Chapter Thirty: "Truth & Lies"
Sean scooted a little farther down the bed, asking utterly confounded. "I have? Who?" Nathan looked away from him with a heartbroken expression. Shaking his head, Sean asked in a soft whisper. "No... Tell me that you're not Zedekiah's son." Nathan licked his dry lips, then checked to make sure the door was closed, before answering in the same low whisper. "You can't hold it against me. I didn't get to pick who my father was..." Sean exhaled all his breath, before saying bluntly. "You told me that you didn't know who he was." Nathan bowed his head in shame but said honestly. "It's not technically a lie. I don't know him. We don't spend quality time together. We aren't a happy family. We just... share blood." Sean shrugged a tiny bit at that. He didn't like his answer, but it was a sound logic. Nathan tried to lean closer to him to whisper out in a slightly panicked tone. "Please don't tell them. They are already going to cage me... If they find out who I am, they'll think they have leverage against him. But they won't." Sean nodded, saying under his breath. "No kidding. He was trying to kill you... For helping us."
When more of what Nathan said sank in, he turned to look at him with wide eyes, asking curiously. "What do you mean they are going to cage you? Why?" Nathan blushed, then replied cautiously. "They don't trust me. I endangered Mark and possibly knocked you up. And with Zedekiah's likeliness to make a move on the Valley..." Nathan faded off, but Sean finished for him distantly. "They don't want to take the risk that you are still working for him." Nathan nodded, answering flatly. "Exactly." Slowly getting up from the bed, Sean moved to lean on the foot railing before asking reluctantly. "Nathan... I want you to be honest with me. Were you working for him?" Nathan kept his neutral eyes on Sean's, upon answering softly. "You don't want me to answer that." Sean gripped the railing tighter, almost growling out. "No. I need to hear it from you. Cause if I find out from someone else... I won't let you explain." Nathan sat up more, bowing his head, before mumbling out. "At first, I was..." Sean let out a low growl that prompted Nathan to look up at him with worried eyes. Shifting uncomfortably, Nathan told him quickly. "You've seen the City, Sean. What choice did I have? It's all I've known!"
Sean stopped growling to listen with more sympathy. Sniffling, Nathan told him truthfully. "I did what I had to survive. I was supposed to kill Mark... but YOU stopped me. I tried to kill him at the Festival... but by then I..." Sean's grip on the railing loosened when he said under his breath. "You fell for me..." Nathan sniffled again, gesturing with his cuffed hand. "Not just you. All this. This community you have. Your families. You don't fight to survive here. Sure, you have your assholes... but you are a Pack. I envy that. You have no idea what I'd give to feel that." Nathan sighed, then added grimly. "With the Festival over, the City wolves were going home. Lexus was going to tell Zedekiah that I was getting... distracted. He wants the Valley... It's all he talks about. I... I thought I could keep my hands clean." Sean hugged himself, backing up from the bed as he said startled. "You took me to the City... Knowing Mark would come for me. It was a trap to kill Mark. Wasn't it?" Nathan whined a little, before nodding without looking at Sean. Sean shook his head, feeling so betrayed and stupid. Nathan then piped up as Sean turned away to face the window. "I'm sorry... I just wanted what he had. You. I thought I could live with it... but things didn't... go as planned."
Sean shivered at the memory, before turning to face him, growling out darkly. "Because Zedekiah turned his attention on me. The true reason he wants the Valley. For the Omegas." Nathan kept his eyes on Sean, telling him sincerely. "I would NEVER do to you what he did to my mother. I was afraid of him... Until he went after you... and Mark. I... hate Mark... but not enough to kill him. I... think that had I been born on this side of the fence. Mark and I might have been friends." Moving back to the foot railing, Sean bluntly asked him. "And now? What's the plan?" Nathan showed no hint of confidence, when he said openly. "To run. If Zedekiah sees me again after what I did... robbing him of his revenge and victory. He'll kill me without hesitation. And I can't stay here after what I've done... So... My only plan is to run and keep running. But if they find out who I am... I'm dead." Sean leaned casually on the foot railing, asking in a tender voice. "I believe you. And you did get us out... but I wanna know something." Nathan sat very still, his soft brown eyes looking into his with a docile look. Swallowing, Sean asked him gently. "Did you really care about me? Or were you using me to get to Mark?"
Nathan leaned forward, telling him with hesitation. "You were NEVER apart of any plan. My interest in you was for me. I wasn't lying when I said that I liked you. I didn't intend to sleep with you... but I don't regret it. I care about you, Sean. I've done everything you've ever asked. And my offer still stands. If the puppies are mine. I'll protect you to my last breath. I won't abandon you." Sean nodded, watching Nathan's every action closely to see if he was lying. Though his instincts were telling him that he wasn't. Nathan tugged on the restraint, telling him seriously. "When I get free... I'll be going to the North side of the fence. If the puppies are mine. I'll take you away with me. I swear it." Moving closer to him, Sean crossed his arms and told him seriously. "You say you have nowhere to go? That you want to protect me if things go wrong?" Nathan nodded, prompting Sean to lean forward a bit to tell him sternly. "Prove it. Become Mark's Beta. You held your own against Zedekiah. Zedekiah trained you. Train Mark to fight him. Help him protect the Pack. Become apart of OUR Pack." Nathan gawked at him for minute like he thought he was joking.
