Chapter Twenty-One: "Little Wild One"
Sean wrapped the blanket around himself sitting up nervously. Nathan rushed to push the couch back in place, pointing to the bathroom. Sean staggered up, rushing to the bathroom and closed the door. Staying close to the wall beside the door, he listened closely to what was happening before opening the door just a crack to peek out. Nathan kicked Sean's clothes under his bed, then jogged up to the door to answer it. Nathan barely opened the door, before it was kicked open and slammed against the wall. Nathan backed slowly, greeting lightly. "Zedekiah, I was just about to go find you." Sean licked his lips shakily. Everything about Zedekiah screamed that he was an Alpha. Standing seven foot tall with intimidating toned muscles. Zedekiah's right eye was covered by a leather eyepatch and his remaining eye was tinted red from a large healed scar that spanned from his eyebrow to his chin. Across his neck was another scar that looked like he'd been chained up at some point in his life. His blue jeans were worn and torn up, hanging off his hips in a way that only helped to reveal that his muscles didn't end at his abs. Zedekiah's grey hair was cut short, showing off more of the healed cuts by his nicked ears.
Zedekiah let out a low growl, stalking toward Nathan, before slamming Nate against the wall with a strong hand to pin him there. Leaning in close, Zedekiah growled out in a deep voice. "Why am I getting word that you LOST?!" Nathan shifted uncomfortably, answering promptly. "I can explain." Zedekiah took his hand off Nate's chest to backhand him to the floor, snapping out angrily. "You're damn right you're going to explain! I didn't spend all that time training you, for you to lose to some pampered Valley dog!" A man stormed up to the door of Nate's apartment, starting to snap out. "Listen, whore! You bang on that wall one more fucking..." The man's face fell when he saw Zedekiah, letting out a whine as he uttered out. "Oh... fuck... I didn't... I'm so sorry." Zedekiah turned to face the door, barking out like thunder. "BEAT IT!" Sean arched against the tile wall, his whole body quivering from the power behind his voice. The fear coursing through him was unlike anything he'd felt in the Valley. His inner wolf wanted to run due to the feeling that he'd die if he didn't. Zedekiah slammed the door shut, turning his attention back to Nate as he snapped out in a commanding tone. "Well? Start talking! How did you lose?"
Nate pushed up on all fours, staring only at the floor when he answered. "I let him win." Zedekiah menacingly crouched, growling by Nate's ear. "Why?" Nate looked straight ahead, answering confidently. "I felt like playing with him." Zedekiah grabbed the scruff of Nathan's neck, pushing him into a bow as he growled to him angrily. "What have I told you about screwing around?" Nate whined against the carpet, before struggling to rush out. "Not too! If you get an opening... TAKE IT!" Sean struggled to remain in the bathroom. Hearing Nate's distressed whines were making him crazy. He wanted to help him... but what could he do? Zedekiah sniffed Nate's neck, then released him to look at the recent scratches along his back and arms. Zedekiah turned his head to sniff the room, saying in a low gruff voice. "Oh...? I get it now. You've gotten yourself a little tail... Is that it?" Nate jerked his head up, uttering out quickly. "What are you doing? Zed?" Sean reached up to touch his neck. Zedekiah could smell him! Turning his eyes to the cabinet over the sink, Sean rushed to it and quickly searched for the Scent Blocker that Nate told him that he had.
Finding the scent stick, Sean popped off the lid and started to smear it over his neck and under his arms. Outside the bathroom, he heard Zedekiah get up and ask Nate curiously. "You brought an Omega here?" Nate staggered up onto his feet, retorting through a huff. "You think I'm that reckless?" Zedekiah shoved Nate down across the bed, leaning down over him to sniff both the bed and him. Zedekiah's eye grew into a large red tinted wolf eye, before answering in a soft lusty growl. "Omega's make us reckless. They are a pleasurable drug that we'd gladly overdose ourselves on. They dull the senses and the body." Nate swallowed, closing his eyes when Zedekiah grabbed his throat and growled over his lips. "Did you take the Alpha's Luna? And you didn't share with me?" Nate cleared his throat, answering gruffly. "I bedded his Luna... but I didn't bring his Luna here, Zed. Omegas don't come here. You know that. It's not safe." Zedekiah smirked, almost purring over Nathan's lips. "Oh, Nate... I can tell when you're lying. I can smell it on you. So, let me guess... You couldn't fuck his Luna there. So, you brought it here to separate it from the pack." Nate didn't answer, causing Zedekiah to grin and rise off Nate to bellow out. "Where is it hiding?"
