Chapter One: "A Fighter"
A Few Years Ago
Nestled within the heart of the Redwood Valley's forest, the Spring Equinox Festival was taking place. It was the time of year for new life and rebirth. This year it marked the current Alpha retiring into a Zeta Alpha. As a Zeta Alpha, his job was to watch over his generation of older pack members and help them transition under the new Alpha of the pack. They'd become the new defenders of the home territory, advisors to the new Alpha, and the teachers of the soon to be new puppies of the pack. While the next Alpha would rule over the entire pack and take on the burdens of keeping both his generation and the older generation together and happy. For they were more than just a pack. They were family. This was the year that Cliff's father retired to a Zeta Alpha and Cliff fought the other Alphas and won. So, he stepped into the role of the new Alpha and when presented with the Omegas of his age. He picked his mate. His chosen mate embracing her new title as a Luna Omega. It was a tradition that had never been broken. All packs around the world celebrated their new Alphas in the same way. As the years past, Cliff's pack watched as the new generation began to grow up. His son, Mark, among them. Along with his second in commands son, Sean.
The Zeta Alpha raised his hands high before a large bonfire to get the young puppies' attentions, telling them in a clear deep bellowing voice as the adults mated. "Gather close and listen! Let me tell you a story about the very first Spring Equinox and why werewolves celebrate it every year." One of the small human looking children blurted out with excitement. "We do it to eat bunnies!" The older Zeta members that were too old to breed laughed amongst themselves. The full moon had not fallen on the festival this year, allowing them all to remain human. The Zeta Alpha chuckled, then tapped the nose of the little girl as he told them all. "The Easter Bunny isn't the only reason. He's a different story entirely. This story takes place before the Easter Bunny. No. Our story starts in the sky. It starts with the lady of the moon. Lady Luna and the First Alpha." A young Mark leaned forward, chuckling out. "Is this a scary story Grandpa? Does it have monsters? I like monsters." The Zeta members chuckled more, before the Zeta Alpha shushed him and said with a grin. "It's about all of us. Back in a time when the first humans were created, and their hearts were not blessed with the beast. A young boy was created by the Lady of Life and in a small village of others like him, he grew up strong and wise. He was strong because he worked the fields. He was wise because he listened to the experiences of those that came before him and did not make their mistakes. In time, he grew up to be a fine leader. Uniting the villages around his own and sharing his knowledge with all that would listen."
The Zeta Alpha handed out leather bracelets to all the children, continuing warmly. "He taught them how to work the land and nurture the animals. He was beloved by his people. So much so that the Lady of Life granted him a gift. The gift of divine beauty and she told him to go forth with his new beauty and chose a mate from anyone he desired. Whether it be man or female. She told him that she'd bless their union with the ability to create children. Someone he could teach and pass on his wisdom. So that when he passed on to the next life, his knowledge and kindness would live on in his descendants. Thanking her, he set out to find a mate. Alas, he could not find anyone that he wanted to spend his life with. There were so many good people that he just couldn't narrow them down. Until one night, the moon vanished from the sky." The kid's eyes all widened at that, while the Zeta members helped to buckle on their new bracelets. The Zeta Alpha nodded, telling them swiftly. "Oh, yes. For you see. The Moon you all look up and see each night. Is the great eye of Lady Luna. The man's beauty was so beautiful that the moment she saw him that night, she fell deeply in love with him. To the man, it wasn't her beauty that drew him to her. It was her smell. It was like nothing he'd ever smelled. It calmed him. It gave him goosebumps. He could feel to his core that she was the one for him."
Some of the kids sighed with dreamy looks, while others sniffed the air to see if they could smell the crescent moon in the sky. Sean leaned against Mark, asking him softly. "She must have been very pretty." Mark shrugged, mumbling back with a smirk. "Do you think she smelled like a chocolate bunny?" They both giggled, until the Zeta Alpha narrowed his eyes on them and continued with a more theatrical voice. "Night after night, Lady Luna left the sky to see him. Their love growing every day. Until the Sun God took notice of her absence. For without her... No one was watching over the night. He confronted her and she rebelled against her father." The puppies all gasped. The Zeta Alpha leaned closer, tossing chalk into the fire to make it burn an eerie green. Eyeing them all, he regaled on. "The Sun God grew so angry that he attacked the man. For if it was his beauty that she loved. He'd corrupt it! Burning his beauty away, the Sun God turned him into a beast. Then he took his daughter by force back into the sky to do her job!" The puppies all looked sad and some sniffled. The Zeta Alpha tossed in more chalk that turned the bonfire a beautiful blue. Giving them all a warm smile, he told them sweetly. "What's with the sad faces? I didn't say that was the end."
