Chapter Forty-Two: "Let's Celebrate"
Mark slipped his arms under him, holding Sean closer to him. Sean hugged him tightly in return, sniffling against his shoulder as happy tears streaked down his face. Mark kissed his neck, rubbing his back as he tried to sooth him with soft loving words. When Sean eased Mark up, he asked him in a broken voice. "You aren't mad? I thought you'd..." Mark brushed Sean's bangs from his eyes, then cupped his face with a small smile. His thumbs wiped away his tears, before telling him in a deep loving voice. "We had a rocky start... but that's the past. If we're going to survive each other... we have to learn and keep going. I love you and this doesn't change that." Sean twisted his fingers in Mark's shirt, whispering shakily. "But if they're not yours... Your mother said..." Mark shushed him with a little tender kiss. When he pulled back, he told him firmly. "Sean, my mother doesn't speak for me. She's not in love with you. I am. If they aren't mine, I don't care. They'll never know that I'm not... because I'll be there when they need me." Mark put his forehead to his, smiling so brightly when he told him a little excitedly. "There is more than enough room in my heart to be a parent to more than just my own offspring. I promise you that, Sean."
Sean bit his lip as his eyes teared up a bit more. Then he pulled him down into a long slow kiss. Any fears he had about picking Mark as his mate vanished. He felt like he'd made the right decision. He could imagine Mark loving his puppies when they were sad and protecting them when they were scared. It warmed his heart and gave him confidence for the future that they were making together. He didn't deserve him, but he loved him beyond what words could describe. When their kiss ended, one of Mark's hands moved down to stroke his belly and asked him curiously. "Are you hungry?" Sean blushed, mumbling out shyly. "I could eat..." Glancing up, Mark chuckled out almost to himself. "I think I know just the place. Come on." Mark sat up, extending out his hands to help him up. Sean accepted his help, groaning out a little. "Mark...? What are you up too?" Mark flashed him a grin, pulling him close to tell him sweetly. "Nothing. I just... I don't want everything that is going on to ruin what should be a happy moment in our life." Sean bowed his head a little, wishing his mom was here to celebrate with them though. Mark lifted his chin, whispering to him. "When this is all over. I'll let your mom intimidate me and rough me up."
Sean rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. He doubted his mom would do that, but it made him feel better to think that Mark would let her. Mark tilted his head up enough to kiss him again and Sean let him. As much as he hated feeling selfish right now, he couldn't deny that Mark was right. One day as a normal couple wouldn't hurt. They needed time to bond after being Claimed. It was more than a tradition; it was a need to feel the bond between them away from the eyes of the Pack. A chance to truly be together as a mated pair. Breaking the kiss, Mark's hand stroked down his arm to lift his hand. Kissing his wrist tenderly, Mark rubbed his cheek against his palm before kissing the tips of his fingers. The action was so soothing and made Sean step up against him as a cuddly mood filled him. He wanted to just hold Mark for a while. Wanted to feel his hands stroke over his skin to feel like he was welcome and wanted in his strong arms. He needed to feel safe and loved right now. Mark cupped his face to coax him into laying his head on his chest. His knuckles stroking his neck and along his shoulders before trailing back up to run his fingers through Sean's hair. Sean got lost in his warmth.
Closing his eyes, he thought he might just fall asleep in his arms. Mark bowed his head as he hugged him, filling Sean's nose with his soothing scent as they held each other for a long moment. At the soft sound of footsteps, Sean opened his eyes to see his dad starting to come around the corner, but he skidded to stop before entering the room upon see them. Smiling, he slowly backed up and out of sight. Close to his ear, Mark whispered to him lovingly. "My father's Claiming present to us was the keys to a little house... but I know you don't want to leave your dad alone. So, I won't ask you to leave him, but I wanted you to know." Sean smiled, whispering out. "Thank you for understanding." Pulling from his embrace, Sean told him sweetly. "I hope you stay with us tonight. I... It would mean a lot to me to have you share my bed." Mark brushed his lips over Sean's, telling him in a breathless whisper. "As long as that's what you want... My Luna." Sean blushed, giving him a little shy kiss in response. This time their kiss was broken by Nathan coming around the corner and asking aloud. "Mark? The guys are heading- Ow! What was that for?" Mark broke the kiss and Sean chuckled when he saw that his dad had swatted Nathan in the gut.