Nathan sat up on the bed, snapping out defensively. "Gone." Zedekiah huffed, starting to slowly make his way across the room toward the balcony. Nathan got up, walking slowly around the couch. Zedekiah sniffed the doorframe of the balcony door where Sean had leaned on it before, uttering out under his breath. "Mmm, it's been a long time since I've smelled an Omega. Does their Slick still taste as sweet?" Nathan quickly kicked Sean's collar under the coffee table, stating aloud to cover the sound of it. "I don't know. I didn't know that was even a thing." Zedekiah followed the scent around the room, making Nathan tense up. While passing behind Nathan, he sniffed over his shoulder to get a whiff of the couch and said coolly. "Still such a pup. But I can't blame you... bedding an Omega is an experience. Not something that can just be taught." Zedekiah chuckled to himself, tracing a finger along the dresser, when he added lightly. "I can still smell your mother in this room... It's fucking with my nose. Fuck, I miss her moans and the taste of her." Sean saw Nate dig his nails into the back of the couch, but he didn't move. Zedekiah snorted, grumbling out. "It is a real shame that Omegas don't last here... They just aren't emotionally built to handle wolves like us. We take rejection from a pack as a challenge to get stronger... but to a sweet Omega. It's just so heartbreaking."
Sean backed up from the door as Zedekiah stopped before the bathroom door. His body blocking the light like a looming shadow. Shaking his head, Zedekiah told Nate firmly. "You're looking out for yourself. I respect that... but everything you own and are... you owe to me. I want the Valley. I want the heart of Cliffton's son on a silver platter. And if this Omega is distracting you... I'll take it away to help you focus." Sean slowly backed up, slipping silently into the shower and pressing himself against the wall. Nathan's voice rose to one that was more defensive, snapping out. "I'm focused! You want the Valley?! Let's go take it! Right now!" The door creaked as it was pushed open, and Zedekiah stated out calmly. "You go on ahead. I'm getting a craving for something... sweet." Sean stayed so still and held his breath as Zedekiah moved into the bathroom. Behind him, Nathan snapped out. "There is no one here, Zed!" Zedekiah hefted a sigh when he looked at the open part of the shower. Sean remained as still as a statue, hoping he'd turn and leave. Zedekiah turned to leave, grumbling out. "I'm inclined to believe you, Nathan." Sean felt slight relief, until the shower door took a hit that shattered the glass and revealed Sean.
Turning on the light in the bathroom, Zedekiah turned his head slowly to look at Sean with his good eye. Then Zedekiah playfully cooed out as his large body blocked Sean off from running. "However... Now that I'm closer. I can smell his fresh warm Slick running down his thighs. That's something no about of Scent Blocker can cover." Sean tightened his hold on the blanket that covered his naked body, shrinking as far into the corner as he could. Zedekiah reached out to stroke Sean's cheek, saying calmly. "Any other City Wolf wouldn't know what the sweet scent of Slick is... but I do." Licking his lips, Zedekiah's fingers drifted down Sean's neck and arm to his blanket covered hip. Sean whimpered, watching Zedekiah's hand move under the blanket to touch his bare thigh. At the door to the bathroom, Nathan growled out angrily. "Leave him alone, Zed!" Zedekiah chuckled, his eyes never leaving Sean as he said almost breathlessly. "You're challenging me, Nathan? Do you think that is wise?" Sean gasped as Zedekiah's invading fingers moved up his inner thigh to follow a trail of Slick that was leaking from him. Sean turned his face against the cold tiles, his cheeks burning a bright red with shame.
Nathan let out a deep growl, stating out in a dark unyielding voice. "He's mine!" Zedekiah pulled his hand back and Sean risked looking at him. He could see the clear Slick coating his two fingers and reflecting the light of the bathroom. Without blinking, Zedekiah slipped his Slick covered fingers into his own mouth as he stared deeply into Sean's eyes. Sucking the Slick off his fingers, he slowly removed them and licked his dry lips as a smile spread across his face. Reaching back in to pull the blanket away from Sean's lower half, Zedekiah casually told Nathan in a stern voice still without acknowledging him. "Tell you what, Nathan. I won't destroy your bone... but I want that Valley." Nathan growled again, finally causing Zedekiah to look at him as he said without a trace of leniency. "Challenge the Alpha and kill him. When the Valley is ours... I'll let you have your bone back. By then... I'll want to sample the other Omegas." Zedekiah's eyes went back to Sean, tugging the blanket from his arms to reveal his body. Sean covered his crotch with shaking hands, soft whines leaving him. Nathan stepped into the bathroom, about to say something vile, until Zedekiah blinked and uttered out. "What the fuck...?"
Nathan froze, asking perplexed. "What?" Sean glanced between them nervously. Zedekiah quickly reached out, grabbing Sean's arm to pull it away from his abs. Sean tugged against his grip, whining out softly. "Let me go!" Nathan shrugged, telling Zedekiah a bit sarcastically. "What? You've never seen a strong Omega before?" Zedekiah pointed a finger at Nathan, growling out. "There is no such thing. Omegas can't develop muscle!" Nathan opened his mouth to say more, when the front door opened, and a woman yelled in. "Zeta Zedekiah! We're getting word that a Country Wolf is in your bar! They say he's asking questions about you and Lead Alpha Nathan. What should I tell them?" Sean jerked his head up, uttering out softly to himself. "Bill?" Nathan and Zedekiah shared a look, before Zedekiah asked him bluntly. "Friend of yours, Nathan?" Nathan shook his head, his eyes going to Sean before answering calmly. "He's just a stray. Another dog that I'm using to get information on the Valley." Zedekiah pointed off, growling out. "Deal with him." When Nathan didn't move, Zedekiah barked out loudly. "NOW!"
