Chapter Twenty-Two: "Betrayal"
Sean glared at Mark but took the steps two at time as he raced down the stairway. Mark stayed close to him, glancing back as loud 'BANGS' from above followed behind them. Nathan lingered behind them a bit, telling Mark in a rush. "He's coming! Pick it up!" Sean grabbed the railing and leapt over it to cut corners. When he bumped into a scruffy Beta that was smoking in the stairway, making Sean yelp in surprise. The Beta grabbed Sean's arm tightly, growling out to him. "Watch it, Bitch!" Sean tried to tug free, when Mark wrapped an arm over Sean's shoulder and shoved the Beta into the wall. The Beta let out a snarl, but it ended when Nathan punched him across the face, knocking him out in one solid hit. Mark nodded to him, pushing Sean onward. Behind them, Zedekiah caught up, snarling so loud that the stairway resonated with it. It made finding Zedekiah's location hard to pinpoint. Metal squealed from strain as they reached the door at the bottom. Sean got the door open, then something dropped down from the gap of the stairway. They briefly looked and saw Zedekiah slowly rise to his full height. His good eye was completely wolfed out and his canines where bared as he let out an inhuman growl.
Zedekiah's side was bleeding from where Sean had stabbed him, but it didn't seem to be slowing him down. His muscles were red and dripped from the hot coffee that he'd splashed him with earlier. Mark pushed Sean through the door, backing through himself as he snarled back at Zedekiah. Nathan backed up with Mark, baring his teeth but not snarling nearly as loudly as Mark. Zedekiah walked toward them menacingly, telling them in a dark voice. "Nathan...? What are you doing? Kill the dog. But the Omega is MINE." Mark reached back to protectively touch Sean's sides as he backed up. His eyes darting from Nathan to Zedekiah with mistrust. Nathan only stared at Zedekiah with an unreadable expression but kept backing up with them. Zedekiah flexed his fingers, his knuckles cracking when he barked out. "NATHAN?!" Nathan looked at Mark and then Sean, prompting Sean to whine out. "Nathan...?" Mark locked eyes with Nathan growling loudly as they backed through the lobby. Nathan turned to face Mark, moving toward him and causing Zedekiah chuckle out. "You've got nowhere to run. This is MY territory!" Sean glanced around, noticing the other people in the lobby rising to their feet defensively.
No matter what the others had been talking about or doing, the sight of Nathan and Zedekiah advancing aggressively on two outsiders spurred them to be at the ready for a fight. Sean whined, whispering over Mark's shoulder. "Mark... we're outnumbered..." Mark kept his eyes on Nathan, growling louder with a challenging tone that made the onlookers shiver from the influence. Nathan didn't flinch and Zedekiah chuckled out. "Mark? The Valley's new lead Alpha?" Nathan stopped baring his teeth at Mark, his eyes staring Mark down in a way that made no sense to Sean. Sean heard the bell ring behind them and looked to see more Betas slipping into the lobby from the front door to cut off their retreat. Zedekiah puffed up his chest, growling out in a powerful dark tone. "Change of plans. I want the Alpha! Nathan, move!" Nathan nodded subtly to Mark, then turned on his heel and punched Zedekiah in his wound. Zedekiah let out a yelp, but backhanded Nathan clear off his feet. Mark didn't hesitate, he lunged forward and slashed Zedekiah's face with his werewolf nails. The blow cut open the healed scars already over Zedekiah's good eye. Zedekiah staggered back to a knee, allowing Nathan time to scramble to his feet. Rushing up, Nathan slashed his own nails at Zedekiah's throat, but missed as Zedekiah lunged forward at Mark.