His dad glared at Nathan a little, replying gruffly. "Do you not understand hand signals? I told you to stop." Nathan shrugged, mumbling out innocently in return. "But I'm hungry... and they get to go eat. While I have to wait on Mark." Sean's dad groaned with disappointment, but Sean only chuckled. Mark slid and arm over Sean's shoulders, asking him curiously. "Do they know?" Sean tensed and his heart twisted itself up. Would Mark get upset that Nathan knew before him? Trying not to hesitate for too long, he told him a bit anxiously. "My dad knows. He knew first." Sean pointed to Nathan, taking a breath to answer, when Nathan cut in fluidly. "Know what?" Sean gulped as Mark announced calmly. "That Sean's pregnant." Sean's dad blinked, his eyes darting from Mark to Nathan. Sean put a hand on Mark's chest to try and prepare himself to calm him, until Nathan stated out so naturally. "He's pregnant? Already? Damn, you dog." Mark snorted, pulling from Sean to approach Nathan. Sean started to walk up to them, but his dad slipped around them to stop him. Nathan casually lowered his eyes to the floor as Mark approached him nonthreateningly.
Sean pulled on his dad's arm, but his dad whispered over his shoulder in light warning. "Wait." Standing next to him, Mark put a hand on Nathan's shoulder before leaning in to whisper something to him. Nathan flinched a little at his touch but listened. Sean tried to listen in, but Mark was deliberately keeping his voice down low enough for only Nate to hear. When Mark leaned back, he told him more openly. "I just wanted you to know. I don't want this to become an issue later. If you have a problem with it. We can settle it in private. I don't want Sean involved. Got it?" Sean took a step forward, growling out in warning. "Mark? What do mean by that?!" Sean's dad pulled him back, informing him lightly. "Sean, if Nathan wants to fight Mark for the right to be a parent to his pups... He can. If he does. They aren't going to let you interfere." Sean gawked between them, asking hopefully. "You aren't going to do that, are you? Not right now..." Nathan didn't look away from Mark but answered Sean calmly. "No. There is no point in fighting right now. We don't know who is the sire. It would be stupid for me to fight for pups that might not be mine."
Sean's heart sank a little when he asked them with worry. "And if they are?" Nathan straightened up a bit more, keeping his eyes on Mark like he was afraid to look away. Bowing his head though, he told them a bit pained. "If they are... and I know Mark will take care of them... I'll keep my mouth shut. For the sake of the Pack. Better everyone thinks they are his. Then for me to cause chaos for the Pack." Sean didn't entirely like that answer. He could see how hard it was for Nathan to accept that. Mark placed his hand against the side of Nathan's throat, pulling him into a hug before telling him firmly. "You will still be in their life if it comes to that. And if something happens to us. I hope you'll protect them as your own... if they turn out to be mine." Nathan hugged him briefly, then stepped back to shake hands. Sean relaxed and let that fear slide off his shoulders. His dad stared at Nathan and Mark a minute, before whispering to Sean playfully. "Well, damn. Not even your mother got that out of his dad. What an honor. Although, Raising an Alpha with you would have given me such a headache..." Sean chuckled, leaning against his dad's side.
Mark released Nathan, telling them happily. "Come on. Let's go eat. I was just about to take Sean someplace." Sean blushed, following Nate and Mark out. While walking beside him at a bit of a distance, his dad smiled as he told him softly. "I'm a little upset that you told him. However... He took it better than I had expected. He's going to be a very protective parent... but a good one. Just keep your eye on him." Sean looked at his dad with concern, but his dad coolly told him. "Clingy parents don't want their puppies to grow up and have mates. They want them to stay in the puppy phase. Mark seems like he might be like that. So... just keep an eye on him. Don't let him spoil them, and don't let him follow them to school on their first day." Sean slowed a little, narrowing playful eyes on his dad. That sounded oddly specific. His dad's eyes did a double take as he noticed Sean had slowed, before blurting out guilty. "What? I rarely spoiled you and just followed you to school once to make sure you made it. That's it. I was fine after that." Sean chuckled, causing his dad laugh in return. Taking his dad's hand, he walked out with him. His dad squeezed his hand, whispering discreetly before slipping out the door with him. "By the way... Your mom will be very happy to see you and Mark together like that. She was always afraid that you wouldn't find someone that held you like she always held me."
His dad and Mark then argued about who was driving, before they settled it with a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. Wherever Mark wanted to take them, he refused to spoil by telling his dad where to drive. Losing the game, his dad reluctantly tossed him the keys and grumbled out. "You're lucky you're the Alpha or I'd put your arse in the trunk!" Mark chuckled, sliding into the driver seat while Sean's dad took the passenger seat to watch him. Sitting in the back with Nathan, Sean gestured for Nathan's phone. Nathan pulled it out and Sean took it to type out what he wanted to say in a notepad app. He didn't want to text him and draw everyone's attention to them texting something secret. So, he quickly typed out what he wanted to say and handed the phone back discreetly for him to read. "Why didn't you tell Mark that you knew?" Nathan erased the message, then typed something out quickly to hand back. Taking it, Sean read the reply note silently. "I'd rather have him think I didn't. He took the news well and I don't want that to change over something so pointless. I'm glad you told him." Sean smirked, handing the phone back without replying to it. Nathan smiled at him in return, deleting the note before putting his phone away.