The Puppies all scooted closer with hopeful faces. The Zeta Alpha crouched down to their level to finish off in a warm voice. "Luna returned to the sky. But every night... the light behind her eyes dimmed a little more. Until she closed her eyes and shined no more. Stars streaked across the sky and fell to earth as she cried. Missing her love and thinking that he could remember her no more. Until one moonless night... She heard..." The Zeta Alpha slowly rose to his feet and arched his back to let out a slow mournful howl. The puppies shivered with goosebumps and their eyes widened with hope. The Zeta Alpha dropped back into a crouch, pointing at the sky as he said with excitement. "Upon hearing him call to her. The lady of the moon opened her eyes and shined more brightly than ever. For even if she could not go to him. It comforted her to hear his voice call up to her. Reminding her that he was still here and was waiting for her return." The Zeta Alpha turned the fire back to normal, then told them more casually. "It is said that when Endymion died, his soul refused to depart the land without her. So, on the day he died. It became a tradition for the Alpha of the pack to pick his Luna by their smell. Then they mate. So that in a way, they can finally be together. And the pack has continued this tradition every year in their honor. And one day. Just like your parents. You will do the same."
Sean crossed his arms, asking a bit snarkily. "Then how did the Easter Bunny get started?" The Zeta Alpha opened his mouth, then blushed as he tried to think of something. From the Zeta Luna, she piped in to save him. "The Easter Bunny came to be. When the first children of the pack were of the age to hunt. A single large rabbit was bred and fattened up all year by the Alpha and his Luna. Then released for the puppies to prove how much they had learned. If a puppy was too greedy and did not hunt as a team... it was said that they'd be doomed to hunt alone for the rest of their days. Scavenging for scraps like wild beasts. Puppies that worked together as a pack to hunt the clever and fast rabbit were rewarded. Learning to cover for each other's weaknesses in order to win or even lose as a team... makes one a strong family. No one is left behind. No one is weaker than another. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Our parts to play. And together... We keep each other safe. That is the lesson of life. To look out for each other. No matter what it costs you." The Zeta Alpha removed the fat rabbit off the rack over the bonfire, telling the puppies excitedly. "Now. Who is ready to share in your victory rabbit!"
The puppies jumped to their feet and cheered loudly. Lining up, the puppies extended their hands to get a piece of the rabbit that they had successfully hunted together. While nibbling on the meaty bone Sean was given, he shared a grin with Mark. Mark chewed his own piece returning the grin. Mark had been the reason they had gotten it. He was a natural born leader like his dad. He'd played with everyone enough to know how to guide them into a victory. Wrapping an arm around his neck, Mark joked out to their small close group of friends within the large cluster of puppies. "We are going to be friends forever. No matter what. Promise?!" They all nodded excitedly and laughed. For a few more years that was true. It was easy for puppies to bond and stay close growing up. However, puberty had a way of changing everything. By Sean's eleventh birthday, their scent glands had come in. Scents that hinted at their future genders and roles within the pack. After that, nothing was the same.
