Chapter Twenty-Four: "A Bark Worse Than A Bite"
Sean tried not to shake as the doctor drew blood from his arm. When the doctor finished, he told Sean in a comforting tone of voice. "Alright. I'll run this down to the lab really quick. Could take a few minutes or a few hours. Depending on how many other tests they are running today. Just wait here." Sean nodded, rubbing his arm anxiously. Just as the doctor left, Sean got up and started to pace in front of the window. His hands were shaking, and his heart was racing. Hugging himself, he inhaled slow and deep as he tried to pace at a slow walk. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. What would he do if he was pregnant? Who should he tell first? His parents? Mark? Stopping to look out the window, he stared out at the uniformed homes of the Valley. Compared to the chaos of the City, the Valley was so... calm. Putting his hands on the windowsill, he watched people going about their peaceful lives. Sighing, he faintly saw his reflection in the glass and asked himself softly. "What do you want...? Why are you so restless?" Bowing his head, he sank to his knees and rested his chin on his arms. Watching other people helped him relax.
They knew what they wanted and who they wanted to be. Why was it so hard for him? Sniffling a little, he felt his eyes brim with tears that threatened to fall. He didn't know why... but he felt scared. It wasn't just the fear of being pregnant, it went deeper than that. He was afraid for his future. The unknown. Fighting back the tears, he managed to calm himself before his tears could fall. Someone knocked on the door softly, causing him to scramble up to his feet. The doctor slipped back in with a clipboard, telling him gently. "Your parents have just arrived. I told them to wait in the waiting room." Sean nodded; his throat was too tight to say anything. He was thankful that he'd done that though. He didn't want his parents to hear this. The doctor gestured for Sean to sit. So, Sean dragged his feet across the tile floor to force himself to sit on the check-up table. The doctor then sat down and asked him curiously. "Before I get into the results. I'd like you ask you something. Have you gotten any blood transfusions? Had an injury that required someone else's blood to be put into you?" Sean shook his head, mumbling out shakily. "No... Why? What's wrong?"
The doctor reached out to pat his knee, calmly telling him. "It's nothing you really have to worry about. It's just that when they were testing your blood... there was a strange abnormality." Sean hugged himself and started biting his thumb as he muffled out. "Abnormality...?" The doctor typed something on his computer, before telling him. "It could be a mistake with our system... but if you are willing. We'd like to run another blood test." Sean bit his thumb a little hard but nodded and uttered out around his thumb. "Ya. Ok." The doctor smiled, getting up to prep another syringe. Shaking a little now, Sean blurted out impatiently. "So... The result?" The doctor stopped prepping the station, turning slowly to face him. Sean stared at him with wide eyes, feeling like he was going to pass out if he didn't hear it soon. Every fiber of his body was so tense that he felt as hard as stone. The doctor reached out to take Sean's wrist, pulling his thumb from his mouth, before answering with a calm warmth to his voice. "According to our test... there are early traces of the hormone in your blood." Sean didn't move or relax. He just shrugged subtly; he didn't understand.
The doctor gave him a small neutral smile, answering more clearly. "You are in the very early stages of pregnancy." Sean exhaled like someone had hit him in the gut. Gasping, he slipped off the table and went to the trash can. Leaning over the can, he tried to calm himself. His body wanted to be sick, but they rest of him was just lightheaded. Behind him, the doctor told him gently. "You don't have to worry. The kick you suffered didn't hurt anything. Judging by the hormone levels in your blood... the puppies are still only tiny eggs right now." Sean strained out over his shoulder. "Puppies...? You can tell that?" The doctor chuckled, informing him coolly. "No. But ninety-nine percent of Omegas produce a litter of at least two puppies. However, it does depend on the fertility of the mate and a few other factors. When I was growing up, a lot of Alphas and Betas were under a lot of distress due to tensions with the City Wolves. Which resulted in smaller sperm counts because testosterone levels were too high. With how peaceful the Valley has been over the last few years. The new generation, such as yourself, should start producing lots of healthy pups."
Sean straightened up, asking slightly hopeful. "So... There is a chance that competing with a City Wolf made the sperm count low?" The doctor crossed his arms, correcting clearly. "No. Times of war are different than just having a competing rival. Having a rival to compete with tends to make them more fertile. It causes their hormones and bodies to kick into overdrive in order to impress the Omega. It's healthy for them. Fighting for their life and the ones they love... that can lower the count in order for their bodies to focus more on protecting than breeding." Sean grabbed the table to stay upright as the doctor added sweetly. "It's a common thing among all living creatures. In safe environments, the animals take time to breed and grow their numbers. In more harsh environments, they focus on day-to-day survival and breed less in order to stay as alert as possible." Sean exhaled, grumbling out under his breath. "Oh... that's just great." The doctor slowly walked back to his computer, reluctantly telling him. "I was going to save this bit until after... but since we are on the subject. Can I get the mate's name?" Sean tensed up, asking a bit defensively. "Why?"