Mark extended his hands out to grab Zedekiah's neck as he slammed into him, tackling him down across the tile floor. Sean jumped back from them, yelping in distress. The Betas around them started barking and closing in. One grabbed Sean around the waist, trying to drag him away as he laughed out to his friends. "We got ourselves an Omega, boys!" Sean's distressed yelps pitched so sharply that the Beta dropped him, and the others flinched briefly. Sean tried to run for the door, when another one grabbed him, trying to yank him into a gathering crowd of Betas. Unable to stay upright, Sean fell to all fours and tore up the tiles with his nails as he screamed out. "MARK! HELP!" Mark yelped as Zedekiah slashed and punched at his chest. They rolled across the floor, trying to get an advantage over the other. Despite their size difference, Mark easily held his own against Zedekiah. However, the one advantage Zedekiah had over him was experience in fighting. Even with all Mark's training... he'd never fought a Zeta Alpha of Zedekiah's caliber. His hits were designed to cripple and left no room for error. Sean's distress distracted Mark and Zedekiah seized the opening to go for his throat with his canine teeth.
Just before his teeth could tear out Mark's throat, Nathan jumped on Zedekiah. Wrapping his arms around Zedekiah's neck, he yanked him off Mark, flipping Zedekiah to the ground onto his stomach. Pinning Zedekiah to the ground, Nathan yelled out to Mark. "SAVE SEAN!" Mark didn't hesitate. Rolling up onto his feet, he ran into the fray of Betas. Sean thrashed, kicking and biting the Betas as they eventually pinned him down across the floor. They were playing with him and were completely distracted with their teasing of him. Their laughter and vulgar facial expressions all working to prompt a reaction from Sean to see what he'd do. Sean could only see Betas around him and started to cry, until a Beta was tackled down to the floor with a vicious snarl that spooked the others. Mark slammed the head of the Beta he had tackled into the tile, knocking him out. Then as a brave Beta approached Mark, he punched him in the face so hard that it broke the guy's nose and knocked him flat to the floor. The other Betas growled at Mark, until Mark let out a challenging growl that was so strong it made Sean shiver. The other Betas backed up as far from Mark as they could get with soft whines as they lowered their eyes submissively.
Every fiber of Sean's body shivered with fear, but the wolf in him didn't want to run away. It wanted to run toward Mark. The wolf in him told him that Mark was safety and without thinking about it, he scrambled toward him. Mark opened his arms, embracing him protectively when Sean slammed into him. Mark kept his eyes on the Betas but started to rush Sean toward the door. Sean kept his head low, relying on Mark to guide him out. His body was just so overwhelmed by fear and a sense of danger that he'd never felt before. His inner wolf clung to his lead Alpha like a safety blanket. While heading toward the front door, Sean jerked his head up as he heard Nathan let out a painful series of yelps. In the center of the lobby, Zedekiah removed his teeth from Nathan's arm and hefted him up over his head to throw him through a wall of glass that divided the check-in counter from the walkway to the elevator and stairs. The smashing of glass filled the lobby, followed by Zedekiah's triumphant growl as Nathan hit the floor and didn't get up. The glass rained down over Nathan's body and Sean called out in shock. "Nathan?!" Zedekiah turned his head in their direction, his snarl emanating from him like a car engine.
Mark pulled Sean behind himself as Zedekiah started stalking toward them. Sean tried to tug on Mark's arm, crying out as he realized how hurt Mark was. "Mark, we have to go! Come on!" Mark was panting hard, when he stared down Zedekiah but told Sean. "Run, Sean. And don't stop running." Sean shook his head, snapping out. "I'm not leaving without you!" Mark looked back at him, ordering him sternly. "RUN, SEAN!" Sean felt the order to his core, and he started to back up to run, before forcing himself to defy his order with great effort. Mark reached out like he was going to shove him out the door, until Zedekiah grabbed the front of Mark's torn up shirt and flung him to the floor away from Sean. Mark fell across the floor but quickly rolled onto all fours. Zedekiah crept toward Mark, sneering out in a low voice. "Don't worry. I only want to eat your heart. The rest of you, I'll leave at your father's doorstep!" Mark staggered up to his full height, growling as he locked eyes with him and braced for a fight. Zedekiah got ready to lunge at Mark, but Sean blindly rushed in without thinking. Slamming his side into Zedekiah, he knocked him off balance.