Present Day
A twenty year old Sean thundered down the steps of his parent's house, heading to the front door like he did every morning for the last few weeks. Only as he reached the door, his father smacked a hand on it to slam it shut. A soft animalistic growl was uttered under Sean's breath, but he stifled it pretty fast to keep from upsetting his father. His father was dressed nicely this morning in a grey suit with the thin steel dog collar around his neck that symbolized he was a member of a pack. His dad's eyes flashed from human green eyes to a bright wolfish green as he growled back in soft warning. "Don't bare your teeth at me, young man. Your mother worked hard on breakfast and you are going to eat it." Sean lowered his eyes to the floor, practically whining out. "Dad, I can't. I want to get my run in before my class starts." His dad grabbed the front of Sean's shirt, dragging him across the living room into the kitchen as he stated out. "You don't need to run. You need to eat. You should be thankful. Little werewolves across the country don't even get breakfast!" Sean rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, muttering out. "Dad, that didn't work on me when I was little. It won't work on me now." From the kitchen, his mom turned to face the table and ordered seriously. "How about this. My house. My rules. Sit." Quickly both him and his dad sat down as ordered. His mom was even dressed nice today as she set down plates in front of them. Giving Sean a smile, she giddily sat down and almost squealed out. "Ooo, I'm so excited! My puppy is going to be initiated!"
Sean picked up a piece of bacon, mumbling out to the plate. "Yippee... I can't wait." His mom swatted his head lightly with the morning newspaper, asking him with concern. "Why so gloomy this morning? You should be excited! I was thrilled to officially join the pack. It's a rite of passage!" Sean set the bacon down and pushed his plate away. Slumping back in his chair, he reluctantly told them. "It was easy for you because you are a Beta. And no offence, Dad. But being an Omega sucks..." Afraid to hear their retaliation, Sean bolted up to his feet and headed for the door. Behind him, he heard his mom ask his dad softly. "I don't understand...? Did I say something?" His dad's chair squealed as he got up, telling her sweetly. "No, honey. I got this." Sean opened the front door, when his dad called out to him nicely. "Son. Let's talk. Please?" Sean exhaled heavily, finally meeting his dad's eyes with his fragile ones. His dad gestured for him to sit on the stairs with him and Sean reluctantly closed the door. Walking over to sit on the floor beside the steps, his dad began in a smoothing fatherly tone. "Sean... There is nothing wrong with being an Omega. I know it's not what you wanted to be... but we don't get to choose." Sean scoffed his shoe against the carpet, grumbling out. "It's not fair. All my friends treat me differently now that their scents came in. They treat me like... Like an outcast. Like I don't exist. I HATE it!"
His dad chuckled very lightly, trying to lighten the mood as he told him. "Ya and they'll be kissing your ass when your first Heat comes. Trust me." Sean didn't laugh or even break a smile. Sighing, his dad told him warmly. "Son, Omegas are very important. We are the only ones that can breed. That is a gift. Without us... The Alphas and Betas would kill each other. We are the closest to the Goddess Luna. Just like the old stories tell us. You should feel honored that she blessed-" Sean bolted up to his feet, interrupting as he snapped out. "I don't care what the stories say! It's all a bunch of bullshite that the Alphas and Betas tell us to make us feel better about being their bitch!" From the kitchen, his mom snapped out. "Sean! Language!" Sean's anger flared, causing his blue eyes to flash to a wolfish blue as he glared at his dad. It was just a light challenge to see if his dad would prove him wrong. Since his dad was also an Omega, he could technically challenge and fight him... but his mom outranked them both and she'd never let them hurt each other. He didn't really want to fight his dad. He was just angry. His father stayed so calm as he told him in an understanding voice. "You can believe what you want, Sean. The point is that we each have a role and we need each other."
Sean shook his head in response. He didn't believe that at all. Sean walked to the front door and yanked it open as his father added swiftly. "When you get home tonight. I want you to start preparing your Nesting area. With how moody you've been lately-" Sean let out a loud groan to drown his dad out and closed the door behind him. Rushing down the steps of the porch, Sean flipped up his sweater hood and shoved his earbuds into his ears. Turning on his music nice and loud to drown out his thoughts, he started to run down the street of the place he called 'Suburban Hell.' Everyone else just called it 'The Valley.' There were thousands of packs around the world. Each divided into three main categories. The Valley Wolves, The Country Wolves, and the City Wolves. Within each pack were three genders. The Alphas, The Betas, and Omegas. All of Sean's close friends had gotten their scents that told them they were going to be Alphas and Betas. All except Sean. What made this hurt more was that the school separated puppies by their gender once scents came in. This allowed the Zetas to teach the important things about what to expect from their body types as their bodies start changing even more. Shattering Sean's young dreams of being Mark's second. Only Betas could be second in commands to Alphas. It had been no shock that Mark had scented as one of the Alphas. He'd been showing signs of it since he was a kid.
