Chapter Nine: "Heat Of The Moment"
Sean's dad came in with a tray holding breakfast, starting to ask him sweetly. "Sean? How are you feeling this morning? Feeling any better?" His dad stopped in the doorway and chuckled to himself. Sean was laying in the bowl chair with his legs propped up along the back. He'd been watching the TV upside down for an hour or two now. He was thankful that all the pain from yesterday was gone... but what had replaced it was almost just as bad. Sighing, Sean answered his dad through I groan. "I can't live like this... I can't go through this for the rest of my life." His dad brought the tray over, telling him with a warm smile. "I said the same thing at your age. Your next one will be much better. Supplements do wonders to lessen the pain." Sean spread his legs wider along the back of the chair, letting out a soft growl as he muttered out. "I think I'd rather be in pain than... feeling like... this." His dad ruffled his hair, telling him with a light giggle. "I preferred my Heat over my Nesting period." Sean narrowed his eyes on his dad, asking a little defensive. "You don't think it is demoralizing? To desire to be... taken and used by some sweaty Alpha or Beta. To be nothing but a... puppy maker."
His dad's expression turned softer, his smile vanishing when he informed him coolly. "Your mother isn't like that. It is upsetting that a good share of Alphas and Betas think that way. But that is why it is so important for US to pick the good ones from among them." Sean shrugged, mumbling out with slight disgust. "Great... I get to choose a person that will treat me like a sex toy for the rest of my life and I'm supposed to like it... because I can't BE anything else like they can..." His dad crossed his arms, informing him casually. "Everyone always thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Why not try being happy with what you have, instead of always trying to take more than your share. You have a good life." Sean rolled over onto all fours, stating out hopefully. "Dad, haven't you ever just wanted to be something more? Haven't you ever thought about just... leaving the valley? To live like the werewolves of old? To be free of pack rules and just... live however you want! To really get in touch with the wolf within. I can't help this feeling that we are more than we have become!" His dad unfolded his arms, glancing at what Sean was watching on TV before he asked gently. "You are nervous about the Spring Equinox Festival, aren't you?"
Sean sat down on his legs with a guilty look. He'd been watching a documentary on the different Festivals from around the world. Watching some of the Alphas and Betas get rough with Omegas during mating had put him on edge. Looking at the TV, he watched an older Alpha present a kill to a young Omega of his choice. When the Omega turned around to present himself to him, the Alpha bit the Omega's neck, shoving him to the ground to mount him. The Omega wailed in pain since it was his first breeding, but the Alpha was lost in his lust. Suddenly the TV turned off, drawing his attention back to his dad. His dad hefted a sigh, tossing the remote on the bed with a sour look at the TV. His expression softened when he looked at him though and said sweetly. "Well, that shite will give you nightmares. Our Alphas and Betas are not THAT bad." Sean pointed to a bite mark that could just be seen under his dad's collar, mumbling out. "Mom bit you." His dad raised an eyebrow, asking seriously. "Did you not pay attention in school?" Sean looked away from him with a light blush. Groaning, his dad grabbed his desk chair to sit closer as he told him openly. "This 'bite' is called a 'Mark'. It means that I have a mate and can only breed with that mate. By biting me, it mixes her scent with mine to deter other possible mates from pursuing me. You only let the mate you truly love bite you. Otherwise... you are stuck with them until they die."
His dad gestured to the TV, grumbling out. "That show dramatizes everything. It's true that a lustful mate's bite could hurt because they've never done it before and are too distracted... but mine didn't. See, Alphas and Betas that truly love you will not want to hurt you. Often their love bites are so light that you have to keep telling them to bite harder until they pierce the skin." Sean tried to relax a bit more, while his dad continued sweetly. "I can't describe it... but it isn't what you think. Mating isn't about dominating the other person, Sean. It is... about finding a person that makes you feel like a better person. Someone that accepts your flaws and loves just... living in the moment with you. It's personal." His dad reached up to touch his collar absently, upon saying with a small smile. "You'll understand tomorrow when the festival starts, and you earn your collar." Sean exhaled heavily at the thought. Getting up, his dad leaned in to kiss his temple and whispered to him lovingly. "No more TV. Do something more relaxing. Enjoy your Heat... but stay away from the windows." Sean blinked, grabbing his dad's arm to ask him swiftly. "Why?" His dad only smirked and left the room.