Mark stared at Sean in shock, yelling out. "SEAN, DON'T!" Falling to the ground, Zedekiah snarled and swiftly kicked Sean in the gut. The kick sent Sean back into the wall, where Sean dropped to all fours gasping for air. The kick made him feel like his lungs had collapsed, causing him to cough and gasp. Mark ran out to stand in front of Sean as Zedekiah got up and ran for him. Reaching out, Mark grabbed Zedekiah's shoulders, but Zedekiah shoved Mark back. Mark's heels hit the wall; his legs spread to keep himself from stepping on Sean as he stood over him. Zedekiah's nails dug into Mark's shoulders, pinning all his weight against Mark's. Their muscles strained as they snarled at each other. All around them, Betas barked and cheered on Zedekiah to kill Mark. Blood dripped down over Sean's back and neck from Mark's chest as he strained to hold himself against Zedekiah. Zedekiah put more pressure against Mark, starting to chuckle out. "Your daddy trained you well... but you're no match for me. You lack a KILLER instinct!" Zedekiah's grip tightened more on Mark's shoulders, prompting sharp whines from Mark.
Mark's legs shook and he started to buckle under Zedekiah's strength. Zedekiah leaned in, snapping his jaws at Mark's neck with a merciless and wild aggression. Sean reached up to slash his claws against Zedekiah's leg, causing him to yelp and divert his focus down at Sean. Sean looked up at him, panting heavily. He had wanted to hit his balls, but he was just too damn tall, and he was pretty caged in under Mark. Zedekiah's response was to yank Mark forward a bit, before slamming him into the brick wall. Mark's back hit the wall, his body falling limply over Sean as the sudden action dazed him. Sean draped himself over Mark, his voice breaking with distress as he tried to snap Mark out of his stunned state. "Mark? MARK?!" Zedekiah grabbed the back of Sean's neck, causing Sean to let out a series of distressed whines and yelps. Zedekiah's nails dug into his neck, slowly lifting him off Mark. Sean reached up to try prying Zedekiah's hand off him, when a loud 'CHING' rang through the air and silenced the barking of the surrounding Betas. Zedekiah released Sean and fell unconscious across the tile floor.
Sean blinked as he fell back to all fours in surprise. Looking up, he smiled as Nathan stood on shaking legs with a metal cash register in his hand. Nathan was holding his arm close to his ribs and panting hard. Kicking Mark in the leg, Nathan snapped out. "Get up, Mark! Sean's not safe yet!" Jerked out of it from the kick, Mark gasped as he rolled over to cough and collect himself. The other Betas growled and started to move in, until Nathan threw the cash register down hard enough to break it. The cash register let out a loud ding, the money drawer bursting open to spew cash across the floor. The Betas growling stopped as the sight sank in, then fights broke out amongst themselves as they rushed in to get the money. In the chaos, Nathan grabbed Sean's arm to help him up and yelled out over the noise. "Mark, let's go!" Mark staggered to his feet, running out after them. Rushing out into the parking lot before the building, Nathan asked Mark seriously. "Can you ride?" Mark nodded a bit shaken, approaching his bike as he replied quickly with a growing steadiness. "Ya. You?" Nate glanced down at his injured arm, grumbling out. "Ya... but not with the weight of a passenger. You'll have to take him."
Mark slid onto Chief, extending out an arm for Sean to take. Sean took it, sliding into the seat behind Mark. Mark revved the engine and started to back out of the parking space with Nathan behind him on his own bike. Hugging Mark, Sean tried to get his breathing under control as Mark took off down the road. They whizzed back through the city toward the highway that led back to the Valley. Sean glanced back, watching Nathan follow them. Nathan's eyes kept darting to his mirrors to check behind them. No one appeared to be following them though. Sean found that a little surprising. If a fight had broken out like that in the Valley, the whole pack would be chasing them down. The City Wolves didn't appear to care. Was it true that it was every man for themselves? The questions built up in Sean's mind before he couldn't take it anymore. After they were a long way from the city and not close enough to the Valley to be heard, Sean snapped out over the engines of the bikes. "PULL OVER!" Mark was reluctant but obeyed. Pulling off along the side of the road. Nathan pulled over, turning off his engine as he asked curiously. "Why are we stopping?" Mark shrugged and helped Sean climb off the bike.
