Chapter Sixteen: "Alley-Gators"
Rushing back to the parking lot, Sean quickly collected his clothes. He managed to slip on his pants, before the early risers started to make their way out to the parking lot. With the Spring Equinox Festival over, things were going to start going back to normal until the Summer Festival... Or as normal as they could be. Now that he was going to be suffering a Heat every week, he didn't see things going back to normal for himself. The couples that had been mated a long time were usually the ones to leave the Festivals early. They'd be going back to their jobs or going home to relax. Part of him wanted to wait for his parents but the thought of explaining where he'd gone, and why he needed to go to the pharmacy was not a conversation that he was ready for. Collecting Bill's clothes, he stuffed them into the saddlebags of his bike for him. Just incase an Omega tried to snatch his stuff. Then running a hand along the smooth red tank, he read the name on the side and told the bike playfully. "See you later, Chief." Taking a deep breath, Sean started running back along the road to head back to town. He'd count this as his morning run.
Reaching the pharmacy in town, Sean panted heavily and made his way up to the door. Only to groan to himself. The pharmacy was closed for the Festival, like most things. Dropping to sit by the door, he decided to wait for the employees to show up. The sign said they'd be back by morning. So, he shouldn't have to wait long unless they were running like he had. While waiting, he put his head down on the tops of his knees and whined softly. He hated himself for slipping last night. It made no sense to him. He had been so careful. Rubbing his collar absently, his mind drifted to Mark. Mark would be so disappointed in him. After choosing him as his Luna, only to have him fuck an outsider. He was really making all kinds of impressions this year and none of them really good. A car pulled up and two women stepped out. They looked like they'd stopped off at home to shower and dress for work. The Zeta Beta woman was in the middle of a conversation with a younger Alpha woman. The young Alpha chuckled, telling the older woman through a giggle. "Ya. He's really sweet. I mated with him last year. The boy just makes the cutest sounds in bed. I love a cuddler." The older woman chuckled, answering casually. "Why not claim him before someone else does? Omegas like that don't stay single long."
The young Alpha sighed, replying softly. "I know... but Eddie is still so young at heart. I'm waiting for him to mature a bit more. He still acts like he's a puppy with no responsibilities and that concerns me..." The Zeta woman reached the door to unlock it, huffing back. "Honey, He's an Omega. They never truly grow out of that. They are tons of fun and we're no fun at all." They shared a laugh, before the young woman noticed him. Sean blushed a bright red, feeling guilty for eavesdropping. Giving him a warm smile, the young Alpha greeted him nicely. "Morning. Didn't see you there. Waiting on us?" Sean nodded, prompting the Zeta to push open the door as she told him. "Sorry to make you wait. Come in. What are you looking for?" Sean slipped inside, mumbling out embarrassed. "I... I can find it. Thank you." The Zeta flicked on the lights, gesturing him to look around. The Alpha shrugged, saying nicely. "We can help you find it faster?" The Zeta shushed her, then told her to restock one of the shelves. When Sean met the Zeta's eyes, she winked and told him in a low voice. "Supplements are in the second aisle, Honey." Sean swallowed, shaking a little as he walked toward the aisle. Was it obvious what he was after?
Walking into the aisle, he scanned the shelves. Among all the different supplements to prevent pregnancy, he stopped in front of the little boxes that had the morning after pills. Reluctantly picking up a box, he turned it over to read it. They had to be taken before the twenty-four hours after unprotected sex to work. Swallowing, he tried to get up the courage to go to the counter. He felt like this was a walk of shame. What would they think of him? He pretended to keep reading the box, but his mind was swirling with thoughts that were adding to his anxiety. He heard the bell ring and looked up with slight relief. There were a few Omegas entering. They were loud and chatting about the festival... and heading his way. Putting the box behind his back, he moved away from the section as they entered it. One grabbed two boxes, while his female friend blurted out. "Why so many?! You only need one!" The man chuckled, stating back smugly. "Call it my plan B. If I'm going into Heat every week... Then maybe I want to see what the differences between the Alphas and Betas are. I hear Alphas fuck the best. So, if I snag one. I wanna be prepared." The guy's friend laughed, retorting bluntly. "You are such a whore! If you don't pregnant before the year is out, I'm going to start thinking your pipes are broken."