Sean tried to stay in his bowl chair, but now he was curious. Whining softly with an eagerness, he inched closer to the edge of his chair, until he climbed off and crawled across the floor on all fours. Sneaking to his window, he peeked over the windowsill to look at his front yard. His jaw hit the floor. Nathan was laying in the grass beside his sleek polished steel motorcycle with black leather accents. While laying across his mom's garden bench closer to the house was Mark. Even from a distant, he could see their eyes were entirely wolfed out and for laying down... they both looked on edge. Ready for a fight. Across the street, a few suitors were seated out on the Omega's lawn too. Only they were getting territorial over the limited space or who got to sit closer to the house. Even farther down the road, a fight broke out between two Betas causing a stationed Zeta in a cop car to rush in to break them up. Sean bit his lip. Could they smell that he was in Heat? What would happen if they saw him? He got his answer when the Omega across the street opened a door in the garage to tell their parent something. All at once the suitors jumped to their feet and rushed the garage. The Zeta quickly jumped to his feet, letting out an aggressive growl that backed them out of the garage for fear of being attacked.
Sean looked back down at Mark and Nathan. Neither of them had moved in response to the other Omega. They only seemed to care about anyone passing too close to the yard. Sean shook his head in disbelief. Alphas and Betas were crazy. What did they think THIS would accomplish? Sean wondered if the Country wolf he saw yesterday would show up... but the fact that he wasn't here made him wonder if he wasn't a normal Beta much like he wasn't a normal Omega. His eyes met Mark and he froze. Mark lifted a hand off his stomach discreetly to wave at him. Sean blushed, quickly moving away from the window. He didn't want to start anything up with them. Sighing, he turned to look at his room and tried to think of something relaxing to do. His eyes fell on the box that the Country wolf left him, and he bit his lip harder. As embarrassed as he was by it... just the thought of it had him aching to try it. He'd been using TV to distract himself from his dirty thoughts. Without it, his imagination was running wild with his body's strange new desire. Sean panted a little as he imagined Mark leaning over him. Just the thought of Mark licking his neck tenderly made Sean tremble.
As his pulse quickened, he closed his eyes to fight off the growing ache between his legs. Only to wind up imagining Nathan behind him now, his fingers clawing up the front of his thighs before grabbing his hips to pull them back. Sean's ass hit the wall as he leaned back subconsciously, snapping him out of his lustful daydreaming. Sean then groaned, looking down between his legs to see the inside of his pants were getting wet from the Slick that was leaking from him again. Getting to his feet, he tried to find another pair of pants... but he didn't have another pair that was clean. He hadn't prepared for this crap at all. Tossing up his hands, he snapped out. "Fine! I give up! Son of a bitch!" Grabbing at his clothes, he yanked them all off and threw them at his hamper. He started to go to his bedroom door but stopped and growled loudly. Spinning on his heel, he snatched the box with the dildo in it and stormed out of his room. While heading to what his parents called the 'Omega' bathroom, he heard his mom call out. "Sean? Are you ok?" Sean didn't answer, but didn't have to, because his dad peeked out of the living room. Seeing Sean naked and storming across the hall, his dad chuckled and called out to his mom. "He's fine. Honey? Is the washing machine clear? I might have to do laundry."
Going into the bathroom that he and his dad shared, he closed the door and exhaled. The Omega bathroom had only one difference from the ones Alphas and Betas used. It had a tub. Alphas and Betas preferred showers to get in and out. While Omegas used tubs to relax and bathe their puppies in. Going to the dual sinks, he put the dildo box on his side and began to fill the tub. Leaning on the edge of the tub, Sean stared at the bath toys that sat in a little plastic box. His dad had never gotten rid of them and he'd never noticed they hadn't been removed. He hadn't used the tub since he was really little. He'd been using his mom's shower in protest. His mom didn't care unless it interfered with her schedule. Looking at the bathroom now, he found it... comforting. The bathroom tiles were decorated to give the illusion of a window in a gentle rainstorm. With droplets of water and streaks before a foggy forest backdrop. His dad had fake little trees set along the wall behind the tub and little lights hung safely around the tub to look like fireflies. Turning, he fetched the dildo to set it on the side of the tub by the box of toys. He didn't want to use it but didn't want to go fetch it if he changed his mind. Then closing the curtain that separated the tub from the toilet and sinks, he smiled. The curtain had a pretty bright forest in the rain.