The doctor shifted uncomfortably in the chair, before telling him seriously. "According to our system. You are on a watch list that was issued by the lead Zeta Alpha. As such... I have to inform him of your pregnancy and who the possible mate or mates may be." Sean moved away from the desk, blurting out a bit heatedly. "What?! It's none of his fucking business!" The doctor leaned back in his chair, answering flatly. "Actually, it is. Not only do we have to keep track of family lines to avoid inbreeding... but since our new lead Alpha has taken an interest in you. It's important to know if the puppies are his and not... someone else's. You can refuse to tell us, but just know that your puppies will be tested upon their birth. And as I've said... the lead Zeta Alpha will be informed of your condition." Sean shook his head, growling out softly. "I can't believe this... Can't you just keep this between us?" The doctor shook his head, mumbling out. "I wish I could... but I can't. Just getting the blood test raises questions." Letting out a soft growl, Sean reluctantly told him. "Mark Fischbach." The doctor began to type on his computer but informed him neutrally. "Ok. Well, since you didn't mate before the pack to verify the conception... Your puppies will be subjected to a DNA test to prove they are his."
Sean grabbed the check-up table, growling out. "And if I refuse?!" The doctor turned away from his computer to look at him with a blank face upon answering coolly. "Should you refuse to verify the legitimacy of the puppies. The lead Zeta Alpha and our current lead Alpha will have grounds to banish you from the pack for trying to pass off someone else's puppies as the lead Alpha's offspring." Sean bit his lower lip nervously. The doctor then finished up typing and got up. Gesturing to the table, he asked him gently. "You still want us to take the blood to find out the cause of the abnormality?" Sean nodded, but his mind was a million miles away. He couldn't believe this was happening. After taking more of his blood, the doctor dismissed him as he said. "The results will take a few hours. We want to make sure that it isn't our system. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." Sean could only keep nodding. He felt numb and distant. Approaching the lobby, Sean made his way to the counter and asked a woman that he saw. "Can I go see a patient here? Mark. Mark Fischbach?" The woman propelled her rolling chair across the length of the desk and typed the name into the system.
While he waited, he glanced toward the closed off waiting room. He could see his parents talking and looking worried but couldn't hear a thing through the thick soundproof glass. The woman drew his attention back by telling him nicely. "Mark has been moved out of the emergency room and into a recovery room. However, he can't be seen yet. They have him on bed rest right now." Giving him a smile, she looked him in the eyes when she said cheerfully. "They probably sedated him. Come back in a few hours and you can try again." Sean tapped his nails on the counter and asked softly. "Do you have a City Wolf here under the name Nathan? He came in with a broken arm." The woman went back to type a new name into the computer and checked off some boxes below. The computer screen flashed some info that Sean couldn't see clearly to read, but the woman told him calmly. "Yes. A Nathan Sharp did come in. He was treated for a broken arm and is currently being processed." Sean leaned on the counter more, asking a little worried. "What does that mean? Can I go see him?" The woman looked at him with a sad face, answering honestly. "No. Sorry. It says here that the Zeta Council are here asking him questions. You'll have to wait for them to finish. Anything else I can help you with?"
Sean shrugged, asking curiously. "Can you give me his room number? I'd like to wait outside his room." She shook her head, telling him a bit guarded now. "Sorry. I can't do that. If you want to wait, you'll have to wait in the waiting room. I can inform you when they're done." Sean groaned and started to mutter fowl things under his breath, when his dad called out in a rush. "Sean?! Are you alright?!" Sean hugged his parents in turn, answering honestly. "Ya, I'm ok. Just a bit banged up. Why are you here?" His parents pulled him into the waiting room to get out of the way of everyone. Then after the door closed to the waiting room, the loud beeping and chatting of doctors was silenced. Giving him a shrug, his dad told him a bit frantically. "They called us the moment you were brought in. They said that you and Mark were in some kind of accident... But they couldn't say more because you were still being looked over." His mother cupped his face, looking him over with wide eyes as she said. "You look ok. What kind of accident were you in? What happened?" Sean slowly explained what had happened but left out certain details that involved him sleeping with Nathan.