The man stuck his tongue out at her, chuckling out. "You're just jealous because I had the boys drooling last night." The girl laughed, shoving the guy. Her smile faded when she saw Sean though. Sean lowered his eyes to the shelves. He recognized them from his class. They had never talked to him, but he'd seen them around. The girl snatched a box, then rushed up to whisper over her friend's shoulder. "Oh, sweet Noctiluna. Is that who I think it is?" The man glanced at him briefly before chuckling out to her in a small voice. "The one who vomited on Mark? Ya." Sean hated how good his hearing was. Even as they moved away, he heard the woman giggle out. "Ethan told me that he's pregnant." Sean tensed, listening to the man chuckle back. "Well, no shit. Vomiting on Mark like that... Dead giveaway. I just wanna know who had the balls to mount him. Did you see his strength? That's not normal... He must be taking drugs." The woman chuckled, muttering out. "No kidding. What do you think Mark sees in him?" The man snorted, uttering out. "Maybe Mark likes being mounted by a strong Omega? I hear some Alphas have that kink." They giggled as they went up to the counter, leaving Sean feeling worse than ever.
While waiting for them to leave, he stared blankly at the shelving unit. He was lost in his head and jumped when the young Alpha woman told him sweetly. "They may be werewolves, but I swear they act like gossiping sheep." Sean snapped out of his thoughts, looking around to see the other Omegas had left. The Alpha stacked the shelf in front of him, telling him seriously. "Trust me. People like us. We are more wolf than they are." Sean stared at her with confused eyes, until she added with a chuckle. "A few Alphas gossip about me too. It's normal. They can't think for themselves. And their own lives are so boring and terrible, that they have to pick on others to make themselves feel better. Their petty sheep. Don't waste your time worrying about the concerns of sheep." Sean didn't know what to say, but the Zeta behind the counter chuckled out. "Josie, tempter." Josie tossed her hands up, stating out bluntly. "What? I'm calm. But I've seen the way those Omegas treat him. It's not right. At least with Alphas, we fight it out. But to see Omegas verbally backstab each other is just petty. I'd love to see this one go for their throats!" The Zeta chuckled, stating out. "We'd lose Omegas that way. We need them." Josie snorted, retorting swiftly. "So, we weed out a few. Keep the rest happy."
The Zeta rolled her eyes and Sean smiled a little. Josie whirled around to face him, telling him coolly. "I'll tell you this. I'd throw up too if a lead Alpha put me in the spotlight like that. I can barely fuck with the lights on. To be fucked before the pack... It's ridiculous!" The Zeta picked up a magazine, answering dryly. "It's a tradition, Josie. They do it that way so everyone can confirm the baby is the lead Alpha's. If we go to war with another pack, the first thing they do is try to mate the lead Alpha's pups to unite the packs. However, if the pups aren't from the lead Alpha it can be seen as the lead Alpha just getting rid of something he doesn't care about." Josie blew a raspberry, then told Sean warmly. "My point is that no matter what they say, they are jealous bitches. They showed their ass to everyone last night by attacking you like that. And whoever fucks them should be arrested for breeding more assholes into this world." The Zeta turned a page in her magazine, telling Josie again coolly. "Josie, temper." Sighing, Josie straightened up, calmly saying in response. "I'm calm. I just had to get that out or I was going to explode." Sean chuckled, feeling better about himself.