When Mark finally parked the car and they climbed out, Sean got out feeling a little uncomfortable. He hoped Mark didn't take them someplace too fancy. As much as he would love a romantic dinner, he felt like it would just bore Nathan and make his dad sad. Turning to look at the building though, Sean raised an eyebrow. Mark had taken them to Alley-Gators. Stepping up behind him, Mark said over his shoulder quietly. "I hope you're not mad... I just thought that we'd try to have a little fun as a way to celebrate and... let off some steam." Sean leaned back against Mark, his eyes going to his dad. His dad looked over the place, chuckling out. "I haven't been here in years... Not since Sean was really little." Nathan blinked, asking a bit perplexed. "The bowling alley? This was your big surprise?" His dad nudged Nate, stating out. "Hey! This place is fun. At least that's how I remember it. It's been a while." Nathan shrugged, nervously telling him. "Is it? The people just rolled a ball down the lane... How fun is that?" Sean's jaw dropped as he realized that Nathan had been there but had never played. His dad grabbed Nathan's arm, pulling him inside as he told him. "Come with me, City Pooch. I'll show ya how to have fun without gambling."
Seeing his dad become distracted with showing Nathan how to play made Sean smile. As nervous and reluctant as Nathan was to try it, his dad seemed to know how to convince him into trying it. The more he watched his dad coaching Nathan and the laughs they shared, the more he wondered if his dad did something similar with his mom. Teaching her how to have a little fun like a Valley Wolf. It took them a game or two before Nathan got the hang of it, but they all had fun. They cheered and laughed. They ordered lots of food and Nathan even convinced the others to have a few shots. He was only a little jealous that he couldn't drink with them, but they didn't drink a lot. Just a shot or two to keep the laughs going. The place had a few older people enjoying themselves. Otherwise, it was just a calm place to be. The black lighting made the ocean theme pop and they all found themselves petting the large gator head ball return for luck as it growled for every ball that came back. When Sean could barely lift his arm from playing so many games, he decided to sit and eat as he cheered for them. Whenever it wasn't Mark's turn, he'd message his back and check on him. Which Sean looked forward too.
Eventually, Mark stopped playing to let Nathan and Sean's dad go crazy with their little playful challenges against each other. Which allowed Mark to be with him. As a nice song came on the speakers, Mark coaxed him out of his seat and toward the open space to dance with him. Sean shyly tried to flee, but Mark pulled him close to slow dance with him. Giving in, Sean wrapped his arms around Mark and let him sway him around. Even as the other members of the Pack watched them, Sean's only thought was on Mark. Listening to him hum and run his hands over him. He wanted to be upset that he was having fun... but he just couldn't spoil this moment. He was a little afraid that he might not get another if things when bad. Even when the music stopped, Mark kept swaying with him and kissed his temple sweetly. Sean only intended to close his eyes to enjoy the moment, but with his full belly and Mark's warmth that wasn't the case. He heard Nathan and his dad laughing about high scores. Then the cold air hit him, prompting him to open his eyes briefly. He found himself in Mark's arms as he carried him out to the car with the others close behind.
His heavy eyelids closed again, but he heard his dad tell Mark sweetly. "All the excitement must have worn him out. You have less energy when you're pregnant. If he's anything like me, he'll probably sleep a lot. Especially, in your arms. The warmth that you Alphas and Betas make... it just knocks us right out." Mark chuckled lightly, slipping into the backseat of the car carefully. From the front seat, Nathan teased back at Mark. "So, it's your fault that he almost fell." Sean felt Mark shift awkwardly before his dad snapped out. "Hey! Don't kick my seat. Drop my pup and I'll drop kick your arse right out of this car." Sean sleepily smiled a little, before the sound faded to silence. The next time he was woken up, Mark was climbing out of the car to take him inside. While his dad whispered to Mark a bit anxiously. "Take him upstairs and put him to bed. If you need help to make him comfortable, let me know. Oh, and make sure you take his shoes off and tuck him in." Sean felt his dad's hand stroke his cheek, before giving him a goodnight kiss. Then Nathan distracted his dad by asking him curiously. "Noah? Can you tell me about your mate? How did see feel when she left... everything she knew behind?"
His dad's voice faded as Mark took him farther away, but Sean sleepily hugged Mark. He liked that his dad had someone to talk too. Taking him into his room, Mark closed the door and carried him to the bed. Laying him down carefully, Mark started to pull away... until Sean opened his eyes and pulled Mark onto the bed with him. Mark yelped a little in surprise but chuckled as Sean rolled on top of him to kiss him. To Be Continued...
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