Their other friends had mostly scented into Betas. Allowing them to remain close since Alphas and Betas were practically joined at the hip. Both were considered strong with dominate enough traits to be at the top of the popularity charts in everything. Best in sports. Best in looks. The world was theirs to take. They could be practically anything they wanted to be. However, Omegas were so submissive in comparison that they were ignored by Alphas and Betas. It was the worst feeling in the world. Now no matter how good Sean was at anything, it was overlooked. Omegas were meant to breed and that seemed to be their only worth. Sean was so sick of people reminding him of what he was. He refused to be happy with his role. He was so much more than some Alpha's or Beta's bitch! Sean shook his head to silence the voices in his head, his eyes flaring into blue wolf eyes as he picked up his pace into a flat out run. His long legs practically flew over the pavement as he felt his adrenaline rise. Ahead he saw an Alpha and Beta racing and let out a growl as he surged forward to join them without being invited. The Alpha and Beta were fast as they ran down the straight road beside the park. Where puppies were playing and blissfully unaware of the hell to come in their future.
Sean heard the onlooking group of Alphas and Betas laugh as they saw him trying to catch up to them. Sean locked his eyes to the empty road before him and pushed himself harder. Embracing the wolf within to motivate himself to run faster. To everyone's shock, Sean passed the Beta and started to gain on the Alpha. They ran side by side as the marked end came up. The group awaiting at the end cheered for the Alpha, but Sean refused to let him win this. He didn't care how fast the Alpha was. He was going to be faster if it killed him! A few feet from the finish line, an Omega reached out to grab Sean's arm and yanked him off the road. Sean yelped as his rhythm was thrown off and he was practically thrown out across the patch of grass. Rolling up onto all fours, Sean unleashed a loud aggressive growl at the Omega that had grabbed him. The scrawny Omega crossed his arms unfazed as he asked him completely shocked. "What are you doing? Are you crazy?" The group watched the Alpha win and then laughed out to Sean. "In your dreams, loser!" Sean panted heavily, punching the ground as he snarled out to himself. "I HAD HIM!"
The Omega moved closer, snapping back bluntly. "No, you didn't. Sean... You are not allowed to challenge them! And even if you were allowed too. Alphas and Betas won't find you attractive if you beat them." Sean staggered up onto his throbbing legs from pushing himself so hard and snarled back bitterly. "I don't care about that! They aren't any better than us and I'm going to prove it, Ethan!" Ethan rolled his eyes, exhaling sarcastically before asking him like he was stupid. "Do you have any idea who that was, you moron?!" Sean snorted, growling out under his breath. "It doesn't matter! I beat one and it sends a message to them all!" Ethan waved his hands in front of Sean to stop him, then pointed to the group that was walking away and told him sternly. "That was Mark Fischbach. The Alpha's son. You know the one that has been training with his father in the Valley woods for the last eight years to be the next Alpha this year!" Sean jerked his head in Mark's direction, his dark mood draining away. He hadn't recognized him. Mark had filled out so much in such a short time. He had always been a fit pup... but looking at him now, his muscles were far more impressive. Mark laughed with the other Alphas and Betas around him, before turning to look over his shoulder at him.
Though the look was brief, Sean saw him smile at him. Did he recognize him too? Or had he forgotten him like everyone else. Mark kept walking toward the school with everyone else, causing Sean's heart to sink. Dusting himself off, Ethan patted his shoulder and told him with an amused chuckle. "You didn't expect him to congratulate you for that stunt, did you? Cause as far as impressions go... I highly doubt he'll be giving you the time of day now." Straightening up, Sean huffed back to Ethan as his eyes changed back to his human ones. "And no matter how many times you roll onto your back in front of him, he won't be looking at you either." Ethan scoffed at him, telling him with a confident air about him. "That is where you are wrong. I'm going to be his Luna. Because unlike some Omegas... I actually know how to behave myself." Sean growled softly, but Ethan's words did hurt more than he thought they would. Ethan started to skip away carelessly, and Sean snapped out after him. "YA?! Well, you can have him! I'm no ones BITCH!" To Be Continued...
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