Starting to take the box to the counter, he stopped as his eyes fell on some of the boxes that she was restocking the shelves with. Taking a box, he read it aloud. "A Scent Booster? What is this?" Josie held up another box, showing him the labels as she said casually. "Just what they sound like. They are these scent sticks. Similar to sweat absorbing deodorant. You smear it over your scent glands, and it changes the scent you produce for a few hours. It's a bitch to wash off because it is water resistant. But it is very popular around the Festival season or during Heats and Ruts." Sean shrugged, asking curiously. "Why would someone use this?" Josie blushed, informing him nicely. "Most couples use them to roleplay. They pretend to reverse roles. Mostly they are used for work. For when they are in Heat or Rutting. It blocks the scent to keep from triggering others into primal responses. It's useful and fun. Since you just got your collar and can start working, I recommend a box. You can use the Omega Scent Booster if you feel your Heat coming on. It's a lifesaver in an emergency. Helps you get home without Alphas and Betas harassing you. They'll still smell your Slick... but it's the Heat scent that drives us crazy."
Taking a box for an Omega Booster, he asked her anxiously. "These are popular during the Festivals?" Josie nodded, blushing out. "VERY. Lots of kinky wolves out there. We can barely keep these on the shelves. We sell these more than puppy diapers." Taking another box, Sean blushed out. "Well... I guess, I better get one. For emergencies." Josie winked at him, making him blush a deeper red. Walking up to the counter, he set them down and the Zeta quickly started to ring him up. He swallowed when she picked up the morning after pills. Ringing them up, she put them into a small bag and told him in a whisper. "Don't be ashamed. Full moons are powerful. It draws people together in the strangest ways." Paying her, he took the bag and lied just a little. "I just want to be prepared. Just in case." The Zeta smiled, adding sweetly. "That's smart. Just keep in mind that these pills don't work with Alphas." Sean thought about asking, but couldn't bring himself to do it without admitting that he'd slept with someone. So, he just nodded, waving to them and thanking them before slipping out the door. He'd been with a Beta. He was fine. He decided to wait to take it. He wanted to take it at home where no one would see. While walking down the street though, a woman leaning on a railing and smoking asked him curiously. "Hey, Pup. Got a minute?"
Sean stopped on the sidewalk, nervously replying. "Depends. What do you want?" The burly woman snickered to herself, then put out her cigarette as she said coolly. "I saw you at the Festival. You're pretty strong. Are you looking for work?" Sean shrugged. He didn't want to agree to anything yet. She pointed to the sign above her, informing him. "I'm looking for someone to help out. I need a pup with a strong back. Someone to clean tables. Wash balls. Oil the lanes. I'm short staffed with my Zetas retiring. I'll pay you by the hour. It's long hours... but a pup like you is what I need." Sean's eyes drifted up to read the sign that read; 'Alley-Gators.' Smiling a little to himself, he said aloud. "A bowling alley? I... I guess I could." He hadn't been here since his sixth birthday, but he had good memories of the place. The woman smiled subtly, asking him hopefully. "How soon can you start?" Sean thought about what the rest of his day might be. He didn't have anything planned and it felt like a waste if he turned this down. Biting his lip, he shrugged out. "Now? But I have to call my parents and my phone is... with my parents." The woman chuckled, gesturing inside as she informed him. "I've got a phone inside you can borrow. Come on. I'll give you a little test. We'll see if you can handle it."
Taking a deep breath, Sean bit his lip and made his way up the ramp. The ramp was designed and decorated like a fishing dock. With fishnet wrapped railings and bright orange life rings. On the door was a large warning sign that read; 'Beware of gators.' The sight of it made his heart race with excitement. He loved feeling like he was stepping into another place. The moment he stepped through the doors, he stopped and took it in. The place was just as he remembered. Amazing. The woman pointed to the dine-in area in the back with tan leather seating and large round tables painted to look like life rings of different bright colors. Keeping up with her in the empty place, she informed him. "This is in the eat-in. Take the dishes to the kitchen window there. Don't go in the back. Chef's only. Over there is the bar. On occasion, you might be called to deliver beers to tables and lanes." Sean loved the exotic ocean and fishing theme it had. The bar was done in wood that made it look like a deck and there were fake gator skulls mounted around the bar. There were even fake fish and coral decorating the walls. Even the wallpaper had an underwater mural with reefs and fish swimming around.