With the tub filled, he carefully got in and moaned. The warm water felt great, and the bottom of the tub had a gel mat with bubbles that felt good to run his feet over. It even had some gel stuff along the inside walls that made moving around in the tub a little fun. Sean only paused when he thought this gel stuff might be a form of puppy proofing a slippery or hard surface... but he loved it too much to care. Relaxing in the tub, he tried to clear his head. He closed his eyes and took slow breaths that led to heavier breathing as his mind drifted. His legs practically parted on their own, his heels bracing against the tub as he arched his back a little. His eyes rolled back as the gel bubbles messaged his body in different places. He wanted to be touched. He tried to resist it but found himself running a hand over his chest and stomach. With his eyes closed, his imagination wondered to someone else's hand moving down his chest. The fingers tracing over every line of his body and touching him so gently. Sinking down more in the tub, Sean licked his dry lips and hesitated to touch himself. Inhaling deeply, he blushed a bright red and just took his cock in his hand. He'd never touched himself for the reason of pleasuring himself, but he was hard and needy.
Going very slowly, he began to stroke himself. He rolled to his side and panted against the side of the tub. Pushing his back and ass firmly against the tub, he stroked himself a little faster as he got more comfortable. Playing with himself was fun, but his body kept pushing harder against the tub for something more. Sean stopped to rest his arm for a minute and to catch his breath. Resulting on his eyes moving to the dildo box. Gulping, he mumbled out to himself. "No... Don't do it..." Taking a deep breath though, Sean mentally talked himself into just trying it. No one would know. No one would see him use it. Opening the box, he pulled it out. Looking over the directions that came with it, he couldn't help blushing. The damn thing had two settings on the waterproof remote. One for Alphas and one for Betas. When he tested the Alpha setting, Sean gasped. At the base of the dildo, what looked like a round ball expanded. Something the directions called a 'Knot.' When he pressed the button for Beta, the Knot deflated. Shaking a little, he attached the dildo to the cord of his handheld showerhead. He found it a little surprising that it would 'squirt' water into him whenever he pushed the button for it. Testing it, he pressed the button and jerked as the tip shot out a nice stream of water.
Turning it off, Sean listened to make sure no one was around and lowered the soft silicone dildo under the water. His legs tensed as he tried to push it in. The damn thing was bigger than his own cock and even with him relaxing... he could only get the tip inside. The tip was more than enough to drive him crazy though. It felt strange and invigorating to have something go in such a private place. His toes curled and his cock throbbed as his mind ran away with the idea of Mark, Nathan, or the Country wolf trying to wedge something like this into him. Jerking himself off a little as the tip sat inside him, Sean reached his climax as he pressed the button to make the dildo squirt. The sensation of the warm stream of water flowing into him made him orgasm hard! His hips jerked back to angle the stream to flow deeper into him and his legs shook. Sean moaned louder than he had intended, clutching the tub's edge in a tight grip. As the water kept flowing into him, he whimpered at the thought of getting pregnant because of his own body presenting himself to 'Catch' his mate's sperm. Quickly shutting off the dildo, he yanked it out and huddled up away from it. Burying his head in his arms, he whimpered softly. His body trembled and he couldn't understand why he was so afraid.
He started to cry as his fear mixed with his confusion. He didn't know how long he'd been in the tub, when a knock came at the door. He heard the door open, his dad asking a little worried. "Sean? I put fresh clothes on your bed. Do you want a warm towel?" Sean sniffled, trying to sit up. Drawn to his distress, his dad opened the curtain and rushed to him. Sean rolled over, wrapping his arms around his dad. He needed a hug. His dad hugged him back, then touched the water and said bluntly. "Jeez! The water is cold. Get out before you catch a cold. Come on." His dad helped him out, then wrapped a warm towel that was fresh from the dryer around him. Bringing him into another hug, his dad asked him. "What happened? Did you hurt yourself?" Sean shook his head but couldn't answer. Burying his face against his dad's neck, he cried a little more. Stroking his head, his dad guided him out of the bathroom, whispering to him. "It's ok. I've got you. Come on. Let's get you dressed. Did you eat anything I left you?" Sean shook his head, prompting his dad to tease out a little to make him smile. "Well, there is your problem. Get you arse in bed and eat those waffles! How are you going to beat up these boys if you starve yourself?"
Sean chuckled, wiping his tears away. Getting him back in his room, his dad made him eat a waffle while he helped dress him. After Sean was dressed and finishing drinking his juice, his dad picked up a DVD case that was on the bed. Handing it to him, he told Sean in a warm fatherly tone. "Here. This is the video my mom took of my first festival. It should give you an idea on what to expect. Ok?" Sean took the DVD, nodding in response. His dad started to leave, but Sean grabbed his hand and asked him still shaken up. "Can you watch it with me?" Pulling the chair over more, his dad sat down beside the bowl chair and answered happily. "Sure. I'd love too." His dad put the disc in, and Sean laid down to watch. While he listened to his dad explain certain parts, Sean calmed down as his dad ran his fingers through his hair. As much as tomorrow scared him, he at least felt safe and loved in this moment. To Be Continued...
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