Chapter 2: basement dweller
"Olive! I'm heading out!" Mira yells as she leaves through the front door; she shuts it and locks it with a spell.
Olive has been 'laying low' in Mira's basement. In reality she just sleeps there. Mira won't say why Olive needs to hide...Olive quit trying to ask after all those other times.
"Soo...Mira! Don't ya think it's time I see the outside world again?-" Olive's words are immediately discontinued by one of Mira's spells.
"Absolutely not." Mira replies bluntly, not even looking up at Olive, she just continues studying her spells.
"Do you at least wanna here about my theor-"
Olive lays on the old sofa, it's comfy, but not as comfy as her bed back home- er...back at the orphanage.
But it's...definitely cozy. Mira said she keeps stuff for spells down here; and Olive is not allowed to touch anything. If she does she is so dead.
So here she lays, watching old shows Mira keeps on tape down here. Olive didn't know other realms had things similar to the human world...but whatever. She's been watching reruns of this show called "keeping up with the blairs" gee that family has a LOT of kids.
But it's interesting, not just the show but the fact that Mira has it. She doesn't seem like the type to watch these kinds of shows. And she has every single season, spin off, special. She must be a big fan.
But olives not complaining, it keeps her entertained. It's mostly the thought of Mira watching reality tv that makes her chuckle.
"On this episode of keeping up with the blairs! Dex comes home from college!"
"Dex? Whos Dex..." Olive Mutters as she focuses on the old, tiny tv screen.
Well to be fair, she hasn't watched the first two seasons...she just grabbed the first tape she saw, she should really organize them...
"Oh my god-" Olive blushes. Oh that's Dex.
He looks like his mom, he's got black hair, with a little bit of silver, piercings? HORNS? A TAIL?
He looks like one of those bad boys from teen romance movies...and Olive is HERE FOR IT!
He's tall, alternative, funny, and smart! That's like exactly like olives fictional crush 'fredward' from the hit movie series 'midnight'.
You wouldn't think Olive likes those kinds of movies, but she's a sucker for romance, and it's like some of the only DVDs she has- er- had.
"He looks like he'd listen to my theories..." Olive mutters as she stares at the screen.
Olive is rudely interrupted by Mira returning home.
"I'm back!" Mira yells from upstairs. Olive knows she has to go upstairs...but she really doesn't feel like it...
Too bad.
Olive floats up from the couch, not by choice, and is practically dragged super speed.
See theres a few things you should know about Mira.
1. She's a bit impatient
2. She likes things going her way
3. She's pretty blunt.
And all of those things combined? Lead to this.
"You're late." Mira crosses her arms as she sinks out of the air, gently landing on the kitchens tile flooring.
"No I'm not it's-"
"5:01. You're supposed to come up at 5:00 pm sharp." Mira speaks in an annoyed tone.
"Ugh...give me a break...I was watching tv..." Olive mutters, crossing her arms.
"Of course you were..." Mira rubs the bridge of her nose in annoyance and a bit of irritation. "Just go set up the table. That's all you have to do." Mira says, there's a bit of bite to her words...Olive didn't think being one minute late was that bad. Maybe she was wrong.
Olive waltz's out into the dining room. Usually this wouldn't be a bother, she does this all the time back home. But Mira is far too specific...especially if it's just for two people...
But she does it. Mats, silverware, plates, and she adjusts them so they are perfect. To Mira's standards at least.
"Done!" Olive calls out to Mira, who's cooking dinner.
Mira hums, she doesn't look over at Olive. She's probably too focused, I mean, she IS using her magic to multitask, Olive can only assume that's pretty hard to do.
"Sooo miraaaa" Olive drags out her words, maybe for effect, maybe just to annoy Mira, or both, she isn't quite sure.
Mira doesn't look up, she's focused, but she does talk. "Olive." Mira acknowledges her.
"Sooo like. You're really good at magic. And you said that witches are super respected...but you won't tell me why you won't join! You should! That'd be so cool!" Olive exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air.
"I don't have to tell you why." Mira says bluntly, she pauses. "But I will. I don't like the empress." Mira mutters.
"Empress? Like...a ruler? A queen?" Olive lists off them, counting on her fingers. "A...matriarch?" Olive slowly stops, running out of synonyms.
"Empress." Mira states. "We don't get along per se."
Olives eyes widen, her jaw dropping a bit, but it quickly turns into a smirk. "So you're're like a...witch criminal? A witchinal?- no wait- a...a critch? No- a-a crimiwitch? Yeah...A crimiwitch." Olive strikes a proud pose, her facial expression matching it.
Mira smiles a bit. "You're an idiot..." She Mutters through a slight grin, but her face goes back to its usual neutral expression in the blink of an eye.
"Am not." Olive makes an mock-offended face.
"Are too." Mira says in a deadpan voice. "Have you even washed your hair? Or showered?" Mira asks, sounding slightly concerned.
"Uh...about that- I don't know how to use a magical shower bath thing...and I don't have my special hair products..." Olive murmurs.
Mira doesn't look impressed. "Seriously? Special products? You use special products?"
"Yes?..." Olive responds, sounding confused.
"Jeez...just- ugh..." Mira rubs her temples in annoyance. "Go sit down."
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