The woman pointed to the lanes, telling him with a smirk as she saw his face. "You'll have to remove balls from the lane. Clean them and put them back on the racks." Sean moved closer to the lanes, reaching out to pet the massive gator head ball return. This was the best part of the place. Every ball return machine was a realistic looking gator head. The lanes were a marbled blue that looked like rippling water and the rest looked like dock wood planks. The dine-in area was fenced off from the lanes by large fencing that looked very similar to stretched out netting. The place was gorgeous, and he remembered it being even more stunning under the blacklights at night. The woman chuckled, saying happily. "I heard from your mom that you can move fast. I hope that's true. This place gets busy. As I'm sure you remember." Sean nodded, excitedly replying. "Ya. But it's worth it. I feel bad that I haven't come back in a long time..." She waved a dismissive hand at him, telling him bluntly. "Ah, puppies have short attention spans. And once scents come in, it's tough to get their minds off mating." Sean winced but laughed a little. The woman shrugged, asking him simply. "Still wanna do this?" Sean nodded but asked curiously. "Did my mom set this up?"
She shook her head, truthfully replying. "No. I was looking for you at the festival. When you took off, I talked to your mother. She said you might be interested. By the way, you can call me Mrs. Storm. Come. I'll give you your uniform." She led him over to a wall of cube lockers, while he asked nervously. "Why me though? Wouldn't you want an Alpha or a Beta to do this?" Mrs. Storm huffed loudly, retorting bitterly. "I've got enough of them already. I can't have headstrong personalities racing around the place. It's a bad mix when tempers flare. So, I'm trying something new. Other Omegas have turned me down. Will you?" She opened a locker and looked at him. Straightening up, he shook his head. She tossed him a shirt from the locker and then removed the key from the locker door to drape over his head. Pointing to a bathroom, she told him happily. "Change in there. This is your locker. That's your key, don't lose it or it comes out of your pay. You've got an hour to do whatever. Then I open. Got it?" He nodded and she ruffled his hair, telling him warmly. "Good." Sean rushed off to change his clothes, stashing his stuff into the locker. Removing the pills discreetly though, he popped them into his mouth and leaned into the sink to drink from the faucet.
Rushing out, he found the work phone and called his mom to inform her of where he was. She was thrilled to hear that he was alright and proud of him for taking the job. Keeping the call short, he told her that he'd talk to her later and she wished him luck before he hung up. Mrs. Storm set to work getting the place ready, while still shouting things she forgot at him. Like how for as long as he worked there, he got to bowl for free, and his food and drinks were on the house. Except for alcohol. Getting himself some warm pretzels for breakfast, he sat for a bit to take in the memory of the place. He hoped by taking this job it would help clear his head and make him less restless. By the time that Mrs. Storm turned the sign over to signal they were open, Sean braced himself. He was ready to start. Until he saw Ethan and his friends walk through the doors. They were laughing and chatting about the Festival events as they checked in with Mrs. Storm. He tried to slip out of sight, when Mrs. Storm called out to him. "Sean! Take this and go to the staff room. Turn on the music and speakers. Turning his uniform baseball cap around, he jogged over to take the key and then rushed off to the staff observation room.
While retreating, he heard Ethan gasp out. "Sean? He works here now?" Rushing into the back, Sean unlocked the room and pressed a few buttons to turn on the music and speakers around the bowling alley. When he slipped out, Sean locked the door and jumped as he almost ran into Ethan. Flashing him a sinister grin, Ethan informed him with fake innocence. "I just wanted to be the first one to tell you that... Well, everyone thinks you're pregnant. Mark is devastated. He made himself scarce after the Bunny Hunt. Someone must have told him." Sean tried to step around him, but Ethan moved into his path, adding softly. "Oh, and one more thing. I couldn't help noticing that you, Bill, and Nathan all went missing last night. And a little birdy told me that you left the pharmacy this morning." Sean glared at Ethan, prompting Ethan to add almost threateningly. "It would be such a shame if Mark thought you were letting outsiders fuck you. Well... a shame for you, since you only just got that collar." Ethan turned on his heel, stating over his shoulder. "And you should have showered. You smell like a Beta, Slut." Sean let out a low growl but walked away to hand off the staff key. This was going to be a long and grueling first day. To Be Continued...
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