Shrugging Nathan, told him seriously. "You can't decide that. Mark is the Lead Alpha. Only he can make me an offer like that. Otherwise, it means nothing." Sean put his hands on the mattress, telling Nathan defensively. "If anyone asks. Tell them the offer came from Mark." Nathan narrowed his eyes on Sean with a wicked smirk, when he asked. "And you think Mark will go along with this?" Sean straightened up, telling him confidently. "Let me worry about Mark. We don't have time to argue about this. Will you accept the offer or not? Mark needs a Beta and you're the best we got." Nathan chuckled a little, before telling him coolly. "When I get free. I'll tell Mark... that I'll take the position until he can find someone better." Sean nodded, then grabbed ahold of Nathan's cuffed hand. Bracing his wrist, Sean grabbed his thumb and dislocated it with a swift 'Pop.' Nathan yelped sharply, jerking on the bed as he said in distress. "FUCK! What are doing?!" Sean pulled the metal cuff off his wrist, then popped the thumb back into place. Nathan let out a loud aggressive snarl in response. Sean let him go, backing up as Nathan snapped out. "FUCK YOU! That hurt!"
Sean flashed Nathan a grin, patting Nathan's cheek as he purred out to him smugly. "Now I can forgive you. Come on." Nathan got up from the bed, grumbling out. "Ah... I think you pinched a nerve..." Sean rolled his eyes, stating over his shoulder. "Mark would have broken your nose. But you're going to need your sense of smell soon. So, for now... keep that between us." Nathan followed him out into the hallway, asking a little concerned. "You want me to keep it a secret? Don't you think Mark should know? About me. About you." Sean staggered to a stop, turning to face Nathan with a heavy sigh. Glancing around to make sure that no one was around, he whispered to Nathan. "I don't want him thinking about this shit if a fight breaks out with Zedekiah. I need him focused. You've seen how distracted Mark gets... That can't happen... I'll tell him everything... After." Nathan leaned closer to him, whispering back seriously. "You really think that is wise? Zedekiah will certainly bring me up to him during the fight. He might even bring up us... Our scent was all over my room. You know he'll use that against Mark." Sean put a hand on Nathan's chest, telling him slowly. "Fine. But don't bring it up here. We'll tell him when there are less people around. And Mark already knows about us... So, I'm not an issue right now."
Sean started to turn to walk away, but Nathan grabbed his arm to say into his ear. "He's going to be pissed that I knew about you before him. He has a right to know. Right now, they are just as much his as they are mine." Sean inhaled deeply, then told him over his shoulder firmly. "Not a word about me, Nathan. I mean it. I'll choose when to tell him." Nathan narrowed his eyes on him, saying a bit gruffly. "I know you think you are protecting him. But he's going to be devastated that you kept this from him." Sean cleared his throat, grabbing Nathan's good wrist to drag him onward. Crouching, they slipped around the front desk and out toward the other hallway that had Mark's hospital room. When they were walking normally to Mark's room, Nathan asked him curiously. "They have cameras here, you know... and they'll know that I'm not in my room soon." Sean reached Mark's room, telling Nathan quickly. "I know. Which is why you are going to stay with Mark. Protect him and he'll protect you from the Elders. They can't cage you, if Mark says otherwise now." Nate raised an eyebrow, prompting Sean to tell him. "I'm Mark's Luna now. That makes him the official lead Alpha. And you, his Beta."
Opening the door, Sean shoved Nathan a bit roughly inside Mark's room as he saw a nurse walking down the hallway. Nathan stumbled into the room, grumbling out. "Jeez, easy! You're so pushy today." Sean waved to the nurse casually, then slipped inside the room himself. Mark sat up in bed, asking with concern. "What happened?" Nathan saw the way Mark was hooked up to tubes and monitors, before blurting out. "Damn... you look like shit." Mark narrowed his eyes on Nate, but Sean cut in quickly. "Mark, listen. I'm going to explain this only once. So, listen up." Sean took a deep breath then summed up what the Elders were going to do to Nathan and his plan to make Nathan his Beta to not only keep Nathan safe but to also train him. He left out everything else. When he finished, he looked at Nathan with neutral eyes. Nathan seemed distressed by what was left out but said nothing in response to it. Mark looked between them, then asked Nathan curiously. "Is this what you want? Joining a Pack is serious. You'll be expected to uphold our laws and the punishments should you break them. It won't be like the City Wolves way of doing things."