By the time that he finished, his father sat beside him to hug him close. While his mom jumped up to pace the room, growling out. "You went to the City? Why would you do something so reckless?! And you had to go and-!" His mother's voice drifted off and her expression filled with sudden concern as she told her husband. "Oh merciful, Noctiluna... Cliffton is going to be pissed..." Sean tried to say something, but his mom snapped out angrily. "Don't! I don't want to hear it right now! This is my fault. I didn't rein you in like everyone told me to do... I let that damn City Wolf pursue you... and now... Fuck!" Sean stood up, untangling himself from his dad's arms to snap out. "Nathan has nothing to do with why I went there! I would have gone on my own eventually! We were fine!" His mother pushed him up against the glass, snarling out angrily. "Sean, think! That City Wolf led you out there on purpose! It was a trap!" Sean whined a little but snapped back in a weaker tone. "No! It wasn't! If not for Nathan-" His mother's voice grew louder and more commanding as she cut him off to say. "You put Mark in danger, Sean! Do you understand that?! Zedekiah is a murderer! Why do you think we have a wall around the Valley?! Why do you think we are the ONLY pack for miles around! Zedekiah KILLED them! Alphas, Betas, Omegas, Puppies... They mean NOTHING to him!
Sean uttered a soft whine, his eyes locked on his mother's. His dad quickly got between them, gently pushing his wife away as he interjected calmly. "Alright... That's enough of that. Let's take a breather. Honey? Can you get us something to drink?" His mother looked tense and despite taking deep breaths couldn't calm down, so she nodded. She stormed from the room with soft growls and his dad rubbed Sean's arm as she left. When she was gone, his dad turned to face him and asked in a gentle tone. "You ok?" Sean nodded, but tears were creeping up to blur his vision. Pulling him against his chest, his dad stroked his shoulders and head comfortingly. Sean couldn't stop himself from crying. He'd rarely seen his mother explode like that and on top of the day he was having. He was just emotionally drained and overly sensitive. Kissing his temple, his dad ran his hands through Sean's hair and whispered to him. "She's just scared. The thought of that man anywhere near you like that... If something had happened to you, she would be inconsolable. She's just trying to use Mark as a way of expressing that to you... She doesn't mean it." Sean could hear his dad's heart beating fast and felt his body shaking a bit, but he was hiding it well. Both of them were scared. He could smell it in air now.
Keeping him in a protective embrace, his dad whispered to him hopefully. "Let's go home. You can curl up in your chair and we'll take some time to calm down. Ok? Does that sound nice?" Sean nodded, hugging his dad tighter as he cried into his shoulder. His dad kissed his temple and rubbed him until Sean felt protected in his arms. Carefully leading him out of the waiting room, they met up with his mom. She held coffee for them and did seem calmer now. When he accepted his coffee from her, she leaned in to kiss his cheek and whispered to him lovingly. "I'm sorry that I lost my temper... I'm just grateful that you all made it back safely." Sean hugged her and she wrapped an arm around him to lead him out. As they walked across the parking lot, his dad was in the middle of telling him that his phone was in the car and to keep it on him for next time. When a familiar voice called out. "Laura? Where are you taking him?" His mother turned, announcing firmly. "I'm taking him home, Cliffton." Cliffton approached, reaching out for Sean's arm as he said. "I would prefer that you didn't. I haven't gotten his side of the story yet. Let me to talk to him."
Before Sean could move, his mother stepped between them and firmly stated out. "No. I'm taking him home to rest. You can see him later." Cliff puffed his chest up, almost growling out. "Laura. My son is injured and only two werewolves can tell me what happened. Now I want to speak to him-" Laura let out a deep growl, answering sternly. "He's not an Alpha or a Beta, Cliffton. He's shaken up and as his parent. I want him to rest." Cliffton straightened up like he was going to challenge her, prompting her to growl out darker now. "Cliff. I understand your son got hurt. But I'm not going to let you intimidate MY SON for answers." Cliff growled, tensing up as he retorted in a barely contained voice. "I'm not going to hurt him. I just want answers." Sean's dad moved up beside his wife, stating out in a stern tone. "Cliff, Omegas remember more when they are rested and feel safe. Sean has been harassed, fired, attacked, and chased. The last thing he needs is an Alpha growling in his face! And if you have a problem with that... Just try and get through me!" For the first time, Sean heard his dad growl so aggressively that it made both the Alpha and his mom back away from him.
Sean couldn't believe it. He'd felt the influence of a lot of Alphas and Betas, but his dad's growl was so different. There was no command behind it. It was more like a defensive challenge. Daring them to try and get past him. The growl didn't scare Sean. It didn't even give him goosebumps. The wolf within just felt... at ease. Cliff backed off, bowing his head to Sean's dad as he said softly. "I apologize. Call me when he's able to tell me what happened." Sean's dad nodded, then turned to protectively wrap Sean in his arms. Sean's dad led him to the car and helped him inside. The way his dad rubbed his arms and back made Sean think of a very protective parent that was afraid of someone hurting their defenseless offspring. He'd heard that Omegas got a little protective of their puppies... and would sacrifice themselves for them. However, he'd never seen one growl like that. To Be Continued...
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