of her room.
She avoids the creaky floorboards and stairs, she opts for sliding down the railing, which surprisingly works.
She swiftly walks over to the door, pulling it open, and then pulling it shut as she leaves.
"I hope this works..." she mutters to herself as she walks, her boots clacking against the pavement.
She walks. And walks. And walks some more. Until she makes it to the house. The house that is rumored to link to some disappearance 16 years ago. Does Olive believe it? Absolutely. And she wants facts for her theories! So she's going to the house herself. Alone. In the middle of the night.
The few articles she found varied, some said knock twice, take four steps and turn. Others said take three steps, turn, THEN knock. It's confusing. But olives gonna trust the oldest one she could find.
She walks up the rickety, vine covered stairs of the decaying house. Pushing the door open, it's a shock it's still on its hinges after all this time...
"Five steps forward...up the stairs...turn left...and knock three times..."
Knock knock knock!
Nothing happened.
"Well this was a waste of time..." she sighs. "I might as well look for cool it's not a complete waste of time..."
She pushes the door open and...
A/N: how was this? :3
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