Nathan nodded, stepping closer to the bed as he told him. "I'd like to join... but there are things you need to know about me first." Sean grabbed his arm, cautioning Nathan lightly. "Nate, you don't have to do that now. The Elders could be back for you soon." Nathan pulled his hand from Sean, then slowly kneeled beside the bed. Submissively lowering his eyes, he said firmly. "No. Before he makes me his Beta. He has to know the truth. An Alpha has to be able to trust his Beta. And I've already broken trust with my Pack's Elder. I wanna do this right. As Lead Alpha, Mark should decide if I'm worth the risk to his Pack." Mark tensed a bit, clearly not sure what was going on. Sean started to open his mouth to say something, but Nathan asked him very nicely. "Sean? Can you leave us? I'd like to tell him myself." A reluctant twinge of fear filled Sean. Should he leave Nathan alone with Mark? Nathan was hurt... but so was Mark. Nathan turned his head to look at Sean, asking again with a slightly pained voice. "Please, Sean? This is important to me." Sean didn't want to leave but nodded after a heavy exhale. He wanted to trust Nathan. They needed him and he had nearly died fighting his dad.
Nodding to them, he told Mark coolly. "I'm going to make you soup. I'll be back. Play nice, boys." Walking to the door, Sean briefly looked back to see Nathan put a hand on the bed without looking at Mark. Although, he heard his soft whines. Forcing himself to back out and let the door close, Sean shuffled his feet before walking away. He hoped everything went well but was a little pissed that he had to leave. It bugged him that he wasn't allowed to stay. He knew what Nathan was going to say. So, why couldn't he stay? It only made him worry that Nathan was going to say more behind his back. Driving home, Sean's mind was swirling with thoughts about it. Was he going to tell Mark that he was pregnant? Did he only tell him half the story? Was he going to change his story? Slamming pots around in the kitchen, he started to make the dough for the dumplings. He was in the middle of flipping dough and beating it hard against the counter, when he heard his parents enter. His mother sounded tired when she said to his dad. "I still can't believe they would break up the party like that... and to chew you out like that for it! I swear, you'd never know these people were adults. It still feels like school drama. You know, I honestly can't wait to retire. Then Mark's Beta can deal with this immature... shit?"
Sean glanced over his shoulder to see her standing frozen in the kitchen doorway. It had been a long time since he'd been seen doing anything in the kitchen. While he couldn't believe they were only just getting back now. The Elders had to of been mad. Reaching back, she grabbed his dad by his collar, pulling him into view, when she asked curiously. "Oh, sweet Noctiluna. He's in the kitchen. Is he suffering head trauma?" His dad snorted, rolling his eyes as he chuckled out. "Doubt it. He's punching dough. That means trouble with two particular boys." His dad then nudged his mom into the kitchen, adding with a wicked grin. "That's your area. You're up. I'm taking a bath." His mother's face paled before she whirled around and pleaded out. "Noah?! No. I can't... I don't..." His dad waved as he walked off, telling her confidently. "Talk to him, Laura. He's your son too." She scoffed, calling out shakily. "Noah! I'm not good at this, you ass!" Sean smirked, when he heard his dad call out from the stairs. "Love you too, honey! You'll be fine!" Sean kept punching the dough, listening to his mom grumble out. "Ugh... Great." Creeping up to him, she asked him hesitantly. "Is there a reason you are beating up my countertop?" Her tone made him tense up, but he exhaled out dismissively. "Everything is fine. Just thinking."
His mom nodded, starting to turn to walk away like that was a satisfactory answer that didn't need explaining. She only took a step or two, before biting her lip and turning back around to ask in a lighter curious tone of voice. "Thinking about what...?" Sean slammed the dough down, mumbling out. "Mark and Nathan..." His mom cautiously leaned in closer, probing in timidly. "What about them...? Did they do something?" Sean punched the dough, growling out. "It's nothing. I'm just mad over nothing..." Punching the dough too hard, the flour he had just added puffed up and made him wince. Quickly turning to the side, he sneezed. Chuckling softly, his mom pulled the flour bag back away from him and coaxed him to turn his face toward her. Carefully wiping the flour off his face, she leaned her hip on the counter and asked more confidently now. "It's not nothing if it is upsetting you. Especially enough to beat up dough. You'll make the dough too tough at the rate you're going... Do I have to go to the hospital and scare those boys?" Sean chuckled, shaking his head as a smile pulled at his lips. His mother smiled in return, removing her jacket to toss onto the table. Moving around him, she turned the heat up for the pot and started to help him by dicing up the pieces of chicken.
For a minute they worked in silence, before Sean blurted out curiously. "Mom? Am I missing something? Why would Nathan want me to leave him alone with Mark? He's only asking to join the Pack. It's not that fucking personal... You'd think THEY were fucking behind my back the way they shooed me out of there... Is it just me?" His mom set down her knife, taking a deep slow breath, before asking him in a calm and loving tone. "Give that to me one more time. But slower and with more context. Please?" Sean snorted, rolling his eyes, before starting over from the beginning. To Be Continued...
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