Walking out into the soft lush grass beside the road, Sean hugged himself and snapped out to them. "Alright... before we go back. I think we need to air some things out. Right fucking now." Nathan relaxed on his bike, hugging his hurt arm. Mark climbed off his bike, walking around it to stand in the grass with a nervous look. Sean stared him down, saying in a broken voice. "First... Mark... Start explaining yourself." Mark unbuckled the saddle bag of his bike, removing a pair of blue jeans. Averting his eyes, he held them out for Sean. Sean glanced down at his naked body before accepting them. Slipping them on, he had to tighten the belt to keep them on his slender waist. They weren't a perfect fit, but they were something. He thanked him but stayed defensive. Mark then bowed his head in shame and told him very gently. "I know this looks bad... but I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted... I hoped that by creating Bill that you'd... That we could start over. I NEVER intended to use Bill to... be with you. I just wanted my friend back." Sean whipped a tear off his cheek, hugging himself tighter, when he blurted out in a torn voice. "Mark... I can't believe you would do this to me. Why would you lie to me like this?" Mark licked his dry bleeding lips, uttering out grimly. "Why do you think? You refused to listen to me. So, I thought... if I was more like HIM. You'd open up to me again."
Sean scoffed, turning away slightly, which prompted Mark to gently add. "You claim that I don't understand you anymore. That you aren't the puppy that I fell in love with. But I can't tell who you've become, if you don't show me! So, I thought... if I got to know you all over again through Bill... Maybe I'd see for myself." Sean shook his head, sniffling out. "Mark... I can't believe that you-" Mark cut in quickly to sweetly tell him. "What happened at the festival... Sean, I swear... I didn't intend for that to happen. After... I was going to explain everything to you. But when I got up you were gone. I thought you knew... I came looking for you." Sean turned burning eyes on him, prompting Mark to quickly rush out. "I did! But my dad heard from Ethan about you sneaking off with Bill and Nathan was missing... I fell into a hole of trying to lie for where I was and how I knew that you weren't with... an outsider." Mark's eyes drifted to Nathan then. Nathan lowered his eyes but said nothing. Sean was thankful that Nathan was staying out of this, but he had some things to say to him too. Mark turned his eyes back to Sean again, finishing off softly. "I was just getting my dad to calm down, when he got word about the fight in Alley-Gator."
Mark shrugged, saying in a trembling voice. "I can't control what my dad does, Sean. I'm just as trapped in my life as you are in yours! I NEVER wanted to be the lead Alpha! I'm expected to be! The only thing I've ever wanted... was you." Mark backed up from Sean, sniffling out. "I trained hard to become what I thought YOU wanted. I thought maybe if I became lead Alpha, that you'd still feel good to stand by me as my Luna. Sure, it's not being my second... but I was trying to make your dream come true. We wanted to be together... and I refused to have a lead Alpha even attempt to take you from me... because I thought you loved me." Sean saw a tear run down Mark's dirty cheek, before Mark said in a softer voice. "My father took my authority from me because I didn't have a Luna by the festival's end. I have until the next full moon to get your answer. Sean... if you don't love me anymore... have mercy on me... and break my heart now." Sean felt more tears spill from his eyes, watching Mark start to cry when he uttered out in a pained voice. "Because the smell of HIM on you... hurts more than any pain I've ever suffered through today."
Mark turned to walk away from him, wiping his tears on his sleeve before leaning on his bike. Sean sniffled, turning his eyes on Nathan who softly interjected. "Guys... I hate to break this up. But we should warn the Valley. Zedekiah won't take this loss well and we're... banged up." Mark looked at Nathan solemnly, prompting Nathan to add uneasily. "Mark... You don't have to let me return to the Valley. I'm no longer a lead Alpha. Turning on Zedekiah... I'm exiled in his eyes. Say the word... and I'll leave." Sean tensed up, looking between them. Mark glanced over his shoulder to look at Sean, before calmly answering. "You should return with us. Your information on Zedekiah will be helpful... and... I owe you for saving us. You didn't have to, but you did." Nathan bowed his head in respect and Sean relaxed in relief. He didn't want this to break them up. He felt like they were stronger against Zedekiah together. To Be Continued...
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