Nathan flinched but uttered out. "Let me take him home." Zedekiah shook his head, sneering out seriously. "No. The Omega stays with me. This way, I know you'll do your job. Now go." Sean could sense Zedekiah getting ready to fight Nathan and blurted out. "Go, Nate. I'll be alright." Sean's outburst surprised both Zedekiah and Nathan. Composing himself quickly, Zedekiah grinned back to Nathan. "You heard him. Go." Nathan didn't move, causing Zedekiah to crack his knuckles as he flexed his fingers. Afraid that Nathan would get hurt, Sean rushed out. "Nathan! Go!" Growling, Nathan finally stormed off. Leaving Zedekiah to turn his eye back on Sean to say softly. "What a brave little thing you are. Can you not sense the danger you're in?" Sean lifted his chin as Zedekiah's hand reached out to touch his chin. Staring into his eyes, Sean told him in a stronger voice than he felt. "I can sense it..." Zedekiah smirked, leaning in as his voice turned deep and wicked. "He was good to you, wasn't he? To make you so wet..." Zedekiah inhaled deeply, leaning closer to his neck as he cooed out. "Shame you coated that Beta shit on yourself... I was hoping to get a good sniff of your REAL scent."
Sean inhaled slowly, watching Zedekiah's lips part to reveal his canines. Was he going to bite his neck? Lay claim to him?! His fear faded into a strange calm as his mind drifted to what his mother had taught him. Grabbing the metal showerhead, Sean smacked Zedekiah's good eye as hard as he could. Zedekiah yelped loudly and Sean kicked him off balance over the glass. Zedekiah snarled, but Sean jumped onto Zedekiah and leapt out of the bathroom to avoid the glass. Running toward the door as fast as his legs would take him, he tried to open it, but screamed as Zedekiah lunged forward to slam the door shut when he got it open. Zedekiah tried to wrap his other arm around Sean's neck, but Sean grabbed his wrist to stop him and sank his teeth into him instead. Zedekiah snarled, kicking Sean forward into the kitchen. Hitting the counter chest first, Sean gasped as the air was knocked from him. Zedekiah growled behind him menacingly, before chuckling out. "You've got a lot of fight for an Omega... but I bet you moan like one." Sean whirled around to face him, prompting him to chuckle out playfully. "Relax. You might even enjoy it."
Sean sniffed the air, smelling the brief scent of coffee. Letting out a low growl, Sean snapped out angrily. "Don't fucking TOUCH ME!" Grabbing the pot of hot coffee, Sean threw the liquid at Zedekiah. Zedekiah was unable to dodge it at his size, causing him to scream in pain as the liquid burned his exposed skin. Smashing the pot against the counter, Sean jumped at Zedekiah, stabbing him in the gut with a piece of glass. Zedekiah backed up enough that Sean could slip by him to reach the door. Opening the door, Sean tried to run out, but Zedekiah snatched his arm and flipped him over himself to the ground. No matter what high pitched screaming left Sean, Zedekiah just snarled louder in anger. Zedekiah flipped Sean over onto his stomach and Sean's days of wrestling with Mark as a young puppy came back to him. Instead of trying to resist, Sean flipped over for him, then scrambled backward to slip between his legs. Zedekiah tried to snatch his arms, but Sean tried to make himself a small target. Punching Zedekiah in the balls, Sean scrambled to his feet and tried to run for the door again. Zedekiah snatched his ankle, tugging him back down to the floor. From the door, the woman peeked in and asked uneasily. "Zeta? Is everything-?"
Zedekiah tugged Sean back across the floor by his leg, yelling out. "CLOSE THE DOOR!" Sean clawed at the tile, screaming out. "DON'T!" The woman swallowed, rushing up to grab the handle and closed it. Sean cursed, before more sharp yelps left him as he was tugged all the way back into the living room. Dropping down over him, Zedekiah quickly pinned him down, growling into his ear. "No one is going to help you here." Sean growled, feeling the wolf in him flare up with anger. Bowing just enough to twist his wrist free, Sean brought his elbow up to hit Zedekiah in the face, snapping out. "I don't need saving!" Zedekiah tried to grab his leg this time, but only managed to slash him across the thigh with his nails. Running up to the door, Sean yanked it open and ran out without looking. Slamming straight into someone. Sean felt hands grab his arms and let out distressed yelps as he tried to tug himself free. Only to have the person yell out. "SEAN, STOP! It's me!" Sean stopped thrashing to take a breath, asking breathlessly. "Mark?" After hearing something break in the room, Mark nearly yanked Sean's arm out of socket as he rushed him toward the stairway. By the stairway door, Nathan beckoned to them, rushing out. "That was quick... Go!"
Rushing down the steps, Sean noticed what Mark was wearing and yanked his hand back from him. Stopping on the steps, Sean gawked at him as he blurted out in horror. "MARK?!" Mark looked back at him, asking in a voice that was breathless and sounded a bit betrayed. "What?!" Nathan practically shoved them to keep them moving, snapping out. "Fight later! RUN!" To Be Continued...
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